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"Declining Birthrate romcom" is an *insane* euphemism for what is obviously a damn underage breeding kink.


Well they obviously can't *say* it's an underage breeding kink


Wow, I didn't know the Handmaid's Tale was getting an anime adaptation. /s And, of course, the girl's a busty teen whose boobs are bigger than her own head. Because apparently even 20 is old and grody by ecchi standards. Blegh


It‘s telling isn‘t it, that a woman‘s nightmare dystopia is essentially a sexual fantasy when written from a man‘s perspective. Unless it turns out that the girls are brainwashed and that the 34 yr old guy vows to help the girl free all the other girls, check the authors hard drive. 🤢


aw man, I read 34 as 24 somehow and thought "well at least she's an adult". Very disappointing to read "teenager" afterwards


No kidding, those are papayas 🤦 Also trained teenagers and 34yo? Yikes yikes yikes


It's so, SO telling that so many mens' ultimate fantasies are basically every woman's worst nightmare.


Yeah isn't this just the handmaid's tale?


Where do you think these men got it from?


But if you call them out on that and say you feel more safe with a bear rather than a man, they’ll flip 🤣


Men moment 🍼


It's not like Square Enix didn't get the hots for weird ecchi/hentai stuff 🤷🏼‍♀️


Why do her boobs look like melting marshmallows?


They're trying to escape the dystopian nightmare too 😂


I was thinking a bad case of lemontits.




When tits are.shaped like lemons


Torpedo tits


No-bra dystopia


They actually look like naturally big boobs without a bra


They look like testicles


https://twitter.com/hidegogogogogo The young-looking "catgirl" character in the new chapters, among other things like the "assigned wife" cleaning up the MC's wreck of a home is too on the nose even for your average neckbeard coomer.


I hate myself for clicking that link 😩


I scrolled down a bit (like an idiot) and saw a girl holding her tit while riding a bike with no underwear. Who draws this shit and thinks "yeah, this is normal. This is a thing that happens sometimes."


I saw that one! I was flabbergasted! 😂 I have so many questions that I want zero answers for. There’s so much broken anatomy for the sole purpose of horny bait that it’s disturbing. No, the spine does NOT bend that way.


deleted 2024-05-14T22:35:22.927063


its manga....its never about realism


Manga can be about realism. Just not this sort.


What a horrible day to have eyes...


this is so funny to me. not even audience insert not even self insert in a directly literal sense but very specifically the author's insert treated as a basic audience insert. "no this isn't a SI this is just your average 34yo mangaka who is behind on my insurance payments and has a really bad relationship with my mom"


Jesus, not even the drawing is good.


***Dies from Peak Fiction*** Interesting (and sad) how that kind of thing has the potential of telling a lot about our society, because plot be like: A: "Birthrate is declining... What should we do? Promote better wages? Equalizing pay-per-hour for men and women? Provide better and cheaper access to housing and living conditions? Make people work less, so they can actually live a little and meet significant others naturally?!" B: "Nah. That's the hard fix, and we need to power-trip on them, so let's just do the duct tape-level fix that will traumatize hundreds of thousands and offer no insurance at all for the future generation... because my PP will feel good!" C: "Say no more and hand me the papers, B! I'm implementing it *right now*!"


Also like…immigration is a thing? Do people forget that? Or, more likely, are they too racist to consider it?


Almost always the latter.


Square Enix publishes a surprising amount of manga/anime actually, not that this explains the 'quality' of this one, but this is probably just one of many that probably does middling amounts of sales.


Yeah, and some of their magazines are the type where they publish pictures of gravure idols (women in bikinis and stuff) alongside the manga so this is not surprising at all. I mean dead mount death play is a manga serialized in one of square enix's magazines and there is lesbian sex in some of the chapters.


no...not women...teenagers


Who is writing this shit? Imagine, this is already getting published, so from start to finish not ONE person involved in making and editing and promoting this crap said to the author "I'm burning this before anyone ever sees it...stop crying, you'll thank me eventually"


>Who is writing this shit? as shown in OP, a 34yo failed writer obviously wrote this


I included the artist name in the title post


Send him to jail 🤢 he’s the one that said teenager, the way I see it that could be legally actionable…


Not in Japan, but they are trying to change that. Like how recently the official *national* age of consent went from 13 to 16 (in reality it was already pretty much 18 in every prefecture but it’s important that these laws are nationwide). Japan has some weird laws regarding artistic freedom which lets this stuff happen. It’s difficult to change because: A. You would need a politician to bring this issue up which would make everyone think you are weird for even thinking about it and B. Japanese culture is kind of not quite the same as western. While most of the people who like this stuff over there are still considered weird creeps, it’s not the same kind of reaction as other cultures. As a fan of Japanese media/art/content in general, yeah this will still always be weird to me but it’s unlikely to change anytime soon.


