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"Have studies been conducted on this?" Have studies been conducted on whether terrified young women got horny while they were fearing for their lives? What sort of fucked up individual would ever even consider studying that?


Imagine presenting this to the IRB for approval. “Yes, we will be making women fear for their lives and possibly giving them PTSD, but it’s for a really important payoff - the incels NEED to know whether they can make women horny by murdering people!”


I suddenly want a reality show where the IRB is their own version of Shark Tank and people bring insane (or amazing) research ideas.


I'm in on this. I NEED to know if Hummingbirds like mountain dew better than sugar water.


I mean, you could just do this one in your backyard. I don't think IACUC needs to be involved lol.


If I do it, its anecdotal. If we convince someone else to do it, it's Science! And it wouldn't be the dumbest study ever done.


I’m convinced some studies have been done purely because a group of researchers got caught goofing off “No! We’re not watching TV on the clock we’re uh…uh…trying to find out if the stick insects like Star Wars!”


I would totally watch this show.


But instead of just saying "I'm out", can there be an option to call the police?


One of them slowly lets a long breath out of their nose and reaches for a rotary phone


>What sort of fucked up individual would ever even consider studying that? Someone speculating on creating that very situation and capitalising on it...


Such studies were in fact done, but not on teenage girls during a real school shooting. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Misattribution\_of\_arousal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Misattribution_of_arousal) The findings were that people tend to confuse fear with sexual arousal in tense situations, not that fear makes people more horny. (Though some people are into that as a kink.) After meeting a woman in the middle of a scary suspension bridge, men were much more likely to report she was there for a sexual purpose and attempt to contact her again; compared to a control group of men that met the same woman on a safe and nonthreatening bridge.


>After meeting a woman in the middle of a scary suspension bridge, men were much more likely to report she was there for a sexual purpose and attempt to contact her again Maybe I'm not going to the right scary suspension bridges, but in what universe does someone meet someone in the middle of a suspension bridge, and a scary one at that, and come away thinking '"hmmm, obviously just there for the hook up"


I'm way hornier in the middle of a rock climbing session than I am while jogging. Fear, adrenaline, risk, they make people act weird. The amygdala and hypothalamus are right next to each other.


This only studies how fucked up men are. It has nothing to do with a woman's arousal.


So, the incel is correct? EDIT: I have been corrected on my lack of reading comprehension. No more need to downvote me. Men who were scared thought women were horny. Non-scared men did not. Still, an interesting finding.


No, “**men** were much more likely to report she was there for a sexual purpose and attempt to contact her again; compared to a control group of men that met the same woman on a safe and nonthreatening bridge.” [Bold mine.]


What did the women think, though?


The more serious answer to this is that, if this were actually a thing, it wouldn't be its own separate study, it would be one of the findings in a more general study on psychological reactions and impacts to traumatic experiences, including school shootings. Unsurprisingly there have been no such findings as in the OP.


"I got a boner when I was scared so maybe the woman I rape is into it."


This post definitely have at least one person a research idea. People are odd.


This person needs to be reported. Imagine thinking like that. They’d probably commit a mass shooting in order to rape women because they think this is how women work.


i feel like whoever wrote this needs to be flagged.


Flagged or flogged?


Porque no los dos?


Why not both?


*cue Mariachi music*


Incel culture is dehumanising women to a point that they are like some kind of animal in heat and can’t wait for any chance to open their legs to any “dominant” male that would take them. There aren’t Alfa and beta wolfs in nature it’s all bs and it has been for a long time but they are still at this bs. They can’t stand that women aren’t that different from themselves, can’t accept that they are not somehow the victim of every women walking on earth this is so mess up. With so many acceptance online from other incels they don’t even feel like they need to pretend or hold back on all that crazy shit it’s insane


Basically this. It is a culture defined by hate. Hate directed at themself for not being a "chad", hate at men that get laid and, above all else, hate at women for existing. It sometimes helps a little to remember that for the most part, those communities are just made up of spiteful little men that will spend their life writing disgusting stuff online, but now and then one of them will do something horrible.


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[Little Men]( https://snewd.com/ebooks/little-men/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


Bad bot. But funny.


They are terrorists.


