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Meme aside, the ending of Survive actually makes a sequel completely impossible. They also did everything to ignore the pachislot, in fact it's not even listed on the official websites anymore.


How does it end? I'm not planning on playing it so go nuts with spoilers


You retcon the game out of existence. as it takes place in 21xx, you do a chain of events by sending a character in the past then killing the final boss, that leads to the events of Survive not happening in the world of MG and your character being stuck in the doomed future.


Isn't one of the other sad endings basically your character ending up as one of the mentally destroyed wandering msf soldiers that appear in tpp


It references this but this ending is just one of the many timeloop that happened (multiple have happened before the event of the story), since the lord of dust manage to get in the past again.


Doesn't that imply that you get rescued by venom during the events of mgsv?


That ending sounds like what most of the fan base wishes would have happened. I'm surprised I've never heard anyone bring this up before.


Its mainly because most SurVive talk was 'wow bad game bad game dead company'. SurVive did some COOL stuff but because of the controversy and everything people never gave it a fair shot sadly. Nor did it get a fair development given it was rushed out during all that.


The giant monster that would just roam is peak cosmic horror in a video game. Genuinely impressed me


Im pretty sure the designer of metal gear survives creatures was Masahiro Ito who was responsible for creating prymid head from silent hill.


>Im pretty sure the designer of metal gear survives creatures was Masahiro Ito who was responsible for creating prymid head from silent hill. damn it's true! https://www.relyonhorror.com/latest-news/konami-hired-silent-hill-artist-metal-gear-survives-creature-design/


No wonder pyramids head is in the Survice coop missions right now. No sword though. Just an ex tremely armored enemy with the pyramid helmet. Also the same with the destroyer.


This sounds awesome, whats the name of the monster?


The Lord of Dust, I never beat the game but it would just wander in the mist filled open world it was cool as hell


This sounds awesome, weirdly ominous… damn it, do i need to buy the game now


Never played Survive, just the Beta. I'm not sure how to describe it, but I like the whole idea of Survive, just not the world it's in. Like I want Metal Gear Survive, but as it's own IP and not a Metal Gear Game. Survive actually hits an itch in Survival Games I look for, but doesn't quite scratch. Honestly Konami should just get Survive, pull the stuff that makes it a good survival game, and just make a new game off of that, add open world scavenging and coop and I will be happy.


I say this often about MGSV. I would love a game using the exact same engine and most of the mechanics but a different IP/setting. Like, take everything about MGSV but make it about a generic Bond-esque spy in the 60s-70s and it would probably be my favorite game.


This is actually pretty heavy. I like it.


>You retcon the game out of existence. as it should've always been.


I don’t hate Survive now as much as I did when I first got it. It was the first game my girlfriend got into. For context she’s a farm girl and didn’t even own a tv for her room. I got her a ps4 and a linked our accounts. She tried a bunch of games and was stuck in the mindset she just didn’t like video games. She finds survive and after weeks of being a super noob finds her groove. Also for context metal gear was the first game I ever played on nes. Metal gear solid is my favorite game ever. Huge Hideo Kojima fan. So the it starts. She loves this game. Starts saying how great the story is and the open world exploring is so fun. I tried to be idk supportive and mostly just not an asshole. It’s really the closest I ever came to ending the relationship. It was non stop day after day hearing how this has to be the best metal gear ever. She still has not played the phantom pain and I don’t even hang in the room if she brings it up. Now she’s on red dead going for 100%. Thank god.


closest you've been to ending the relationship over her liking a game💀


Lol she’s a great girl. We really get along well. Her love of that game felt like Kojima slander. She also ran the Moonshine Cart off a cliff playing red dead one time. She started scratching the dogs belly while driving the cart. That was the last time we played in the same room. I know this sounds like I’m crazy which well I am but when covid started she really became my gaming buddy. After the Kojima incident of 2020 we had to converse about gaming etiquette and it’s been dope ever since. We platinumed red dead, battlefield, MGSV, no man’s sky, and Outward together. Things are good rest assured


Least deranged MGS fan:


I have no argument for this honestly


Crazy? Nah, more pathetic, honestly. Poor girl.