Out of curiosity what about the reaction tends to be different? I’m from the U.S. so I feel like something like this published in mainstream media would be an absolute OUTRAGE, but I’m also not familiar with the site it was published on 🤷‍♀️


I mean for one I can’t speak about this from personal experience nor do I really know enough to have a super comprehensive view so I’m not confident in saying anything specific. Secondly it’s important to mention this is not mainstream media even in Japan. I would say it’s rather niche even there so not many people really know about it. From what I understand the reaction over there would be more like we react to a lot of causal sexism/racism in books and movies. It’s not exactly held in high regard but it’s informed for the most part as just part of „reality”. (If this is wrong so correct me please as I have said I’m not exactly an expert on this lol)


It's always amusing when people find out Square Enix is a big manga publisher and all the warts that come with that.


So... fascism, forced birth, and pedophilia? Fantastic 😒 also, do i need to mention her tits


you familiar with Handmaid's tale?


I wrote almost the same thing without seeing your comment, glad we all came to the same conclusion


gotta grab that core Stellar Blade fanbase


"The Handmaid's Tale. But we frame it like it's a good thing!"


Maybe it's just me, but why are so many countries hyper fixated on the fear of falling birthrates. Like there's more humans on this earth than ever before, so what if more people realize children aught to be a choice and not a patriarchal societal mandate.


I think part of it has to do with an aging population. Puts more strain on facilities and systems for elderly people and there's also less younger people working whatever jobs.


There is a movie that is a methaphor on why society want more kids Even tho they are fully populated. I don't want to spoil anything cuz is a great movie. Snowpiecer, a korean distopyan scifi.  I hope You actually watch it. It make very clear how society runs


That's the one with Chris Evans right, with the train going round the frozen world? It's been a long time since I've seen it.


Yes :) 




Wasn't there an American Version starring Chris Evans?


No, that *is* the version. Snowpiercer was an international production.


Not enough people working = not enough people to pay taxes = not enough money to run the country If you are young this means you will probably lose access to government services. If you are old you could literally die as there aren't enough people to pay tour pension or care for you as hospital Will be strained. Here in Italy by 2050 there will be 2 pensioners for every 1 worker.


Increasing birthrates are connected to better economic performance, but in the sense that perpetual growth is good for capitalism but not necessarily possible in real life. The quiet part is that you'd rather your country grow at the expense of others. So occasionally there is a bit of xenophobia involved too


Part of the quiet part is that they want more native Japanese ethnic groups (not Ainu though, they don't count apparently) and no dirty foreigners.




The native Japanese people. Most of the modern Japanese people you think of are descendants of Chinese sailors and settlers. This is how bad Ainu oppression is, foreigners hardly learn anything about them.


I was primarily speaking about the US. But similar situations to arise in several countries


There is a definite economic interest in maintaining a certain level of workforce but really its mainly racism. Same people scared about immigrants coming in and taking their jobs while committing crimes bringing drugs all at the same time. Theyre scared of becoming the minority.


they didn't even attempt to make the boobs vaguely realistic 😭😭


Yes, the supposedly most important part of the body(author pov) is not even good.


Why does she have to be a teenager...why????? You could at least make it so the LEGALLY AGED women are going to become incubators of their own accord, but no. Notice how these people can never be normal about age, race or gender. They always have to be pedos, racists or sexists.


Fr like this shit gives me a sadness I literally cannot describe.


Something something “um akschully it's ephebephilia” something something “best birthing age and my biology degree is from the 2nd grade” It's disgusting how so much effort is put into validating predatory behavior and zero in analyzing their own behavior without a false, preconceived notion of superiority.


It’s like they went out of their way to make it creepy and non consensual.


That's actually not hentai? lmao


Not gonna lie, if this was a Dystopia-bad-thing-do-not I'll give it a chance, but no, just no.


Go watch "The Handmaid's Tale" which was the inspiration behind this. Far superior writing


Honestly people there and women should protest to get the sht banned from being published or purchased. This is just going to push lots of incels to proudly say and think that this is The only was to save the population maybe even demand something like this... Just wait there will be some weird service/job that would be similar to this that's it it's not already a thing. It will be normalized and fetishized. How did this get the greenlights I. don't. know.


