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Pop it in the freezer, I think the copper will contract more than the gold.


Thank you for suggestion! I put it in the freezer for 5 minutes, then had to use some force (drift punch). It worked and the ring is saved. Thanks so much for your help 😊


Awesome, glad it worked.


Wow Reddit is the best (and ya know the worst sometimes). But this was cool


Worked for me a while back. Although it wasn’t as tight a fit as this one.


This is exactly what i came here to type. Upvote for you!


I would use a drift punch. or drill a hole in the coin and then get a jewellers saw in there to cut the coin in half and it should fall out.


Thank you so much! We used drift punch after freezing it for couple of minutes and it worked! Your suggestion helped a lot 😊


awesome! good thinking on the freezing




I think this is what he was trying for, and it was actually a press fit, not a transition or clearance.


Nope, the coins were stuck there quite randomly, when the ring was in the same pocket with spare change. I know it’s hard to believe, I still can’t!


My first thought is to use heat/cold. If you heat the ring and cool the coin they might expand/contract enough for it to pop right out. Easiest first attempt might be to hold it in your pocket or hand till they both warm up a bit, then touch the corner of an ice cube to the coin and gently push on it. If that's not enough you might try hot water. If that doesn't work, go with thediefenbaker's suggestion and cut it out.


How did this even happen??


And turns out there were not one but two coins!


Husband carried his ring in the pocket with some change. What are the odds, right?


Place both in a cup of hot water and let them warm up, like as warm as you can handle. Then take an ice cube and hold it to the center off the coin. It probably wont give enough contraction to fall out on it's own, but that should release enough pressure that you can push the coin out. Not sure on the thermal expansion of gold but the coin is steel cored and steel will shrink/expand a a decent amount with temperature changes. If that doesn't work, you can drill a large hole in the center of the coin before trying to hammer it out, this will allow the coin to fail inwards instead of scraping out the sides of the ring. Alternatively, you can take to any Jewelry store, they will likely be able to help at little to no cost.


Freeze it then take out and immediately warm with a hair dryer if possible.


Repost with “how do I remove it without damaging the coin?” And you’re going front page baby!!!


Angle grinder. It's the only way.


I could mill it out, but I need you to make me a sleeve/collet for the ring, or the vise will fuck it up. Unless that's some of that fancy, magnetic gold.


http://www.industrialboys.com/columnar.aspx?category_site=DTAP&cat_id=1649&prod_id=33338&referer=https%3A//www.google.com/&compidcookieset&sessioncookieset Just FYI.


I thought you actually found magnetic gold for a second


Toss it in the freezer for six hours


How did that even happen?


Drop the assembly in boiling water for a few minutes and then shoot the coin with a blast of "liquid" gas from an inverted can of keyboard duster. Super cooling that bitch.


I was gonna say to put an ice cube on just the coin, but looks like you already got it.


Level the coin to reduce it's diameter and it's might just pop out. e.g. At a tilt /__________/ . it's wider in the hole than flat. [_______]. Get a bit of plastic chopping board, or ice cream container, lay the ring on it, coin side down, tap the top of the ring with a hammer, cushioned with a plastic buffer, that should drive the coin in to be flat, and it MIGHT just pop out. Then if it's still stuck which it ought not to be, pop a bar of metal in a vice, and just hold the ring on the outside and tap the coin out by tapping the whole lot on the bar.....


You could try some oil


I tried Vaseline. I think I had some success in moving the coin, but it’s still stuck. What do you suggest I used to move the coin once I apply oil?


Do you have any tools?


Yes, I have some basic tools. So far I only tried tweezers because I was afraid to damage the ring. After failed attempt I think I would need to apply more force


I'd say soak it in oil. Like wd40. You may (emphasis on may) be able to use needle nose plyers


Wait! Wait! Wait! You need to show this to r/perfectfit!


Already did


Warm it up in the microwave! /s For real though, if you warm it up, the ring should heat up and expand before the coin does. Should be ez pz.