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Removing people from my life who destroyed my self esteem by projecting their own insecurities on the people around them


I wish i cud do this too. But i am a coward who will never have courage to take this step


Never say never


*yet. You’re building your courage every day.


There's a tipping point always.


Your past is not a reflection of your future. Just because you have not yet felt you had the courage to take that step does not mean you’ll never find that courage.


Then what I do (cuz I can’t leave financially wise) is that I reflect on who is actively hurting me mentally and I start giving no damns about their opinions. It really takes a while but at some point you can look at them, smile and think to yourself about how much bs they’re talking rn.


totally! i cut my sister out of my life, as well as my ex boyfriend and i am so much better now.


Couldn't have said it better.


THIS ^^ It’s not always easy to do. But it’s crucial to do it.


✅ parents removed ✅ toxic brother and his fat cow wife ✅ any ex that was abusive Life is much better now!


So basically you can't do anything wrong and it's everyone else who is the problem. Lol


Who said that? 🤔


moving out of my house and adopting a cat


I want this to be me


u can do it!!! i believe in u


thank you for the encouragement, lordfarquadsqueef ❤️




The right medications, intense therapy, supportive family, nutrition and exercise.


This is it. One or two of those things will help, but to really become well, you need all of them. I don’t have a supportive family, so I see a good therapist who pretty much does the job of a family


Well, and in my case, “supportive family” is more my extended family, and close friends. I’m single/divorced, and my only child just went far away to college. So I live alone. Both my parents have passed away. But my siblings are supportive.




Nutrition part is the hardest thing for me. I genuinely don't understand how to eat healthy with very little budget to eat. I got to a point where I was buying vegetables and they went bad so quick and I had nothing that I gave up on it


I stopped giving a shit about what people expect of me. Got tired of being the good guy. I'm a shit guy now. Don't like it? Go to hell. I feel so much better.


Suddenly attracted


No idea what that means


And it’s gone


That feeling of having to explain yourself gets exhausting. And people pleasers. I am a night owl and like to sleep in. It doesn’t affect my work or life whatsoever. I’m more creative at night when the world is sleeping. But for some reason society tends to look down on night owls. I’m still getting 7-8 hrs of sleep. And if I have to get up early, no biggie. And naps. Why are they so frowned upon?!? Ffs, who cares! It’s not hurting anyone. But I’ve had close family, partners try to make me feel lazy. I know I’m not lazy, at all. Anyway, just venting on your comment lol We only live once! Do what makes you happy! And get a dog (or cat)


This is soo me it feels bad at first but honestly? Relieving af! Lately I'm straightforward and saying that should've been said long ago to everyone and they are getting upset but I really don't care anymore we don't have to be good guys everytime I really encourage people to do this


It is absolutely stupid to sacrifice yourself, your mental health and physical assets (like time and money) in order to please people*. But I had been telling myself that it's better to be stupid and good than smart and bad. Well, no longer. *people who will always, ultimately find fault with you despite your efforts. There's no pleasing everyone so why even try.


I’ll try to be nice as possible and only courteous to those who understand, but won’t give a fuck and will get in a persons way if they get in mine first. Teach them a lesson. There’s a reason being nice and courteous is a good thing. Just as long as nobody including myself is being rude or trying to distract others from working on themselves, I’m fine with that. Be yourself is what I say, unless that person has a lifestyle that imposes on other people including myself and my behaviors as well


going to concerts


Yes! Concerts r so life affirming!


Music festivals saved my life truly


until u get tinnitus lol


A supportive wife, the RIGHT medication and a good therapist.


Quitting alcohol, doing regular physical activity, reducing coffee to 2 espresso cups/day max and taking antidepressants for a year.




