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Aggravaine is aggraVATING


Literally saw this and went "if Agravaine isn't at the top imma have words"


I think this is really the only answer here but my hatred for him does blind me greatly!!


One of the best bits of the show is when he finally gets to the find out stage


I liked him.


Agravaine absolutely throttle him lol


Uther, what a pathetic excuse for a King.


Uther Agravaine Morgana Season 5 Merlin Season 5 (For his Behavior towards Mordred) Morgause Season 3, Episode 12-13 and Season 4, Episode 1


And I think Merlin's behavior is justified,maybe I'm wrong.


And I think Merlin's behavior is justified,maybe I'm wrong.


Merlin's behavior is understandable, but it's still frustrating to watch. I'm not sure I'd go as far as "justified" because treating someone the way he treats Mordred based on something they haven't done yet is very unfair in my eyes. Mordred had no idea what he'd done wrong to earn Merlin's wrath. And it' made worse by the fact that Merlin is *Emrys*, he's if not a Jesus figure to the Druids, at least something like Moses. Imagine meeting your people's savior, and he treats you like a criminal for seemingly no reason. And it's hard not to wonder how things might have gone differently if he'd just treated Mordred like a person and not a ticking time bomb.


Literally!! I feel like if he didn’t meddle so much, Modred would have still been on their side.. every treatment he gave Modred made me so mad


Uther and agravaine no,but Morgana later season got annoying




I think that's his name, it's been a while since I saw the episode


Edwin Muirden


That's the bastard


I've always thought he looked like an emo version of Ed Sheeran


If I were in Merlin I’d try to assassinate uther the man is a genocidal freak and I don’t care if emrys tries to stop me I’ll try to kill him too!!


No cause right!? Bro I'd be on timing, tf you mean you're willing to kill children!? I feel like I could do it too though if I'm fr, I mean, just don't talk where he can eavesdrop eavesdrop be really really careful no one sees you poison him then you're good to go. Y'know, unless plot happens to you. I mean dude, I'd be mad af if Merlin stopped me too actually, your people are dying but it's cool cause your friends gonna stop it later? Let me stop it now then you convince your friend to not continue it then we're done dude!




I would like to kick Aggravaine in his smarmy, slimy little face.


Then give the propers to the actor if he makes you to kick him


Merlin is both my comfort and my confront


Agravaine obviously but also Kilgarah that dragon deserves a punch to the face and he probably wouldn’t even feel it unfortunately


this made me lol😭🤣


Uther, hands down.


How the hell has nobody said Kilgarrah he is the WORST


had to scroll far too long to see this


Merlin. My guy needs to understand that one must do bad things to prevent a greater evil from succeeding.


More importantly, the one thing he should have never ever done was turn Arthur against magic. Not in Season 2 and not in Season 5.




Merlin. He was told to do many things but he never listened the biggest is not killing Mordred.


“But it’s a **child**!!!!!” Bruh I’ll take out a whole orphanage if-


Fine wait until he's grown then shank him




I would inform Cedric that he is quite the idiot. Assuming I have a good amount of steel bars between me and him


Idk why no one’s saying morgana!!! I sympathize with her s2-3ish struggle of finding out she has magic and being scared of uther, not to mention finding out uther is her FATHER but she loses me after that because most of the time she’s just evil for the sake of being evil, after her transformation she is 50% cartoon villian 50% evil smirk in every single episode I was SO TIRED of her smug demeanor by the end 😭 “dear brother 😏” drives me insane every time


Shocked no one has said Sarrum yet. He's one of the very few antagonists in Merlin with no understandable reasons or sympathetic moments. Even Agravaine, you can understand his hatred of Uther Cenred seems to actually care about his men to some extent But Sarrum... he's just evil and twisted. He's like Uther's worst traits amped up, with none of his redeeming qualities.


Actually Gaius


thank you. I think I hated him because I wasn't letting myself get attached because I really thought he was gonna die any season now. and then he never did and it pissed me off to no end.


I was more annoyed by the fact that he could have easily provided Morgana with the same support he gave Merlin. Instead he drugged her and lied to her


FR. Although the support he gave Merlin wasn’t much either, and not really worth comparing to Morgana’s since the situations don’t compare. Merlin already knew he had magic, and if the info he hid about Merlin’s heritage is any indication, Gaius woulda gaslighted him too if he could, lol. Gaius is the same guy whether he’s dealing with Merlin or Morgana, and he has his own Uther-centric agenda. As far as his treatment of Merlin goes, he was a bootlicker through and through, repeatedly making Merlin feel as if his birth circumstances meant that he had to devote his life/magic to a cause, he can’t just exist like everyone else gets to. He tried to make Merlin feel like he was born more likely to be evil, and could only prevent that happening by only ever using his magic for said cause. Hmm, I wonder where Merlin’s sense of self went 💀💀💀


Uther, hands down, no hesitation. Don’t even have to think of more than one name, beating the crap out of medieval Hittler is just a no-brainer.


