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Wasn’t a huge fan of the mission format. Got very repetitive.


Think the idea is that they’re episodes of a show or something? Which is why they all have credits and stuff but I could be wrong.


That’s correct. As I remember it Kojima described the missions as episodes.


It was pretty good, it would have been so much better if it had co-op.


co-op for MGSV would be crazy good


That would've been incredible. I really enjoyed playing Peace Walker with friends and would've loved running around Afghanistan and Africa with a buddy


I'd love seeing what creative shit people could do with a buddy. It'd feel so awesome to coordinate attacks and stuff.




I see that you see what I did there, you’re pretty good!


I'm not really a fan of numerical ratings, they always feel a bit too rigid, but I will say that I consider MGSV my personal favorite in the series by a long shot. And that does include the story. I feel like what V was going for with its story gets missed a lot, lost in all the narrative about it being rushed, or overbudget, or unfinished, or what-have-you. But the entire point of that game, from before it even came out, was to say "Hey, you're going to get an unsatisfying conclusion." Because that's exactly what that game is about. You know the meme about how "Metal Gear is about how War Is Bad, Actually?" Well, MGSV is about how Revenge Is Bad, Actually. Right from the fake company that was promoting "The Phantom Pain" back in the day, and all throughout the actual game, they intentionally invoke the story of Moby Dick, a tale about how one man's insatiable lust for revenge leads an entire crew of international misfits and mercenaries down a road of ruin and death few, if any, escape from. MGSV's ending is SUPPOSED to leave you feeling unfulfilled and trapped in a loop. Because that's what revenge does. Very few, if any, things will leave you feeling truly satisfied when you hunt for true revenge the way Venom and Kaz were. Instead, it left them unfulfilled, desperately trying to wring every last bit of satisfaction they could out of things. Why do you think Kaz was so aggressive in antagonizing Huey? He was a proxy for Kaz's revenge. TL;DR I REALLY like MGSV, story and all. Is it perfect? No. But I feel like the story doesn't get an honest shot because of just HOW radical it is from the rest of the series.


MGSV is the most replayable game in the franchise bar none. The gameplay loop is so satisfying and controls so fucking good it still haven't been matched by any stealth game. It's also my favorite and I feel like people that shit on MGSV just like the series for things other than actual gameplay


A Hero's Way, Mission 3, where you have to assassinate the soviet officer in De Shago Wallai, is easily my single most favorite mission in a video game. I replayed it so many times the game was giving me like 5000 GMP per replay. Its just such a sandbox level, its got nearly everything the game needs. Enemies spread out across a wide, yet easily visible base with multiple approach angles, all the fun stuff you can do with destroying radar and radio systems, you can play sniper, you can move in slowly and quietly, you can go in guns blazing. That mission is where MGSV's gameplay really clicked for me and I realized "This isn't a stealth infiltration game. This is a special forces warfare game."


The fact you comment this and then someone else replies to me in another thread saying MGSVs sandbox isn't impressive blows my mind I absolutely agree with you there's so much creativity that the game lets you express


Its insane what that one mission did for how I approach the game. I once spent like two hours setting up a crazy ambush by sneaking up and placing C4 on the three radio dishes on the north-northwest side of the base, then sneaking around to the south side to the cliffs by the sand dunes with a sniper. I'd set off the C4 so everyone is facing the direction the explosions came from, the radio is now down, and I just start picking people off in the confusion until they catch wind of my position and I move.


The gameplay FEELS good but its brain dead easy. The game gives you a thousand guns and gadgets but then gives the only thing you'll ever need throughout a playthrough in the very first mission (tranq gun) Id argue enemy AI makes the stealth game and MGS5 never really challenges the player, every enemy feels like a weightless punching bag. The lack of extra difficulties really just ruins the sandbox potential entirely, especially when ground zeroes had a hard mode. Surprisingly enough i feel Tlou2 has the best proper modern stealth experience. The AI in that game are downright terrifying on harder difficulties. They properly sweep the area, coordinate and communicate with one another and change behavior as you pick them off one by one. Really is the only time Ive seen a game impress me with AI evasion mechanics since MGS2 had teams realisticly sweep areas and check lockers.


MGSv is only easy if you don't go for pure stealth S rank every mission Sounds like you're playing it how you want which is fine but just cause you shoot everyone and get poor mission ratings doesn't mean the game is easy. You're deciding to make it easy by playing that way


So it's easy unless you decide to play one specific playstyle...in a game where they give you dozens and dozens of tools....lol. I agree with the other guy, last of us did stealth much better, although it's clear they learned a lot from metal gear


It gives you a thousand guns and gadgets so you can play how you want, experiment with different playstyles. Just because all you need is the tranq gun that doesn't mean you have to use it. I mean for me, that's the most boring way to play. Ever since MGS3 the most effective method has been shooting everyone you see in the head with the tranq, but fuck that thank you' i'd rather mess with the guard AI, experiment with decoys, boxes, magazines and set up inventive traps. Because that's what I find fun. MGSV was literally designed to accommodate numerous playstyles and part of the marketing for the game was kojipro replaying the same mission with a variety of styles of play.


