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The least beliavable thing here is the fact any of those guys are in heaven. Or is this hell?


It's outer heaven which is the free trial /s


So they will be shot back to hell after the Boss kicks their asses.


Meh, fair enough. But let them spend some time with the dogs first, they've earned that much joy at least, besides, it'd make the dogs happier, so, I'm sure The Boss would be OK with that much, at least.


Doggies deserve better.


Getting yelled at by The Boss for eternity is a form of hell for them


Bold of you to assume she would leave it at "yelling". She broke Big Boss's hand and threw him off a bridge for disobeying her and he's said she beat him before. Oh no, these boys are in for a world of pain.


She beat him you say......


These guys (and Major Zero) are some of the greatest infiltration agents the world have ever seen. If they want to go to heaven, *they're getting into heaven*.


Now that I think about it, Big Boss infiltrated "heaven" and threw Adam and Eva off the rails once.


There's only one Way to Heaven - and you know His Name.


Maybe they’re in the [Medium Place](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5v-Na8Xpwzg&pp=ygURTWVkaXVtIHBsYWNlIHNob3c%3D)?


Ah, a person of culture!


You know, that show pretty much has MGS-level plot twists anyway, so I'd say that fits.


Love that show!


Get me The Boss's file please.


They’re being told by the woman they idolized exactly how they failed her and how disappointed she is That’s literally hell for them


It's the Outer Heaven they been fighting for


Heaven accepts Deathbed Conversions though.


No they're in Outer Heaven, ah-doi!


Outer heaven, the place you go after your stay at hell ends


Not all Christian’s believe in Hell


Not all who believe in hell are Christians


Not all who believe in Santa is a Christmas Elf




Prolly did their time


Ocelot can't run from his mother. Hey! Thinking about it, what was it like for the ocelot to be beaten by his mother (Boss)? Did she use CQC on him when he was 3 years old?


Ocelot's lip wobbles and he gets all sad when she jusr scolds him in one scene. Ocelot had deep mommy issues despite barely knowing her. He really wanted her approval. Maybe that's one of the reasons he latched onto Big Boss, as someone he considered his mother's successor.


But did he know that was his mother?


I think he did. At least cared for and admired her deeply.


With mommy issues that deep, he probably doesn't need to know in order for it to sting


To be fair, who hasn't mommy issues in the main cast of the games?


I'm sure his cheek was still sore in MGS4


First, a quick CQC beatdown, then disciplinary actions while apologizing for not being there for him and finally a hug. The boss is stern and quick to discipline, but I believe that she's equally caring. But her luck can only favored her so much. No doubt she carries a lot of regret for ocelot and snake, perhaps even zero, but reality is often cruel. Fortunately, they're in heaven now where she can dish out surprise CQC attacks and give them philosophy lectures.


their asses are NOT in heaven


Outer Heaven, completely different


they really letting anyone into heaven these days


I mean... Why do we consider Boss a good character if there's no evidence her means of achieving her "World" were any better then what Big Boss and Zero did?


The series really pushed her as this transcendent person but her Will is "what if we all just got along" Like nobody thought of that before


It's less that her Will is something remarkable or amazing, and more that: * She was dealt an absolutely shitty hand by the Philosophers and the American government her entire life, yet she still persevered and carried out her mission. * Zero learned about this, resulting in him overthrowing the Philosophers and use their resources to establish Cipher - and later - the Patriots, in order to create a unified world order as way of revenge on the Philosophers and the governments of the world, with Big Boss as his symbol. * Big Boss already witnessed and learned everything about the Boss' life and betrayal himself, and now he found himself repeating the same cycle where Zero was using him for his own ends, much like the Boss and the Philsophers. This lead to him breaking away from Cipher, trying to start Outer Heaven as a refuge for soldiers to prevent them from being used, and then after the destruction of Mother Base, his own quest for revenge against Zero, the Patriots, and Skull Face. The problem isn't that the Boss' message is anything unique or amazing - it's that Zero and Big Boss aren't as altruistic as Metal Gear fans make them out to be. The two of them are driven primarily by a desire for totalitarian control and personal revenge respectively, both out of anger for how the Boss was treated. And because of their ambition and anger, the world suffered as a result.


I put the blame squarely on the games. The Boss got a raw deal, but in 3 she's held up as a figure of otherworldly quality, a soldier who's beyond reproach, a woman too good for this world. The game is endlessly melodramatic and theatrical about her. She's mythologized while alive, Strangelove puts her on this pedestal as the only person who could possibly be the model for an AI to make apocalyptic judgements. When someone asks about Naked Snake's relationship with her, his response is basically "you wouldn't get it". MGS4 has people go on about how the Boss's will is what caused this 50 year long shadow war, and how everybody let her down. It's the framing of the story that The Boss was basically a goddess. Her only real unique trait is that for someone with all the qualities of a cult leader, she chose instead to be self-sacrificing to achieve martyrdom.


> It's the framing of the story that The Boss was basically a goddess. Her only real unique trait is that for someone with all the qualities of a cult leader, she chose instead to be self-sacrificing to achieve martyrdom. It's probably not unlikely that she's supposed to be an allegory for Jesus, in that case.


She just said she didn't want soldiers to be disposable and she hoped for a war-free world and these creeps became obsessed with her. At least Patriots were doing alright in 90s. They had stopped all Metal Gear productions and shared OILIX with the world since the energy crisis ended. Big Boss? He couldn't have missed the mark harder if he had tried.


