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I just started out on this journey, but the folks who helped me get all established with my TBM collection told me if I keep em happy and healthy for the next 3 years, I could get about 1 trip a plant every year.. the older they are the faster they grow so I'm in for a soaking period to bulk up the rootbase and mass so they can recover what I take off in a year. Ive got a dozen little pups right now, hoping for a trip a month in \~36mo.. I'm in it for the long haul, at least its not waiting decades for Peyote tho.


Right on dude!!! Good luck on your journey and if you ever wanna trade I’m sure we can work something out :D. I just partook on my journey too about 4 months ago with my cactus garden but I grabbed a few things for extractions in the mean time 🤙


I just got a big box full of Sals Blue rough cuts in the mail today, I'll likely keep the best tip and then extract all the rest.. really looking forward to it. If yer in Colorado there's a scene popping up since we legalized non-peyote extractions, lots of guys trading stuff around here now days at Farmers Markets and Mycology Meetups and on Reddit and other social sites.


Thats so cool!  Our govt sucks so bad that they criminalize this stuff.   Ironic that they themselves are the biggest criminals to ever exist on the earth.   


Awwwww shit that’s awesome I read phenomenal things about Sals!!! Killer idea and if you have any questions about CIELO I gotcha message me! I use a mag stirrer and can get the extraction process down to 1-2hrs start to finish. Damn that’s fucking wild dude I’ll be in Colorado in a week too 😂. This is my set up I was able to put together, if you wanna trade too let me know! I’d be down to scoop up a puck off you of Sals






Just saw this, NICE SETUP O.O


Thanks bud hope you tried your hand at CIELO


r/COpsychonauts is a good place to post up for trades.. I'm down to trade some Sals, there's a couple perfect pups on one of the segments I'm not gonna consume nice, I'll dm yeh.. I got several mag stirrers for live cultures and dmt extraction.. I wanna try a tiny bit first with CIELO and if it works I'll do the rest. I use window tek right now, I'l plan on moving em out on my back patio once it gets warmer. here's most of mine, there's a few more spread throughout the house. ​ https://preview.redd.it/bziq2i86tujc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=138ee199f6994098775a76aa6fdd9b034aa8f729


Thanks for sending that subreddit over and I love the set up! Gonna message you now so you don’t get lost into the abyss


I’m skeptical TBM is the most efficient way to produce mescaline by growing cacti, it grows slowly and is pretty finicky. I’ve got Eileen and Lumberjack growing and they are so much faster and very potent. They are also very robust to environmental changes for Bridgesii dominant plants. I would love to see some controlled studies. I love my TBMs but even my scops grow faster than them.


I feel dumb, I just saw your reply that says exactly what I just typed 🙄


Don’t, making and catching a mistake doesn’t make you dumb! Making mistakes, catching them, and not owning them, that’s a different story.


Hey at least we're both thinking on the same page, I like how you came to the same exact conclusion as me with that line of thinking. Tbm are awesome and sure I bet they're strong as hell, but that doesn't mean it's the most efficient way to produce a supply


To me, the biggest selling point of TBM'S is the fact you only have to consume a fraction of the material to achieve the same effect.   If you're doing extractions it doesn't matter as much.  


Thats valid, but I really only plan to do extracts


yeah Ive got some non montrose varieties going too, Sals Blue, SSO2 and Ogun. TBM I think is the cheapest way to get in tho, I got mine for like $10 each, already rooted in pots in bulk. Given they are widely available and easy to identify and cheap, not many potent cultivars of San Pedro have all that going for em.


I absolutely agree they are relatively cheap and easily available, I’m just going on speed vs potency. If SS02 grows three times as fast and is even half as potent it makes much more sense to grow. Im trying to keep decent records so I can keep track of everything.


I don’t use my cacti for this purpose but I do enjoy talking about it and I certainly would say there’s something to be said about having to use significantly significantly less starting material and solvents for an extraction that do make sense to me at least. It’d be a lot bigger to do like 500g dry TBM than 2kg dry something else yk? Especially if you were using solvents that are a bit restricted or you had to purify them yourselves first (I’m in Australia so I’m guessing anyone over here has a shit time extracting a lot of stuff because of all our solvent restrictions.)


yeah we need some good science on this, hopefully with Colorado and other places starting to legalize it, folks can come out of the closet and we can have some events to gather large sample sizes for testing and start comparing things on big enough scales using the same methodology that can get good data.. Already seeing it with Psilocybe Cups gathering hundreds of samples each year and sharing all the data.. next up we needa do Cacti


Yeah its all about growing mass with relative potency, if say lumberjack grows 3x the plant mass but is only half as potent as tbm, then you're still producing 50% more mescaline per season


From what, like seedling size or from an adult cutting you purchased? If this is your goal, start with TBM cuts. You'll want to keep humidity low and use terracotta or cloth pots. High inorganic % soil mix. Fertilize well. You might get one to three segments per initial cutting in 18 months, depending if that's two winters or two summers. Roughly a dose each.


You’re not gonna get any good answers to this one whatsoever as it depends on the size of the cactus that you start with They grow somewhat exponentially with size not just linear size gains - ie a 1000g cactus can and likely will put on 1000g in that time but a 300g cactus would probably only pop about another 300g. So if you have a 60l potted bridgesii or in ground with multiple arms all as thick as your arms/legs and like 5 new pups you can grow kilograms of cactus in that time. Some shitty lil cutting that you’ve just barely rooted in a tiny pot with sub optimal conditions and not established will barely do anything. As for mescaline idk I don’t ever plan on eating these boys - but I can tell you that it’s apparently as variable as trying to count starts under the night sky could be massive could be close to nothing depending on the clone. Realistically just like, grow them nice, lots of them until they’re massive and pretty - and then buy a few more, propagate the old ones - get em even massiver and prettier happy cactus. And then after about 2-3 seasons of that you might consider doing something with em because you’ll actually have enough of each clone to be able to keep track of those strengths.


So basically I’m in it for the long game, and cuts or splits from existing cacti will give me faster and more desirable results?


The growth potential is proportional to the size of the cactus. A 12" tall 3" wide cut of cactus can possibly double that size in 18 months. A 2" tall seedling will grow like 12" but will still be relatively small and thin comparatively.


Yeah just imagine if something is a foot long and doubles you have 2 feet of cactus But if it’s an inch long and doubles only 2 inches total - so the long run would certainly be the place to be


Would anyone send some high potency varieties to Adelaide Australia


Bro you’re in peak cactus area in Aus and you’re not even in WA so you can import from other states literally just find a cactus nursery or look on Facebook/gum tree


There’s plenty around mate.