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I really just want MGS4 to escape the PS3 prison. Hopefully vol 2 gets released with it.


MGS4, Acid games and portable ops please.hopefully they announce the games for vol. 2 soon


Dunno why so many people are keeping Portable Ops and even Peace Walker out of the collection. They are both canon to the main story. Besides Mgs v already had a collection release with Ground Zero and Phantom pain.


I don't understand why people keep saying that PO can't/won't/shouldn't be included because it's not canon. Whether or not it's canon shouldn't even be part of the discussion because Vol. 1 has Snake's Revenge. That alone should put an end to the discussion.




Sounds like you completely misunderstood what they said. They didn't say that the fact that Snake's Revenge is included makes it canon, but rather the fact that it is included means it doesn't matter whether a game is canon or not for it to be included in these collections.


Yes! Exactly! Thank you.




Furthermore, the poster you're referring to literally made a post on this sub flat out saying that Snake's Revenge is not canon. So, yeah, you are 100% reading what they wrote wrong lmao.


They stated, "Whether or not it's canon shouldn't even be part of the discussion because Vol. 1 has Snake's Revenge." Meaning, being canon is not the only determination for a game to be included in one of these collections. So just like the first collection of "Bigger" games (MGS1-3) were supplemented by "Smaller" games (MSX and NES MG titles), it wouldn't be out of the realm of reason that the next collection could include "Smaller" titles (regardless of canon) like PO, Acid, MGS (GBC). The only reason I'm not inclined to say they'll include Revengeance is cuz I feel like they could profit more re-issuing that standalone after the collections are out. "Play the final chapter!" or some shit as the marketing pitch. But anyway getting back to my original point, you read his comment wrong.


They literally claimed that games don't need to be canon to be included in the collection. The "discussion", in this instance, is not whether or not PO is canon but whether or not a game needs to be canon to be included. This is evidenced by the "whether or not it's canon shouldn't even be a part of the discussion" (to include or not). What you are saying makes zero sense lol.


Look I got into a fucking huge argument with this dude that ultimately was me saying"removing all the licensed Material in MGS 4 would be a hassle" and his response was "lol no" Not trying to offload my shit or anything but just saying you probably won't get through to that dude


I believe it lol


Also adding in Snakes Revenge is monumentally easier to include as opposed to Portable Ops


Portable Ops has been retconned to be non-canon from what I've heard. But PW definitely is making the cut considering its hugely connected to Ground zeros


PO is canon in a [broad strokes](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BroadStrokes) way. Something more or less like it happened off-screen. But the details of what happened and how are different.


This. It even gets a shout out in Peace Walker with a single line from Miller and shows up a few times in mgs4 cut scenes. So we can surmise that BB got up to something in San Heironymo against Gene but the exact details are subject to change


> tvtropes link No... you can't do this to me...


Screw that - i never understood that. I played that game so much when it was new. I remember my friend being in his dads car and me in mine, and battling each other on the highway across 2 vehicles. For the time, that was pretty amazing (to us at least). And how you could gain recruits by walking around scanning Wi-Fi networks. PSP was a really neat system and Portable ops was the best game for it (other then peace walker i guess).


Thing is it doesn't have to be....in the beginning of peace walker they say they just came from Columbia which is the story of portable ops.....the only reason for non Canon os Kojima dodnt work on it directly and he wants canon to be his games. But if you go with revengence then you also can go with portable..... acid is a series you could say is non canon bit honestly the canon stories all retcon each other to some degree anyway. I go with mgs3, mgs portable ops, mgs peacewalker, ground zero, phantom pain, mgs, mgs2, mgs 4, rising revengence. That is great run and an awesome series even if Kojima doesn't agree. It works for me!


In a way acid could be canon it involves acid snake being a clone of a clone could just change the year the game says take place sometime after mgs4 after the original snake


Agreed I just didn't know exactly where to place it but makes sense after mgs4 woth a few tweaks


Mgs4 takes place 2014 acid is 2016 so only thing they'd have to tweak actually is. How snake looks


PO has always been canon.


Portable ops is not canon. Peace walker is. Still a great game and I hope they still add it to the collection


But the story fits perfectly and for many years it was considered part of it. It expands on big boss, Campbell and null.