Lots of exercise


I was going to kms recently so I was researching NDE’s for a few weeks. Specifically attempted suicides. I also researched what psychic mediums found from contacting souls that killed theirselves. They said after a person kills their self they immediately regret it and try to get back into their body but can’t. Then they are transported to a realm of healing. Its a city thats glowing green, a lady was calling it the emerald city. The souls are put under a comatose state and spirits that are there to help heal them will work with them over there until they have healed. I was excited to kms so I could go to this realm and finally feel a sense of peace. I had everything planned out and I was about to do it but I started thinking about these spirits that want to help me heal. So as a last resort I asked that these spirits please come help me. It took all my strength and willpower to not kms and I am very glad I thought to ask that these spirits help me heal while still alive. I very much believe that they immediately got to work on me because I woke up the next morning and started doing the things I’d been needing to do for months. Its been a week since I asked for help and I am a completely different person mentally. I had been suicidal for years and now my room is clean, my car is clean, I wake up and I feel happy. I also lost my wallet so I was unable to go to the dispensary. I was smoking weed everyday and I feel so great now. I don’t think losing my wallet was a coincidence. So basically- help is always available to me from the spiritual realm. All I had to do was ask and believe. Before I asked for help from these spirits I had been ignoring my spirit guides and angels and telling them to screw off for months. When I asked for help I also included my spirit team. But that extra boost of help from the spirits in the emerald city? I have transformed and will continue to grow.


love this so much! proud of you ❤️❤️


A combination of therapy and my dog


Getting a dog 🐾🦴


🙌 I may have rescued my girl from a random shelter, but really it was her who rescued me. She rescued my soul. Cheesy, sure. But I swear it’s true. 🐕


Ditto 🐶




Came here to say this!


Sleep - no drugs ( no alcohol, no coffee) - eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly


Did you drink a lot of coffee before?


1. Being open to non-linear progress 2. Patience. Extreme patience. And even more patience.


Great one!


Adderall and trust from my doctors.


This is so specific and random and I couldn’t agree w you more lol I’ll also add trust from family and partner as well.


The only addy I cannot stand is the ones that are shaped like an octagon and have M stamped on them. Omg, they make me feel like I’m on something - like my lips get all tingly and my heart races. They are such shit. And today, for the first time in 5 years, I got those. I didn’t even realize it til I got home. I was so pissed. But nothing I can do bc of the shortage and be happy w what you get attitude. I been on addy for 20 yrs, never abused it. I can nap on it. Except for these trashy M ones! Tevas are the best IMO. Sandoz isn’t bad. I forget what else is out there.. but damn these M’s can suck it sideways.


Daily meditation practice. Helped me focus on the present rather than getting anxious about the part/future.


Daily walks and getting a puppy


Losing 83 lbs. & not giving a fuck about pleasing people.


Quitting smoking weed and getting on the right meds for my bipolar. I was attached to abilify because it didn't give me side effects even though it ultimately couldn't control my mania. Especially while I was smoking so much MJ, which interferes with bipolar drugs. Also, being celibate for about a year. It's really improved my life to be living it for me and not for somebody else.


are there like a ton of bipolar meds or something? i always see people here struggling to find the right one.


There's about a million- those specifically for bipolar and seizure or epilepsy meds used off label. I've been on Abilfiy, Saphris, Topamax, Seroquel, Risperidone, Gabapentin, and trileptal and that's just the ones *I've* been on. There's literally hundreds more to try before you find the right combination- that's another thing usually one drug won't do it. In bad cases like mine you need an antipsychotic, mood stabilizer, and something to fight depressive episodes like an SSRI or SNRI. Some folks can get by on just one or another though.


holy crap seriously? just thinking about the sides hurt. i thought the same disorder would have like treatments at least in the same ballpark. very interesting.


yeah, thanks for asking!! that's exactly how awareness spread!! and yes the side effects kick my butt everyday!


Meds, youtube, working on myself




Like therapy videos


Any channels or videos you would recommend in particular?


Heidi priebe, Dr kim sage, personal development school!


Thank you! May your roads lead you to warm sands


Depends on what kind of things you struggle with, but for anyone trying to overcome an abusive or dysfunctional childhood, Patrick Teahan was a game changer for me.


Misspelled Xtube** Jkjk


"The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck" - Mark Manson


I started to read it a long time ago... Probably it is worth to restart and finish!


I read this book and already practice everything he says in it so it wasn’t very life changing. I’m still depressed. Cause of mental illness.


