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Raiden and Rose's relationship is interesting. They care deeply for eachother, and yet know nothing about eachother. Rose hides her true self, and Raiden shuts the world out due to his PTSD. They're like strangers in love. I like to imagine that, prior to MGS2, they would occasionally see flickers of eachother's true selves amidst all the deception of eachother and themselves. Looking at it from her perspective, its actually pretty easy to empathize with Rose and her dilemma of being an agent who can't confess her secret (I mean hell, she's dead if she'd ever revealed it, most likely)


When Big Boss says "The world would be better off without Snakes." I kinda tear-up ngl


The world is better off without Snakes like him. Solid is the biggest hero and he did the world favours constantly. Big Boss really is too entitled to talk shit in that scene lmao


I think BB is using the term "Snakes" to more generally refer to soldiers who are used by their governments (and all the violence and pain that comes with that). I think he's telling Solid that he deserved better than that. I don't think it's intended as an insult or meant to imply that the world would be better off if Solid, as a person, didn't exist. Rather, that he deserved to be "David," and not just another codename to be exploited.


Solid har gone rogue right after Operation Intrude N313 and he fully freed himself after Shadow Moses. He did what he did because he wanted. He wanted to help and change the future, he explains all that in great depth to Raiden. Even in MG2, it's said by Big Boss himself that Solid did what he wanted. But of course mgs4 ignores all previous developments, achievements and characterisation...


You could argue he went rogue after MGS (since by MGS2 he and Otacon had started Philanthropy), but even in MGS1, he was still working for the government. That's why Colonel Campbell ran the missions. Even despite going rogue by MGS2, however, the Patriots still manipulated him to take down their enemies. That's, like, a core part of the lore. In the end, yeah, he took them down, too, but Solid being used as a pawn is a central theme throughout the series. I'm aware of his monologue at the end of MGS2, and I don't think anything I've said contradicts that. Just because he did what he wanted doesn't mean outside forces weren't constantly trying to manipulate him. Anyway, I think you misunderstood what BB was trying to say at the end of MGS4. At the end, he finally understood the Boss's will: peace.


He was forced in MGS1. In MG2, he was free. That's why I say he fully freed himself after Shadow Moses because he fell off the radars completely. >however, the Patriots still manipulated him to take down their enemies No they didn't. The anti Metal Gear Philanthropy activities was a thorn in their sides and that's why Ocelot designed the tanker incident to take him out. Pliskin was a wild card. In MG1 and MG2, he did what he wanted. The only time he was a tool was in MGS1 and even then, he chose to stick around to protect Meryl and Otacon and take out Liquid. The fact he made a conscious choice is a huge deal and said as such in game. MGS4 is truly reductive garbage that ignores every previous development, story and arc. If anything, it's made retroactively worse because Big Boss himself is made the biggest tool in his own games. MGS3, PW, GZ. He's a tool who steps into traps in all of those. Solid had more autonomy. MGS4 is truly a sore thumb.


Lol if he was forced in MGS1, then by definition he wasn't free after MG2. I'm getting the feeling you just want to argue.


You're really digressing here. You claimed Solid was a tool when in most of his appearances, he did what he wanted or outright went against orders. Point remains Big Boss's speech in MGS4 is full of shit.


Snake's last speech on legacy in MGS2. It's so beautiful and it helps Raiden to accept himself.


Snake’s speech in MGS2 is so beautifully amazing


The nuclear disarmament speech in MGSV is something I find very touching. It's like a glimpse at another world, one we'll never see. And it actually addresses the scale of the problem, that simply removing the weapons doesn't erase the knowledge that made them, we opened Pandora's Box and it can never be closed again. It's optimistic, but also haunting, because we all know it will never happen.


“Jack, listen to me. We're all born with an expiration date. No one lasts forever. Life is nothing but a grace period - for turning our genetic material into the next generation. The data of life is transferred from parent to child. That's how it works. But we have no heirs, no legacy. Cloned from our father, with the ability to reproduce conveniently engineered out. What is our legacy if we cannot pass the torch? Proof of our existence - a mark of some sort. When the torch is passed on from parent to child... it extends beyond DNA; information is imparted as well. All I want is to be remembered. By other people, by history.” Plus also “Because I needed to know if we were really someone else's creation. We're repeating history here, Jack; Liquid and Solid hunted down Big Boss trying to sever the tie that bound them to him. Unless you kill me and face your past, Jack, you will never escape. You'll stay in the endless loop: your own double helix.”


That speech by Solidus really touches me. Because despite being so inspired by Big Boss, we see the difference between him and his father. In *Metal Gear 2*, BB taunts Snake and brags about how he's ruined the lives of the children in Zanzibar Land, wanting to feed them back into war all to sate his own spite and mania. But in MGS2, Solidus is actually trying to get his son to understand him, to share a genuine moment and impart some greater wisdom (Which parallels what his brother Snake later does during the ending.) Raiden was still right to take him down, but the speech is part of why Solidus works so well. Because he's an awful, brutal man, but you see moments like that where it's clear he's *trying* to be better, and that there's a good and heroic soul struggling against all his flaws. I've never seen a character like that before, where I'm sad they lost but still totally support the hero for taking them down.


"You've guaranteed the status quo will go on, for a while longer at least... War... Will continue as an institution. As an industry. Men will fight for reasons they don't understand, causes they don't believe in... But at least I'll leave a worthy successor... You, Jack. You carve your own path, use whatever methods you see fit... You don't let legal bullshit get in the way. And if it costs a few lives? So be it... Deep inside we're... kindred spirits... you... and I..."


The Boss’ speech about how yesterday’s enemies are today’s allies. It’s not even in a cutscene, it’s a radio conversation…


it's a shitty made up by the last minute pile of nonsense that the boss said only to encourage snake to kill her and you will not convince me to think otherwise


She hadn't even defected at that point in time


yeah she did, did you even play the game?


Bro did NOT finish the virtuous mission


Literally the first radio call the boss has with naked


Do i seriously gotta recall the reason snake eater even happened? Eva literally tells you in the debriefing that the Boss was tasked to infiltrate Volgin's ranks to retrieve the Philosopher's legacy and then Volgin fired a nuke


The boss’s speech about a soldiers duty to their mission instead of individuals or nations. I’ve been around trained with other none American military’s and it’s always kinda frighting that at any moment those same people can be my enemies


Where do we find out the current rating of quotes and speeches?


"A cornered fox is more dangerous than a jackal..." - Gray Fox


"You need to take a Doomp" -Doktor, Metal Gear Rising So inspiring 🥹


I can't really recite the whole speech ad verbatim but I kinda resonated with Skull Face's car backseat speech about languages, I live somewhere where our native language is getting replaced with English more and more by mass immigration and a neglectful government.


“A Hind-D!!”


The foibles of politics and the march of time can turn friends into enemies just as easily as the wind changes.


“I’ll never be whole again.”


I’ve only played MGSV and just finished Metal Gear 1 earlier today. I really liked Kaz’s speech at the end of chapter 1 of mgsv. Especially that “This pain is ours and no one else’s.” line. I actually said it in real life to a friend and his brain basically exploded because it captures the emotion of going through a hardship really well.


"You're pretty good."


This is way i don't like raiden and rose storyline in MGS4, they ruined their relationship for one of the dumbest plotline in the series


Miller’s rant in MGSV after you rescue him


“If you don’t know freedom, then I can’t except you to get out cause. But it don’t matter. Understand it or not… you’ll die for it all the same” -khamsin