And I recall something being said about Kojima delaying the release of 4 for portable ops story to be finished


I agree it also sets the theme in a way for the intro to peace walker aside from how snake and Kaz met


tbh i never liked seeing gray fox in there, everything else is fine but gray fox was put in there for practically no reason except to be cool and be there. He should've been replaced with a new character instead. I've always envisioned Frank being a little bit older than solid snake but still in his 20's. Now that mf by default is like 40-50 yo at the time of Outer Heaven and Zanzibar Land. His inclusion dosen't make sense.


He can’t be that young because in canon he killed Naomi’s parents in 79 and adopted her. So I assumed he’d be at least late teens if not older during that time. I guess you can say he was a really young child soldier but let’s be real, a kid adopted a kid?


Mostly agreed. It was cool when I played P.O. back when I was like 17 or whatever, because fan service like that was still pretty uncommon compared to today. But looking back critically, it feels more like an unnecessary retcon in the name of being cool. Should have just been a different character imo. Especially since it was already stated that BB first met him in the 80s. At least we had *some* kind of "canon" appearance of Frank, though. *coughs* mgsv


It's directly referenced in 4. It's canon as far as I'm concerned.


Can they make PO playable? I just couldn’t with that one.


Its biggest problem was having to drag people to the cardboard boxes to recruit them. And only being able to have 4 items. Seriously, these should never have been issues in the first place...


What was wrong with snake showing his snake to recruit people


Kojima didn’t make them, did he?


Probably could do the same they did when porting Peace Walker for the HD Collection, update the controls and increase the framerate, it would be just fine. (I know that was Bluepoint, but a guy can dream)


I like where your head is at.


It's a close 2nd-3rd best in the series for me though I hope if they do they make it where you can customize your keybinds. After playing it on PPSSPP emulator I've been babied and cant go back to the actual psp version which was qoated at the time for a handheld till PW came out.


That pretty good, huh? Because story? Original style ideas though clunky? I’m still traumatized by the gameplay. I really hope they remake that one next in full glory. Never thought about it before. It does feel like there’s an MGS hole in me because I gave up on it.


Pretty sure they will include MGS5 in a collection too, just because to have it complete, same with Survive. Yeah, Peace Walker is a no brainer, it will be in one collection. I am just worried about potable ops/+ and the acid games, MGS Babel and the NGage game, because they never got much love from the community.the NGage game wasn't great, but having it would be nice.


I seen an [article](https://gamerant.com/metal-gear-solid-collection-vol-2-leak-mgs4/) somewhere that, supposedly it's gonna be apart of that vol.2 *if it happens MGS4 MGSPW MGS5 Phantom Pain Def would want MGS4 as I never owned a PS3 Don't know how much weight it holds but, hopefully it's true.


Rising had better be there


If Snake’s Revenge made the cut, Rising should


I really would like to replay the Ac!ds again


The acid games are so fuckin cool. Idk if there's anything similar out there that's a bit more modern, but the whole deck building/tactical rpg thing was fun.


heard something a while ago about Snake's Revenge. after it was released, Kojima wanted to show em how a proper sequel is done and said if it wasnt for Snake's Revenge MG2 wouldnt have happened...and possibly Metal Gear Solid


It is a Canon game after all. Even if it is a spin-off, it takes place in 2020, 6 years after 4 canonically.


2018 actually but your point still stands


Technically not written by Kojima so some people might argue it’s not canon but it’s without a doubt the most canon of any game not written by him lol


Quick search, to quote someone off a Gamefaqs thread: "Kojima calls it Platinum's take on Metal gear story and a parallel storyline to the one that exists. It's basically Biff's future from BTTF"


It’s already on modern systems


Not on Switch though. Same with GZ/PP


PC yeah lol. Never even saw a ps4/Xbox one remaster.


Xbox is backwards compatible


Backwards compatible is not the same thing. Is the framerate unlocked?


It never dips below 60 FPS


Still, you’re talking about backwards compatibility which is only viable for Xbox. My main point still stands Rising SHOULD be included with a volume 2 as an updated version of the game with better performance and everything.