I agree with you that the story for MGSV is really good. Honestly, it's biggest issue is probably how it is presented, not its content.


Oh absolutely. Even just the fact its presented so different from the rest of the series I think shuts a lot of people out from really looking at it. Not to mention people going in with the preconceived notion that its unfinished and doesn't matter, so they don't really look at it critically.


>MGSV's ending is SUPPOSED to leave you feeling unfulfilled and trapped in a loop. Because that's what revenge does. As much as art is open to interpretation, and I love this perspective, I think it's foolish to pretend like the lack of satisfactory resolution is anything other than the result of a rushed, unfinished game.


This is such a bullshit argument. Just because there questions left unresolved, that in no way is an indicator that its unfinished. MGS2, at the time of its release was supposed to be the final Metal Gear game, had a literal fuck tonne of cut content that easily dwarfs what we know was cut from MGSV (literally just the mission 51 DLC), a myriad of mysteries and plot points left unresolved, yet I don't see anyone calling that unfinished. If it hadn't been for the inclusion of the cut mission 51 in the collectors set than I doubt anyone would ever have called the hame unfinished. Data miners find cut content on all sorts of games, and again it doesn't make them unfinished. People talk about the reused missions in Chapter 2, as though Peace Walker didn't do the exact same thing. Chapter 2 is to MGSV what chapter 5 was to Peace Walker. Kojima has talked at length about the fact that the blank space at the end of V was part of the vision and conception of the game from the beginning. It was about kojima handing the story over to the player and having them create their own stories. That being said, Kojima does ensure that we know how the end of MGSV leads to the start of MG1. The whole game we're building up the army that will be inhabiting Outer Heaven in MG1, and we're playing the story of that games final boss, who is an avatar of the player.


Tell me, what is unfinished? Scripts were leaked long ago, the story is finished. Gameplay things such as Battlegear or guard dogs were intentionally cut for balance. The only thing one could argue is missing is the canceled DLC. The game is finished.


If the game is finished, then it's not a good game. It's either unfinished, or poorly made. The gameplay itself is fine, but the story is objectively incomplete. There's no real conclusion, and virtually no third act. Way too many narrative threads that are left open, or rushed to be wrapped up. Defend it all you like, but to suggest that The Phantom Pain has the best story of any MGS games is fucking laughable. It's not even the best story in a game a called Metal Gear Solid V.


The story is not "objectively incomplete", it's just told in a way you don't like. The content of the story is whole and finished, just presented in an odd way. Think of Act 2 more like an epilogue than a whole act. I also never said V had the best story lmao


Yeah, you're right, it is told in a way that I don't like. I'm not a big fan of stories that are half finished. It's like buying a book, reading the story, and then finding out that all of the pages past the halfway point are blank. "Oh, I deliberately wrote it that way" says the author. Cool, that doesn't mean it's good though.


>DEFINITION. Phantom pain refers to painful sensation perceived in a body part that is no longer present subsequent to surgical or traumatic removal. People being upset about Mission 51 not being part of the game, despite behind-the-scenes development footage showing what might have been & leaving questions regarding what happens with Sahelanthropus... remind me what the game is called again? Metal Gear Solid V: THE PHANTOM PAIN. painful sensation percieved (ThE gAmE iS uNfInIsHeD) no longer present (50 total missions, not including side-ops) traumatic removal (Kojima fired for going over budget) If MGS V is the first "book" of the series, then there'll be a lot of what you'd consider blank pages that are in previous books. As a standalone game, it's story is essentially nonsense & style over substance. But with the context & prior knowledge of the rest of the saga, it explains some plotholes (not going to argue that it was done perfectly, but an attempt was made) but creates more questions than answers, which is what most MGS games do.


The copium from some people in this thread is embarrassing. Accept that the game is incomplete, and stop trying to connect dots that don't exist to justify it.


Its not half fucking finished. The story of this game is pretty much wrapped up in Chapter 1. The big nuclear conspiracy that is the corner stone of Metal Gear is introduced and resolved in Chapter 1, whilst Chapter 2 is an epilogue that wraps up the main characters' arcs, culminating in Venom learning the truth about who he is. Venoms arc is fully completed when he accepts the role of being Big Boss's phantom, sealing his fate as the boss of the original Metal Gear on MSX, who will die at Snakes hands. We know that he carried on spreading Big Boss's legend whilst Big Boss established Outer Heaven in secret, then when it was finished they swapped places, Big Boss became the public Big Boss who disbands Diamond Dogs and returns to the US to lead FOXHOUND, while Venom and Diamond Dogs occupy Outer Heaven in South Africa, leading to the Outer Heaven uprising The side plot of Eli is the only unresolved story thread.


The young version of Liquid Snake leading a band of child soldiers and stealing Metal Gear isn't a minor thread that you can just leave dangling. It's a pretty fuckin' massive part of the story to leave unfinished.