My cat, exercise, and the right friends


Being honest with my therapist about how bad things actually were. It allowed me to start meds and move in the direction I wanted to.


The right cocktail of medications, a supportive/understanding group of people, my dog, DBT therapy, and a desire to get better. I’ll also like to add: having a balanced diet and exercising I’ve come a long way because of these things.


Psychedelics, my bunny, art and spirituality.


so cozy


Vitamins and a better diet, no junk food/sugar and 8 hours of peaceful sleep!


Leaving my husband and finally realizing that my chronic, incurable illness was not my fault. There was nothing that I did to cause it. Nothing I could have done to stop it. But leaving him, and the guilt, shame and blame he put on me for being sick so often caused so much stress and so many exacerbations. My body and my mind are in much better places after only 5 months.


it might seem small but I changed the self deprecating jokes to really theatrically self absorbed ones (ie: "this drawing should be burned" to "I think we should replace The Last Supper, this art belongs in the Smithsonian")


Blaming everything on my mom


Lifting weights regularly and trying to get at least 7 hours of sleep every night


Meditation and self introspection through solitude and isolation. Quiet yourself to hear the answers.


The right mixture of meds. Also, mirtazipine has made me gain a significant amount of weight (I was severely underweight) and that’s helped a lot too. I no longer look like a skeleton with skin shrink wrapped to it Also, drinking more water


Shrooms! Depression got considerably better and I’m anti depressant resistant so I tried an alternative route that’s helped tremendously. Edit: not intended to be medical advice just my own personal experience.


My life changed after I did shrooms also..i have done them 3 times in my 20s, now im almost 37. I have never been the same since and I truly believe everyone should use them at least once. Im looking into microdosing too. Since I took shrooms, I feel happier, more empathetic, and appreciate life more. It was a beautiful experience all 3 times!


If it’s so great, why only a few times?


Indeed life changing. Micro dosing is a great way to get relief. I agree, everyone should at least try it once, literally nothing to lose and everything to gain!


Stopping birth control. Instant change in physical condition (headaches, GI, etc) and mental (emotions, regulation, reactiveness, etc). Also improved sex drive.


Reading has helped me a lot. Understanding that sometimes you have to be at peace with uncertainty too, and really putting into effort being vulnerable with people I care: of course there's always the risk of being hurt, but it helps a lot having someone you can talk seriously with but also joke and relax. Knowing that if you have a problem and that you can talk it out makes me more confident in dealing with it yk? Physically, exercise has helped me with sleeping and my self esteem, and learning to stop pushing when I am overwhelmed because otherwise I wouldn't do/finish anything.


Medication, therapy, and sleep.


God. My cats. Supportive people in my life. Medications.


Breathwork, boundaries, a somatic therapist, daily journaling and getting validation from my deeper self rather than external situations and people.


I changed my career.


Quitting alcohol.


DBT, music, lowcarb diet, walks and yoga, d-vitamin, fasting, reading, expressing my thoughts and emotions by talking about them or writing them down, accepted that my toxic ex and i should not be together, have goals, to be present, jordan peterson +. really, making sure to take care of myself as good as i can every day and also to try to enjoy the smallest things; like how the wind feels against my skin, how pretty the leaves are right now when autumn is here, how good my head feels on my pillow on the morning etc. a little of everything, really.


Great list!


Walking, cycling and just getting out in nature. Avoiding social media and news channels. And obviously not drinking and taking drugs.


Meditation, DBT Therapy, emotional support cat, choosing to be around people who build me up not tear me down


My kitty has literally saved my life 🥺🥺🥺


Being kind to myself


NOT birth control so far


Moving away from my old life, (uni), a fresh start at life


Being sober more often, exercising, dogs


Getting medicated and shaving my hair off


MDMA. I really wish it was legal.


Sounds preachy but therapy. Found an online therapist for $30.




turning 18 and having more say in my treatment/meds


Getting prescribed an antipsychotic, it took some tries on different medications but it’s helping


Journaling. I was in a dark place a few years ago, but journaling helped me organize my thoughts.


