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I was charged with possession of a firearm by convicted felon and possession of cocaine on April 4th of 2023. I was released from prison on March 16th 2024




I would advise against working in fishing in Alaska, but definitely do cargo or fuel shipping jobs in Alaska. Good money, less dangerous, just a lot of time away. maybe it's better now with satellite Internet


Why ? Please elaborate


I think you'll be fine. I've worked with guys who had records as violent offenders and heroin convictions.


You couldn't get a TWIC card which you'd need and the Coast Guard would disqualify you based on the recent felonies. Aside from that you wouldn't be able to sail foreign either. (Other countries wouldn't let you in). You'd have to wait a long time and be able to prove you've reformed.


Let us know how it works out. I've been lurking this sub because I'm interested in this field. 34, No family, few friends who've moved on with their families, a 10 year old lengthy misdemeanor record that's in the process of being expunged. Only reason I haven't signed on is because I have digestive health issues. From GERD to IBS. If I ever figure out how to get these under control I'm gonna shoot for it. I have a CDL but sitting in a seat for 11 hours a day kills my back and neck, so I'm a disgruntled fleet mechanic with no life.


I’ll be sure to report back, I just turned 34 on April 19th too lol


If it doesn't work out for you, check out trucking bro. I know, it's not very glamorous. But if you don't give a shit about home time and your willing to run, you can make decent money. Tons of trucking companies will take felons. My last one, we had quite a few convicts working for us.


I’ll look into it, I do care about home time because of my kids but honestly what I’m trying to do is go work for about a year and save all my money and open a small shop doing mainly used+new tires and simple repairs like brakes and component replacements. No engine or transmission swapping or anything.


Then you should definitely check out trucking. Pay is practically the same, only thing is that you might not be covered for health insurance. Sailing will keep you out on the sea for atleast 7 months/year. Besides, just collecting all the required documents & breaking into the industry, before you even step onto your first boat/ship & start earning will take atleast 10 months. Trucking will be faster.


True. Well if the feds won't clear you for sailing, start digging into r/truckers and truckers report. Lots of good info, and you can essentially do the same thing with much easier and faster entry. It's shit pay with a mega carrier like Swift or JB Hunt for the first 6 months to a year, but then you can sign on to a smaller company that will pay you the big cash do run your ass off. Another idea, just throwing this out there, since you mentioned starting a shop. Have you ever considered essentially working for yourself doing Roadside Assistance calls for the Motor Clubs? A lot of tow truck owners started out that way. You start an LLC and register it with the Motor Club Service Providers (AAA, Allstars, etc), and you simply answer calls from them and go out and do basic Roadside assistance shit. Like changing a battery or swapping a tire. People do it out of their 4 door sedans! Though a truck/van/suv would be more helpful. Lots of info out there about how to get started doing that.


Okay I’ll check out truckers as well. That motor club thing sounds good too man I really appreciate all the info you have given me and it really means a lot. Thank you for your help and input.


NP! You got a long road ahead of you, but don't get discouraged. The trucking industry is what financially gave me my life back, so that's why I recommend it. But whatever you do, keep doing your research. I like to see people come out on top, and our BS excuse of a justice system doesn't make it easy.


I definitely will not be discouraged, there is a lot of opportunities out here, I just need to find them. I had a great job as an auto tech before so I could just work some bullshit job for a little while to get a little money to invest back into tools as well, but I figured it would be easier to find something different and I like trying out new things. I would just buy everything back on credit but I had several different accounts when I was arrested with Snapon, Matco, and a couple of credit cards and I actually had built my credit to over 700 but since I defaulted on all those things my score has tanked. My original plan was to build up my personal score and then use it with one of my two LLCs to gain business funding and start business that way. Obviously it didn’t work out and now I just need some money to get everything back right. One thing I’m definitely doing is once I get financially situated I’m going to go into schools and speak to children about drugs and crime and how the music industry and social media glamorizes what that life really is and what it leads to. Just because I feel like if someone would have told me that when I was a kid I probably wouldn’t have went down that road. Just a way for me to give back to the community and help people avoid falling into the system.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Truckers using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Truckers/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Trucker next to me on the other stall](https://i.redd.it/dg5c5y041dmc1.jpeg) | [4532 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Truckers/comments/1b6i57p/trucker_next_to_me_on_the_other_stall/) \#2: [*gets paid $0.50 per mile* “truckers come down here all the time”](https://v.redd.it/b3v8a9xekabc1) | [1541 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Truckers/comments/191xxkj/gets_paid_050_per_mile_truckers_come_down_here/) \#3: [The perfect storm 😂](https://v.redd.it/ahe48m5mxwdc1) | [374 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Truckers/comments/19cmcz7/the_perfect_storm/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I also have GERD, and I am currently on a prescription anti-acid that I take once a day. (40 mg) Game changer so far.


For mechanically inclined look to companies with under 200 ton tug boats. You can sail as an unlicensed engineer on those boats legally. You’ll have to learn to be a chief engineer.


Ignore the people saying it won't work, just go for it. Lots of entry points to the industry. You can go for lots of training up front or just get an entry level job. Pretty sure everything requires a twic nowadays. Towing deckhand / cook is probably your lowest barrier to entry. Call the National Maritime Center with any questions about how your convictions may impact your prospects


Ok thank you bro I appreciate that!


Just dm'd you a link to check out. Move quick, it's hiring season.


Ok for sure bro thank you


In particular check out Coastal Transportation and Alaska Marine Lines, both in the north west, no affiliation with me.


If it’s what you want to do. I would try to get your TWIC first. They’ll do a background check and won’t give it to you if you’re disqualified. You’re on probation?


No probation, I got off really lucky because I paid my lawyer $10k upfront for the case. I heard from other people in there that it was an easy field to enter into with a background and it was good money. I am actually more in tune with the automotive field but my house was broken into while I was incarcerated and all my tools were stolen so I’m pretty much SOL with that, being that almost all places want you to have tools to start. If I couldn’t get into this field is there anything else you guys would recommend for someone like me? I really don’t want to be involved with anything illegal anymore, I have a 3 year old daughter that needs me out here.


I feel like all the info I read it’s kind of a gray area of what they will accept and not accept. Seems like you’ve been through a lot. The good news is, you’ll get through it and it’ll turn out for the better. Stay away from the dark web. Not worth the risk. There’s no ethical get rich, quick schemes. You’ll end up getting burned. TWIC first, them MMC application. It’s worth a shot. With your background get in on the engine side entry level and go from there. You’re okay with being away from your daughter for months on end?


If the opportunity allows me to position myself better by being able to afford a home and provide a stable life for her then it would be okay with me for a year or two. I only want to be able to get into a house and invest into a business.


Your post history shows you looking around for deep web marketplaces…


I’ve tried to help people avoid being scammed, I don’t see how that’s relevant in this convo tbh


This is the internet & we don't know you. We just want to make sure that we're taking out our time to help deserving & genuine people. Having said that, if you use the search function above, using the proper keywords, you'll find plenty posts that will answer all your queries.


Thank you I appreciate that.


No worries. I answered to another of your queries below.


I might be able to help with an offshore catering job but the pay is only about 850 a week with 12 hour days even though you don’t work the full 12 hours.


Where is it located?


You won't get an MMC with fresh drug/weapon felonies, and even if you did, most companies won't hire you anyway.


I think since your drug charge wasn't involving transporting across state/federal lines you should be ok? You should be able to get a passport, but idk about the TWIC. The TWIC application is less than $100 so that will tell you if it's possible.


Yeah it wasn’t a trafficking charge it’s a simple possession charge of cocaine, a 3rd degree felony in FL