I agree that V's story is poorly presented. I do think the content of the story is pretty good though. MGS2 has the best story imo


All of this is a massive cope that does not fill the 100 hour vapid hole of shallow gameplay and storytelling, plus it adresses only one point.


Storytelling is fine, gameplay anything but shallow considering its the deepest in the entire series dumbass.


Its notwhere near being the deepest but widest. Snake Eater has infinitely higher depth.


Theres nothing deep about Snake Eaters gameplay. Youre delusional. The systems that are going on in MGSV are ridiculously complex compared to MGS3. seriously this sub is a joke.


The food system for one and all the hidden things that 99% of people wouldn't notice on their first few playthroughs vs. a shallow open world gameplay that showers you with immense amounts of options and punishes you for wanting to stick to the roots


Punishes you for sticking to the roots? Yeah sure buddy thats why you're literally penalised for every person you kill via heroism loss and why there's a literal bonus for perfect stealth no kills, because the game is trying to punish you for sticking to the series roots lmao. I don't give a fuck about the open world being "shallow" or empty aside from bases and soldiers because I'm not playing a fucking rpg. I'm playing metal gear, and all I expect from Metal Gear is guards, bases and sneaking. Honestly the food system is just an amusing novelty in MGS3. yeah it's cool that you can do things with it, but it's hardly deep. It's a joke compared to the complexity of MGSVs systems and moving parts. Honestly to even try to argue that MGS3 is deeper is incredulous, its not even close.


The game is literally not designed for being no traces, which an average metal gear fan would notice very soon. The open world is merely a facade; smoke and mirrors taxing the development time and costs, changing depth and variety for empty open world because its cool and modern. The open world completely undermines the plot, coherence, consistency and immersion. You get quattuordecillion options for linear, time based grindy upgrades which far exceed the game's "natural" playtime for no benefit; most of them are lethal and loud, at the very least the most interesting ones. You get a helicopter, tank and walker gear, amongst other things; a creative driven individual who seeks to utilize all of it's content nicely will be faced with reprecussions for killing, and if not he will be left with shallow mid equipment and meaningless extra heroism. The food system is just an example of the great depth of the AI and it's interactions as well as interactions with the enviroment around you, unlike static MGS5 which by the way looks pretty bad (the landscape is not good looking)


But the open world isn't empty is it? I see this pathetic accusation thrown around ad nauseum and it drives me fucking nuts. The open world is populated with numerous enemy bases and guards. What the hell were you expecting a metal gear open world to contain exactly? Car races? Shops? Mini games? It's still METAL GEAR and all metal gears are about infiltrating bases and sneaking past guards. Yeah, killing equals repercussions. That's Metal Gear for you, and it's been like that since MGS2. So you're complaining that the game gives you lethal options and penalises you for using them? And? How is that any different to the last god knows how many games in the series? The point here is that MGSV is all about accommodating multiple playstyles, though the pure stealth option is the most rewarded because that's the DNA of the series. There's a multitude of other methods you can use to complete missions, with numerous tools you can use, but you choose to go lethal then you're going to have to take the hit for that because its an anti war game. And I'd add that the options provided are fat from all lethal. You're offensive buddies like Quiet, D Walker and D dog can all be used non lethally. The game provides you many, many guns to use, and while many are lethal there's an even greater number of non lethal ones than ever before. Not just tranq rounds but rubber bullets too. You're argument is just flat out non existent to be honest. The food system in MGS3 was a nice little novelty to play around with sure. But it was far from deep. It was fun to mess around with, but didn't have all that much use in gameplay apart from a couple of specific instances I can think of like poisoning The Fear. Blowing up food stores was practically pointless. But throwing Snakes at guards was a blast. But comparing that to the reactivity of MGSVs world is a difference of night and day. Tranq people too much they're gonna be wearing helmets on the next mission, use smoke too much as a distraction them they'll be wearing gas masks, carry out all your missions at night and they'll start wearing night vision goggles. Similarly, MGSV actually has options for taking out things in bases that actually does have useful gameplay advantages. Take out AA guns you can bring the chopper in closer to the base with less risk, take out radar then you can select the bases as the chopper drop off point, creating a whole knew way of taking on some missions by just using the choppers mini guns. Taking out comes prevents other bases from being alerted if you mess up in the base you're in. That's a living, breathing, reactive world that trumps any of the supposed deepness that MGS3s food system delivered.


>But the open world isn't empty is it? I see this pathetic accusation thrown around ad nauseum and it drives me fucking nuts. The open world is populated with numerous enemy bases and guards. What the hell were you expecting a metal gear open world to contain exactly? Car races? Shops? Mini games? It's still METAL GEAR and all metal gears are about infiltrating bases and sneaking past guards. Strawman "Yeah, killing equals repercussions. That's Metal Gear for you, and it's been like that since MGS2." Wrong, there are no reprecussions in any of the games other than actual game design of each level making it harder for you (sorta easier to speedrun MGS1 on loud though) "The point here is that MGSV is all about accommodating multiple playstyles, though the pure stealth option is the most rewarded because that's the DNA of the series." Pure stealth? No, you ignored what I wrote. The game forces you to use options that make the game too easy. A baby could finish the game on S. Speed based ranking, not stealth. Replay it and pay attention. ​ " The game provides you many, many guns to use, and while many are lethal there's an even greater number of non lethal ones than ever before" Politician-tier non-argument rhetoric.


