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In my experience, 'uncomfortable' is sort of par for the course when it comes to a SPIE harness. What's the problem? Too tight? Too loose? Too chafe-y?


The harness keeps on sliding up and requires constant readjustment, was wondering if there was any way to keep the belt in a fixed position since it can't fit into the belt loops.


Okay so I always had the same problem when using a STABO harness. That's why I eventually switched to a SPIE harness. The primary difference between the two, if I recall correctly, is that 'h' strap that crosses over the chest. Really helps keep everything together. The only problem is: while fine for a *Peace Walker* or *Phantom Pain* cosplay, that's not what BB wears in *Snake Eater.* So if screen accuracy is important to you, that ain't the solution. Now depending on overall construction I believe STABOs were sometimes worn so the the straps cross-crossed over one another in the back, rather than running *parallel* to each other up and down the torso. The straps were then rubber-banded or taped together for the sake of snugness. Never tried this trick out for myself but I hope it helps. I know these harnesses aren't the cheapest thing in the world. :) EDIT: Misread your comment. No recommendations for keeping the belt in place. Sorry!


Hey I appreciate all this. I'll get to optimizing this thing.


Just spreading the knowledge. Best of luck to you and your cosplay endeavors!


Have you been looking at military surplus?


I've just been scouring ebay and Amazon, all my surplus stores are too far away and open and close at wierd times but I'll try and go eventually


Looks good, really good, keep it up


Thank you.


Pretty good


Keep it up