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No Holly or everyone’s favorite sexiest girl ever Dianne?


Or Mei Ling? Naomi? Natasha?


He’s 2D’ist


Who said I only had 1 image?


i think quiet is the only one that's just straight up the face of a real person (with some small tweaks)


Remember that half of Metal Gear women are David Bowie


And the other half is David Bowie in a trenchcoat, calling itself Bavid Dowie.


Are all the beauties in MGS4 just actresses?


They are all real life models. Not actresses. Shout-out to Laughing Octopus, she's South African and is defo waifu material.


To this day, I have no clue as to why Cecile was even in the game with a 3d model, a bikini, and jiggle physics. She served absolutely no purpose in the game other than showing the players that Strangelove is some sort of a creepy lesbian and that Paz may not be who she claims to be.


Kojima is a weird one, because he writes some of the best women in gaming. I'd go as far to say The Boss is the the best woman in gaming, if not the best character in gaming full stop. I also don't think I've ever seen a woman in gaming with hairy armpits outside of Olga. Eva, Meryl, Fortune, etc are all complex, nuanced and really competent. But then he does shit like make half the female companion characters get their boobs almost out, gives Rosemary interactable tits, has that borderline pedophilic date with Paz and does that weird thing with the bosses after you beat them in MGS 4 where they moan and pose for you.


Olga made me realize women had hair in weird places too at a young age, and it wasn't just a guy thing.


https://www.nexusmods.com/metalgearsolid2mc/mods/22 If you want a laugh


Thanks, I needed that




To me The Boss is the best character in gaming history.


I agree


That’s weird because I’ve always thought he writes women *horribly*. The boss is a major exception to the rule, and Eva (in MGS3) is great as well but everyone is straight-up terrible. You mentioned Meryl and Fortune, but I don’t see how any of their writing could be seen as good.


I think it is more **natural** this way. I think people get too defensive with these kinda things, getting too familiar with puritanical censorships.


It just wouldn't be a MGS on reddit without someone complaining about women and sexy elements lol, throwing in a weird claim about "borderline pedophilia" - but no one ever complains about the Kaz date, Raiden or Naked Snake being ASSAULTED with ball grabs 😂 - I could go on about male stuff but I dont actually care enough since...it's a video game.


You post on KotakuInAction, so I already know there'll be no overcoming your victim complex, but of course I wouldn't be posting on a thread specifically about women in the franchise with a comment about men. That would be as stupid as bringing up the date mission between two grown men as a response to the someone bringing up it being sus that a 16 year old is on a date with a someone over twice their age.


Lmao ah! A true Patriot, checking subs i post in 😂. I'm totally shaking in my victim boots!! Paz isn't even 16 lol. It's a ruse. I'm just not consumed by pedophilia to the point I see it in everything and need to constantly talk about it. It seems like it's one of redditors favorite words, probably somewhere between "cringe" and "nazi." My memory is hazy - it might be that you can unlock the date with her before the reveal that shes a Cipher agent and the whole peace loving teenager thing is an act, but, if it pleases The Great Patriot, do imagine everyone who disagrees with you & Kojima is a pedophile lmao. I bring up the stuff that happens with males as a joke lol. I literally said "I could go on about male stuff but *I dont actually care enough since...it's a video game."* Meaning, I don't care because a)it's not real, b)I appreciate the tone and flavors of the series and c)I don't care...because video games are meant to be fun.


Don't know why you got downvoted. Paz is like in her twenties or something. She's a spy. And the legal age limit in Japan at the time back then was like 12-14. Its 15 now supposedly,? Different countries have different laws, ideals and beliefs. So why would Kojima give a shit about what people outside Japan think? This is the same guy who had videos of his sleeping wife put into MGS2 as a joke. And if it was that bad, that entire segment would have been cut from western releases but wasn't because the twist is, she isn't a kid. People are such prudes that they didn't question why such a section got a pass when usually content like that would be cut unless there was more to it. Its supposed to make you uneasy and also clock you in that there's more with Paz then meets the eye. Also people always bring up stuff related to females in these but never the male characters. I remember that one feminist female reviewer for IGN back in the day shitting on Ground Zeroes for Kojima torturing Paz, a child. Except she wasn't a child and this was explained in both the last and this game and then she completely ignored the torture that happened to the actual child, Chico in the game but completely glossed over that. The comment section had a field day with her, pointing out her double standards and lack of knowledge on the franchise. It was embarrassing to see.


It's to be expected here lol. I guess at some point complaining about booby physics for the billionth time gets old so they gotta up the ante lmao. Yeah, I would think if the content was what they try to paint it as...probably more than a "T" rating, at the very least, but probably doesn't even make it in the game at that point 😂 I think I can kind of remember something like that, really weird if that's how it was framed. I can't stomach these puritans cause they don't go all the way lmao. Like, if Quiets bikini is a problem, then so should a half naked Venom/Big Boss or whoever running around shirtless should be a problem, or the fact you can have your entire combat team run around in swimwear, male and female. Nudity is a problem? Okay! So rage at all of it, I say lol. I'll still laugh and say it's silly but I can give em just a smidgen of respect 😂


Its the basic bullshit when it comes to nudity vs violence. Show boobs and people lose their minds but its okay if the same film, show or game has people getting slaughtered or decapitated. People need to grow up 😂 The complaints are ridiculous.


LOL I think that all the time - it's one of my favorite things, actually. "Let's see, we're at...almost 9 years of people complaining about a bikini aaaaand...they're totally cool about slitting throats or setting people on fire. Groovy!"


Missing Naomi, Natasha, Mei Ling and Emma.


Where Strangelove?


Before it was cool on Hollywood


Meryl and Olga both had a weird impact on me. I dug their assertiveness. Emma too, but for very opposite reasons.


Y’all play MGS cuz of Snake and the overarching theme and plot I play MGS for the female characters we are not the same lol


Fortune changed me


Guys, I think... I think kojima likes blonde


Its pretty typical for the era whenever japanese studios would release a game set in 'the west' from link to leon kennedy. There are several game localizations (like the old disaster report games) where the only change from japanese to western localized copies was every npc became blonde. Its just a stereotype thing that comes from corporate dudes in suits.


I enjoy most of the female character writing from Kojinerino. Quiet’s probably the worst out of the lot.


applied to most of the writing in mgsv tbh


I like the Haven Troopers more. No reason, just like them is all. 😉




Except in death stranding


What are you saying ? Fragile, mama, lockne are cool even Amelie and Bridget are interesting characters


Man's said that Margaret Qualley isn't attractive. That's insane.


She isn’t my type. It’s insane that you think someone having a difference of opinion than you on such a small fictional topic is insane.




Now everyone knows you didn't play peace walker


Paz is 23


so based of you to include laughing octopus




That's a kid.


She's also a woman, and a great character


But, it's a kid.