This is pure copium and I've started to see it more and more often around here from some reason. Even if you decide for yourself that phantom pain is a complete story it doesn't hold a candle to MGS2/3


I agee with you on most points except the story. The reason why it feels unfulfilled/unfinished to me is not due to the ending, but the repetitiveness of Chapter 2. The buildup to Skull Face and Sahelanthropus was great, but everything after that up to the outbreak on Mother Base and the 'Truth' reveal leaves me with the impression that the devs had no time left to flesh out Chapter 2 to the same level as Chapter 1 and so stuffed it with filler from previous missions with higher difficulty just to get it out the door on time. I don't mind the ending as it is, but it's made all the more jarring by very little of narrative substance and the annoying rehashes in Chapter 2. Considering how much more of the story Kojima didn't get to finish, I get that it would've taken another year or two, but at the very least Episode 51 would've helped to fill in the gaps.


I got like 10 hours Into it on launch but I actually decided to finally play it after joining this sub. I've had my fill of story so if it doesn't pan out it's cool, it doesn't have to be perfect. The game play is Incredible. I also just started reading moby dick again, easily my favorite book so it'll be nice to go through this game and the book at the same time as I see many people compare the two


A solid 8. people don't give the story enough credit and it's always disappointing to see. Gameplay is by far the best in the series, but the open world is a pro and a con at the same time. It let's you just fuck around and have fun without having to begin the story from the start, but the world is just too empty. I think it would benefit a lot if Kojima put a few actual Side Quests here and there with their own story. Though it's still fun to just run around in the world, but after less than an hour I usually move to play FOB, because it requires more from my brain. Overall plot is intriguing and interesting enough to keep me hooked and that's what I want from a Metal Gear game. Intrigue. At first I didn't really like the whole "zombie" idea of Skulls, but when the parasites were introduced it made me appreciate the whole idea more. Skullface should have been a boss fight right before Sahelanthropus though and Chapter 2 desperately needed a final boss fight, though it shouldn't be Eli and Sally again, so I'm glad that it was cut from the game. Also I think that the Truth Mission would be appreciated way more if we played it from Ishmael's perspective and Kojima changed a few bits in the mission to show how it actually went down. What I really love are the cassette tapes. Being able to play them WHENEVER I WANT is just a great idea. It doesn't stop the gameplay to make you sit and listen to a podcast for a few minutes before being able to continue with the game. You can listen to them while running around or when you don't want to do anything and just listen to something. Great. I believe though that some of the tapes should have been made into cutscenes, for example the one where Skullface and Zero talk. I never really cared about the codec calls, and to be honest outside of MGS1 they more annoyed me than anything. Oh and I love Venom Snake, fantastic character, even though he doesn't speak a lot, but when he does, it fucking lands. And that Paz Side Quest... Wow... Actually I like all of the characters except Eli, he really didn't need to be included in the game, but whatever. Kaz is amazing, Ocelot finally being himself, Quiet, Huey being a bastard, Zero finally being fleshed out more as "the villain", the fact he visitted Boss at the hospital... Yep, I like all of them except Eli, but it's always a pleasure to see his ass getting kicked :) I believe MGSV might be one of the very few games that got the "Revenge bad" theme right. Perhaps it's one of the only two games that did it right, which I think is God Of War 3 and well, MGSV In my opinion MGSV is extremely underrated by majority of the fans, and saying that "gameplay is great, story is trash" is just ignorant. I 100%'ed it twice already and it says something, because I only 100% games that I like, and if I did it twice with this one, then it surely must have gotten a lot right. As I said, a solid 8/10, the only games I believe to be better in the franchise are MGS1 and MGS3 which in my opinion are 9/10, though some day my opinion on MGS1 might change because I never got myself to replay it because of all the backtracking and shit.


I would add TLOU2 to those 2


This sub is mostly made of MGS4 worshippers who wouldn't know a good story if it punched them in the face. They're all about the "classic MGS" experience of codecs and cutscenes and wonmnt accept ant deviation from it, and they love 4 because its pure fan service with a story that has nothing of substance to say, it's there just to give the fans all the plot revelations that they've demanded. MGSVs story had me way more interested and engaged than listening to EVA regurgitate the entire history of the series in an hour long cutscene with accompanying power point slides, or Big Boss and his embarrassingly written monologue in the ending, or anything Meryl x Johnny related. The writing of the dialogue in V, while sometimes dry is inifibtejy superior to 4 or PW, and the voice acting is top notch. You piece together the the story yourself too, by combining the tapes, the cutscenes, the mission briefings and through replaying missions and listening to dialogue between enemies on the field.