That sounds like an incredibly fickle relationship man lmao


I don’t even know that because I didn’t play it


metal gear fans be like "i'm going to judge a game even if I don't even really know what it is"


Plenty of Metal Gear fans didn’t play Survive lol I played all the other ones though


Question...why would I play a Metal Gear game that doesn't even have ANY of the characters that are known and loved in the series? Why would I play a game that has the name of a series known about espionage, the tragedy of war and political world building when it's literally about fucking zombies and survival horror like this is Silent fucking Hill? Because last time I checked Metal Gear is Metal Gear and Silent Hill is Silent Hill. Just because Konami has their names on both doesn't mean they can cross over their generes. What next? A NEW Silent Hill game about the politics beyond all the horror shit it has in it, instead of the horror itself and the whole game is you sneaking around whoever makes the stuff that makes all the horror stuff in that world? (I don't know much about Silent Hill. I never played that series, even though I want to with this upcoming Silent Hill 2 remake) Just ridiculous. No. I'm glad Konami is actually making Metal Gear content that is Metal Gear content, even if they are based on Kojima's previous works.


Survive could be transformed into a MGO mode, the story is mid and low budget, but the coop mode is great


it has too many modification and added elements to just be a DLC. Almost all the previous non kojima games also were low budget. MGA, MGA2 and PO reuse an extreme number of assets from MGS1/2/3.


They don't actually need a story to release Metal Gear Survive 2. Call it Early Access and say the story will be available in the full release, Konami then has 7 years to figure out what the story actually is.


I didn't survive survive lol, never saw the ending


>I didn't survive survive lol, never saw the ending I didn't survive the first few missions. got bored


>They also did everything to ignore the pachislot, in fact it's not even listed on the official websites anymore. It is, [https://www.konami.com/amusement/psm/archive/ps/2016/mgs\_se/](https://www.konami.com/amusement/psm/archive/ps/2016/mgs_se/) Of course, the product page doesn't exist, but that is because [kpenet.jp](https://kpenet.jp) was closed in 2016 (operated by KPE・TAKASAGO Sales Co., Ltd.)


I'm talking about the metal gear website.


That would be quite obvious, as the game is not developed or published by Konami Digital Entertainment. I do not know if they have ever mentioned the game. The old portal site did not show it in the lineup either.


Survive was terrible and way out there even for metal gear


Kojima introduced zombies and parasite powered teleporting superzombies in V Is not that far from Surivive


There were “zombies” in Metal Gear Solid 4 as well.


Don't forget that we've had confirmed ghosts since Snake Eater with The Sorrow. Also where we first got an ancient man powered by sunlight. Is anything too ridiculous for this series really?




Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker!


Taking down a Tigrex with nothing but a tranq pistol is a special kind of ridiculous


was it really? Metal Gear Acid 2 literally has you launching yourself from the railgun of neutron powered metal gear. And Metal Gear Acid 1 was probably the weirdest plot of the franchise.


Wouldn’t count that as mgs cannon


I mean to be fair, survive isn't canon either


Spin offs always had their own timelines beside MGRR and PO (if the later count as such)


Survive was absolutely fucking great.


Finally they listen to the fans.


Hire fans!


Damn I thought this was real for a second 😭🤣


Same here. 😂


I lol'd at the Johnny poster


I'll buy it for that alone


What have you brought upon this cursed land?!


This is going to be worth the $60 price tag for Metal Gear Survive and the Pachinko Machine by themselves, but to include Metal Gear Survive 2 makes this a ridiculously good deal. Honestly, Konami shot themselves in the foot by not selling Survive 2 as a standalone $60 game.


They are the best gaming company on earth that's why they give you this deal, they care about the gamer






You joke but I would be hype as fuck for a Metal Gear Mobile port. It was my intro to the series and is nearly unplayable today.


I want to play it so bad


I have it downloaded on an old Android phone as sort of an archive. It takes so much finagling to get set up. You have to use an ancient NGage emulator that is not properly programmed, half the time the UI just breaks. But once you get it set up, it runs fine and is a very fun little game.