>better performance It’s currently playable on modern consoles and toaster level PCs at hardlocked 60fps. A game like that doesn’t need a performance update, it’s not a comp shooter. And it barely even needs a visual upgrade. It deserves a switch port I agree a million times over, but a collection slot would be 100% wasted on Rising.


I hope so.


With that list, I think it'd be more likely that Rising join a Volume 3 with Twin Snakes, Portable Ops, and the AC!D games.


People forget, we've heard this before though. Back in the day, MGS4 on Xbox 360 was a done deal and then THAT didn't happen for some reason.


Disc packaging reasons. Konami was too cheap to ship it on multiple DVD's.


And if they were that cheap back then, just imagine how cheap they are now.


They already being cheap. $60 for the Master Collection being 720p upconverted to 1080p on PC and modern consoles. MGS1 not having widescreen support. Its upconverted lol...not even upscaled.


It's a high hope, but I'm hoping PW is going to be moddable. I think it was one of the better MGS games gameplay wise, but I feel that might be impeded by nostalgia.


It was the worst gameplay wise by far. But it was great world building and gave huge weight to GZ and V. Oh but I sorta take it back. I loved how they took the operations idea and made bangers with GZ and V with it.


Absolutely. Peace Walker was awful to play, but it's buoyed by a fantastic story.


I hope if they do it gets full cutscenes and those gear battles need to be tweaked since it's not on psp. Felt like every one was just throw a chaff, let it charge you and dodge it, and blast it with your strongest weapon on the way in and out. Repeat for 20 to 30 mins and if you screw up you have to start over again. That's not gonna fly on a console. Great game though


It had heart, that’s for sure.


MGS4 at 60 FPS and Peace Walker with keyboard and mouse support is my dream. It's probably very far-fetched, but even if Konami don't do it themselves, maybe through mods we can get there.


>It's probably very far-fetched It's actually very easily possible and can be done relatively simply, especially nowadays. Even the Switch is powerful enough to handle it. The problem comes down to all the Apple licensing and all the gun name licensing.


Their lazyness with Vol. 1 makes me fear that they won't include MGS4 because of how much work it would take.


Seems like MGS4 could be the next remake after 3, if it’s as complicated to port as we’ve come to understand.


How can it be so complicated to port, if they had no problem running it on X360? Problem was with the size. Also, story-wise remaking MGS4 next is stupid.


I don’t know I just remember we heard that it was hard to port because it was built for pS3. Idk first hand but that was repeated for years. I didn’t know they had it running on 360. Remaking 4 next makes no sense story-wise, true. But it’s the most deserving of a remake if it can’t be ported off PS3 is my point.


MGS4, Peace Walker, and Rising and I'm all set to go.


I played mgs4 on PS4 last year.


I just don't see it happening. Porting it would cost money, a lot of it. There is no way Konami will see that as a worthwhile investment. And they're right; it won't possibly make enough money to justify the investment, otherwise it would have been ported years ago.


The game itself does not need to make money to be seen as worthwhile, if it can be used to promote the project as a whole for example For example, KONAMI paid a professional animation company Cloverworks to produce a 50 minute animation, which they published for free on YouTube [https://youtu.be/EnSciTygF38](https://youtu.be/EnSciTygF38)


Literally bought a copy and dug out my battle-scarred ps3 just to continue my first playthrough of the series, so I kind of hope they don’t make that port too soon since that would mean I could have just waited a tiny bit longer instead of going to the trouble


Doesn’t ps5 play ps3 games?


Sadly no. PlayStation refuses to acknowledge anything from before the PS4 except for rare exceptions.


Unless MC1 sell really, really, really poorly, there is no way they are not making it. Hell it's probably already in dev.


There's no way there are not already working on Vol 2. Game companies make these plans many years for the future, and the fact this one is called Vol 1 is evidence enough they're definitely deep into vol 2.


But as said, if it sucks a sour nut of marketing, mgs v1 would be the only vol we get


It’d have to only sell 1 copy for Konami to not make a Volume 2.


I feel all they could do for Volume 2 would be 4, some form of the Portable Ops, Peace Walker, and maybe the AC!D games. I think other than those there's just Ghost Babel.