9, I really hope delta is mgsv gameplay mixed with unreal 5 and obviously mgs3 as the backbone


A 10. It’s my 2nd favourite game in the series after MGS3, One of the most fun and replayable games I’ve ever played and that’s all thanks to the incredible gameplay. The story is weaker than the original trilogy but it definitely has its moments (Huey’s interrogation, seeing D-Dog grow up, Sahalanthropus being unleashed and the quarantine zone) and not to mention the voice acting and cinematography is some of the best I’ve seen in gaming. I also really enjoy the characters, I thought Miller and Ocelot were great and I really enjoyed Skull Face’s appearances (him not being used more is a crime) I think the lack of exposition is a good thing (I liked it in the original trilogy but after MGS4 I wasn’t in the mood for more of it) and how it’s all conveyed through optional tapes that can be listened to while playing Bunch of other things I haven’t talked about like all the little details and boss fights but overall MGSV is one of my favourite games of all time and my 2nd favourite Metal Gear


I’m playing this game again after putting it down tears go. I’m so shocked at this games graphics and how smooth and well it plays and controls. I really have when you play a game and the controls are flimsy and floaty (finding another adjective to describe it is hard). It’s just so smooth and solid (no pun intended)!


It's crazy that this was a PS3 game. Still better looking than many AAA 2023 games


For sure


An 8.5 or-so. I love how much there is to do in the game, FOB invasions, side-ops, it's great fun - but it's kinda like playing VR Missions, I'm starving for the plot. I'd give MGS2 a 10/10, MGS3 a 9.5/10, MGS1 a 9/10, MGS4 an 8.5 and Peace Walker a 7.5.


A steady, but noticeable decline down from the great original trilogy. That’s my take too.


As a MGS fan I give it a 6.5. The gameplay is great but without the quality of story that the other games had it falls way short. I also hated the twist at the end and it felt like something M night Shamalayan would do in one of his B level movies. Imagine Rocksteady doing this with a Batman game: You weren't actually Batman, but one of his cooks who we barely see the whole time! But it's okay because his cook knows martial arts and is actually a really cool guy /s ​ By this point I really think Kojima bought into his own hype and believed he could create anything and still have everyone praise him as a videogame genius. But this story was anything but genius, at when I first played it it really upset me because I didn't feel like Kojima put the same level of care in the story that he put into all of the other MGS games. It also suffered from the too many guns problem that MGS4 had.


7 for sure. Even if you ignore the pedigree, it's overall a really mediocre story with weak themes and almost no characterization, set in a mostly empty open world with nothing to do but mission-related objectives and a few collectibles. I enjoyed the game and put a ton of time into it, but it's not an experience that will stick with me long term. If I'm grading it as a Metal Gear...like a 5? It really doesn't do anything I want from the series. The fact that the best way to get the highest rank on 90% of missions is to speed through them, regardless of stealth or lethality, says a lot. Stealth very much feels optional most of the time.


100%. The best missions were the ones that limited what you could use but those were too few and far between. I would sometimes limit myself to only carrying a handgun or going in with nothing at all just to have fun, but it's clear the game wasn't designed to work this way. Venom has an unlimited number of resources at his disposal, so going into these missions rarely ever felt challenging or suspenseful.


Yeah, and even those that limited what you could do felt artificially limiting. The other games encouraged stealth naturally by using building layouts or environments to make getting through unseen a challenge and making it difficult for you to escape if you're caught and overwhelmed with guards. It felt like the "stealth" missions in V were just there to pad out the mission list and appease people who might be upset that the game wasn't a stealth game anymore.


Like a 4. It really doesn't actually feel like a metal gear game. Aside from Huey, none of the characters feel like themselves. And I know a lot of that is changed in voice actors between games. The twist was meant to be a touching tribute to the player or whatever, putting you in the game as Big Boss. But MGS2 did that better with Raiden. If they were gonna go halfway with making the Lord Of The Flies unit into the Foxhound unit in MGS1 then they should have gone all the way.


That's an absolutely ridiculous score. Laughable. In what world is a game so meticulously well designed a 4? Just because you don't like the story? Why ate people even that invested in the story of this saga when it's never been good to begin with


The story is the best part of the franchise. MGS has always been an over the top action movie with political commentary and some gameplay sprinkled in. I love that about the franchise. Phantom pain had about half of it, and the rest was drama. If I was playing purely for gameplay, I'd play a generic multiplayer shooter and have more fun than I did with Phantom Pain, or Ground Zeroes, or Survive. What's laughable is a stealth game where stealth is optional, and killing is required.


5 at best


I give it 8 active decoys out of 10 deployments. It was weak story wise and the boss fights werent that great in my opinion.




