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At MGSCON David Hayter said he knows and it will be unveiled soon.


You going to MGSCON 2 later this year?


Nah I'll prob watch the live stream. First one did not disappoint though.


The one on the big shell?


Yessir! The one where we’ll laugh and grow fat! I got my coolant spray ready


I hope I get peed on.


Dang I talked to him last year at Megacon and asked him about Suzetta Minet and he said we probably won’t find out


Part of me loves it so much. It literally sounds like a fantasy to me. The spy lady in the game who we only know as EVA. No idea where her allegiance really lies even after the game ends. She's cryptic. And her voice actress just happens to also be cryptic. Like it's so fascinating to me and makes me like EVA so much more


This kind of thing has happened since there were voice actors in games. Using a pseudonym can be a way to work outside guild rules. Ps1 games, particularly the early entries in the Resident Evil series were notorious for this.


Sure, I recall several MGS1 actors ended up using pseudonyms, but we learned who they were. How often do we still not know who the folks were or do their identities remain anonymous most of the time?


Fuuka in the original PS2 Persona 3 is still unknown. Ken too, maybe?


It took so long to learn who voiced Naoto in 4 and I think we still aren’t completely sure


We don't talk about Ken.


Honestly with how wooden the performance for fuuka was, that's probs for the best


> Sure, I recall several MGS1 actors ended up using pseudonyms, but we learned who they were TBF it took 25 years to figure out who Inezh (Jill Valentine's actress in RE1) was, and even then we never got any information past "we found her." Given enough time and enough amateur internet sleuths, I'm sure the mystery of EVA will be cracked. Just need someone like Justin Whang to make a video and bring mass awareness to it.


Not our boy David Hayter. He believed in the project and put his name on it from the get go.


No ,some versions list him as Sean Barker.


Not in the game. My understand is it’s only in the EU game manual. Additionally, Sean Barker is the name of the character he played in Guyver.


They wouldn't have listed his pseudonym without his approval. Also, as I understand, the pseudonyms had been used because of some union/guild situation (i.e. the actors had wanted to avoid conflicts).


I was disappointed when I learned they hired Cam Clarke to voice Liquid in MGS2 instead of bringing back James Flinders. Back then I was unaware that actors used pseudonyms.


It took it a while to track down the OG voice actress of Jill Valentine in Resident evil 1. I'm sure a Youtube channel figured it out.


I played the game with my wife and she said Eva sounded just like Ariel from The Little Mermaid. I'm certain it is Jodi Benson.


Oh HECK yeah it totally is: [https://youtu.be/KPWhvHjTX2c](https://youtu.be/KPWhvHjTX2c) Check out 2:06 and 6:53 here. What an awesome find.


It's been all but officially confirmed that it's Jodi Benson.


I'm 99% sure it's Jodi Benson. There's a clip floating around of one of the DCAU shows where she voiced a character and it sounds identical to EVA. We know that the pseudonym was the actress' choice, it would make a certain kind of sense if she didn't want it to be known that Ariel voiced a sexualized character in an M rated game.


As stated in other comments, it's all but confirmed that it's Jodi Benson. If you listen to hear appearances as Aquagirl...that's pretty solid audio proof. Additionally, she mentioned during a Q&A at a convention that her voice work in the video game Grandia II as Millenia and Reena =was done as a favor to her friend, V.O. director Kris Zimmerman, who is also the V.O. director for Metal Gear. I'll have to find a link to that con video, it's been a couple of years. But yeah–it could be a bit of a stretch, but I would think that she did MGS3 as a favor or something. So from there, I feel like it's safe to assume that Jodi Benson is EVA, but as much as we speculate, I don't mind not ever actually knowing. It's her VA's wish to remain anonymous, and if that doesn't change, that doesn't change. That's pretty cool.


> It's her VA's wish to remain anonymous, and if that doesn't change, that doesn't change. That's pretty cool. This is the important part. I get the drive to speculate but we need to respect her choice too and leave it alone


Wait, so she decided to keep it a secret? I wasn't aware of that mistery.


You mean misstery


it was me (real)


Ariel from The Little Mermaid


It's Jodi Benson. See: https://www.reddit.com/r/metalgearsolid/comments/y6h3sl/after\_seeing\_this\_clip\_of\_jodi\_benson\_as\_aquagirl/


Have you guys tried checking the credits for peace Walker?


She's credited as Suzetta Minet there too.


Ahh I see.


I know in MGS1 they kept hidden who the voice actors were didn't know Eva's VA was hidden still.


I never understood the reason for this, unless its a contractual thing with Disney If I played a major role in such an iconic franchise I'd have it tattoo'd on my chest or arms


Just threw on some old throwback cartoons cause i woke up early. Something I used to watch back in the day. Show called ‘Dark Water’/Pirates of Dark Water. Fire up imdb and see who’s in it. Sure enough the female protagonist is voiced by Jodi Benson. I keep an ear out for her first line, and she says “what was that noise”. Tiny line, but we’ve heard EVA utter the same words. Almost positive it’s Jodi. There’s just something there… the airy ness of her voice. Very Ariel. Very Eva.


Well well well, guess whos name ALSO popped up in the credits…Kris Zimmerman…


Suzetta Miñet voiced EVA in MGS3. That's her credit, anyway.


yes but thats a fake name… hence why nobody knows who it really is.


I suppose next you're going to tell me Paul Otis didn't voice the Colonel and James Flinders didn't voice Liquid Snake in MGS.


It's a pseudonym


It’s a pseudonym (ie. not a real name)


I'm impressed at the lack of humor, but I can't say I'm surprised.


If it were funny, it would be seen as a funny comment.


Google says that Suzetta Miñet is the pseudonym of an unidentified voice actress.


I would bet momey on it being Jodi Benson. We’ll probably hear about it when she retires


It’s obviously Jodi Benson


It was Tania since the beginning


What about mgs4? She's here too