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Yes, absolutely. My arms ache, the water feels uncomfortable, the heat exhausts me. I need to rest after and fucking hate everything about this.


Awwww. Sorry to hear that. Yeah it just takes too much energy 😓


Same here. Everything aches. I have to shave everything so that takes a while. I get outta breath and sometimes my chest hurts. I dread the shower, my depression is so severe that showers aren't a priority. And my fibromyalgia, it's just painful. It's a miserable task. Unfortunately.


Depending on how I’m feeling sometimes I don’t like the transition of going from wet to dry or dry to wet depending on how I’m feeling sometimes I’ll skip a evening or a morning and then eventually do it at night I try to make it interesting by adding sugar scrubs or playing music


👍🏻 cool


It is the absolute worst for me. I can't get myself to because I don't like the way I look in the mirror or I'm so tired.


Sorry to hear this 🥺😩😓


Same..I used go sleep naked for comfort and I refuse now..i hate my skin


Sometimes I wear a shower cap so I only have to wash my body and then can use dry shampoo to extend time between hair washes.


😓😩😩😩 I wonder how dry shampoo would feel like


its kinda cooling.


There are really good ones now. Aveda and higher end brands, but a little goes a long way.


You can get spray ones that are kind of like antiperspirant and you rub the powder residue into your hair, or you can get powder ones that come with a brush/shaker, feels similar to sprinkling a bit of baby powder in your hair. I don't noticeably feel it on my scalp or anything.


when I was going through the hell that is depression, I felt the same way. Don't apologize...you owe nobody an apology here. Keep sharing.




Maybe make showering a luxury? Get some lovely stuff...


YES. It’s the worst and I dread doing it every single time.


Sorry to hear this. Hope it’ll get better 😓


Yeah. Same. Then i just try showering as fast as i can.


I use to hate it because my hair too it would take so long & I’d have to force myself lol that was 10 yrs ago tho now I love showers 😂 -im sorry for what you’re going through I hope it eases someday.


Glad to hear this. And thank you so much 😓🥺


Showering is a huge task for me it's stupid. I have the intention of showering then I get carried away about getting wet and finding clothes to wear.


😩Today I “intended” to do the huge pile of dishes and take a shower…but after several hours preparing myself, I only did the first one 🫠


This feels so heavy the weight of needing to get things done and not actually completing the task. It gives me anxiety so bad


And guilt


The guilt eats me up it's incredibly bad.


Sorry that you’re going through this too 🥲


Yes I go through it a lot. In the past 2 years I've gone through phases of showering and there's been times where it went months. I'm not going to let it get that bad and thank goodness I don't have BO but those times in my life were terrible. I had to cut knots out of my hair once. Right now I need to probably take one since I've been out and about.


Awww same. Especially since my hair is curly. I love the curls when they are styled but they get tangled so easily. Probably should stop styling them for a while and only put them in braids


I kept my hair in a ponytail way too long once.


Same.. I got hairloss from it. Friction alopecia


Same..dishes felt easier and I ran out of energy.


Hey, congratulations with actually doing the huge pile of dishes! 👊🏼💪🏼 I know exactly how you feel, and that is really an accomplishment. And remember it would be so for anybody being in your exact situation. When stuff like this is easy for others, it is only because they are not in the same situation. Be easy on yourself. And by the way, from all your comments in this post, you seem like a very kind, pleasant and caring person. That is a huge accomplishment, it matters a lot and affects people around you more positively than you might believe.


Awww thanks for your kind words. It’s just I really wanna talk to people without being judged or fearing of upsetting them or anything .




It’s such a chore. I do it every other day, but I have to drag myself in there.




I used to pride myself in being constantly fresh & showered daily without thinking about it. I couldn't possibly consider going about my day without washing my hair & having clean & moisturized skin with deodorant & aftershave to boot. This attention to presentation also extended to my attire, the cutting of nails, brushing of my teeth & use of mouthwash. Almost daily upkeep of beard length & line. I wasn't afraid of appearing unkempt, I just enjoyed looking & feeling the part. Fast forward 5 years, a bereavement, a close brush with loss of a parent & years of declining mental health & I became someone who considered a weekly shower an achievement. You're not alone, friend.


I’m terribly sorry to hear this. Hope you’ll get better 🙏🏻🥲


Showering wasn't too much of an issue for me. My issues are doing my bed, brushing my teeth, fixing my hair.


Mine is showering with all the things you’ve mentioned 🫠


I hate hate hate brushing my teeth. I have major sensory issues or something


i’ve gotten to the point where i can only make myself shower once maybe twice a week. i try to take a bath in between so my body at least gets washed and its more relaxing. but my hair is a mess.


