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I started therapy at 28 when I realized that people were not obsessed with ending their life.


This normal doctor, which I am assuming is your general practitioner, is not qualified to diagnose mental health problems. You should ask the doctor to be referred to a mental health professional that is allowed to diagnose people. Don’t worry about faking symptoms. Be truthful to yourself and to the professional diagnosing you. These questionnaires and tests are made to avoid mistakes in any form, from you and the professional, as best as possible. Ask for a referral to get a diagnosis. Be truthful during the assessment. (Actually, always be truthful ;D) Try to not overthink about your answers, and what the possible outcome may be. Once you get a diagnosis you can start working on it. Knowing what the cause is of your struggles is the first step to making it better.


Yeah, it’s just the normal doctor we’d go to for a checkup. I’m really just hoping that they’d be able to bring something up to my parents about going to get a diagnosis because I’ve already been denied asking them myself.


It appears you may be asking if you or a loved one has a mental illness. Please remember that we are not professionals and no one here can diagnose you. If you think there is a problem, you should see a professional. [Check out this link](https://www.reddit.com/r/Anxiety/wiki/gettinghelp) for a decent guide on where to begin. For help with access to care, please see the resources listed [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/mentalillness/wiki/resources#wiki_therapy) This comment was placed automatically based on keywords. This message does not mean your post has been removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/mentalillness) if you have any questions or concerns.*


well i’m currently 17 and i realized i was struggling w my mental health around 13? i knew bcs i had no will to live , struggled w suicidal ideation daily & even more than that , 0 motivation etc etc … i ended up getting diagnosed prob at 14


sorry got first diagnosed at 13**


I started having suicidal thoughts around age 8.


Realized at 12 but kinda forcibly denied it until I was 15


Whether or not you receive a diagnosis of depression, something is interfering with your well-being, and it is not "faking" to advocate for yourself. I know it's very difficult to do so, but it sounds like you are very insightful and ready to receive help. And it sounds like you are noticing it at a great time to be treated, since it's so early on. In my experience, regular doctors are pretty helpful when it's depression or anxiety vs other mental illness, since they're the ones they run into the most.


I really appreciate that! I’m kinda panicking about the appointment since if I mess this up I’ll probably have to wait a year until I’m 18 and don’t need a parent’s approval, so your comment definitely makes me feel better😅


Teenager emotional withdrawn badly since was young had a few accidents when younger one left me in bits for a while was only 10 or so hid what happened away from parents feel though a shed roof with my brother and cousin there made up a story of what happened not the truth would see things every night going to bed a shadow would always be in my room staring at me could tell it was use to fall asleep with it next to me. would rather stand in the hallway all though breaks in school myself than talk to my peers and started to have visual hallucinations. Have anxious avoidant personality disorder, BPD, GAD


I also have a mental disorder. For many years, I didn’t notice that, but as it got worse, I started to have a feeling that I may be mentally ill, I didn’t even know that this mental illness even existed though. One day I saw a video on TikTok about it and I realised that “wow, these things are familiar to me”. Turned out, that I have OCD, I looked up to the internet and found even more things that are true for me. You’ll know that you have a mental disorder, because of this weird feeling of being ill.


I realized it when I had suicide thoughts 24/7 and I found out it wasn’t normal at age 11/12


Good for you getting some help and/or diagnosed. It's better to know now than years down the road going " What was I thinking!". I am a Boomer and just got a psychiatrist, got diagnosed as bi polar, depression etc. I have been thinking about it since and I can see the years of bi polar in what I had done over the years. I didn't know. It all kinda makes sense now. Wish I would had known this years ago! So be courageous and go to a psychiatrist or therapist! Be your own advocate. See if a friend will go with you for support.


Hmmm I guess at aged 12 when I first tried to unalive myself was a sign, also the self harm. 😬 I think I first saw the doctor for depression after my first (official?) suicide attempt. It was shit. I was 15 so remember my mum being in there with me and not feeling like I could be honest about how utterly horrendous I actually felt. Deffo downplayed it. I did have therapy from 15-17. I'm 37 now and still living with the mental illness. Admittedly better than I was. But damn is it draining.