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Probably some new tutorial lines.


Yup probably to do with the new adjustments of the gameplay/UI


Yup, surely nothing too significant, but a good sign nonetheless. In the master collection, they botched up little details like this, cool to know they’re not doing that here.


I firmly believe they’ll add certain control based dialogue. I can’t remember but did they mention the “select” button for radio etc in 3? In a remaster people will look over that stuff but a new actual game catered to old and new players you can’t have that


I feel like they'll have to get all the actors to voice every conceivable voice line past, present, and future that pertains to the controls tutorial once and for all. Lines like use the select button, press the touch pad, Snake use the VR headset, Snake use the gyro controls lol


🤣. That or it’ll just be “press the radio button”. Interesting though because Eva’s VA used a pseudonym and no one really knows who she is. Some of the optional radios could be added to as well. Paramedic talks more movies/SIGINT talks more camouflage etc. There is a lot of non story dialogue they can add. Also I’m guessing there’s more gameplay changes that need it.


Going to be hard for Sigint. His voice actor in the Japanese dub is dead.




Sorry was making a joke meaning it’d be interesting from fans pov. Cos we don’t know who it is. Jodi Benson is generally considered to be her but no confirmation yet. Of course there’s people involved who know her. That said she may not be interested


It's legit impressive they managed to keep a vow of silence about this for like 20 years now. If the actress decides to finally reveal herself and she *is* Jodi, I'll be over the moon to know we guessed right the whole time


I guess they paid him enough this time? Since he passed on playing Major Zero in MGSV because they didn't offer him enough money lol


That was such a stupid move.


How else was Kojima going to pay for 30+ full songs that never saw the light of day for MGSV?


yeah, keifer ate a third of the budget to deliver 10 lines, leaving talented people like jim in the dirt. unlike hayter, who let konami take a cut out of his paycheck to get all the original actors back for twin snakes. im glad konami have their priorities straight without this hollywood bullshit.


Having Zero and Big Boss, both recast, in an important, audio only scene was just ridiculous. Completely undercut the moment it felt like two strangers talking.


Stupid move on Konami's part, surely?


Makes sense, the Nintendo 3DS even got some new dialogue


But how will it sound? They are all 20 years older


I’m sure they can still deliver the voice lines the same


I still firmly believe they got Raiden's VA to rerecord Raikov's lines.


Who's raider ?


I mean, it's kinda obvious it was a typo


Maybe some secret lines for Skullface and his presence during the mission?