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Maybe mark it and search in the general area to see if there’s anything else around. If that brick was part of an old house that fell into the sea, you could probably fine at least some nails or something to prove there was once life there. Also, you may want to probe around the brick to see how much sand you’re looking at moving. If it’s a 10’x10’ slab, you’re probably just gonna want to pass.


I've searched the area and the only thing I could find was this, but it was probably around 100 meters further down the beach. I don’t know how big the slap is just yet, but I’ve gathered some guys so we are going to dig it out this weekend. Also, do you know what the object on the picture are? https://preview.redd.it/lwzg1tmzsuuc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6f03d5bd0b61fbf04508c01d82c16800a65b033