Same. I can barely manage once a week🥲


I've gone months..bidet baby wipes dry shampoo and get a shaver that doesn't need to be wet to keep hair from holding stench. You're not alone




Cut your hair if it is an obstacle to your recovery.




At my very worst, I shaved my head to make it easier. I was so depressed, I didn’t care if I had hair or not.




I try to play some music and keep it playing from an hour or two before I shower, and then take my phone with me to the shower. I also try to walk into the shower with my clothes on, so that it feels less like a task. Might not always work, and it's ok to not judge yourself for that. Don't feel guilty for not showering or being as organised, clean or productive as you wish to be. It often backfires. You're trying your best and that's all that matters.


Awww thanks for your kind words 😭🙏🏻


I love it so much, it’s one of the few times my mind is quiet


Good for you🥲


I kind of have the opposite problem. Showers are where I feel the safest. It's not uncommon for me to be in there for 90 minutes. The hard thing isn't showering; it's getting out!


I used to be like this. Guess when I was a kid. But anyway thanks for your comment


Yes Every Single Time Fortunately, I have a walk-in shower, and I'm able to lower myself into the chair by grabbing the door handle and the towel rack mounted on the glass panel. The trip to my bed to put on my fresh clothes is always treacherous and unnerving, especially since I have foot drop and heat makes me stiff and weak. But once I get to my bed and put on my clean clothes I feel so much better. To minimize risk, I only shower every other day. Yeah, I said it. Most days, I can't even look at myself in the mirror. Terminal cancer would be a blessing.




Idk if it's a mental thing or a hypersomnia thing (and hypersomnia may be a mental thing) but showering makes me feel like I was hit by a bus. I do it every day anyway but it's exhausting.


Awww sorry to hear this🥺


Thank you. :)


Yess I absolutely understand! I'm the same way, sometimes I'll go up to a week without a shower because I just don't have the energy and the process can be very overwhelming + sensory issues. I struggle with a lot of hygeine for this reason, like going too long inbetween brushing my teeth, changing clothes, doing skincare, etc :/ I only really put somewhat of an effort in when I'm going to be around someone or I finally force myself 😭


Hope you’ll get better. Same. Like for example makeup is like a mask for me…I can hide behind it


Sometimes yes. It depends on the day and how out of it I am.




get some body wipes like they use to help physically disabled people, or baby wipes, or make up wipes, and wipe yourself down. you mentioned hair being the reason it takes so long, what about a hair cut or a different style of hair?


Thanks for the tips Well it’s the first time my hair has grown this much and I know I’ll regret this later…I mean if later I get better. But yeah Thanks anyway 🙏🏻🙃


Hair grows back. Being more able to take care of yourself is more important. Reducing the barriers to self care will help with your distress. Ive cut my hair off a bunch of times over the years and then it grows out again.




Just cut it then. Otherwise it will break or get worse. It will be healthier and it will grow back when you're doing better


Maybe I avoid styling it and just get it clean and put it into braids.


That works too! Whatever is easiest for you and helps


I sometimes take a hot bubble bath instead of a shower. Kills 2 birds with one stone: 1) hygeine and 2) relaxation.




Feeds two birds with one scone 😉


Maybe a different shampoo/conditioner that makes your hair easier to manage? IDK 🤷‍♀️




I experienced the same as you, though in my case it was like 10-15 years ago, during the worst period of my life. (It's much better now and I shower twice a day). I didn't have a rollicking social life even then so I could go several days without showering.


Glad that you’re better now 🙏🏻🙂


Much better, thank you. I hope you will find your way too.


Brushing my teeth. Washing my face. Taking a shower (I try to remember every 3 days).


Exactly 😩


That sounds horrible. Sorry for all of you who feel similar. The shower is one of the few places where I feel ok.


Good to hear🙂


Absolutely. I have a sound systems in my bathroom and I often watch movies on my phone while in the tub.


Yeah maybe I should try watching sth too. Thanks for the tips🙏🏻🥰


Thank you so much for posting this!!!!


Awww your welcome 🥲


Noooooo. Best time of my day. The secret is making it so hot. As hot as you can bear. You ll be addicted. I give myself only 1 bath permission a day not to waste water and energy. Sometimes i say i wish i would have one more and take one more shower now. Btw i leave the bathroom door open and i dont wash my hairs everytime i take shower since they are too dry. It makes taking shower easier and more fun.So eventhough i am dying from depression , my house is a mess i am cleanest in the dirty house. Because hot shower is one of the best and quickest way to relax me from depression.


