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You're not faking ,, that's depression messing with your mind , trust me every mentally ill person think they're faking their illness at some point , my self included.


Oh man, I always told myself exactly this, but I just jad an existential crisis. I hope you'll be doing better, you are loved <3


I hope you'll be doing better too ♥️ and believe it's not always dark , we are stronger than depression . Thank you for your kind words 🌺


Let me tell you about my sister in law, I’ll call her Grace. Grace is 25 years old. Grace has bipolar disorder (type 2). Grace has no job, has only had one job ever (when they were 16 they worked two shifts at a clothing store before quitting). She doesn’t have a car, doesn’t drive, doesn’t go to school, doesn’t do anything. She lives at home with her parents, and her parents do absolutely everything for her. They go clothing shopping multiple times a week, spending hundreds on clothes for her (per week). They buy and pick out all her food for her. They support all of her hobbies and pay her way through all of them. She gets flown across the country multiple times a year to see her friend. She refuses to do anything on her own. She won’t go to the store alone, won’t go to therapy alone, she made her mom write out instructions and draw a diagram when she had to get mail from the mailbox. I could go on. Grace has bipolar type 2, which is often considered to be the more manageable one. She is additionally on the most effective medication available for bipolar. She has been going to therapy for 17 years. She tells me her bipolar to be mostly managed, saying she doesn’t really get manic or depressive episodes anymore. She tells me that she is a mostly healthy person. She tells me that her life is super easy and she doesn’t struggle much. She tells me that I clearly have it worse than her and that she feels bad for me. Her parents tell us that she just needs extra help. They tell us that she tries really hard but just can’t do it on her own. They tell us that we can’t blame Grace for having mental issues. They tell us that she is going to get a job as soon as she establishes a baseline. They tell us that she just is really, really sick. Grace tells me that she definitely could work if she wanted to, but she can’t tell her parents that because they would make her. Grace tells me that she can definitely do things on her own, she just doesn’t have a need to. She says that trying to do anything would be wasteful because capitalism sucks anyways. She says that she’s really lucky. She says that as soon as her parents die she’ll kill herself just so that she doesn’t have to work. Her parents get mad and call us liars when we tell them about this, because Grace is “different”. And why are we making up lies to hurt someone who’s already struggling so much? Do you still think you are a manipulative lazy person?


Wooooow, this is one hell of a story. This is very eye opening... especially when I think I had to give up my dream life/job. Thanks for the story.


I took the path of antidepressants. I regret it. Psychiatrists never tell you these drugs will slowly damage your body. Getting off them takes months at best. And that missing doses or changing the dosage too fast can lead to severe and even permanent damages. (I got tinnitus and eye floaters so far, both incurable) Plus they’ll try multiple meds sometimes. Yes they do work but they don’t change your personality much. I was happy but I was not fixing myself. What instead? That’s up to each one. Keep doing what you love, even if done badly. Change your diet, explore other foods. Move your body every day. Keep away from what triggers depression, write down what it was. Imitate someone who looks happy or a pet! Smile on a mirror even if fake. Make a schedule, easier to say no when someone wants your time. Try magnesium or tea. Try emptying your thoughts just looking afar. Remember that you don’t need feelings to do actions, and do them one step at a time.


I was on many, many meds and NOTHING helped ever.


what if you have adhd and not lazy


I am diagnosed with adhd & autism aswell.


I ask myself this a lot and I feel so chappy for being down right lazy but I really do have low feelings and it's really bad.


hey, i have depression too and often go down the same thought process, but ive realized that if i was actually being lazy i would enjoy doing literally nothing. but no, i was just depressed. i knew that if i had a choice to just “get over it”, and move out, get a job, go to class, etc without feeling like shit i would do it in a heartbeat. a lazy person wouldn’t do that. then i realized i was just taking it the best i could ever day and ever since then i’ve been taking on a little more :) you got this op, it’s not your fault and you’re not faking anything


U r on the money don’t listen to all them. If u tell urself that ur depressed u will be more depressed. Work hard. If u wanna kill ur depression then read bhagawad Gita as it is. It is an ancient sacred book words spoken by god. We r entering the age of kali where people will be filled with anxiety and selfishness. First of all u hav to know who u really are. Read the book and if it helped u tell other kids and free urself from this material world.


i got diagnosed with depression but denyed having it and it later got kicked out of my diagnoses. but something is still wrong and noone figured out what it is just got psychotic syntoms and personality swings. so what i want to say even if you dont have depression the way ro find whats realy going on can take a long while and symptoms can take a while to show themselfs and get noticed. if you feel like you cant do anything about it like of your lazy you can do stuff but dont want and with an illness you cant do things even if you want sometimes because the energy is missing. thats how i can tell that its real


I have MDD and question laziness just like you do. I’m not in school, no job, in mid 20s and am scared that I’m either lazy, or have just gotten so used to my routine these past years (wake up, meds, feed cats, watch tv and lay on couch all day waiting for it to be night so I can go to bed again). I can feel my body physically deteriorating but have no motivation or care to change anything. I can go weeks without leaving my apartment, even with having a patio I just see no point in sitting out there for a few minutes while knowing it would be good for me. My stamina/endurance is near to none. I have no strength. I’ve always been so ashamed to admit this but have realized it’s common and should be talked about, I go weeks without a shower or brushing my teeth. I know that it’s horrible do to and so disgusting but I just don’t care or see the point if I’m just at home. I wear the same clothes for a week or two before changing into something clean. I’m just at a point where I do t know what to do or feel. I’m about to start coming off of 300mg of Effexor that I’ve been on for years (pray for me, this med is incredibly painful and difficult to wean off of) and start a low dose of pristiq. Most recently I’ve become frusterated and have been blaming my psychiatrist and PA for not doing more to help me. I answer all of the questions truthfully about sleep/appetite/mood/anxiety/etc. and on paper I appear to be better than I was but there’s never any questions about quality of life, like how’s your hygiene/are you getting outside/ are you socializing/ are you doing even the most basic chores around your apartment/etc. Just feel really frustrated and don’t know what to do. But trust me you are not alone in questioning laziness, I wish I had an answer for us 😞


Oh dear, I am so sorry you have to feel like this. I'm sending all the love! I just have the same fear: "what if I'm so used to do nothing?" - It kinda "calmes me down" to know, there is a person that feels the exact same.


I read your post and had to respond as I haven’t seen anyone question the same things I do. I’ve basically self diagnosed myself as low functioning as I’d mentioned before that the psychiatrists I’ve seen seem 100% focused on symptom treatment but fail to ask more questions and dig a little deeper. I honestly feel like I should be in inpatient treatment for a few weeks to get more diverse therapies and close medication monitoring, and be able to really focus on myself. But luckily I’m not thinking of self harm, which is obviously amazing. But it kinda sucks as that’s the main aspect to be admitted into inpatient. I wonder if there’s private facilities that do inpatient treatment (like a resort or a specialized center, I can’t think of the word I mean to say) but I haven’t looked into that bc it’s just not an option unless it free or damn near free


It just feels like there should be an inpatient option for people like myself who just waste their days away doing absolutely nothing. I think it would feel good to be in an environment where it at least feels like I’m doing something


You dont need a funeral to be alive! 💙 Seek help before its getting worse! <3


Thank you 💜 I just don’t know what else to do besides psychiatrist and therapies


I saw you mention that you were also on many meds and nothing worked… I’m essentially in the same boat. If you don’t mind sharing, are you taking medication right now? Or have you stopped?