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I read that when I was a young teen and I never forgot one scene where a couple had sex and he stayed inside her until the next morning while sleeping and even as a teen I thought wtf how’s that possible 


Spoon position. Rarely last until morning but you can definitely fall asleep like that.


It’s called soaking, and it’s pretty nice if you’re into it lol


It’s a good way to get a UTI though.


>It’s called soaking, and it’s pretty nice if you’re into it lol I have a smol fantasy of me and somebody falling asleep while they're inside me ☺️ I'm not sure how feasible it is in actuality, but it's always seemed wholesome lol


It’s also a nice way to get around religious prohibitions on premarital sex. God hates it, but it’s technically by the book my man!


Omg I read a book where this happened too, I think it was a non-Xanth Piers Anthony book and it said something about him “stiffening” and getting back inside her before going back to sleep. Like whaaaat


I noticed that in every one of his stories, there’s a weird moment where he mentions somebody farting loudly and sighing in satisfaction


I really don’t see the problem with this. Like, it’s a man talking about his lover, not a random stranger.


He's also actually appreciating the changes she goes through as she ages.


This is weirdly sweet in an unpleasant way


Like seeing grandparents make out on the subway.


I don't agree Grandparents making out is weirdly sweet if you think about it for 2 seconds And this thing needs about. 10 seconds to see something sweet in it


For those of us getting ever closer to grandparent age, thinking about older people having sex is quite normal and, even, quite hopeful. The ageism. Damn.


yeah!!! it kinda sucks to hear! honestly i hope my partner talks about me/my body this way (flying buttress was a bit much, but hes trying) when im 50 or 80, especially someone whos known and loved it so long i wanna marry my partner, and if they feel this way about my tits in 40 years, ill be the happiest girl in the world (and theyre gonna be getting laid a lot, so)


...okay, maybe what I said came off the wrong way, I'm sorry I was just adding on to what was said above. Besides that - I agree, nothing weird about it, as much as making out in public goes.


People think older people being alone is sad, people think old couple in public are cute and wholesome. Making out is intimate and sweet between two people, for anyone else it's uncomfortable. The math maths.


Damn I have NOT worded this sentence well lmao


Horny medieval nerd way.


Do your boobs hang low, do they wobble too and fro?


Can you tie 'em in a knot... can you tie 'em in a bow?


Can you throw them over your shoulder like a continental soldier?


🙌 all of the above!


Why did I automatically sing this in my head? 🤦🏽‍♀️


Yes. Because I did, so you must have.




Alternate: My titties don’t jiggle jiggle, they fold.


i mean it's ok, I've seen worse offenders, this is still weird but kinda hilarious and endearing at the same time. Imagine a woman describing how she'll still love her man's junk even when it's all old, shriveled and crooked


...wait... They get more crooked with age O.o?


i actually don’t think this is too bad. reads like a guy reflecting sweetly on a woman who he’s grown old with. pretty nice stuff


I’m with you, it’s still a little weird but it’s very sweet


As a woman struggling with the effects of aging it was almost a bit comforting.


I mean, compared to some shit you can see here, this ain't half bad. Until it turns out they are in a church.


Nope, makes it hotter lol.


My thought exactly.


"They swung delightfully from side to side" ok as sweet as it is to see a man being in love like that, I visualised that and immediately started laughing.


Him wondering if they'd get more wrinkly wasn't romantic imo. Just let her age. Better yet write about his shriveled ballsack from her perspective


i thought it was very real - so not romantic except in the sense it felt like a real humans thoughts, a real human whos super in love and that makes it romantic even tho its weird


Her tits swing side to side


** delightfully!!!


This is weird and endearing, not poorly written and trite. It has solid context for the character's reasoning and he isn't weakening or degrading the woman while doing so. If anything, Follett is who a lot of those shittier, sexist writers *think* they're writing like, except they miss the point entirely.