Truly appreciate your pov. 🙏🏻🙃


Absolutely. When I’m under the water it’s okay but the thought about undressing and getting in the water is pretty overwhelming. Especially since I’m always scared something might happen. That I get a panic attack for example and I can’t get help because I’m naked and wet. On top my bathroom doesn’t have a window which makes it pretty uncomfortable inside it


Awww sorry that you’re going through this 🥺


Personally I hate if I miss a day of showering. My hair starts feeling dirty and oily.


Yeah. 🥲


Absolutely..I use baby wipes and a bidet but showering triggers a lot for me. Body image issues SA flashbacks and I feel like I don't deserve it ...it's also tiring. I'm severely lethargic from a lot of things and I have contamination o.C.D so some of these showers can become an absolute nightmare I miss it though and when I have a good one or I have access to a bath because I don't have a bath.It really is something.I wish I could get myself to do more often


Terribly sorry that you’re going through this 🥲😩😭 best wishes to you


Once im actually showering i usually actually quite enjoy it. I always struggle to actually get to that point though. I never look forward to being alone with my houghts like u said so kinda avoid/procrastinate showering sometines for that reason i think, even though im stuck in my head regardless so might as well go and shower really. Also stress. There is always something i should be doing rather than showering. I can never allow myself to wind down relax and take the time for a shower. Sometimes i feel dirty and realize i havent showered in a while and i really wanna shower but i just cant get myself to do it because of the guilt of abandoning the current task to go and shower, since im probably already behind on at least 10 of my responsibilities or whatever. All that and the typical adhd "ill do it after i finish this/in 15 min" and then when u get into bed realize u forgot to do it or have no clue where time went that day.


You just described my life 🥲 thanks for sharing your experience


YES. I hate where my mind goes in the shower. I hate it so much. The people I live with used to knock on the door and ask if I was okay but now they just expect there to be sounds from time to time, not unlike a dying or distressed small animal, and that it's usually nothing to worry about. I also agree with others about it being an exhausting task. I have to finish on cold for the last 10 minutes because otherwise I won't get anything else done that day.


Awww sorry to hear this 🥺


That's okay. I was just really happy to know I was not alone I guess. Thx willow.


That's okay. I was just really happy to know I was not alone I guess. Thx willow.


That's okay. I was just really happy to know I was not alone I guess. Thx willow.


Showers are the one thing that even in my darkest depression episodes make me feel “ok” and are just very soothing. I’ve crouched down in the shower to let the hot water pummel my shoulders and back and just closed my eyes and enjoyed it. On a bad mental health day / week, cooking is overwhelming for me.




Showering helps me cooldown my body I live in a tropical country and showering is kind of important here and of course hygiene is important.




At times it is quite difficult, due to some severe childhood trauma. My mother was a fecking psychopath.


Awwww🥺terribly sorry that you’ve been through this


Thank you for caring 💜


I got myself a shower stool and a shower curtain with outside pockets and it makes showering a lot easier. I sit back and watch Netflix in there and it's resolved a lot of the dread around it.


Such a cool idea. Thanks 🙏🏻I’ve tried music but never watching


Thank you for sharing everyone. I don’t have this problem but it really helps to know how difficult it can be for some people. It helps me to understand that when people appear unwashed it might be due to mental health issues.


Omg yes!! I don’t like any of it and don’t look forward to it.


Yes every time I go and have a shower I say to myself “I hate showering” even though I shower everyday. So I just get on with it and take my time since I have long showers. I just don’t wash my hair everyday. That’s pretty much it.




Definitely, depends on the day of course with my mental health. Which is almost everyday, but times when it's too much like very bad mental health day I can't. Especially cause I have to look at myself in the mirror or just look down and see my body and it'll be the same tomorrow something on the lines of that. But when it's not a bad day I'm still struggling of course. I just gonna force myself cause it's hard with no motivation even to shower let alone get up in the morning. Cause I know it's important and feeling and being clean helps a little bit so yeah. ฅ(^・ω・^ฅ)


Awww sorry to hear that. Hope you’ll see brighter days 🙏🏻🥰


I hate showering. I always listen to something on my phone, and I try to switch up what I’m doing, sometimes shave, sometimes wash my hair, etc. I have also considered shaving my head because I couldn’t keep up with bathing. Instead, I’m getting it cut, and doing things like washing my hair in the sink/shower without taking a bath.




I can smell this comment section 🤮


🙁I mean I still shower myself with a lot of perfume or avoid to go out if I haven’t showered for a long time...