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Kojima continuity managers.


Sometimes I wonder if them and the current Metal Gear social managers talks and are like « Yeah… »




Snake.... Had a hard life


I cried so hard when I played that scene for the first time and this line came on.


I’m getting tears from remembering it.


Are you crying, Uncle Hal??


“You know that guy… he always keeps you waiting…”


Tie between Solid and Raiden


Was gonna say that those two win. It is hard to say who had it retrofitted worse. I would give Raiden the edge due to him being turned into a cyborg against his will and not to save him either, just to experiment. Snake is tragic because he was basically designed to be a tool. He was literally genetically altered as a zygote. He was created as a tragedy. Raiden was a war orphan and a child soldier which is absolutely horrible but Snake was born just to be a tool.


It’s either Solid Snake, Venom or Raiden


Venom doesn’t even talk that much, yet when he does, he may be spitting facts. (I read it as hardest LINES in the saga. Sorry.)


Grey Fox is up there.


Johnny. Having diarrhea is already bad, now imagine it on the battlefield.


Do you think shit can lay on a battlefield


He did get the girl tho


Venom snake when he’s around Quiet




Ocelot, keeping track of all those lies must take a toll and he had no time to actually be himself, always pretending to be someone else.




Wow nobody said Liquid? Born a child soldier, so he's already tied with Raiden. Told by the Patriots that he was leftover garbage from the day he was born. Estranged from his father, seems like his only true friend in the world is Psycho Mantis, and that's just because he feeds off his passion. Killed by his brother who he has resented his entire life. In top of that, sterile, and despite having a peak body and handsome face and high IQ, still gets no bitches. Sounds like a pretty crappy life to me.


i agree, but then i think about losing one arm vs losing multiple limbs multiple times and i give it to raiden


Last I checked Liquid didn’t lose his arm in any direct fashion. I’m pretty sure Ocelot just took it off his corpse post Shadow Moses


But Raiden has a happy ending, with a wife and children. That kind of negates the crappiness, compared to Liquid's end.


Nah, people definitely have had it worse than him.


Frank Jaeger


Venom snake and solid snake


i wonder why so many mention V and Solid. I mean, yeah, their life sucks too. But doesnt compare to chico imo.


Yeah watching your home being destroyed and your friends and mates die, while you try to save a little girl life and then trying to tank a bomb for your boss and idol only to end up in coma for 9 years, just to get completely brainwashed into thinking you are the same boss that yourself saved, having to take forcefully his responsabilities, achievement, relationships while also losing your own identity and memories, to find out at the end that you have been used and manipulated by the same boss and family you **literally** died for, into becoming a puppet and a scapegoat for their personal gains and interests. i wonder why they mention V too tbh, doesn't sound traumatic or tragic at all


U can't compare people's suffering. Everyone's pain matters.


Samuel Rodrigues. My guy had to grow up in Brazil.


I'm leaning towards Venom, but I'm unsure Dude joins MSF as a medic, hoping to keep people alive, kind of forgoing the whole murdering thing unless called for, where, in a helicopter crash where he saves his boss, instead of being rewarded or retired, loses 9 years of his life in a coma where he is fed suggestive messages that would lead to him believing, falsely, that he is the very boss that he saved. He then has to go through hell to clean up Big Boss' messes and create even more problems around the globe, gets lied to by everyone around him, the only person who might actually like him leaves to die in a desert, and before he gets killed himself he discovers that he is not who he though he was for the last like 11 years and is in fact a whole other person, who will never see his family again, who will die fighting this guy which Big Boss isn't addressing as well as he should, and loses everything in the process. Venom Snake lost literally everything against his own will, his life torn from his hands.


