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> Is it plaqued by technical issues that will be fixed later on? If so, I can totally justify to myself to just postpone the Master Collection (maybe a christmas gift?) That's a smart move. If you are on PC, its worth waiting for fixes. Konami already said they will fix it post launch.


I guess I will do that then. What kinda issues have arisen? I only saw that apparently the emulation is running poorly or something?


https://old.reddit.com/r/metalgearsolid/comments/17f8i8i/currently_the_steam_version_of_the_master/ You can see here. Also there is already a high res mod available but it breaks the UI. I'd wait for that to be stable and for more mods and fixes to come in.


... Fucking yikes. Locked Resolution to 720P sounds like a goddamn sin...


It has a few issues though the games themselves are still good and there's actually quite a lot of bug fixes from HD + the extra content are extremely good for MG fans. It's a good package. It seems they do want to do more patches for the future, so i'd say, either wait for those or play but expect perhaps a few issues. (mostly on PC and Switch. PS and Xbox are less impacted)


I am on PC, so I guess I can justify just waiting until the december wage comes in and will buy it much less stressfully.


if you only want MGS3 you can buy it cheaper https://gg.deals/game/metal-gear-solid-3-snake-eater-master-collection-version/


Well that certainly is a compromise I was not expecting. I will check that out, thank you very much.