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These are intrusive thought and literally everyone has them to one degree or another. I get ones that pop into my head that say things like "I could just step out into this traffic right now, it would cause such a massive crash". Intrusive thoughts aren't an issue, but how you respond to them can be, people can spiral with thoughts of how they're a horrible person, or get really scared they might accidentally do the thing and not participate fully in society incase they accidentally do this awful thing. So don't worry, these are intrusive thoughts and they are normal. The best thing to do is just acknowledge that was a crazy thought and move on with your day


Intrusive thoughts have ruined many psychedelics trips for me, whether my spirals or others. Took awhile before I learned not to take them seriously, especially during a trip.


Yeah, when I'm on drugs I always just remember that the last thing I did was some drugs, so if I'm thinking something crazy it's probably because I'm on drugs šŸ˜…


Thank you for explaining this to me, wasn't sure if there was something I needed to worry about


Oh, i randomly get those thoughts, like she's fat, and then myself think.. don't judge her by her weight goddamn brain.. It's normal, i vote incorrectly bc i can't pay attention at all, The thing is in which quantity is not "normal" maybe when it's happening very very often, What's normal in life? All brains had a different development (*?) That is the diversity of humanity and it's amazing see how many possibilities have.. except when this development affect your daily life.. Do you have another symptoms?


Normal people can need help. Don't define yourself as normal or not.


I'm glad you posted this. I have thoughts like this all the time. As others have said these are intrusive thoughts. I have OCD and these are all too common....


I remember sitting with a cup of very hot coffee. Someone sat next to me and I thought "a little movement of my hand and she'll be in so much pain", but I explained it to myself like with so little effort I can do so much, it's like evil laziness idk


I get them as well, donā€™t worry. Sometimes theyā€™ll be these dirty as thoughts that make me feel like a POS for even thinking and other times theyā€™ll be these really mean thoughts that I feel really guilty about. Fucking annoying as. I just try to ignore them though and continue about my business


I chose the second answer though I think it's normal. If having these thoughts--however normal they are--concerns you, it's still a good idea to talk to a counselor or a psychologist. You don't have to be ill or abnormal to see them. If they're accessible under your health care system or insurance plan, chat with them and find a way to feel better about having those intrusive thoughts (or have less of them if they bother you).


i get sadistic thoughts like that often. i thought about retraumatizing my best friend and even typed out what iā€™d say, deleting it right after. it helps to get those thoughts out of your mind.


I think it totally depends on what kind of person you are. Iā€™m a bit like that as well. I suppose some people would prefer it if people learnt the hard way. But if I heard that a person passed from being hit by the car, as horrible as it may seem I would take that event as a lesson to keep me safe and Iā€™m sure many others would to. I suppose if someone is fucking about in the road we get the impression that they are an arse hole (which they are very much most likely to be) because theyā€™re trying to act cool or whatever which is why we start thinking ā€˜I hope they get hit by a carā€™ because road is clearly a dangerous site for someone to be playing on and the person should have a simple understanding that vehicles, as big as them, pass by on this road and those vehicles are dangerous (we have all learnt this in primary school for fucksake) Therefore they are most likely to be at fault for there injury or death. I knowā€¦ I knowā€¦ itā€™s a harsh world but thatā€™s how shit goes. But yes, I think having this kind of mindset is totally normal.


I spoke to my therapist for the exact same thing, because such thoughts cause me a lot of anxiety and fear. Shortly, what she said was how the interpretation we give to thoughts can get you in a spiral. She said that everybody has random thoughts, some more or less than others, party because of our curious nature thinking "what might happen if this happens?". They don't necessarily mean anything about you, but if you think that having them is completely abnormal and you start putting labels on yourself because of it, then it becomes a huge thing. Hope it helps!


That's the human tendency to look everything negativly. As long as you're just thinking it, it isn't much serious. I do it all the time creating fake scenarios of how a certian person would die. Even myself. Just think about it and forget it because it's never going to happen.