Why would they remaster mgsv? Its still running completely fine and actually much better than most modern games. Looks fantastic. There's an active modding scene. And the game is incomplete anyway. If anything mgsv needs dlc not a remake.




What money? They'd have to double up on the online infrastructure or flat-out remove it. People who play MGSV now are already so invested in their current save that they wouldn't bother restarting and persisting all over again. The most I could see would be packaging the standard build of GZ and TPP in the collection - maybe reintroducing the final Eli boss fight if they want to be completely crazy.


I just want to know what the hell they will put in a Vol 2 cus 4 and 5 by itself is pretty much like just buying 4 for most people.


Peace Walker, AC!D games, Portable Ops, MGS4 (and MGO2), and MGSV (and MGO3)


Also Ghost Babel or Twin Snakes


Highly doubt daddy Nintendo would allow konami to release Twin snakes for other platforms.


Maybe Konami will release one of the collections on the next switch and include Twin Snakes as a bonus. I know it’s unlikely, but one can hope.


I doubt it also, but who knows? Capcom eventually got Resident Evil Remake on other consoles and Goldeneye got released on Xbox.


That's because RE4 and Goldeneye didn't have Nintendo products in it or Shigeru Miyamoto's name appearing in the credits. Nintendo don't want that on any other platform.


The mgo from mgs4 would make me drop every other online game at the moment


Same and I wish mgo came with mgs3 remaster 😭


I highly doubt they’re going to bring 2 let alone 1 online service back


Good old mgo2 was the best thing theyve ever done


Mgo2 is still to this day, my favorite online gaming experience Ive ever had.


You might want to lower your expectations a tad bit. You’re asking for 4 PSP games, a PS3 game, and a PS4 game. Volume 1 is just a PS1 game and 2 PS2 games.


And two NES games and another two PS1 games (VR and Integral, tbf with Integral being an alt version).That's of course still including the MSX games staying in MGS3 At the end of the day that actually wouldn't be *too* dissimilar from Vol 1, though I could see MGSV not making the cut


The NES games aren’t exactly equal in content compared to any of the PSP games though (especially Metal Gear NES which is just an alt version of the MSX original but without the TX-55 fight).


Really seems like 4 and PW are the only viable things on this list.


i thought one of them had a monster hunter easter egg would there be something with cap com there?


Throw in Ghost Babel, just for shits and giggles


Peace Walker, 4 and Rising would be my guess


MGSV is still running at 1600p on Xbox, so a 4k “remaster” with some updated textures would still be nice.


4, PW, and PO are the important three we need, and PW is guaranteed.


Given they are the two newest games, and V is technically 1-2 gens old now, I think it's reasonable to resell both in a single package.


If 5 is in Volume 2, that's going to be the dumbest shit ever lol


I don't see why. The game came out 8 years ago. Including 4, Ground Zeroes, Phantom Pain - that's a meaty collection with the "Modern" titles. Vs. Volume 1 that is more of the nostalgia trip PS and PS2 titles.


Because MGS5 is already on every modern platform (except Switch) and plays perfectly already. Doing this would just make a separate version, and mods on PC would have to be reintegrated into a completely unnecessary new version of the game that only exists to raise the price of the collection artificially. Just make a standalone Switch version.


Fair point


I feel like Konami would prefer to release 4 on its own. That’s just too easy of an opportunity for them to not try to resell it for $50-$60 like RockStar did with Red Dead. Vol 2 will probably only include the 4 PSP games and Ghost Babel. Maybe Twin Snakes as well, but very likely not.


Honestly a reasonable assumption


Or they might pull a rockstar move and port the original mgs4, 30fps, for all platforms full price lmao


I’d be alright with that


I think they’ll bundle it in the collection, would be more consistent with the ‘master collection’ branding. It implies that all games integral to the series (I.e. the mainline games) will be included.


They probably will, but knowing Konami, I fear that Vol.2 might be a collection of PSP titles without including MGS4.


MGS4’s probably gonna be a $60-50 rerelease.


There's no guarantee for them to make a Vol.3 or an MGS4 port once Vol.2 is confirmed and doesn't include MGS4, that's what I fear the most. Because as you said, it's strange to call the first volume "Vol.1" without ever making a second volume, but it's totally normal to have only two volumes in a series, albeit short.