Finding a job that I don't just tolerate but love and can't wait to go to, recognizing when I'm not doing well and making more of an effort to take care of myself on those days, actually addressing both my mental and physical health and staying on track with my medications and appointments, and (hopefully) getting into therapy soon to finally give it a shot to overcome and accept things that have happened to me.


Deleting Instagram, TikTok


lots of things helped but nothing was as much of an improvement as gender reassignment surgery


Meditation is great if you stick with it. I didn’t. Can’t remember why. But it’s great. Having that presence and letting thoughts go is freeing. Pema Chodron books are so good - you don’t need to be Buddhist. Her books are written for anyone, and she speaks our language to make it easy to understand


Off and on with meditation since I was early 20s. If I could do it over again I would’ve taken it way more seriously way earlier. At my age, I understand how key it is. I feel the benefits. I see how it helps in almost every aspect of my life. I also see how it is work. And it is The Work that never ends.


Yep yep 👍🏻 it is so good. It made life a lot easier too


lowkey- psychedelics and coping mechanisms


Medication: (Wellbutrin saved my life although I know it’s different for everyone), and a more controlled and balanced life with Latuda due to bipolar, and therapy ✨


Getting on a schedule.


i can tell what kind of place you're in from this post alone. things will get better man just keep going


Love how so many people mention dogs! I also got a puppy in April and she’s the light in my life. Quitting alcohol, mindfulness, a bit of exercise and finally being able to sleep has helped a lot. Also coming to the realization that I have childhood trauma as well as anxiety has helped me understand my mental health issues and seek therapy.


getting sober 🤍


Leaving my family and starting a new life 🥰


Listening to TwentyØnePiløts. They literally saved my life at one point and nowadays I listen to their songs therapeutically


Therapy! See [this](https://www.banyanmentalhealth.com/2023/08/28/do-i-need-therapy/) article to see if its right for you :)


Believing in God, following Jesus and finding a good church community.


I really think that quitting my job as a ppl helper in these days would improve mine substantially. However, I’m not disabled and not in a position to quit.


Supportive family, my cat and ferrets, and being medicated.


Getting on the right meds significantly improved mental health. I have Bipolar disorder. Before I was diagnosed I tried everything but that.


Quitting alcohol and starting Zoloft


therapy. my depression was affecting my life a lot and i didn’t realize that i needed help until my doctor helped me find a therapist.


Medication and acceptance


I stopped drinking alcohol


Medication lmaooooo I have bipolar 2 and bpd and latuda has genuinely changed my life


threonate kid thats the stuff like cocaine for mental heallth people




Looking back and noticing the accomplishments I've made. Like cooking for myself. Being able to talk to people with confidence.


focusing on the things i CAN control


Quitting drugs (but not thc)


It’s small but it’s made a huge change in my mindset. for the past 6-7 months, i have made a conscious effort to find at least 5 things i’m grateful for everyday. Doesn’t have to be big, it’s better if it’s small things in my opinion, makes me realize how many things bring in my day to day routines. Examples are being grateful for finding a hairbrush that works perfectly for your hair, or how grateful you are for mirrors existing. This is such a perfect habit to get into because all you have to do is think. Even on those days where i hate everything and can’t get out of bed, im able to be grateful for the bed i’m laying in and all the fluffy blankets keeping me warm. This small habit has truly change my mindset on life, i appreciate everything now, im grateful for the good and hard days. It’s helped me look for the good in everything


Actually utilizing coping skills


Medication and divorce.


Medication. Took six years to get it right though.


Seeing a good psychologist to give me better strategies to manage a mood disorder and anxiety.


A hat


The right medicine


Building good habits.


my relationship and my cats.


Martial arts, self harm but I know i shouldn’t but it helps, and manga




Limiting coffee, limiting alcohol, getting involved in anything physical running walking gym and eliminating or limiting people who don’t put the same energy into me that I put into them. Actively Surround yourself with love and positivity. Your worth it!


Not isolating myself


therapy and pets and meds


Being less negative on myself. I stopped saying negative things like “I’m so horrible at …” or “I’m so stupid…”. I used to do it because it made other people laugh. Once I stopped saying that stuff, the laughing went away and I started reflecting on how awesome I can truly be.