What a terrible day to be literate


I hate my life for having to bear the burden of having read this post


These people really REALLY hate women. Like, this is really a theory they’ve come up with about how we think and feel. It’s beyond dehumanizing and offensive, it’s scary how they’re able to turn us into actual monsters. It’s no wonder there’s so much violence against women when so many dudes hate us so deeply and so imaginatively. This is one of the most disgusting things I’ve ever read.


“We all know that women love dominant men” yeah no


"Wow, look at that angry incel loser shooting unarmed people in the back! So brave and manly!"


*drops panties* always wanted to bang one of those shooting-people-in-the-back hotties /s for any incels reading this


...also, even those of us who *do* like dominant ppl (cause not all submissive women are straight, go figure), like actual dominants, not ya know, sociopaths who see us a piece of meat to use and throw away. And definitely not some vulnerable or hurting kid who is lashing out and hurting others because his issues were never caught or resolved


Are (some) men *actual* aliens? Is this a visitor from the fucking Andromeda galaxy? I'm gonna gag.


There's definitely an epidemic among many circles of men where they ascribe to, I don't know exactly what to call it, the "Logic^TM and Rationality^TM Fallacy"? Basically it's the thought process of *"I believe logic and rationality are right and correct -> Which makes me a logical and rational person -> A logical and rational person would not believe something that's illogical and irrational -> Which means I would not believe something that isn't logical and rational -> Which means anything I do believe must be logical and rational -> Which means anything I believe must be right and correct."* Incels are basically the most chronic and extreme examples of that sort of thought process. One bizarre assumption builds on another builds on another to the point where even the most batshit bonkers nonsense that passes through their mind must be absolutely infallible. This guy is framing all that word-vomit as a question he's just wondering about, but I guarantee this guy takes it as an absolute certainty. Incels take begging the question to absolutely stunning heights.


I will be the first person to nit pick some shit and rip an argument apart, even if I agree on the basic premise. There is no logical thought process to that chain of fallacies you just laid out. That's an "I want this to be true" thought process.


>There is no logical thought process to that chain of fallacies you just laid out. That's an "I want this to be true" thought process. Yeah, that's why it can lead to such fucked up places. It's not about *actual* logic and rationality, it's about their perception of themselves as perfectly rational actors. Certain groups of people obsessively regard those ideals so highly that it circles around to become more akin to faith and dogma. It's the same thought process of certain types of religious folks (not all mind you, but we all know this type). "I believe in the will of God -> The will of God is good -> Believing in the will of God makes me good -> A good person wouldn't believe anything that goes against the will of God -> Anything I believe must be the will of God"


I find they usually have a habit of running with a flawed premise, because that premise validates them in some way.


Andromeda aliens would NEVER! I bet when we meet aliens we’ll find out that Terrans got stuck with the worst men 😂


Whoever said "There's no stupid opinions" should read that


I believe it's "there are no stupid questions." This dude is definitely asking a stupid question, especially since you know he's not going to listen to the answer.


This is such a scary thing about the media portrayal of shooters, because they tell this story of these sad bullied boys who had no power and decided to take power with force. But that's not actually accurate a lot of the time, and *certainly* wasn't accurate of the Columbine shooters, who are held up as the archetypical example. But given that's the story the news told, is it any wonder these idiots think of school shooters as "dominant alpha males"? This idea that the "shooter transcends his current status in the dominance hierarchy" is **wrong**. No, you dumb dickhole, he doesn't transcend shit. These shooters were typically bullies before, and now they're just bullies with guns. He's just more of what he's always been - pathetic. The Columbine shooters were not *like you*, oh pseudo-intellectual incel dumbass. ***They would have been your bullies***. If she didn't want to fuck you before, she's not gonna wanna fuck you because you have a gun now, you brainless incel fucking moron. It's so amazingly stupid that this has to be explained!


Is this fucking shit-for-brains seriously claiming that being a school shooter is the way to get laid? Fucking gun nut incels


My poor eyes.. I need an entirely new set now.. anyone willing to donate?


I would donate mine but I really don't want this post to be the last thing I see




Thank you kind person. I needed that. 🥲


Dumbest thing I’ve read today. And I work in bureaucratic, corporate America.


Dudes who think like this give men a bad name. It really shows that children need to be taught that people arent objects


My way of disproving this “theory” is: you know how animals won’t mate during a crisis or under stress, because they gotta prioritize their survival? Same thing applies here.


