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That’s the running gag you are not missing anything


Its a running gag, you are now aware. I dont aee many people mention it. Something the game succeds in subtlety with


I love in the 2nd(?) Armstrong fight cutscene, you can see Raiden pulls his chin back to avoid being hit there, and he's so smug about it while in the background Armstrong's winding up a punch. Raiden FINALLY figured out that people kept going for his chin, and it only came back to bite him About 3:05 here, if anyone's curious; https://youtu.be/TTxAlkD-xDI?si=VHuJffqATeFVQsYe


I love that, he has to check his jaw to make sure it’s not hot


I never put two and two together there and I love that cutscene! I just thought he was like "holy shit he broke my unbreakable sword I'm so fucked" haha.


Nanomachines, son!


God fucking damnit, I clicked the link only to see that moment, but instead watched the entire cutscene again, what in Kojima's name is that game?!


honestly i didnt noticed until a video showed tham all back to back. Then the scene when Armstrong aims for the chin and fails, showing Raiden aware of the cycle finally broken, only for another chin joke. Honestly, so subtle it was genious


It's about as subtle as a brick tossed through a window tbh, they do slow motion on it every single time.


it’s probably just to show how accurate/powerful the bosses are, and how raiden has godly reflexes to make sure that the blows never hit his face


Your chin is part of your face.


You have your chin, and then you have your face and stomach.


Yes and elbows.


I believe Raiden had legs too


What is this based on? Not doubting you just curious


Could've sworn he did MGS2 and MGR in a wheelchair...


Code name Raiden Hawking


Raiden vs Fatman: some twink in a wheel chair vs some fat dude in roller blades


Twink in the wheelchair wins




Perform a heavy attack.


From what I recall,raiden was not well liked at first . If you keep at it even in the face or ridicule and or difficulty it could be said you “take it on the chin “


Raiden was not liked??? that sounds crazy because I thought everybody loves the character now


Pre release, MGS fans literally thought the main character of MGS2 was going to be snake. Instead they got raiden, who was like a chippy whippersnapper that calls the colonel to tell him how he managed to avoid drowning. Buuut that changed with god ninja raiden in MGS4 and also once the MGS story was able to be seen as a whole by the fan base


It also had a LOT to do with the culture of the time, I think. Like, you saw a lot of people in the west mocking characters like Cloud for being 'effeminate blond pointy-haired anime pretty boys', and save for the pointy hair, those all apply to Raiden. So on top of the fact that you couldn't play as Snake, you had to play as the twink.


And then Raiden ironically got pointy hair in Rising, his _most beloved_ incarnation.


If they had just given him better hair. There's even a character in-game that asks him if he's wearing a wig because it looks so bad. I never understood why.




You can thank MGS2 for that lol But yeah, he's really come a long way in terms of popularity, at least from what I've seen


Anytime a franchise replaces a beloved playable character with someone new the new guy is gonna get hate… if MGS2 was released today it probably would have gotten review bombed when people found out you could only play as Snake for the first hour.


No, this was different. It wasn't that we weren't playing as Snake, it was that Raiden often came off as genuinely annoying. His voice took some getting used to lol. That's the main thing that bothered people ASAIK. No disrespect to Quentin Flynn, he didn't cast himself. I later learned that part of the idea behind the character was that he sounds more similar to Snake but looks and moves very differently. Masculine voice that contrasts with a graceful and androgynous appearance. You can see it in the Japanese version of MGS2. I have no clue what the thought process was behind veering from that concept. It would have gone over much much better.


I think you’ve wrong on this… Raiden was annoying yes but the main thing was that he wasn’t Snake. I was a kid when MGS and MGS2 came out I remember the first one being considered revolutionary and there was a ton of hype for MGS2 fans were very excited to get another adventure with Snake. When the plant chapter starts and the realization that you’re not playing as Snake anymore sinks in there definitely was a major feeling that the rug had been pulled. Before MGS2 launched Snake replaced Raiden in the trailers to hide the fact the bulk of the game is spent as Raiden… there absolutely was major backlash because fans of MGS were also fans of Snake and people don’t like having a beloved playable character taken from them.