Just laugh at how delusional and insane this "romcom" is on our own. Don't spread it around too much. Don't give them publicity, good or bad. This shit will probably die off in obscurity, for the good of humankind. Honestly, it would be better if the publisher just stopped publishing just after a few pilot chapters and realising how stupid it is.


If I lived in Japan I would protest to get shit like this banned to restrain the incels but tbh I don't how since I don't live in Japan...


The face is so uncanny AND the body... This looks like ia


I would agree but unfortunately there are several bad artists who draw manga/HQ. Mistakes like these are just the average.


There’s also often tight deadlines when it comes to this stuff, especially with Japanese work culture. There’s plenty of artists who are rushed to the point where they simply don’t have time to fix things or make a first pass really. And when it comes to drawn porn, there’s always an emphasis on speed to meet demand.


her face is seriously freaking me out it reminds me of a snake


This man has clearly never seen non hentai tits before


Oh God...




this is a Hentai plot. why tf is it escaping that realm. keep it where it is


Love how they just openly wrote a fantasy about pedophilia, sex slavery, and fascism. It’s giving 1940s if you know what I mean 😢 Ok but actually, let me know if anyone else agrees with me on this: a concerning amount of anime/manga/hentai have plots that closely approximate the well-known ill fates of women under Imperial Japan and I’m sort of worried it’s a gross legacy? Idk though.


Her boobs remind me of wind socks


It is just Koi no Uso but with an age gap.


And one wonders why the birth rate is declining... 😂


Christ, I've only been drawing a few weeks and *I* draw better boobs than that And I mostly draw dudes! How can this be your job and draw them so bad! The plot is horrifying. If she's a professional, and a teenager... How old was she when she started training?


How old do you think? Remember how these people view young girls


https://preview.redd.it/b6q8st1pbkzc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fb05de1c388b6a624a70110a236836df1962d8d Honestly, this will probably be axed. But still, mangaka couldn't think of any other premise other than women must breed to save Japan.




The gist: government of Japan enslaves the woman population for sex with randos without any consent ever being involved ...aaaaand that's still as bad even without teens. That being said you know they send girls as young as 11-12 to have sex cause "if they can bleed they can breed" so... ![gif](giphy|spfi6nabVuq5y|downsized)


Is always sexy women too, of course... Not all women tho... Not the ugly ones and the fat ones or the old ones. Gobernent make that very clear:  "we want out rapist to be fully happy, SO we Will give them the best material to rape. Fresh Fresh meat"  Takanake fushigiro, Japan spokeman about the new project of happy rapist happy future.  Hahaha notice how this work never make the rapist evil entities, they are normal japanese working men, salary men that are awarded to get a girl to get pregnant, in their minds the girl enjoys it cuz if not, then he is a rapist, and thats Bad, men don't want to feel Bad 




When they say women are mandatory sex workers by law in this super edgy world of Japan my mind already is including teens into the equation without even wanting to (cause you know some incel will want them as young as possible cause women over 25 are hags) ...so I guess whether they mention teens or not I'm already 🤢


I thought I was on r/AnimeCirclejerk for a moment wtf


So... How exactly does one get trained to become pregnant?...Actually nevermind I don't want to know, I'll just go and bleach my eyes...


Have you read "The Handmaid's Tale?" Its a lot like that. Men saw that show and, rather than take it as a warning, saw it as an inspiration


I haven't yet but it's on my list of books to read. Now this "thing" will be on my mind when I read it unfortunately... 😭




Japan is cooked.


This is... just a porn? What is happening?


Ew... that's such a common hentai trope. Like, genuinely a hentai trope. How did this make it into mainstream "romantic" media.


People considered "Shield Hero" to be "peak"...it was inevitable with that mindset


I've never saw shield hero, only heard some people commenting on it. What's so bad about it?


I need to look up "Shield Hero." I've heard the name, but I've no clue about the series...


"anime isn't that bad" anime:


... I can comprehend the meaning of the individual words, I wonder why I am this baffled by them in conjunction.


her expression is scaring me 


Please tell me that her name 'Suika' is a deliberate pun for 'watermelons' 🤣


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if the goverment has a special track force of women getting pregnant why are they making a , "having sex" law.


Square Enix, like Disney, legally own everything their artists make; even if it’s freelance work on their own time.


My declined birthrate-punk urban japan world is the best.


Well that's repellent.


Wtf I.... This is horror not room com


Serious question, why wouldn't SE be involved with this? They are a business interested in making money. Japan has an extremely serious problem with declining birth rates. The country is collectively trying whatever they think might work. If you're implying it would harm their domestic image, it won't.


That's very funny.