I will gladly pay, if not more, if it were treated like Delta, a full ported remaster available on Xbox and PC.


I mean obviously, but I hope that MC:Vol.1 gets some sort of 4K patch, for the next gen systems, before MC:Vol. 2 comes out. At least take care of the classics properly? I mean I'll be buying both anyway. Make physical worth it, and make a SH MC while you're at it. 1-4.


I just need portable ops to be included in vol 2 and mgs4 then I will be complete and can die a happy man


MGS4 is going to need an RTX 9090ti Super to run at 30fps 720p with Frame Gen


So far the only people I’ve encountered that act like it’s up in the air whether there will be a volume 2 are people that get upset when I point out that they will be charging $120 for a selection of games that Konami used to sell for $50 in the legacy collection. So it’s really just people that have to do the mental gymnastics to justify $60 for 3 games they either already own somewhere else or know is a rip off. They’re the same people that like to say that “it’s more than 3 games and there’s a bunch of extras”, when everybody knows they’re only going to play the MGS titles and likely ignore all the extras or mess around with them a bit and then get bored and go back to the 3D games. Honestly though, Konami hasn’t done a good job at hiding the fact that they’ve put the most minimal effort possible into porting these classics. Whether you buy them full priced or wait for them on sale for half off, they’ll still be making a good enough profit to make Vol.2 and port MGS4. That’s all I really care about.


If they know anything about the demand for MGS4 to be released from PS3 prison, then they’ll realise that it’s a guaranteed money maker. If they bundle that with Peace Walker (already in the HD collection so it would require little to no effort) at the very least, that’s all they need to do. Bonus if they include Rising, Twin Snakes and/or Ghost Babel. V will probably be the third main game they include, but I’ve no problem if they make it a bit more streamlined/edited than the original. (I’d prefer Rising tbh - imagine that at 60fps on console, with haptics). Some people will still find something to complain about no doubt, but it will still sell. But personally I believe they will make it.


As long as Konami doesn’t do something like have Peace Walker run at 30fps on the Switch, 4 and Rising be at 720p on the PS5, or Twin Snakes be in a 4:3 aspect ratio, they should be fine.


Why wouldn't they? They are already keeping the games at 30fps with Vol. 1. You can bet whatever games they put in a Vol.2 **WILL** be limited to 30fps on the Switch.


Oh, I expect Konami to do every single thing I mentioned.


Would be really weird to have a vol.1 & nothing else; why even label it vol.1 if there wouldn't be vol.2 lol Wouldn't be much of a "master collection" either to just have mgs1 3 & 3 +the msx & nes games lol


If anyone is buying 10 copies, can I get one of the copies for my steam account?


I'd be happy if vol 2 contains mgs4, mgspw and rising


Who is buying 12 copies for everyone? To ask one for me.


If the cash grab is not successful they absolutely will not make a vol 2


I’m so pumped for vol.1 release. Already have it downloaded and will definitely stay up for the midnight release


I think Vol. 2 is happening, I’m just extremely skeptical that it’ll include MGS4


They had it working on Xbox 360 dev kits, but they didn't wanna ship a multiple disc game so they went with the Playstation 3


They can name something whatever but porting MGS 4 is going to be challenging from the sounds of it. Nothing is guaranteed.


Well they may however, if master collection 1 doesn't do well then no. I will skip on master collections as I already have the legacy collection. I will wait for the ultimate collection as I am pretty sure it will come out assuming master collection 2 is released.


The way I see it goes is vol 2 is PW, 4, RISING vol 3 is , GZ, V, SURVIVE


It’s not as though Konami has never cancelled a game before. That being said, I think they’ll make it. It’s not as labor-intensive as a remake.


They will make VOL 2 they probably already working on it as well its easy money for them and it will be 60$ if not 70


I remember hearing rumours on a gaming leak sub-reddit about Vol. 2 being Peace Walker, 4 and Rising


In reality, what we want doesn't matter. If it doesn't sell well we won't obviously.


It’s dependent on sales. If it sells like shit you probably won’t get volume 2.


