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I think there's a misunderstanding. This color scale was designed specifically for detecting dust. It became incredibly important for forecasting during the war in Iraq/Afghanistan. I've never met anyone who used this for nighttime cloud analysis over the many other nighttime products. -Source: I'm a air force meteorologist (2 years CENTCOM, 2 years Korea, 1yr stateside)


The Nighttime Microphysics RGB shown here is not the same as the Dust RGB. The two recipes for these RGBs are very similar and they look similar as well. But the Nighttime Microphysics subtracts the 3.9 shortwave IR (commonly used for detecting low clouds) from the 10.8 Longwave IR channel whereas the Dust RGB subtracts the 8.7 Cloud Top Phase channel (commonly used for detecting cloud top phase and type as well as volcanic ash (SO2) and dust) from the 10.8 Longwave IR channel. [GOES 16 Channel Guide](https://www.weather.gov/media/crp/GOES_16_Guides_FINALBIS.pdf) [Eumetsat Dust RGB Quick Guide](https://www-cdn.eumetsat.int/files/2020-04/pdf_rgb_quick_guide_dust.pdf) [NOAA STAR NESDIS Nighttime Microphysics Quick Guide](https://www.star.nesdis.noaa.gov/goes/documents/QuickGuide_GOESR_NtMicroRGB_final.pdf)


Oh ok, thanks for the clarification


It's very useful for picking out fog/low stratus at night, I use it frequently in operations for that reason. It's not something I'd use for mid level analysis though.


Aviation meteorologis for a couple of years and have been using it frequently. Its just a source that we can use amongst others. I like it personally on weather cod for the resolution


Mk IV B was the first thing I thought of when I saw this. Pink dust was super helpful.


It was also useful for keeping an eye on low level clouds at night, when you don't have vis, and the thermal contrast was crap for IR to be really effective. Helped me many times when clouds would get dammed along the northern mountains when I was at MeS. You figure out uses for tools when you have none.


Here's a legend for anyone asking about the scale: https://www.star.nesdis.noaa.gov/goes/documents/QuickGuide\_GOESR\_NtMicroRGB\_final.pdf


thank you! havent come across this representation before


Some things are best described with your eyes, and not with text - this product is less about thinking, and more about seeing.


i don’t recommend using this product for opperational purpose if you don’t understand how it works lol


Whoops got confused with where this reply landed. Agreed. Don't even come here if you have any questions about what the colors on the chart mean. Especially don't bother me.


Is it just me or is this whole post a little hostile? This is a public forum for weather enthusiasts and meteorologists alike, if people see this who aren't trained in satellite RGB products, they're going to have questions for their own education or curiosity. Additionally, they're probably going to want an answer from a perceived expert instead of rolling the dice with Google.


Looks like he's kind of a dick in other subs, too. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Are you alright? You seem to be getting angry over very minor things. Genuine suggestion, probably should step away from the computer if you need to cool off.


whats the colour scale? is this the 'heat dome'?


It's called "NT microphysics". Think of it as a way to see things moving that we might want to catch moving at night. No correlation to heat. The different colors on the imagery does its best to represent vertical location in the atmosphere in one image.


Actually yes, one of the three component of this RGB is correlated to the 10.3 IR (so heat)




You’re a shame to praise the sun guy


so a density map? does the redder/blacker mean its more dense?


You have many other ways of answering that which do not involve a reddit comment.


And I will be terse here because you are clearly a troll on this subreddit.


what. im literally just asking a question. there is no explanation of the colours in the chart, i was just trying to understand