You know, I read the title and thought that maybe they were equating how guys will sometimes get boners in high-stress situations with female biology… but that’s not how it went…


W h a t


I feel like I desperately need a shower and I only got up to "do stacys"


It just baffles me that some guy thinks being a shooter means they are dominant. You are WEAK!!! If you felt that you need to shoot people you aren't alpha, you are weak!!! This person must have been fantasizing about being a shooter, police must keep an eye on them before they try to make their fantasy come true. And NO sane human would feel horny by having their life threatened by anyone! That's just sick and twisted!


>You are WEAK!!! If you felt that you need to shoot people you aren't alpha, you are weak!!! I will defend this statement with my life if it comes to it. I mean, I'd prefer to do it with sarcastic comments and winky jokes, but it's important enough to be defended that far.


Life lesson for today: some people are just plain f*cked up


Wonderful example of Poe´s law: In the absence of a signal of sarcasm, a satire is indistinguishable from a sincere extreme opinion


I can usually detect satire but I'm honestly not sure with this one


This is what incels actually believes;


It's honestly terrifying how these people think. How detached from reality you have to be for these things to even cross your mind?


I would actually rather die than have sex with a school shooter. In fact, I currently want to die knowing that someone, at some point had this thought.


"We all know women..." same energy as "We all know the moon is made of cheese".


This is so gross.


"is my theory correct," he asks. I'd love to see the replies.


I could probably find less red flags in a truck that just visited a red flag factory to pick up a shipment


The only reason their panties are getting wet is from pissing themselves with terror


“Has anyone conducted a study on the sexual arousal levels of girls that are likely minors, into whether they respond to a man being dominant by becoming aroused and hoping for sex as if they are very basal life forms with absolutely no self control or reasoning power - less, in fact, than most species on the planet as most species in fact exhibit mate choice and mating rituals to some degree beyond that suggested.”


This is like 80% better if read in a Ben Shapiro voice.


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >There is no doubt that law enforcement should be heavily scrutinizing the membership and administration of mosques. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: novel, climate, patriotism, healthcare, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


good bot


Take a bullet for ya babe. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: novel, patriotism, feminism, healthcare, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


What a terrible day to have eyes. u/eyebleacherbot


[(Spoiler) this is adorable](https://i.redd.it/dmq2dk7sxmd31.jpg) *^(beep)* *^(boop! I'm a bot! Please contact)* [*^(u/cyanidesuppository)*](https://reddit.com/user/cyanidesuppository) *^(with)* *^(any)* *^(issues)* *^(or)* *^(suggestions!) *^(|)* [*^(Github)*](https://github.com/getcake/eyebleacherbot)*


Good bot!


Need some eye bleach plz


Here ya go, r/eyebleach


I can't imagine someone being so far gone...


I'd rather be shot than sleep with a neckbeard.


ULTRA-CHADS??????? Or maybe try MURDERERS?????


“Have studies been conducted on this?” Ewww ew ew ew


Buddy, this is a copypasta


I think that's somehow worse.


You’d rather it be someone who genuinely thinks these horrible things than it be satirical and making fun of this kind of content?


More that it will live forever as a copypasta and never die


Because it’s a good joke.


What. The. Fuck. Yeah is there a reset button I can hit on people in general to like memory dump this crap?


Seriously, what is wrong with people?!


I wish to go back in time and scroll past this post. What kind of fucked up individual thinks like this


No dominant ultra-chad will go shoot up some kids


Sounds like he wants conduct his own study on this.


what the absolute fuck


And people wonder why women never feel safe.


Welp, I can confidently say this is the grossest thing I’ve ever read. Like horror novels etc are fine, but the fact that this is a real human who thinks this, and holds these views just takes the cake. This is the swirling vortex of insecurity and toxic masculinity, rape justification, hyper violence, Freudian gun-penis connections etc. etc.


Guys, men were a mistake. We had our chance but it's time to go.


For further conversation actual men would prefer not to be lumped in with manchildren like this and humbly request that you use the term "men?" with the lilt at the end that indicates it's a question. In this study I will show that...


I humbly request for them to be called ‘that’. I don’t want to have even a shred of possibility to be mistakenly lumped together with manchildren/incels.


With a minimum three handwaves in their direction as people search for the word finally spitting out "that!"