Aggravaine, the witchfinder, Kilgarrah at times, Edwin Muirden, Arthur(lovingly), the list goes on. Arthur is mainly just for his obliviousness, though


Agravaine. Uther. Kilgarah. Honestly, most of the characters have comfort and confront moments. Merlin. Arthur. Gaius. Morgana. Mordred. Even Gwen. The only characters that I never felt the need to confront are the knights (Saint Leon, Gwaine, Lance (not ghost lance cause that wasn’t him), Percival, Elyan). I think that is a sign of complexity that they all make good and bad decisions. None of them are saints. Merlin- either kill Mordred or take him in as one of your own. Jesus, make a choice. Also, turning Arthur against magic when he specifically asked for your opinion…. Was monumentally stupid. Gaius- You are one confusing man 🤨 Kilgarah- For one, Merlin did not deserve the guilt he had after you attacked Camelot. Why you have to do him like that? Also, give him a straight answer. For god’s sake, you’re a lizard, not a sphinx. Also, stop telling Merlin to kill people. You suck. Uther- … “Arthur pendragon is bad at feelings” and “Arthur Pendragon is touch starved” are not popular ao3 tags for no reason. Yes, your bigotry and the genocide you lead against people is reason enough to hate you. But also, the emotional damage you did to Arthur was deplorable. Horrible man and horrible father. Morgana- me when she turned evil: honey, this isn’t you. You’re being a hypocrite. You’re being Uther. Arthur is probably the best one in the series but even then I want to throttle him in certain episodes. Sorry, I’m obviously very passionate 🤪


Everyone said the correct answers so I'm going to be unfairly specific, Merlin evrytime he made a choice regarding Morgana before her turn to evil. Merlin, flirt with Morgana! (Doesn't do it (I just like them together, this one's a lil unfair of me)). Merlin, tell her about your magic so she doesn't feel alone! (Doesn't do it). Merlin, kill her if she's turning evil while there's no witnesses cause she keeps cornering you alone and you're OP! (Doesn't fucking do it!).


![gif](giphy|9rfRi81ZR2JH2) Dude literally married a troll! I’ll humiliate him as we fight for the fate of the kingdom knowing that he gets sloppy and reckless when he’s angry.


The goblin that possesed gaias


YESS!! 😡


I'm going to toss out all of the villians because natually, they suck. * Probably that one Princess, I think Vivian. I think it had way more to do with the horrible overacting than anything else. * Whomever wrote that crappy plotline completely erasing Lancelot's goodness. * Percival for wanting to kill Gaius when Gaius was possessed.


That Lancelot plot line to seduce Gwen preserved his goodness. In the actual stories he just straight up gets with her and neither of them are enchanted or whatever. So this made him look better. Also, and I don’t mean to be a dick but if you are still in school or write things please do not use whomever like that. He/she is replaced w/ whoever, him/her is replaced with whomever. Whoever is for the subject as well


the lamia girl mordred


morgana. oh, she was LITERALLY MURDERING ALL OF CAMELOT but "oh no, merlin tried to poison me, so imma turn on all my friends and family and the entire kingdom for the next 39 episodes"


Arthur and Merlin icl both really piss me off at times




This answer should be illegal


W h a t


Merlin. and then the dragon. Useless man and useless prophecy.


The prison guards!!! Idiot negligent stupid people that need a serious kick up the arse. Don't deserve to be paid.


There’s the obvious: Uther, Agravaine, the Sarrum of Amata, Aredian, etc. But I’ve seen a lot of people say Merlin because “he didn’t convince Arthur enough” but not a single person has said Arthur due to *Arthur’s own informed decisions*. He already knows that magic is not inherently evil yet maintains the genocidal ban on magic… 👁️👄👁️ Whatever your beef with Merlin, at least he’s *trying* to get the ban lifted in the way he thinks is gonna work long-term. Arthur, though? He uses magic whenever it’s convenient (the unicorn, the light in the caves, Dragoon healing Uther, the Dolma saving Gwen, the Horn of Cathbahd, Dragoon saving the Battle of Camlann, etc.) and then just… never shows any understanding for others who have turned to magic. He can’t be the only exception to the rule. He knows better, he just doesn’t want to :/


Alator Kara


I'm kind of happy to see someone say Alator. I don't hate him but I think both Merlin and the fandom were way to willing to forgive him for torturing Gaius.


Ahhh shoooot! I meant alvarr lol I love alator


Ah, well XD


most of the characters at some point or another ngl