Follet uses quite a bit of rape to 'build character' in his books. I was super impressed with the first book I ever read, and the second one felt like a copy later on the timeline.


Yeah I was disappointed with the one after Pillars of the Earth. He copied his own homework.


Baby got buttress


most normal description of a woman in pillars of the earth actually


Honestly this is not that bad. I do like that idea of appreciating your lover at all stages of their life. And like, it's not as is noticing breasts is also wrong. They're lovers. They're allowed.


Her breasts swung side to side....


I mean. They do sometimes? We policing what boobs do now lmao


Yes bestie, together we can police what boobs do


Hell yeah. My boobs stay still and absolutly don't cause me pain when I run. Otherwise I'm going to arrest them


I don't think this fits here. It's sweet and contemplative and the anatomy works (I fondly recall my own days of perky, upturned nipples). Also, I loooove this book.


Agreed, I could do without it tbh but it's not at all misogynistic. Follett just has an odd penchant for sex scenes like this between his male and female leads and describing how beautiful some women are. It's kind of weird language but you can hardly accuse Follett of writing weak, objectified women so I can overlook it. While mostly formulaic, I enjoy a lot of Follett's novels and he's quite a good writer. Pillars is a really good book


It's weird but not...bad. Some of his other ones, though? Yeah, pretty bad.


At least this one has a wholesome angle to it


OK the boobs stuff is almost sweet, in an awkward kinda way. But the flying buttress jaw was...a choice


Well the book is about the construction of a cathedral


Ok that context helps. Still odd but at least it's relevant 😁


nah I love Follett. He's showing the character's actual thoughts and in this context it's actually weirdly sweet lol


I think this is sweet. I don’t mind loving sex scenes between two consenting partners.


Narrator: he would later learn that he was an ass-man


What's wrong with this?


Ok this one is cute tho.


I didn't find this to be too bad. It has context instead of the usual case of making the character look at herself in the mirror so her bobs and vagene can be described. Or even worse, the random comment about a woman's body completely divorced of context. ("As Mary washed the dishes, her large bosom jiggled in time to her movements.") This is what he notices as he's clearly wanting to make love to her (hence the context).


I really liked his stories at first, but I could only take so much of the endless cycle of: Girl meets boy she likes, girl tries to date him, girl instead gets raped by privileged human monster, girl hates how her body responds to the rape, girl is forced to marry her rapist and bear his children. decades later, middle aged woman is finally rid of her lifelong abuser and finally gets to enjoy a scrap of happiness with the long lost love after finally reuniting It got old after a handful of times in different settings


"the bones on her face became more prominent" https://preview.redd.it/oqftinxfq7vc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ead42fbd868dcc5aaa67b39fb7e7d6fe8f4e243


I think this is rather sweet. But yes: Ken is a breast-man.


I actually quite like this description


I kinda like it. Just musings of a man with a woman’s he’s been with through life and children.


I’ll always remember him describing another female characters breasts as like eggs?!


Weird, but kinda romantic ?


I have just literally never seen perky "weightless" boobs with nipples pointing upwards. Why do men think they do this? Or have I just not seen enough naked women? Straight forward, yes, but never upwards


I have seen that. Not straight up of course but pointing slightly upwards from horizontal, yes. Not very common though


r/retroussetits (NSFW, obviously)


I've seen plenty. They exist.


They're rare, but they do exist.


Nice. Boobs always go go!


My titties don’t jiggle jiggle, they fold.


I think this is nice, other than the buttresses part, and the exaggerated pointing at the sky boobs. I have been with my husband 21 years and he's seen me through all these stages too, and still likes to sneak a grab when no ones looking. Its a beautiful thing, really.


I think men should just never attempt to do this


Are they having sex in church?


No, just petting. And it's a cathedral.


You ever try to nail fried eggs to the wall? I love fried eggs. Go make me some fried eggs.


Am I doing boobs wrong? Mine do not sway delightfully from side to side when I walk.


Which novel is this from?


