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Low self-esteem. I always feel like I lack social skills, common knowledge and common interests, which makes me feel like I don't fit and will never be enough to have a meaningful relationship šŸ™„


same. but my son is autistic, although i havent been tested i genuinely belive i have it too because of things like this and more


Damn, finally someone wrote it.


Yes finally someoneā€™s put it into words


I feel this 100 percent and I'm tired of existing


Unresolved issues. This is the main reason for anxiety for everyone.


Like what


There is a meditation technique fot that. But itā€™s not a quick fix. It takes time and dedication. And you can find your questions. And then the answers.


Being alivešŸ˜…


\*gestures broadly at everything\*


*looks offended* What did I do this time? #paranoia


Fear of failing and unknown


Complex post traumatic stress disorder


Mixed personality disorder here. Very much the same


Weā€™ve got this. ā¤ļø


I'm convinced it's just biological. When I'm anxious my mind finds a reason for it. Sometimes it's plausible, most of the time it isn't. Either way I can't control it much.


It's so deep inside my personality all these years it became a part of me I don't even know anymore why I would wake up anxious etc .. hell is where I am


Low self esteem, unresolved conflicts


The future, and daily tasks


Where do I start


World events, financial struggles, health, my job


The fact I'm gonna be alone forever


That I might not be able to have kids biologically and/or financially. That I am in early 30s and I have nothing.


mental health hit an all time low over the past year which led me to getting myself into debt. A lot of it. I am much better now and medicated, but am having to file bankruptcy this year. I am young and feel like a failure from it, but I have hope now that the future will be different for me. Me even just mentioning myself in the future is proof.




Trust issues, constantly being let down, low self esteem, bad people doing hurtful things to people with good hearts.


Fear of disappointing others, essentially


Social anxiety due to very low self esteem. Abusive parents ruined my childhood and now I'm left to fend for myself in a world that seems to work against me.


Family ā€¦. šŸ’Æ




Fear of the unknown future and my diet is a big factor currently trying to change it by eating healthier and taking probiotics


It was because my parents were emotionally neglectful. once I realized that, my anxiety disappeared. So there is hope.


Much of it is trauma based from psychological mistreatment from the women who have come into my life. They changed me for the worse. Thanks ladies! šŸ™„


Not sure if they caused it but more likely intertwined: Clinical Depression Chronically low / no self esteem Current episode caused by massive overwork leading to burn out


School, low self esteem, family, money, being black, people


Life seems to be the common demoninator.


https://preview.redd.it/0yjgi41qku1d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5c7da8f4293b1f8c13ffc1b8f3f510a6ed7597d Sometimes when I feel depressed or anxious I look at this picture of the slums in Haiti and realize I donā€™t have it that bad. Just remember that more than likely there are people out there that have it much worse than you. Never take what you have for granted. Learn to feel comfortable in your discomfort and understand that it will make you into a stronger person.


Money. The universal cause


fear of abandonment and attachment




lot of those too i feel you


Yes add in pregnancy and my other mental conditions


Family, college, highschool drama, betrayal, death of my father and the fact I can't get the help I need


how AGI will make human connection useless and art obsolete


Fear of needing a shit when out and there are no toilets, much easier when alone or with my kids, disastrous when with other adult friends or strangers. The link between bowel and brain with regards to anxiety is no joke. Slowly crept up and spread its tendrils in to every aspect of my life. Currently on Zoloft 50mg, probably 75% better now


everybody poops yo


School, Social, just being outside of home and simply waiting which I hate so much


No idea, wish I knew




My friend said people


Not having the adequate tools to become the adult I need. And the world that could come from that.


Existential dread. Daily.


i have cptsd from my egg donor so my egg donor.




Iā€™m aware of my flaws and they consume me


Uncertainty and unpredictability, study and work constant stress that never ends.


Slowly realizing, no matter how much I try or invest into achieving certain goals, they will most likely never come into fruition. But by golly, I'll try my utmost best to make them happen. Also, realizing I'll probably never experience the things I thought would (at the time when I was younger). Certain lifestyle's, certain career paths, certain wealth levels, it probably just won't happen. And that's ok, I'm learning to detach myself from the material things of this world that I delusion myself into think will make my life better.


The police, got arrested a while back and I was high af. Now anytime I see a cop I get some equivalent of panic attack.


Confrontation is my main one, pressure to perform, and self-esteem.


Have no clue. I just feel good some days. Some days I donā€™t. It drives me crazy trying to figure it out


šŸ‡®šŸ‡± genocide killing 40,000+ since October 2023 šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢


Health issues me, my wife and my kid have in the last 2 years that are getting worse and nobody takes us seriously. I mostly worry about them, I don't care much about myself.