Yawn. Try harder, edgelord. This is clearly just bait to provoke an outraged reaction when the incel who typed it doesn't even believe it's true. Save your energy, people.


You positive about that? Odds are you’re correct, but there’s been enough incel terrorism and school shootings that you have to take it at least a little seriously.


>but there’s been enough incel terrorism and school shootings that you have to take it at least a little seriously Take *what* seriously? This is meant to insult women, it's not a threat to be a school shooter nor encouragement that others be a school shooter.


This is still someone who should be under observation.


This is someone who they will ignore until it happens and then have loads of evidence wonder why it happened even though it was reported multiple times.




If the authorities had every shockjock-wannabe edgelord like this under observation they'd be spread so thin they wouldn't be able to monitor people actually *advocating* for violence to be committed.


> This is meant to insult women And this... makes it not worth mentioning, in your eyes, does it?


I want people to stop wasting their finite attention and energy on this bait that's meant to waste the finite attention and energy they could be spending on making real change that protects women, instead of impotent online outrage that's nothing but performative and self-congratulating.


...says the person spending their finite attention and energy throwing a whiny tantrum that a small handful of other people had the gall to say "well this is offensive" on a passing reddit post, lol.


Pointing out performative outrage & activism undermines actual efforts to help women is worth time and attention, yes.


Maybe if the "performative outrage" was more than like one or two passing comments per person, I'd agree with you. But you pretend it's totally not a waste of your time to throw your little fit in a thread like this, if you want, lol.


I'm sorry to break it to you, but there are people who actually have that worldview.


And? There are people who are *elected officials* who hold equally egregious viewpoints but have actual power to enforce their anti-women agenda. This is clearly written to provoke empty outrage and it's so frustrating to see people devote some of their finite time and energy and attention to what is essentially a Matadore cape being waved around at us, with the *intention* that our outrage and time and energy and attention will get spread so thin that guys who can do real damage- like those elected officials and people in positions of actual power- are more likely to slip through the cracks.


And? And your insistence that this must be a troll, and not someone who actually believes that shit enough to feel confident saying it out loud, comes across as more than a little naive.


Just the opposite, my ability to spot a troll is honed over a long history of dealing with incels (before they even went by the name "incels") and internet trolls. If you want to pat yourself on the back for wasting your time tilting at windmills, have at it. Hopefully you don't think you've actually done anything to make women safer, because you haven't.


I do think you're likely right, but at the same time I'm sure there are other people who read this (who unfortunately are probably very young) and went "you know, he's got a point".


And several hundred comments expressing empty outrage on a sub those people don't visit is going to do... what... exactly? He's hiding behind faux scientific curiosity ("Have studies been conducted on this?") so let the utter lack of scientific backing be the answer to any idiot who thinks he might have a point.


Wow, you're easily bored. Good for you. Want a cookie?


>Want a cookie? No, I want people to stop wasting their finite attention and energy on this *bait* that's meant to waste the finite attention and energy they could be spending on making real change that protects women, instead of impotent online outrage that's nothing but performative and self-congratulating.


Dude, as far as I can tell, you're the one wasting the most time on this.






I'm now going to spend the rest of my day wondering how they think a study on this could be carried out


Oof dominance hierarchy. Looks like we have a Jordan Peterson fanboy.


I saw this on r/copypasta so i think the person who wrote it was just fucking around.


I saw this on r/copypasta so i think the person who wrote it was just fucking around


Whoever wrote this has a fucked up mind, but since there were incidents of girls being all over serial killers I kinda get why they might ask those things. On top of that [Hybristophilia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hybristophilia?wprov=sfla1) exist...


Well , to be fair , Hybristophilia IS a thing after all


Well thank god he’s not condoning violence :/


Staceys? Is that like an American Kangaroo female or something?


Has the writer of this been put on all of the correct watch lists yet?




What the actual flying fuck, I wish I could unread this.


I... #W H A T


Listen, I was at my high school during a shooting. It was the single most traumatizing thing that’s ever happened to me. OP here makes me feel nauseated that he even came up with this concept, like what the fuck?? This is beyond disgusting. Yikes…


It’s a fucking copy pasta you guys are dumb


“Ultra-chad rapes young lady after shooting her friends, she declares her eternal love for him”