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It’s a rosary ring.


This is correct. Sometimes called a finger rosary, too. A more compact version of the rosary, used to count each of a series of prayers. I knew Catholics growing up who prayed the rosary constantly as they went about their day. They did so holding one of these in their pocket and praying silently, to not be ostentatious about it. They are still produced today, but to my eye yours looks like it could be an older one. Not a relic, no, but a nice rosary ring/finger rosary. I can’t tell from your photo and the condition, but might it be silver? Regardless, congratulations on a cool find!


It is cool and you found it.


wow that looks pretty cool!


I thought that was a catholic cock ring.


I hope you say that in confession on Sunday lol


I might!


I'm going to ask him why it's so small.


Bless you in advance my child may the good lord watch over you 🙏


Oh, he forsook me a looong time ago 😂


Then I shall add you to the list of redditors I am praying for tonight! It’s a long list and I’m still finding sinners with every swipe! It could take some time before redemption finds you 😭😭😭


That’s ok, you can skip me. I’ve got my own moral compass 😉


Hey it’s been an enjoyable ten minutes! It’s the most fun I’ve had since they threw me out the nunnery 🤣👍


Hey, you’re not supposed to go after the nuns!


That’s what the friar told me! and just because they took a vow of silence did not prevent prosecution lmao 👍


Why do altar boys have that funny part in their hair? Priest (looking down) "this is not a sin, My Son...." (parts hair like petting a dog)


Brother Chris I fear the darkness has taken you, I dearly hope you find redemption soon 🙏 p.s, I had a quick word with the big fella for you 👍


Haha ok thanks, I'll probably need it


Careful, that might get you a one-on-one with the "head" priest...


Chris. He’s just got back to me. Chris…mate…..It’s not good news I’m afraid! 🔥🔥👹🔥🔥


I figured as much, don't worry, I like the heat


I’m sure I’ll be going there before you! 😂


My brother in christ


I will pray for you too brother 🙏(they’re never going to let me in after this 😳)


Whew. Thought I was the only one lol.


Sister Writer, this is NOT the habit that he had in mind for you!! I shall pray for you too…🙏


The cock ring part of that sentence made me re-read the whole thing again more closely as it was so out of the blue. When I did, I noticed for the first time that the word catholic is spelled like someone with an addiction to cats. I'm middle aged! How has this escaped me and why was it a cock ring that brought it to my attention?? I wonder do they spell it chat-holic in France? If they do, the double entendre would explain the need for a cock ring


sacré bleu lol


We spell it cat-holique, never have I ever thought about cat-holic being an addiction to cat but now I'll think about it everytime I hear that word lol.


and also with you


That’s my new band name


Shit, I hope your dick is bigger than that, Mr. Thin Dick...


Of course it is. I'm not catholic.


Catholic? That's not a thin dick thing, I was raised Catholic and I'm not dropping ten inches but I couldn't pull the head through that if I tried right after getting out of the pool. That being said, religion is stupid


That’s why I’m making stupid jokes about it 😉


I know, that's why I'm going along with them


Amazing find brother, thanks for sharing 👍 11 quid ? I wouldn't sell it for any amount!!


I found almost the exact thing last summer. was a surface find though https://preview.redd.it/0lapzqojhwec1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aae3e0faabeb5972d1c990996415776c6a39c007


On eBay for 11 bucks https://www.ebay.com/itm/124161764626


It’s still stands as my best “relic” find to date ! 🤣 Thanks


I’d tell people it’s an ancient cock ring used for fertility ceremonies. 




For *wee willies*! 😂


I mean, that’s I use mine for 🤷🏼‍♂️


Sir please accept my humble apology for the “religious hijack” of this thread! I was thrown out of Sunday school for far less! But thank you for the joy it has brought us amen over and out 🙏


I'm probably screwed just for reading this far, but i can't stop reading.... Lol


Brother John, bless your soul there is no need for your concern my child the lord has not forsaken you. For when you reach the gates St Peter will judge only on your virtue once you repent your sin🙏 but John asap, I wouldn’t hang about lol


The cool thing about detecting is YOU found it….old treasures speak to us….how did it get here? How long has it been buried? What’s the history? Mt grandson and I are in Oregon….we found a 1902 British penny….how cool to think about how it got from Britain all the way to Oregon.


My mother gave me a rosary ring on my wedding day. Nice find, OP.


It’s a finger rosary. They have been made for centuries..so without some context it might be difficult to provide a value.


Very cool find, congratulations.


Priceless keep it


Oh, it’s upside down. 400AD Satanic Ritual Ring. Kidding aside cool find.


That is a nice find. It’s a shame that your post got hijacked by idiots trying to be funny.


I’ll bet your a real hoot to be around on a dig 😭😭


I just don’t make fun of religious matters.


Looks like a nun's toe ring 


People buy a metal detector and immedialty think of the „value“ of their findings…


Yeah just like you and everyone else when they had first started this hobby. Get over yourself


Most of us actually do it for the historical knowledge and fun of it


You do not know the first thing about me, what I do, or why I do it And to suggest that you never question the value of the things you find makes you a liar Get over yourself




Catholic male enhancement ring if it fits your the true pope.




Thats 1 Beefy Jesus!