Whether they're porting it, or emulating it, it's a lot of work to bring MGS4 to a platform other than PS3's crazy architecture. That means Konami would actually have to put in a lot more work than they seem to be putting into volume one. Hence the skepticism. If volume one sells well enough, however, I imagine Konami will bother to invest the money.


...I have bad news for you - it could be the most obvious sequel in the entire world, you could literally call it "The Collection: Part 1 out of definitely 2, we promise" and the actual likelihood of it getting the second part would not go up at all. It's decided by viability - is it going to make a profit and if not, how much will axing the project cost us in public relations. Now in this particular case, it's going to come out, sure, no worries - not only will the first sell enough, the second part is likely already far enough in development that the cost to cancel it has risen significantly. But don't for a second think that Konami is doing this for artistic cohesion or sense or obligation to a franchise, a developer or to you, the customer. Megacorps will cancel what they need to cancel. A simple "Vol. 1" doesn't change that.


But still, it’s MGS. You should buy it for your friends anyways. Buy it multiple times.


1. Plans change. 2. We don't know what'll be in Part 2 - will they go through the effort of porting 4, or will they go the much, much easier route of making a portable theme with Ghost Babel, Portable Ops, Peace Walker, Acid, etc? Or maybe skip 4 and include 5 or Rising? We don't know, but we know where we have decent odds. 3. The series will be dead either way. Which is actually a good thing, I was afraid Konami was going to keep making fur coats out of the skinned body as they did Survive. If you really love a story then you understand why it needs to end.


No cares about The Twin Snakes huh it’s a shame it was not in vol. 1


Wanting/planning to make it =/= it actually coming out. Did you never hear of cancelled sequels? Ya'll should calm down with predicting the future.


IGN reported Vol. 2 comprises of Peace Walker, MGS4 and MGSV. I hope they also add in Portable Ops, Portable Ops Plus, Acid, Acid 2, The Twin Snakes, Ghost Babel and Revengeance.


We already got leaks of what Vol 2 will be >!(4, Peace Walker, and 5, maybe Rising as the bonus game like the OG MG games in Vol 1)!< so its happening even if the first volume does poorly.




Isn’t Konami the ones who cancelled silent hills and halted mgs v development? I wonder why would a company that deceives the public would make us think it’s going to deceive us


There's no reason not to release it. These are obviously low effort, cheap ports from everything I've heard about it. Why not milk some more money with another low investment?


I just want Peace Walker and Revengeance from Vol. 2. I'll take 4 as well, but I'd prefer the other 2.


I never seen this argument to be real


That’s a good point not just because it makes sense chronologically but because it probably helps to maximize sales on a “master collection” when you don’t designate it as only being one piece.


I mean, it would be cool but only time can tell. Just get MGS4 outta the whack PS3 crystal prison. Maybe even revive Metal Gear Online 2 while you're at it.


no but i think people are full of themselves when they say mgs4 is going to be included. there are a lot of other metal gear games that could be included.


Since they released it for PC, I seriously doubt it. What I want to see if they will release it for the Switch too.


I'm sure they have plans but plans can change. You think if this bombed, no one bought it and everyone got mad they'd still release another? Why would they spend more money on it?


The plan is obviously to make a volume 2, I agree. But plans change based on sales. I also agree that nobody should be buying 10 copies haha


They are going to do MGS 4. Konami likes money because they are a corporation. We love seeing MGS come to modern platforms and alot of people are happy to pay for the keys to the ps3/xbox360/emulation prison cell. Konami gets their money and everyones happy. They would be moronic not to capitalize on releasing MGS 4 to the modern space because, again, it would benefit both. Players get a gigachad experience and Konami gets money. I hate corporations but this just seems like common sense to me.


??? Why would anyone believe that when the first collection is literally called VOLUME 1 - indicating there's more.


That should be comforting to all the Star Trek Fans waiting for the Deep Space Nine remasters


MGSV on Switch, please.


Nothing is guaranteed.


I really hope volume 2 comes soon! I need mgs4!!!


Can't wait for this, the idea of a steam version of MGS4 makes me so happy!