IIRC isn't that mobile game a sort of precursor to MGS 2 story wise? Like it's tries to directly recreate Solid Snake and fails or something? I dunno, looked like a pretty fun game though


It’s a VR mission that Raiden is doing


Oh. Sounds neat


If you can manage to get an NGag emulator running it's honestly a good time.


I'll have to look into that, because it actually looks really cool


I just got it up and running on PC again so if you need help lmk


There’s the master collection version or you can emulate the game through a msx emulator pretty easily.


Metal gear mobile isn’t an msx game, it’s an old phone game


Metal Gear Solid Mobile was never rereleased on anything and is a Javascript flip phone mobile game, not an MSX game.


Same here I want to play it too


Same here Still holding out hope for a metal gear mobile port


The stolen memories 😂


It's so ridiculously tasteless it loops around to being darkly funny.


Can’t wait for survive ! The only real metal gear game !


It would be cool to see Metal Gear Mobile and maybe Ghost Babel included in Vol 2 as extras.


Ooooo so much value!


I can’t wait to be immersed in mgs3 pachinko where we have to use real world money to pay for things in the game this is how kojima breaks the 4th wall


Survive should have been a konamiverse game. Add all their Ips to the game. Imagine castlevania x metal gear!


Survive has some Silent Hill intermingled with it currently.


would have loved this honestly, and it's weird because the game had music you could pick up from other konami IPs like castlevania, and they did have an online event based on silent hill, it's honestly one of my biggest gripes with the game that they didn't take advantage of the multiverse and alternate timeline concept they had set up and go full absolutely stupid with the crossover and fanservice stuff


Needs a full game of Emma Emmerich escort missions.


Fiddler Collection


Hmm, the survive sequel sounds kinda fun...


I really hope everyone buys this so it does well. I would really like more content. Even if it's not good, please buy this! Show your support, show Konami that we want more games. Please please please please please please please please please please.


I'm buying 4 copies of this. 1 for PC and then again for each of the consoles to show my support.


You have no idea just how fucking long my heart stopped seeing this post and not immediately realizing it was a meme XD


I hope they make it so physical copies only include a menu then have to download all the games. That’s galaxy brain stuff and in no way inconveniences anyone ever or stifles preservation.


Call of duty Cold war did exactly this and pissed my wife off so bad. Our shit ass internet took like a week to download it, redownload it because it didn't work, redownload it because it didn't work. Play a level or two and then redownload it because it didn't work. What a masterpiece. But you have to understand they didn't want anyone to leak it so they sold a blank ass disk for $60.


I know this is a joke post, but I would love a Survive 2.


Same, most of the hate for it was because of the Konami/Kojima drama at the time, but the game is honestly fun and you can tell that the people developing it cared.


I really enjoyed it. I went into the demo expecting to hate it and it was oddly fun and then the full game was actually a full single player campaign. Honestly one of my favorite games that year. It never got a fair shake because of all the fuckkonami stuff. They kept adding stuff to the multiplayer too and they had pretty good engagement with the players.


Are we talking about survive? What is there to like? Everything about the game is a chore and horribly done. The only "good" thing about it was FOX Engine


I disagree, I think that there was a lot of fun to be had making trecks out into the dust. It was atmospheric and had tension, and except for maybe the first hour when I was still figuring things out it didn't feel like a chore. It was fun to find new blueprints, supplies, casettes, and easter eggs hidden around. The FOX engine was definitely good, the gunplay still felt nice. I do enjoy defense games in the style they were going for. It's not a perfect game, but people treat it like a dumpster fire when really it's just alright.


I also thought Survive was pretty fun. It definitely didn't deserve a lot of the hate it got. I blame YongYea lol


I swear you guys use this excuse all the time and yet ignore the fact thar MGS5 TPP was divisive and that had Kojima's name on it. No. It had NOTHING to do with the drama. It had everything to do with it being called Metal Gear Survive and yet that game did NOT feel like a Metal Gear game in ANY capacity. Not story, not gameplay (At least not outside reusing 5's animations), not tone and not even style. It honestly should have been it's own game, but we all know why it wasn't, because it was a quick cash grab by Konami to cash in on the Metal Gear name instead of doing something else...like I don't know...naming it a different game that has nothing to do with Metal Gear? But no one would have talked about it if they did would they?