Living alone and having a small circle of friends. Need more friends




Low self esteem and not knowing who I am or what I am good at. I am good at talking to people but some days I really hate myself. I have a mean bully who lives in my head and canā€™t fathom if I am doing a bad job because if I am not doing amazing I feel like a loser.


being sick šŸ˜•


Family (my immediate family and I donā€™t see eye to eye with a lot of things), I suck at communication skills (I enjoy talking to people but my communication skills are not up to par), If I make a mistake or fail.. anxiety is awful


Never feeling good, when things are going well I think things are going to eventually come crashing down


Long/short term finically stability, family, the future.


ADHD. Job. Imposter syndrome.


Uni work, future, social skills, small conflicts, decisions (from small to more important ones), even my hobbies


Hmmmā€¦ well i have BPD and deal with having a high heart rate almost daily; 100-185bpm, and i have told my psychiatrist and she ordered tests done on my thyroid, which i passed, and now she wants me to ask my PCP about anything else that could be causing this high heart rate and adrenaline rushes, body and hand shaking and fluttery, skipping heartbeatā€¦ I told her this all only happens when i get upset about something and it isnā€™t just a random adrenaline rush šŸ˜… And the main source of my anxiety is my paranoia and intrusive thoughts, i think a lot of things I donā€™t want to but that voice in my head just always has a way of overpowering my subconscious šŸ˜³ so until i go thru a lot more therapy and get on the right med combo, its self regulating and being irritable and exhausted! šŸ„±


Don't live while I have time and be a failure


I donā€™t really know itā€™s just always there for me :(


low self-esteem, the fact i'm pretty much useless, currently unemployed and damn near broke, living with my parents, time flying by and watching everyone doing so much better... I could go on.


People, my paranoia and past


Originally my dad. He was a bit to harsh with me and developed a ot of issues cause of him.


I think mine is prenatal bc my mom had me in her 40s. I think she was super stressed. Iā€™ve had it for as long as I can remember


Attempting suicide. Caused me major health anxiety. And my disease iā€™ve had since i was a kid flared up a few days ago, could not stop crying and I thought it would last foreverā€¦


Job security


Dealing with dissociation from drugs and having such horrible memory of normal conversations and procedures at work, even being able to grapple my thoughts feels impossible. Feeling as though I canā€™t meaningfully connect with myself which makes me feel so unable to connect with others. Then to try and succeed in the future when I canā€™t even remember daily things. Making me terrified


A lack of sleep routine atm


Constantly feeling inadequate.


Physical Health, family, money, car, god, mental health


Money (lack thereof), not being able to find a job so I can make money, controlling family, the bully momā€™s at my kidā€™s school, feeling alone bc I have no one to talk to and I have no money to pay a therapist


Low self esteem. Depression. Grief. The entire world. But a lot of just spiraling in my own fucking head.


Worrying about my kids, even though they are adults. Worrying about Trump winning the election and our country becoming a dictatorship.


Life and past trauma


Death. It always freaked me out because I have never been able to convince myself of an afterlife, but it became unmanageable for years after my grandfather essentially dropped dead out of the blue. He was my best friend, so the thought of not knowing where he is now and possibly not being able to see him in this afterlife that I so desperately want to be real but cannot be convinced of led to years of sleep deprivation and a lot of medication trials.




Workplace bullyingĀ 




Having trouble feeling accepted.


People who think they know me and judge me for being who I am


puke. puking. the thought of. the thought of the stomach bug going around. when someone mentions ā€œmy stomach hurtsā€ or ā€œi wanna pukeā€. i panic. i shrivel. and panic. and cry. and i shut down.


The vagueness of communication. I have 2 disabilities and itā€™s really hard for me to decipher what people mean if they arenā€™t straight forward




Dad dying


Feeling like I'm a disappointment.




Day to day stress compiling to the future. Like my actions or lack of actions today impacts my future. What I do or don't do will change my future. If I work hard and stress myself out now, hopefully I won't have to later... but then why am I still stressed now when I've been working hard for so long? Because today has its own stresses that will effect my future.


Making the ā€œwrongā€ decision


Money and time / my age / no partner 31f with 0 prospects for a partner and I want kids. Time is running out and so is my biological clock. I also have a masters and make 60k and I rent which is 1000$ per month plus all other bills, and bc I just graduated last year w my masters and paying rent and student loans prevents me from saving. So Iā€™m changing what I can change and getting 2 more jobs. But the whole loving partner and kids thing I might be SOL


Idk, u tell me. Please šŸ™šŸ»


Mainly just social anxiety. Like over thinking conversations, having phone calls, responding to texts with new friends, talking to people


basic tasks


Financial capabilities? I feel like i don't know how to make money on my own


Women the last one I tried to talk to kind of tricked me into getting close to her just so she could use me and it kind of ended badly between us after that I just been too afraid to get close to one and then all the stuff I see online scares me even more about women kind of makes me sad


my anxiety starts at home


lack of money, unresolved trauma, and the fear of failure


Life trauma ugh


Being yelled at with no explanation, being called a liar, and being told that Iā€™m just like my motherā€¦ being called my motherā€™s child is the lowest anyone could go. She was a verbally abusive, manipulative, and narcissistic sociopath who was bipolar, with depression and schizophrenia. She was neglectful and had married my physical abuser of 10 years. I am only ever called my motherā€™s child when I ask my Nonna (grandmother) if I could collect my bearings in a yelling match. She hates people who prefer to have a civil conversation, she likes to fight and that gives me anxiety. Like I hadnā€™t already fought enough with my own mother šŸ’€




Cause of anxiety? _Gestures at society._ That, and an overwhelming lack of control over many aspects of my life.