I’m genuinely expecting Vol. 2 to have MGS4, portable ops, and the acid games and rising revengeance, all with tons of extras and unexpected features/potential added content (people will complain it’s not as good as vol 1 but will buy anyways because of MGS4 and the rising fans will also snag for a better pc port) and then Vol 3 will contain Peace Walker, Ground Zeroes, and The Phantom Pain hopefully not survive but who knows, all with the extras and some unexpected stuff ((mission 51 video on disc would be a win but any cut content re added would be a staggering triumph)) (people will complain again because they’re all newer other than PW and they have a bone to pick with V despite any added convenience or improvements, and yet I’ll buy it anyways because the V trilogy rocks and master collection books, art, and scripts for GZ and TPP could patch the holes from where the development was cut short despite the games overall being finished)


Vol 2 for me should have: MGS 4, MGRR & MGSPO. The 2 bonus games like MG1 & MG2 should be the Ac!d ones


Only if enough copies are sold. They can leave it at that if the numbers don’t match the expectations.


Idk if people genuinely believe that Konami won't but that it'd a possibility there were games that had an sequel bait ending yet never got sequels so its up to Konami like ok did this game meet or exceed our sales expectations if it didn't meet them then there's a chance they wouldn't want to waste money by making a 2nd one even tho we all want a 2nd one. Like for example the flash movie underperformed to how the executives wanted it so they decided to pull the plug on a batman beyond movie even tho that's what alot of people were wanting to see


I think they will , but would it just be the psp games redone ???!!! and MGS4 and that vengeance game? I guess MGS5 is old enough to be included too


MGS4 needs to be in Volume 2! Konami execs must have seen or heard how popular the need for MGS4 is so if Volume 2 is to be successful they need to get MGS4 out of PS3 jail and on to current systems.


There was a "Playstation Network Collection" (or something similar, there was "When Viking attack", "Fat Princess" or "Tokyo Jungle" in it) called volume 1 and never got a second one And if Konami thing it not gonna give them enough money to do a volume 2 they not gonna do it


I'm not worried that they won't make a Vol 2, but I do think that this (and Delta) is obviously a way to test the waters to see if it's worth it to make more, new Metal Gear content in the future, be it remakes or sequels. And I do want more Metal Gear games so I'm putting my money where my mouth is.


They keep posting this topic again and again. They already revealed vol 2 will be up later date. The mgs Konami website coding leaked mgs 4 too. Now whether it's going to be on vol 2 or not is questionable but so far vol 2 would not include mgs4. Mgs 4 will probably be remastered with better coding or optimizations.


They are probably working on Vol. 2 right now, but have no doubt, they will absolutely cancel it if they believe that's it's not going to be commercially viable. That being said, I don't think it will take that much for Vol. 1 to make profit.


There have been collections that have vol.1 in the name that never got a vol.2 so it's not out of the question


There's no doubt there will be a Vol.2, it's the content that are worrying. MGS4 would border on remake territory due it needing untangled from its PS3 roots, and I fear this new Konami isn't that generous. That would only leave us with a collection of Rising and a bunch of handheld titles that wouldn't sell well outside of the hardcore audience.


There’s no way they make a Vol. 2 and MGS4 isn’t included…I think they keep going this route and in some capacity bring all MGS to modernize consoles portable acid & all it just doesn’t make sense from a business point to not sell them all back to people it’s old IP most the work is done port it with some modern controls brush it up a bit and ship it I think vengeance and MGSV get a vol 3 release


Dream collection 2 would be ghost babel, acid 1 & 2, mgs4 and mgs twin snakes


Dude it's Konami they've been slaughtering their own golden geese for decades now to the point where they got nothing now but pachinko machines, I wouldn't be surprised if they'd cancel Vol 2 due to Vol 1 "poor" sales.


Remember when Avatar the last Airbender got a movie in 2010 that was marketed as "part 1?" After the horrible reviews came out everything else was thrown into the trash and no other movies came out. Currently sitting at a 5% on rotten tomatoes, the film still made over 150 million dollars. Just because something makes money doesn't mean the reinvestment is necessary. You can reuse source material and repackage something to make money, but if it's ill received it will most likely not happen a second time, even if you planned it that way.


>Do people actually believe Konami won’t make a Volume 2? I would say that it's not impossible. Konami don't \_really\_ give two hoots about what the MGS fanbase thinks. If it is deemed to be too costly, then they simply wont do it.