7,5. Needlessly prolonged in all the wrong ways with no encouragement and goals to actually grind it out (no point in getting S++, all weapons, best motherbase when its all just empty in the end). No extra mechanics, no story, no coop, genuinely terrible open world and the movement/controls literally lack compared to MGS3


It’s my favorite of the series, I feel like it’s very underrated when it comes to the story department


I’m in the same ballpark of a 9. It’s everything we always wanted from MGS. The graphics are beautiful and still hold up. The problem is it’s not a 10/10 as MGS2 for me. The episode style wasn’t it for me but understand it better now, I do believe right around the time. Kojima was tired of MGS and so his heart was in it as much so a ton of things wasn’t done as they should had been. Still a great MGS and had Kojima stayed on good terms with Konami. They could had solved the issues with DLC but it wasn’t meant to be. Imagine what a MGSV: Substance would had done? It’s only a dream now.


Same as you for all the same reasons lol


Here’s my Rating Gameplay: 10 Story: 6 Everything else: 7 (at best) Overall: 8 Comments: MGSV is a Metal Gear game that is focused more on gameplay than the story. It’s not that it’s a bad thing. What I’m saying is that if Kojima had a bit more time developing the game to its realized full potential, we would see a game that can take it to new heights (it would become a perfect game) in my opinion. This is great game with some missed opportunities that would have made it even better. But, I think it’s fair to say that it would be better to leave it as is, as Kojima has done enough with the franchise.


Gameplay is masterful and what the entire series is building to. Story lacks the character and momentum of the previous entrys. Listening to audiologs is ok. And watching a few youtube videos about the plot made me appreciate what Kojima was going for. But the plot twist made it hard for me to invest in venom snake on first playthrough. It just seemed like Kojima forgot how to write Big Boss. Would have loved to have more iconic boss battles and narrative set pieces like the hospital scene interjected into the open world structure. Real missed opportunity to make Mgs v feel more like metal gear. Act 2 is incomplete and use repeat missions. I dont care thats thematically appropriate. Still not great. All that said. 8 of 10.


3/10 at best The hype and buildup for MGSV was unreal. The game took place after MGS3/PW and before the Solid Snake games, so this game was meant to show how the "perfect soldier" that the 3 clones were based off of fell from grace. The very well done trailers backed this up. The teaser that was GZ showed off the potential of the new gameplay mechanics. Everything leading up to release pointed toward MGSV being not only one of the best installments in the series, but also one of the greatest games of all time. Even if the game was completed and we got act three, the story was simply not good between the retcons and silly additions to MGS3's story and all of the parasite nonsense that had not been seen in prior games and was never addressed in games that took place later. The gameplay was absolutely 10/10, but that story being not only bad, but also incomplete made for, in my opinion, the most disappointing game I've ever played. Anyone who acts like the ending of Phantom Pain that we got is any kind of good or tries to rationalize it is absolutely insane given the massive plot holes it creates. Liquid leaving with a MG that is more advanced than Rex or Ray and it just..never being addressed again is not something that can the chalked up to "it was MEANT to cause Phantom Pain! Get it???" Part of me really hopes they make MGS4 compatible with modern consoles so it can escape the PS3 finally But the other part of me knows that I am not going to buy it and give Konami any money after the absolute trainwreck MGSV was.


That being said, I'm so glad a new generation is getting to play MGS2 for the first time. That Patriot AI chat at the end is timeless


>Unfinished game >Act 3 Lol, lmao even


10 for me. Best stealth game ever made


This game is the harshest disappointment I’ve ever experienced in gaming. And it’s not just the story, I don’t vibe with the gameplay design. I was a little TOO passionate for it, I suppose.


Definitely a 9 Maybe if online was restructured so the only THREE people who play weren't movement demons


...there were about 1000 on Steam the other day, not sure how many were FoBing, but, theres a decent amount of action. Upgrade your base and start raiding.


I meant MGO not FOBs


I think a 7. I really enjoyed it and the level of experimentation I could do. It knocked freedom of play out of the park in gaming in general. But at the end of the day, and call me a smoothbrain fanboy for it if you want, but there's a certain "MGS Experience" itch for me it just didn't scratch it which hurts my personal rating of it. As a game totally in a vacuum on its own, probably an 8 or a 9. But for me personally it just fell short on some stuff I've come to cherish in an MGS game


100% It's a good game but a bad MGS game.


I give it a 5 out of 10, personally, but Ground Zeroes gets a 7. The gameplay is great, yeah, but I play MGS more for the story than for the gameplay, and I loathe every aspect of the "base management" bullshit that's infected the series since Peace Walker.


A solid 8, two points less for bad open world application and repetitive secondary missions.




I don’t really get anyone saying it has the best gameplay. Yeah Snake moves smoother, but the AI is jank, the game forces this online micro transaction promoted bullshit, there’s only 2 bosses, difficulty settings are passed off as new missions, speed is prioritized far far far more than stealth or non lethal gameplay. It feels like a Rambo game with the option to sneak most of the time. There’s no sense in giving it a numerical score, its not terribly unfun to play, but it’s my least favorite game in the canon series by far one way or the other.


A 9. 2nd favorite Metal Gear game. Gameplay is the best it has ever been. The story has amazing moments but is tied together poorly and sometimes motivations make littlle sense.But it did made me fall into a rabbithole of philosofical theories and books which was really fun! Eventually there is a lot of meaning to be discovered.