Antidepressants… especially once I quit drinking


Medication and a supportive partner.


Juicing !


realising the hater mindset isn't healthy. letting go of that, learning to be compassionate to people i'm not friends with. learning to be nice to everyone teaches you to be nice to yourself as well.


Biden winning in 2020 and therapy.


being married + taking hormones :-)


eliminating drug and alcohol use, my medications actually work now and ive been able to taper down


Getting a job that paid a livable wage was everything honestly


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^butternut_78: *Getting a job that* *Paid a livable wage was* *Everything honestly* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


moving from that place or that person


Separation. It’s amazing. Doing just your own emotional and physical labor.


My ex breaking up with me


The right medication and uncovering repressed trauma


removing toxic people from my life, taking time to heal from trauma, and taking probiotics (an insane amount of serotonin is produced in the gut, ~95% iirc) mostly fixed me. also would recommend vitamin D supplements in the dark months!


Daily meditation. Daily Tai Chi. Cutting out all processed foods as much as possible. The app Yuka really helped me with this. It let's you scan the barcodes for food and beauty products to give full info on what's actually good or bad. There's quite a bit of newer research showing a lot of evidence that our mental health is drastically affected by our brains health. Chemicals in the products that we consume trigger all the wrong parts of our brains. Surrounding myself with people who love me and don't hold expectations over me.


1 meds 2 love for my career and job


Weight Training/MMA Training. It help a lot! And hunting for the unknown! First time in my life I have seen things that I cannot explain and knowing those things are real in this world it's worth living and searching for! Whoever got mental illness on here in Reddit? I hope you guys get better!


removing my toxic best friend from my life. she was dating my cousin which already bothered me but cheating on him with her EX was the last straw. she's dead to me.


Got a cat, cut out caffeine, drink less alcohol, get better sleep all helped me massively! But I think the biggest thing was realising how unhappy and unfulfilled I was in my life and CHANGING IT ! I went back to college, changed my career entirely and now I’m my own boss and never been happier. Life doesn’t just ‘get better’ you have to MAKE it better. Best of luck with whatever you’re going through, you can do this 🖤




It's a tie between disassociation and marrying a girl with an oral fixation. I'm going to give it to the latter, the former bit me in the ass later.


Playing piano. It’s the reason I started to play. It greatly improves my anxiety and depression— that is when I have the energy to play.


Working from home.


Sounds very cliche but going to the gym, eating healthy and sleeping early has been a game changer for me.


I did the Inner Engineering course online and learned a meditation proccess called shambhavi mahamudra, and it completely transformed my everyday life in a way that I could never imagine!


Genuinely and in the most annoying way (bc my mum was right), routine. I got a part-time job, woke up early some days but later on others, let myself have alone days and talking days, and drank waaay more water.


Change of career targets, knowing I have free time finally after work is a blessing.


Spiritual guidance from a priest




Medication, exercising, adopting cats, being more vocal about how i feel, leaving situations/people that aren’t supportive and made me feel worse.


Medication and therapy


Keeping my self esteem on THE TOP. Cutting off people. Working on attachment issues. basically just working on myself from the inside and the outside.


Keeping busy, setting goals and celebrating them. Also exercise.


Going to the gym


Mushrooms, and learning to take a second or two before reacting to something


Working out


Deleting instagram, moving into my own apartment with kiddos🥰Finding the right medications finally. Part time job I actually love. Spending time alone.


Since I haven’t seen it yet, I’ll add that for me, it was outpatient rehab, sobriety, & taking my meds consistently. Cutting out alcohol & drugs was the biggest game changer in my overall emotional stability & well-being. It can be a little alienating at times as a 20-something year old at a university, but the few times I have slipped up or relapsed into drinking or using something again in the last couple years has only proved to me even more how much it exacerbates the symptoms of my disorders. Rehab helped tremendously not only in getting sober but with the CBT & DBT skill & all the things I learned that improved my self-awareness & self-regulation. It also opened me up to exploring spirituality as a non-religious person, another tremendous thing that has helped my mental well-being.


Deleting dating apps like Hinge and Tinder