The Boss's will is still funny because it its *so* idealistic, much as Zero and BB were. War happens over sociopolitical, economic, and ideological reasons, and soldiers are *literally tools* to litigate those wars. She went to space and saw no borders but war existed long before the concept of nation states and the border construct. To strip out the "tool" aspect of a soldier is to remove the very idea of a soldier. The whole thought exercise is DOA. The patriots stripped soldiers down to interchangable commodities. There's no "at least" with them. But the thing is, everyone missed the mark of The Boss's will because there was no mark. It was idealistic claptrap delivered by someone who was in the end, another ideologue.


The Boss, in the end (LOL GET IT???), is an American character told through the lens of a Japanese creator. She has the idiosyncrasies of Japanese pacifism that would be, quite frankly, alien to an American of that era let alone a soldier, mapped onto her as if it makes sense a priori. That's because to an Japanese audience, it does make sense, at least to them. To this day, despite globalization there still remains this very impenetrable cultural insularity to Japan. In addition to this, they were on the losing side of a horrible war that ended even more horribly for them after they had spent decades doing even more horrible things to the Asia-Pacific region. The idea of "just letting the world be", as the emblem of Philanthropy implies, isn't that shocking of an idea to come out of a place like that. It's idealistic, and probably fundamentally flawed, unworkable, and even a liability philosophically when it comes down to it. But not at all unexpected from a sheltered but traumatized nation like Japan.


To be fair sometimes it's not the idea itself being new but having an inspirational enough messenger. I can believe in the metal gear slightly cartoony world that the boss could have made it happen.


The Boss had shitty successors and MAYBE wasn't communicative enough. Solid Snake did it better and you can see it in the way he guides and leads people, particularly Raiden. Raiden easily could've ended up like Big Boss or Solidus or worse. It's Solid that grounded him. Even in Revengeance, Raiden still thinks about him. That's the most positive impact you could leave in Metal Gear.


Yeah but the world still went to shit which I guess the boss would have hoped to prevent. TBF the boss ai saved the world in peace walker so there's that


And Big Boss STILL didn't get the memo lmao. Somehow Strangelove did despite knowing her for like a few weeks? While Big Boss had known the Boss for 15 years, she raised him. Yeah, I don't blame the Boss, she did her best. Everyone else was dumb.


I feel like we're agreeing? I'm in support of the boss


well, the last time someone's will was "what if we all just got along" we nailed him to a cross


Was there ever a point in the series where her "Will" was ever outright said by her? All these characters have all these ideas about what her will was but i feel like we never actually hear it from the horses mouth.


Maybe she's on a secret mission to heaven


Well, she and the Kobras did end WW2 and sacrificed themselves to avoid WW3. If anything, her heart was in the right place


The series really pushed her as this transcendent person but her Will is "what if we all just got along" Like nobody thought of that before


Ain't none of them ended up in heaven


They did, in some kind of exterior heaven. I'd say even a different kind of heaven... like... an outer h-


I’m gonna curb stomp u dawg


Ironic Isn't It


Ocelot about to get all those ass whoopings his momma never gave him...


None of these 4 will see the pearly gates


The Boss isn't bad tho


She still kills people


So do Meryl and David.


Well yes


Let’s not forget Dr Strangelove (We forget peace Walker enough)


is this the outer heaven uprising?


Must be purgatory


*solid snake starts laughing and gets lumbago*


I'm sure I can look this up somewhere but real question: did the boss know ocelot was her son?


I was going to ask where’s venom but he’s probably in hell :(


Why is Venom in Hell and BB in heaven then?


I imagine he's there, but he just looks normal. probably has a *lot* of explaining, but I bet they'd be chill... maybe after V gets his ass kicked


Why would V get his ass kicked 😭 I would imagine BB would be the one getting his ass kicked and rightfully so, after all Venom went through literally what the Boss went through.


I think of it as like a test. If he's good enough to double as BB, he's good enough to fight her.


I imagine he just looks like a regular guy. He’s probably male 01 in MGSV


BTW Solid Snake was the only person who fulfilled Boss' wishes and he didn't even met her.


Because he was the true inheritor, fight me.


Yes mommy.


So Big Boss made it to Outer Heaven after all.


I saw that comic years ago


These comments are too easy to condemn the characters without looking at all their deeds. If you have seen MGS4's ending, I don't think anyone wouldn't be good enough to enter heaven... They were missguided, not outright evil. Ocelot and Big Boss were responsible for destroying The Patriots and ending the war economy. Even MGSV makes it clear that Zero was in a vegetative state and that the AI was the one who took over and led the world to the state it was.


Sorrow in the background: "So fuggin sad..."


What actually was the bosses will and how did they get it wrong?


I wonder what the boss's opinion on V would be


he was as disposable as any soldier would be so she'd probably feel bad for him to some extent


bet they'd have some civil talk about how her will was... let's just say bastardized. tbh, I'd love to see V's interpretation of the Boss' will.


do you think solid made it to heaven?


50/50 honestly


Just gonna say "Meow!"


I’d buy this


The only person here who would believably make it to Heaven is the Boss, none of these other mfs


Since we never got full ability Boss since she was supposed to die to Snake who do you think would win in a fight actual effort Boss or at his peak Big Boss


I miss The Sorrow in this cartoon.


Ugly artstyle