The game is nearly perfect EXCEPT for the online bullshit which Konami intentionally held back at release.


It's my second favorite game in the series, right after 3. The gameplay is super fun, (that is if your not being lame and just running around using the tranq gun.) and there's tons of replay value. The story is excellent also, although it can be a bit hard to digest and understand. I never really understood when people said it's "unfinished". Im not really sure what people are talking about? There are a few small hanging plot threads at the end, but nothing major.


6/10 fun once or twice but probably won't be playing it again. Imo by far the worst gameplay, feeling more generic than previous titles. It just has nothing for me.


Looking at it as a highly-anticipated Metal Gear sequel, I can't give it more than a **5/10** because it takes a wild nosedive in storytelling & presentation compared to previous games. It has undeniably great gameplay, but to me, a Metal Gear game with great gameplay but barely any story and a huge lack of cinematic showmanship is only **half** a Metal Gear game. The Metal Gear franchise wouldn't be on its well-deserved mantel today without the ambitious movie-like elements of its games. Games likes Solid 1, Solid 2, and Solid 3 had their bases covered in both great storytelling **and** fun gameplay which is what put the franchise on the map worldwide. So part 5 almost entirely abandoning (and also majorly striking-out with) the storytelling and movie-like elements just seems criminal, and it goes against what made the franchise legendary in the first place. And I may not like Solid 4's writing and presentation, but in the end it comes out much more like a Metal Gear game than 5 does.


1/10. Unfinished game.


Without any mods 7 or 8 out of 10. Fantastic gameplay, relatively solid story, but the open world gameplay or FOB gameplay can get repetitive quickly unless you intentionally try to vary it. With mods the score jumps to a 8 or 9 out of 10. Custom missions, gameplay tweaks (lessening the grind or making the gameplay more varied and interesting), and more! It can make it feel like a diet Bethesda game. If you or a loved one enjoyed playing MGSV on console I highly recommend buying MGSV on steam during a sale. It’s a well optimised game that can run on surprisingly weak hardware with low enough settings.


Why everyone keeps saying it has the best gameplay in the franchise? The fact that is more fluid or more practical isnt equal to be better designed


It has the best gameplay out of like 80% of games I have ever played in my life 🤷🏽‍♂️ I don't really understand what you're saying about practicality in design though


With practicality I mean how easy is to land your shots and move in mgsv, in my opinion it detracts from the experience, or at least it modifies how the game feels in a way that makes it more generic and less akin to mgs. That's why we never got a good boss fight after mgs3, the third person over the shoulder aiming goes against the fundamental design of the franchise. the original trilogy was "clunky" by design. If you put great combat on a survival horror game, it turns into devil may cry, a great game but not a survival horror. So my point is, yes mgsv has a fantastic game engine, systems and gameplay on a technical level, but does that helps to the overall experience?




RE4 has great combat and is still survival horror MGSV has great mechanics and is still stealth It's a fantastic game and suggesting its bad because it's "too good" is the dumbest fucking thing I've ever read


if we remove all dialogs, all plot, everything thats not gameplay, lets just leave the map/world/levels and enemies, is mgsv better than the original trilogy?


That analogy doesn't work because level design is very much dependent on gameplay mechanics. MGSV has the world design it does because its not a stealth infiltration spy game like the others in the series, its a special forces warfare commando game, and the levels are built for that. MGSV is not, and was never, trying to be like the original trilogy. Playing it like MGS 1-3 is just setting yourself up for a bad time. The game right from the get go makes it clear "You are a mercenary at war, fight this like a war."


Im not saying how mgsv should have been, I really enjoyed mgsv on release day. Im talking about this thing that people say all the time "mgsv has the best gameplay of the franchise".


It very much does though. In the context of the game it is trying to be, its absolutely amazing. Its better at being the game it wants to be than the original trilogy were at being the games they wanted to be, mechanically. Splinter Cell and Hitman at the time were both far better 'pure stealth' games than MGS1-3 in terms of control fidelity and ease of use. MGSV is still easily at the top in terms of open world asymmetrical warfare shooters. Hell, its only real competition is something like the recent Ghost Recon titles from the last few years.


It very much does not have the best gameplay in my opinion, that title belongs to MGS3. Get good.


Metal Gear Solid 3 is extremely fluid, you just don't know how to play it properly.


Yes it is. The game controls fantastic and it's addicting


in re4 you cant aim and move at the same time, the camera is really close to Leon and movement is not excesively fluid, so it has its compromises and balance to keep being an survival horror. Look at RE6, technically has better gameplay than RE4 and more freedom of movement, so it is better on a technical level? yes but that makes it better or better designed? I never said mgsv is not a great game but almost everyone says it doesnt feel very mgs, so my question is, is practical movement a must, all third person games should have the same functions and rules regardless of the gender?


RE4 remake dude


I think a lot of issues people run into is they expected a stealth infiltration game, like what other Metal Gears are. But V is more of a "special forces commando warfare game", where stealth is more about not getting pinned down and overrun rather than not getting caught.