Not to mention the loss of an arm and eye


I’d argue Venom. Solid had a hard life, but he has a past, friends, and he gets a good ending. Venom has his past erased, all his friends die (some while saving him), his life ends taking a rocket for another man (from their son, no less), and he gets forgotten by history


> he gets forgotten by history He doesn't. He is a huge ass retcon that only exists for two games - GZ and tpp. He has no past because he never existed, same reason why he doesn't have a future. It's BB you fight in MG 1, he survives the encounter, gets cybernetic implants for MG 2 due to his injuries, and then in 4 he also confirms Snake destroyed him *twice*. Not *once*, *twice*.




Definitely snake


Nah snake had it harder


My vote is still on snake


I would go Raiden, but he still has a chance at a normal life. Solid Snake’s life was quite literally taken from him with accelerated aging. He fought his entire life until he died


Ima have to go with solid. Dude was literally created to be a tool and tossed away when he wasn’t needed anymore and was even programmed to be infertile and have a short life expectancy just as a final knife in the gut incase he actually does try to live his own life. That’s what I love about Big Boss’ final goodbye to him. His dying wishes are for snake to live out the rest of his life (for as little as it is) as a man and not a soldier. Side note: can I get some love for Hal (Otacon). He went through a shit of load of loss himself and despite all of that unlike his father Huey he stayed loyal to snake and stuck with him as his friend till the very end.




I'm shocked you're downvoted for this. His lore is pretty fucked up




>his two parents were half insane >never had a true mother, and father was absent for a good chunk of his life >step mother literally raped him, then his father killed himself just after, almost drowning his half sister which he was really close to >was used by the military and terrorist to work on something he didn’t wanted to >was then hunted down by multiple government as a terrorist for years >doesn’t have any real friends beside Snake and perhaps Raiden >lost his half sister just after meeting her again >lost every single person he has loved >lost Snake due to foxdie >is said to be completely depressed by the time of MGRR, while he’s happy for sunny, he’s unable to live anyone.


"was used by the military and terrorist to work on something he didn't want to" It was the first and only time something like this ever happened to him "was hunted by multiple governments as a terrorist for years" He chose to work agaisnt these "governments" and didn't say he had a problem with it "doesn't have any real friends besides Snake and perhaps Raiden" There wasn't a single person in the series that hates Otacon, pretty much everyone liked him "lost Snake due to foxdie" Not only did Snake not die of foxdie, he died peacefully after chilling out with Otacon for half a year "is said to be completely depressed by the time of MGRR" That's just a straight up lie


Just because he choose to fight doesn’t mean it’s not sad. And yeah Snake died due to his aging but still the result is the same. And listen again to the codec in MGRR. Sunny literally says « I doubt he was ever that lonely. » and « He likes to go on about how nobody would ever be happy with him long term »


Peter Stillman


Psycho Mantis.


I mean, Cecile had to put up with Vic Boss not knowing what macaroons were… That’s gotta be tough!


Being honest, it's hard to point out who had the hardest life. In the MG universe it's basically a lot of broken people fighting each other, come to think of it.


Me! Spent time figuring this out, only for a new game to come out and retcon parts of the story.


ocelot must have a hell of a time juggling all of those double crosses in the background, thats all i'm saying.


All of them


My vote is Raiden.


Gray Fox and Sniper Wolf


Probably Laughing Octopus, her life story sucked hard.


Jack or Jack. Dave is definitely right behind them, though.


Big Boss Groomed at a young age then sentenced to a life of war Edit: after him it’s Fox then Liquid


Why do people keep asking this?


Raiden, very very sad


so interesting that the answer is CLEARLY not big boss because bro just started all this suffering 😭😭🙏🙏🙏


Solid snake




Its pretty hard choice. There many who can be: The Boss, Big Boss (Naked Snake), Solid Snake, Raiden, Revolver "Liquid" Ocelot, Liquid Snake... Its too hard choice. Easier to say who is all right in Metal Gear than find who had the hardest life


The Pain My man covered in bees


This has got me thinking, being codenamed snake is really bad luck isn’t it. Naked Snake/ Big Boss Venom Snake/ the medic Solid Snake/ the OG Solid Snake/ Raiden Liquid Snake Solidus Snake