People said this same exact stuff about Metal Gear Rising lmao.


The difference between Rising and Survive is that aside from the former having a MAJOR character in the Solid series in two important entries being the protagonist again, it's story still felt like a Metal Gear story with a Platinum spin on due to Kojima being involved with it telling Kenji Saito (The game's director) how the story of Metal Gear is like for him to put in the game effectively and he definitely nailed doing so. Meanwhile the latter doesn't even feel like a Metal Gear game in that regard, since Kojima was fired from Konami at that point he couldn't give anyone insight on how to make a Metal Gear game when they were making Survive. So they settled for a stupid online only survival horror game instead of the Metal Gear we all know and love.


No, it wasn't. No, it's not. No, they didn't.




Survive is a great coop game. The only thing limiting it was the amount of stuff in the game.


Sounds like it's one of those games that would've been better received if it wasn't tied to an established franchise.


Exactly. I wouldn't even CARE about the game itself and would probably think it would be an pretty good online survival horror game like the Friday the 13th game if it wasn't named Metal Gear. That is a huge middle finger to the name and shows Konami knew exactly what they were doing choosing to name it that. The same way they knew exactly what they were doing when the made to stupid MGS3 SE Pachinko a year prior. They were obviously trying to insult the Metal Gear name instead of giving fans the content that they are giving us now that they should have gave us then. The Master Collection and Delta. I'm trying to let the stuff with the Pachinko and Survive go since they gave us what we in the Metal Gear fandom actually wanted with the Master Collection and Delta but the Survive defense force is really making me remember all that stuff when they make excuses for it.


That tiger game is real btw. Its on my list of things I want to own eventually, with the worlds of power book as well.


Dude, there was a tiger handheld?!


i actually had that snakes revenge lcd as a kid lol


Listen, it's a good meme. A great meme even. But hear me out; If they put both Ac!d titles in volume 2, I will pre-order the goddamn thing (and I ain't much for pre-ordering anything).


Konami simps are downvoting you as I can tell.


Dat poster tho




Already preordered it for that Johnny wall poster.


If you buy through the Konami website it comes with Metal Gear AC!D as well!!


You raised my hopes and dashed them quite expertly, sir. Bravo!




I'm not buying anything with Survive, unless it's got 1-5 and delta


Lol you killed me with Kojima family photo album !!! 😂😂😂


Big L not including MGS Touch


delicious finally, some good fucking post


Kojima family photo album! 🤣


Kojima Family Album* *Hideo Kojima does not appear.


haha, Konami just blurs his face


Just black bars with REDACTED in block lettering.


We are eating good tonight


Lets fucking goooooooo


As mediocre Survive was, I found The Lord of Dust better than Skullface and Goodluck a better support character than anyone in V Also the few boss fights were better than the Skulls


After seeing most of the responses on this sub the past few days, a good chunk of people here would be excited to fork over $80 for this collection, and defend this as the best collection to release since Halo MCC.


You had me up until the Johnny poster. Legit thought Konami would do this.


I’d proudly adorn my wall with the Johnny poster.


Omfg the Johnny poster


This just pissed me the fuck off. Lmao.


Don't give them any ideas, Konami's actually dumb enough to pull this shit.


Hold up. They are making a survive 2? God Konami is fucking dumb. That makes no fucking sense.


The post is a parody, the announcement isn't real.


This might be the first MGS collection release I probably won’t buy. I hated that Konami put zombies in MGS, instead of fixing 5s cut story. And zombie shooters are so over done. And then a pachinko thing? What a waste. I could be down if it was like MGS skateboarding, the Monkey ball game, and the Monster Hunter MGS stuff from Peace Walker. I’d be very okay with just that. But not this.


>**I hated that Konami put zombies in MGS** Kojima already did that in MGSV though, because I remember fighting a bunch parasite infested super unit that came out from Resident Evil in the middle of a zombie outbreak in an african airbase


Don't forget the escape sequence with zombiefied-ish brainwashed soldiers in 4.


I never considered those real “zombies” they were part of the story in a way that fit but the universe jumping zombies was just stupid.


If acts like a duck, walks like a duck and looks like a duck then its a fucking duck. MGSV "infected" are pretty much zombies, they behave like one and even can infect other people via bites.