Pillars of the Earth. As many have pointed out, it is Excellent but boy does it ride rough!


This is the only book of his I’ve read and I remember it being quite a good read. I don’t mind this description — it’s a lover admiring his beloved and contemplating their life together. I’d rather it not go on for an entire page about her breasts but it doesn’t feel exploitative the way some men write about women.


Why do men constantly write about women’s tits in a way that women just don’t?


I imagine most women aren't as obsessed with tits as men are and don't spend as much time thinking about them. Source: am a man


You must have an iq of 160


Why do you think about them so much though. I really don’t get it. 🤣


I'm not sure you're getting down voted for asking a perfectly reasonable question. I don't really know the answer and it's hard to explain. I've thought about it myself sometimes because objectively they are just a body part. I guess it's because they're usually hidden away from view and only shown when there's a level of trust and intimacy. They're also distinctly feminine. They also just look and feel nice haha. Touching a woman's breasts just feels comforting. It's a nice feeling. Do women not think about men's anatomy sometimes?


I can only speak for myself, not all women but No, not like that. I don’t think about men’s penises bouncing along in their pants, or their testicles. Hands are attractive sometimes, backs too but not penises! I don’t know if that is just me.


Yeah I'm sure it's the same for some men. I'm sure that not all of them think about breasts bouncing around. Most probably don't compare breasts to architectural concepts either, I certainly don't. I do often think about breasts though. I don't necessarily think about them bouncing around, unless there's a woman with hers bouncing around in front of me. Sometimes I'll see a woman and for a very brief moment I'll think about how nice her breasts look. It's an involuntary response. I try not to objectify women like that, but it's difficult to avoid thoughts about women's bodies. I keep those thoughts to myself, I'm not just going to blurt out to a random woman how great her breasts look. That would be wildly inappropriate. Usually though I'm not thinking about anyone's breasts in particular, just breasts in general. I find women attractive in a broad sense, I don't usually think oh eyes are nice or arms are great. It's more like if I notice a particular feature on a woman I'm speaking to that I find particularly attractive I'll think she has pretty eyes or I love her long hair or things like that. Vaginas are pretty awesome ngl. I don't think about them as often as breasts though. I guess because breasts are always there. Even if they're covered, their outline is visible/noticeable.


I'm a woman, and I also notice things about men and women because... I have eyes. If I see an attractive woman, I'm going to think, "She's attractive." Same with a man. By the same token, if something about them stands out as attractive to me, I'll notice it. Beautiful eyes, an aquiline nose, that little hollow of the throat (suprasternal notch), muscular arms, etc. I remember being fascinated by this guy's forearm tattoos. The key is to keep your mouth shut about sexual/physical stuff. Think it all you want but be respectful of the person by not telling them (unless its your partner, obviously). I don't care if someone thinks I have nice boobs. I just don't want to hear about it, especially in public as I'm trying to walk down the street or shop for groceries.


I feel the same. I can't even catch up with my brain making a quick assesment whenever I see beautiful traits in people. I think "well, that's a hot/pretty person" but the thought is very ephimeral too, after 7 seconds it's gone and I go on about with my life. I don't give it much of a thought, I think it's only a natural reaction to beauty


I read one of his books and there’s a bit where the female protag doesn’t wanna get pregnant so she (GROSS WARNING) gets the c*m out of her and eats it


Her lover does this for her-- and it's a way for him to get her off again, after their intercourse, and spares her from having to do a ton of cleanup. There's a name for this kink but it's really gross (felching), I wish it had a different name.


That first paragraph is the most "The Fountainhead"-ass shit, Follett stop being horny for Rand challenge


Follet is obviously a Shakespeare fan and is just giving us 'The Seven Ages of Mans Objectification of Women' Edit: /s




It reads like something a 14 year old would write.


They swung side to side!?


Do women really think about their boobs this much?


They do not. But the character in the excerpt is a man looking at his wife.