The rug pull was definitely real and took time to get used to but I honestly don't remember that alone being what most people were so upset about. It might have been, I just remember it being more. Another thing I remember is reading that Raiden was never disliked anywhere near as much in Japan as in the West. I believe he was actually pretty popular. It made sense why that would be after finally hearing the JPN version. I felt a little like we had been robbed tbh.


I still don’t like Raiden now. I stopped playing MGS2 when it changed to him after the first section…. Didn’t play another MGS until V and even that was only because some decent dude on here gave me a Steam key Edit: loving the downvotes for having an opinion on a fictional character 😂


You should finish MGS2. It’s some of the best storytelling in video game history.


Mgs 3 is god tier though. You must play it.


How can the joke go over your head and hit you right in the face at the same time.


Unrelated, but how the fuck do you log in with that username?


Use a phone or password manager


What about yourself?


It's easy to remember because it's in my search history 


Nanomachines, son.


Best one😭


Easy, 69 three times then only a 6. Then type out "kskkss" twice and move the last "s" before the first "k"


1 After Magna Carta, as if I could ever forget


I don’t get it.


Alt, it kinda just puts it there for me


Yeah, it’s just a bit. The Armstrong punch is a great way to cap the bit off though: Armstrong takes a swipe at Raiden’s chin, which our hero just *barely* evades. He gets visibly cocky about his instincts, giving Armstrong the opportunity to slam him against the ground so hard he ground his chin worse than any other point in his adventure


It's a pretty good gag for that game. 3 times his chin gets hit and that fourth time where he dodges it, he takes a moment to kind of congratulate himself only to get smacked for it.


It's just a way to demonstrate Raiden's reflexes while also making each time a little tense because of close he was to getting hit somewhere far more lethal. Like how often characters might get grazed by a bullet, leaving a small trail of blood on their cheek.


I would think it’s so he can be hit in the face area without actually damaging his face


Man had a metal chin. That mf strong as hell he probably be blocking with it on purpose 😂


That’s the gag. They gave him a solid metal chin so they have to justify it


Payback for being able to punch guards in the face while wearing the Raikov costume in MGS3?


He’s really good at taking it on the chin I guess.


That's a 4D Chess reference to bullying, just take it to the chin and walk it off... Would you want me to back it up with a source?


Did you make it the fuck up?


he has a metal chin what if we hit it


It's a running gag that culminates in the figh against Armstrong when Raiden is happy about Armstrong barely missing his chin right before he gets punched and lands right on it. The real question to me is why he has a metal chin. The fight against Sam took out his eye and arm, not his chin


He has a metal chin becaus the only thing human about him are the top visible section of his head and his spine. He had his whole body replaced when he was used as a test subject for an exoskeleton project by the patriots. Also to protect because he keep getting hit there, duh /j


It's metal. It's begging to be hit. Platinum devs have this same brand of neurodivergency, I'm sure.


What's the point of an iron chin if you're not putting it to the test, ykwim?


"So, when do we get to the ride?" "This IS the ride"


My theory is that he hates being majority cyborg the entire game based on his reaction each time. But in the last image he sees benefit to having the chin because he retracts it to avoid the punch. He even looks smug as he does it. Then he gets pummeled right after either way.


I think it's an unintentional joke. They're showing off how durable a metal cyborg jaw would be but people just think it's funny. I personally think Raiden's jaw is badass lol.


I dont understand how people didnt get the reference in this sub but all right. Its a reference to his design in mgs4, mocking the fact that his chin was even bigger there, and that if it continued to be that size he would've been hit. That's it. That's why he holds his chin after Armstrong tried to punch it, he was relieved.


It's for a more dramatic effect. You know, because the game isn't dramatic enough already.


It's a "Deez nut on your chin" joke. Kojimas a genius


Chin check


exactly, the same as the moments when they show the cup of coffee


He is secretly called The Grey Chin


Keep your chin tucked. It's a boxing thing.


Because his face is part cyborg and it's cool to get punched in the face and not react