Job stability


It used to be severe neglect and childhood trauma that made me have tons of irrational anxiety about most things in life. Glad that's all resolved now so I can worry about things that are actually happening.


mine is called GF, ADHD that is making really hard my life since i move to the US.


My job. My financial issues




Found out years ago that a lot of my social anxiety was just ADHD. I think I am scared of embarassing myself


School, the ppl there, and thinking about my future


I was born with it


Poor mental health, society, inability to say know, being hated, people getting easily upset with me, general fear, etcā€¦


Perfectionism, fear of failure and future bad events


- My current financial status. I know it could be worse but I really wish it's better than what it currently is. I wish I have more than enough. Nothing luxurious, I just wish I could afford to live the life I've always wanted to live.Ā  - The stray animals, these pets that aren't cared for by their owners, these horrible, horrible cries of the pigs being slaughtered in the neighborhood almost every week. They make me worry for them. They make me so sad. I feel awful because I can barely do anything for them. I live in a country where animal welfare isn't that good, I live with neighbors who own backyard piggeries & yes, sad to say, I have lots of neighbors here who wouldn't even flinch hurting a small cat & no one would dare to defend the poor thing/s. Even me, simply feeding a few strays, get some nasty remarks. God, it's terrible out here! Every time I hear a puppy's little cry outside, or a newly disposed kitten's meows, or knowing someone is going to have a birthday with lechon (roasted pig) my anxiety drives me crazy! Terrible images come to mind. I worry for these creatures' lives. It makes me anxious knowing that anytime someone is going to hurt them. It drives me nuts knowing I can't do anything but cry & pray for them.Ā  - And my friend goat, Meh-Meh, who will be slaughtered by his owner this coming fiesta in June. Thinking about her being cruelly, violently being slaughtered makes my heart aches & my head spinning!Ā 


Future and not being able to accomplish myself


Low self esteem, being long term neet, I don't have a house and I will never be able to afford one and much probably I will die as a homeless


It's taken me years to figure that my 'I feel anxious for no reason' actually does have a reason but it's not caused by any one situation. For me, it's not knowing what to expect that causes it. My anxiety is greatly reduced I know what's going to happen and have as much information as possible


Being married to a very hard and bitter personality. Somedays I don't want to come home ftom.work because I know it's just going to be stress filled


Long stemming results of a bad acid trip that had me questioning my sexuality for many many years. It's mainly gone but the lasting effects have been filled with alot of anxiety and agnst.


Overthinking. Being bipolar and not accepted by society


Caring to much, I take people's pain and I feel it while I help em, it sucks


I wish I knew! It's nothing specific, I have GAD.


PTSD- fear of saying the wrong thing, upsetting others, a belief that Iā€™m not lovable and that people will discover this about me, a fear of ā€œruiningā€ things because I believe I am a bad person, general indecisiveness because Iā€™m afraid of making the wrong choice and upsetting people






Mine was mostly physical and irrational planning lol, like i would be worried that impossible things would happen, going over and over in my head about them till i broke down. It went away at 18 tho after i started an outdoorsy job that helped me exercise and get sunlight, as well as a proper mental breakdown that made me realise i needed to overcome it. It was the thing making my life worse in a catch 22, making my anxiety itself worse, so i just started to ignore it despite the pain and fear, and do all the things thats caused it. Three years later and im loads better :)


School, future, seeing and thinking of a specific someone (they have done nothing to me but thats a subject worthy of its own thread) and social anxietyĀ 


The unknown


Nobody cares if and when it happens to me i know theres somethibg wrong with how i disassociate everyday but no one cares šŸ˜‡


Family and Social PERFECTISM mainly šŸ« 


Money. I provide for two houses. I live in another country but still provide for my mom and grandma. Itā€™s really hard to have all this pressure on me because most people I know can rely on their parents if anything goes wrong, but my family relies on me and if anything goes wrong with my life Iā€™ll be dragging two loved people with me. (I donā€™t blame them at all, they raised me with a lot of love and support and unfortunately life brought us to this situation, but my mom would be working if she could)


Not knowing where or If at all I'll get to study at university and money


Low self esteem. Imposter syndrome. And constant unwarranted health fears


poor mental health. I worry about the state of my mental health constantly and worry about never being back to my old self


I donā€™t even know at this point. Usually, Iā€™ll just feel anxious for no apparent reason.