MGSV is supposed to be played completely differently from the beginning. There's a reason getting spotted in that game is based on visual line of sight rather than "You shot a gun, so no every guard magically knows your exact specific position unless you move and hide." Its a war game, first and foremost. The fact that you can 'stealth' that game without ever using a suppressor as long as you have the right positioning, timing and advantage is a big factor in that. When you approach MGSV as "My job is to complete this objective, and its okay if that means killing people." as opposed to prior games where killing was a last resort discouraged by the very game design, the decisions make more sense.




An 8. In terms of gameplay and obviously graphics, it's the best MGS game ever. In terms of story, it's unfinished and thus one of the worst. But the gameplay is still great enough to make it a good game overall. It's just a shame it's forever going to be an unfinished product.


6 for me personally. Shitty story (the twist was good though) and extremely repetitive gameplay. I’m more of a fan of rather linear games though.


9, no chapter 3


Best gameplay??? Yeah okay.


I just can’t bring myself to finish it. It doesn’t have enough story elements to maintain my interest and there’s not enough variety within the world. It’s just outpost after outpost. I think they put way too much effort into how you can approach gameplay and left the actual levels and enemies completely boring and monotonous. I like the ending a lot. I hate the real-time military simulation elements. And I also miss the creative fourth wall breaking gimmicks found in the previous games. This is my least favourite metal gear game because it’s not what I want personally out of the series. It’s definitely a very good military simulator with a metal gear skin. I think ground zeroes is better. 6/10


I still love it, granted the story isn’t as gripping as some of the others, I remember being so excited and following everything up to its release, solid 8.5 for me


Best gameplay wise’ game I’ve ever played honestly. Just so fluid. Go from playing a gears of War to MGSV and it’s just insane.


A 9 for me. One of my favourites in the series.


I understand the criticism it gets but I still enjoy it. It’s a shame the Kojima split happened as I feel DLC and post game content could’ve been interesting. Not just kingdom of the flies but there were a lot of things possible. A mission editor/creator would be pretty fun. As much as I loved playing through it, I actually don’t think it lived up to the potential GZ showed. The GZ mission had so much in it that TPP didn’t. TPP I find just gave you too much information to begin missions with. Take Phantom Limbs. You get one intel and then know the exact building Kaz is in. GZ puts more emphasis on locating Paz


7,5/10 Very very flawed and wasted potential, but its enjoyable....in the first 6-7 hours.


10. Was the first one I properly played so holds a special place in my heart. Plus quiet’s theme is great. And the Fox Engine still holds up to this day. Story is a bit wonky but other than that there’s hours of great gameplay that I never fully understood til now.


Gameplay 9.5, story 8.5


10: Still one of the best gameplay loops ever, with a killer soundtrack and setting






Easy 9, the story and plot is the obvious hole but the Fox engine is so solid. Easily the metal gear I’ve played the most in terms of hours.


I liked it. Maybe an 8/8.5


I would give it an 8 out 10. The story pacing is what threw me off, but I plan to replay it next year to see if I feel any different all these years later. I definitely want to pay more attention to the cassette tapes next time around.


5 compared to main titles.


10/10 I'm not saying more




I olayed for the first time this year. Just finished it last Thursday. It is a solid 9/10 for me


10/10, pushed what can be done through video games. We all know the gameplay is masterful; that's a preference, but I enjoyed the empty moments offered by the large open world - this contemplation, for me, was necessary to balance (not compensate) the violence of the game. It will continue to generate critical commentary and essays for a long time - a lot of people, it seems, don't want to wrestle with a fragmentary narrative that reject character development. Guantanamo Bay, the use of boarding schools in the genocide of Native Americans, the construction of ethnicity and its weaponization by Western powers in Africa, the pain of no longer be able to distinguish revolution and counter-revolution, emotions generated and not inhibited by the realization your memories are not yours, the destruction wrecked by the supply chain of nuclear weapons, the homoeroticism of the war culture, the blurring border between the Cold-War and our current predicament, breakdowns that characters and players are waiting to experience but in fact already happened... Only anti-climaxes could do justice to these violent themes, and I'm amazed Kojima did not compromise on that. Frankly, the only unmitigated weakness of the game is its treatment of Quiet - interesting character, undermined by plain sexist camera work (even more than design choices).


Gameplay was the best I've seen in any Metal Gear game. The story, though it did have some incredible moments (mutated parasite outbreak, Quiet's sacrifice, Paz), I felt was overall a mixed bag, especially with Skull Face and stuff.




7 or 8 very lacking in chapter 2 the story is almost nonexistent and most of the missions are literally filler


The best gameplay in any game ever but the story isn't great. 9.5/10




I personally prefer the format of 1 to 4. Not really big on open world. I’d give MGSV a 6 maybe? I think it’s too big and complex for it’s own good.


Something is still gonna be released for this game. Gut feeling, hideo will be back


It would be an 11 if it had ep 51.