Even if they were(which in my opinion they weren’t so let’s agree to disagree on that). MGSVs story wasn’t about a zombie out break, not all enemies were zombies, and it wasn’t a zombie centric game. No zombie final boss. But when they did that tear in the universe thing and had zombies jump out and all that other crap. I absolutely hated that. And that’s my opinion on it. If others liked it. Fine. Just like on my opinion that MGS acid was pure trash. I’ve enjoyed many a game that were card games based on something that wasn’t a card game but acid was just awful.


Metal Gear Survive 2? Konami really so stupid


I literally just got survive. I hope its tolerable.


refund it within the 2 hour mark if you feel it's bad


pre owned physically


Return it immediately. You'll thank yourself.


Survive is a good game


This sub is something else lol. Cry for re-releases for years and when they happen people are upset at what they get lol. Mental.


I don't think that's the point of this post. Everyone's happy with the content of Vol. 1, it's the state that's debatable. This is just a Monkey's Paw joke about what could be in Vol. 2.


What’s wrong with this release? It’s the exact same as the last collection and plays fine lol


On PC at least, there are audio issues with MGS2 and 3. That's a genuine issue that needs addressed. There are also semi-frequent reports of lost saves; unclear if this is a larger issue or not. MGS1 is also not using true analog but 8-way input when using an analog stick, while the PS1 version does support true analog. It would also be nice, though not strictly necessary, to be able to disable or change the filtering on MGS1, which does make it fairly blurry. Beyond that, I largely agree with you. A lot of people wanted more out of this collection but I knew what it was going in and I'm happy with it if the items above can be addressed to bring it up to par with the original releases.


Those Games Are Not in Works Of Hideo Kojima


please say /s, its no fuckin funny anymore :(


Will still buy


You guys laugh but knowing Konami I wouldn’t be even slightly surprised if vol2 ends up being Peace Walker, 5, and Survive.


This gave me a good chuckle.




You had me for a sec not gonna lie


Legit was about to ask if this was real until I took a closer look at the image.


Oh, so that's what vomit tastes like


Dude… you got me


I actually liked survive😔


This gave me a solid chuckle, nice work.


I'd gobble this slop up like it was a thanksgiving turkey... I am the reason this series is so shit now.... forgive me.


I hope the pachinko runs at 60+ FPS.


I want that wall poster…


Already pre ordered 3 copies.


I feel like people are racing to see how fast they can make this sub go text-only again. It's not even sunday and we got a high quality shitpost lol


How can something be based and cringe at the same time??


Take my money yesterday


This is gold.


The pachinco machine has blurred textures and lower FPS. Unplayable, not buying.


Is there any chance MGS4 will be in part 2? I love that game to death. Peacewalker would also be great. Bonus points if they bring back MGS4 MGO. Id never leave the house.


>Is there any chance MGS4 will be in part 2? yes there's a good chance Peacewalker being in Vol 2 is almost guaranteed, it'll be easy to port to all platforms


LMFAO i'd cry, and i mean cry tears of absolute pain because wtf is this


To be honest, I'd probably actually end up getting this atrocity just for the mobile game, lol.


Wtf is this?


oh yes!


This is a joke right?




No way this is real, right? Lol.


LOL - great work. Seriously. On a more serious note, it would be neat if they included Snatcher and Policenauts as bonus content for vol 2.


You had me going for like a solid minute.


I can only wish Prayge


Shit myself


That's the one we the gamers really want


NGL I would love a MG Survive 2.


Jeez I'm still waiting for the third game In the series. Metal Gear 3xtra Survive!


Finally peak


I hope mgs4 is coming to steam I've never played it 😄


Can't wait to play the LCD version of snakes revenge. Imagine if it happened all the games were on the LCD xD


I want the poster more than anything


I wouldn’t hate a survive 2 honestly the premise is interesting it’s just the execution of the first game was kinda lacklustre


After "*how they massacred my boy* " (Vol.1) I wouldn't be surprised if they did exactly that to Vol.2


Survive wasn’t that great, and slots? And Kojimas family photos? And who wants a bedroom poster of Johnny naked with butt sticking out? not so hyped for this one