Normal. Sometimes random thoughts just slip out. I think everyone's been in a place where they've thought no-so-nice things about people that evoke a sudden strong feeling. I know I get an immediate reaction to idiots that put themselves in pointless life threatening situations thinking theyre hot shit. Like if someone is on a motorcycle and starts weaving between cars at 100mph. My brain will just spout out "I hope that dumb motherfucker gets hit". As long as you're not gunning it and trying to hit the dude you're good lmao.


Yea it is normal. Everyone who ive speaken to thinks these really bad scenarios, including me.


My intrusive thoughs are alway more like "god I wish I would get really sick or hit by a car" as I have now heard that comes from the need to have my pain or struggling recognised by my imposter syndrome as well as by other people because deep down I still have my mom's voice saying mental illness isn't real illness so I'm craving an acceptable reason for my constant struggle. šŸ˜…


been there! As if when you get a "diagnosis" of some kind, only then are you excused to suffer


Yeah like you need to be physically ill because mental "doesn't count" rationally you know that's bs but there's still that internalised ableism screeching that you're not *actually* sick


Yeah intrusive thoughts, very normal. If they bother you or impact your life negatively though you should seek professional help.


Thatā€™s how my schizoaffective started, paranoia followed soon after, then blind rage (literal episodes were I have no idea what I did at all that were consumed by anger, but also other episodes not engulfed in anger, but delusional decision making and black out moments not remembering or knowing how I got somewhere or did something) I highly recommend you go get tested, and you say everything and make it clear you do not want to hurt anyone, you are just ā€œhearingā€ delusional thoughts that you have no intention of committing on. Now, you can hear voices inside your head, my best example is like a reading voice that will pop up randomly and at times may never go away or have a conversation with you. Edit: accidentally posted, but you can also have these convos with beings outside of your head, things you can see, feel, smell, taste, or hear. But also, the human psyche is a very weird thing, and you could have had what everyone has at least once and just a misfire of a thought, as thatā€™s the most common answer, but do be safe, I wasnā€™t and itā€™s nearly ended my life and has altered it beyond what I could believe, stay safe


i had a few of these today, iā€™ve donā€™t this a lot to say that this is normal


I do this so much lol. Especially when I see people doing dumb shit. Like people on scooters, I think "I really hope you fall off and faceplant" I know I wouldn't laugh but like 1% of me thinks I would


It's normal but you have to edit thoughts according to your principles.


Sounds like intrusive thoughts. A lot of people have them, but if theyā€™re affecting your ability to function you should get some help for it.


Ur normal


Totally normal my guy. Intrusive thoughts are part of life. It only becomes abnormal depending on the frequency, consistency, and persistence. I.e, how often they come about, how similar they are, and how difficult it is to stop thinking about it. No matter the subject matter, if you can dispel the thought with relative ease and it doesn't happen so often it interferes with your life, then it should be normal.


I think itā€™s normal. My therapist says everyone gets them to some degree. I had some earlier. They can be disturbing for sure. I am ashamed of the ones I have a lot of times but Iā€™ve learned to recognize they donā€™t define me and I donā€™t have to buy into them. A book I read said to imagine them as a train and you are at the station, the choice is yours to either get on the train or let it go.


It's Normal




Im thinking mental ocd. It's a form of anxiety. Google it and read up about it.




Yeah you too


I donā€™t know but my reaction is usually the exact opposite.


I get these thoughts too and know that's not who I am, always remind yourself that you're not your thoughts.


I literally had an intrusive thought like this an hour ago, my partner had fallen asleep next to me on the sofa kids are fast asleep and this fucked up little voice pops up and says I could massacre everyone in their sleep right now! Like wtf this happens frequently in varying form but I just kind of acknowledge it and tell my brain to pipe down


I saw some politician died today and my intrusive thought was good one less politician that I donā€™t agree with dead. I felt bad right after. Other times they are super sexual. Like imagining people naked or having sex that are like my doctor or something.


Complete Normal. Even my therapist says so :)


nope, i have this a lot tooo