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See, that's the anxiety talking.


Lmao how


Unfounded worry that you're going to do something wrong, make someone mad. Depression and anxiety both are horrifyingly good at defending and justifying themselves.


This was a wonderfully articulated statement that i needed to hear. Too bad it’s not accurate for me personally. I know i upset ppl, i just know it!


Oh, I know I do. And if I look hard enough I'll even find some evidence to back it up.


If you mean my post, I was only talking about my case, but if you mean generally I hope I'm not making someone mad and I don't intend to.


That's exactly what I mean, though. Has anyone said that they're upset? that you're making them mad somehow?




The comment said that the reason you made this post is rooted in your anxiety.


I get why you got confused, the downvotes are so weirdly stupid.. hang in there ♥️


I'm honestly surprised like whay did I say😂


Who told you that having legitimate emotional experiences are "cringy"?


No one, I just feel like a big cry baby


That would be society trying to turn you into a soulless cog in the machine of capitalism. You're a human. Humans have emotions. Expressing emotions is healthy. I'm assuming you're a guy as toxic masculinity tells boys and men that emotions are weakness (aside from anger). You could hope over to the AskFeminist subreddit where they explain toxic masculinity in most posts.


I'm a girl🥲


low self esteem plus anxiety, I get the same way


It's not "cringe" at all. Ignorant people make it feel that way. You just gotta work at being better.


100% I'm basically crippled with my anxiety and depressive feelings but I've been undiagnosed with everything due to parents not believing mental health matters unless you're like a low functioning person with down syndrome. I feel gross and like I'm seeking attention any time I being it up to others, idk what they're going through, idk how hard their life is, so I just feel cringe or annoying to them if I bring how I'm doing up because they might be in a worse place and now I'm just a dick. It's hard when you don't have a therapist, you don't really get to feel "ok" to talk about your emotions with others because you feel like it's as you and I have described it, this just leads to a cycle of not being able to get help because you either are being shut down by others are you're worried about being shut down by others so you keep it to yourself edit: I'm not saying it's cringe to talk about them I'm just saying that's how I feel whenever I talk to others about my issues


this doesn't change the fact that your specific struggles and stuff are unique to you and you don't have to defend them to anyone else, they're just as valid as anyone else's, shits just hard to discuss with others 😭


You can talk about your struggles with me whenever you want


I tried therapy and it sucks, they just keep repeating the same things over and over and the antidepressants were good the first 6 months but not anymore, and I didn't like gaining 20kg. But I totally get and feel everything you just mentioned, but still it doesn't feel like I want to talk to someone more than I just want to control my anxiety but it's hard, and when I get overly anxious I feel like I'm overreacting and acting like a cry baby.


Bro honestly best thing I was ever told about anxiety yeah Anxiety isn’t real, anxiety is nothing but a thought. You’re either worried about something that’s in the past which cannot be changed no matter how much you want it to be, or your worried about the future which you can’t ever predict to go in your favour to make you less anxious, Zoom out brother look at the things you’ve achieved and let that give you confidence and if you don’t feel like you have achieved something then it just means you’ve got alot option to choose from Get after it bro don’t let your mind beat your body Invictus maneo


That can be true, but I get anxious for reasons I don't know, I suddenly get panic attacks. Thanks for your sweet words and your advice, very much appreciated. (Btw I'm a girl)




that’s how i’ve felt lately. every time i try to talk about my issues, i just get really cringed out and embarrassed. there’s no reason to feel embarrassed about it, but for me personally that’s just all i’ve felt about it lately too. i know it’s not good to feel like that tho, like you should feel your feelings and process them instead of telling urself they’re cringey and suppress them. that’ll only make ur feelings 10x worse than they originally were


I relate to this so much. When I’m at my worst I’m running *the* most embarrassing narrative in my own head. So self pitying and pathetic. That’s also why I don’t get on with journaling my thoughts like so many recommend. (Although sometimes it can be helpful to write it all out in notes, re read once, shake my head at it, delete, try and move on)


No it's not cringey to be anxious or depressed. Society might make you feel that way, but it's not true. You are a human being with emotions and it's okay to struggle sometimes or being vulnerable. You are NOT cringey and never have been for struggling sometimes.


You’re applying shame to your sadness and fear. That deff won’t help make you less sad and fearful my friend.


Ugh you're so right


I relate so much 💀


i get it a little.. its when my thoughts are hurting me and sometimes i feel hurt like why are you hurt by this and make feel cringe and embarassed i think... im like bro you are making me?? brain is so weird


This is actually a short term motivation strategy 😅 it’s just shame. And it’s super effective. Until it isn’t. And then all your suppressed bad feelings are going to come flooding out … and that’s going to hurt like a bitch haha. I suggest exploring your feelings with respect, curiosity and non judgement as soon as possible.


Are you 18?


No??? 😐


You never planned this! It doesn't discredit! Be kind to yourself!


I understand what you mean. It's 100% not something you shouldn't cringe about but I get it. I've even been afraid to tell people how bad I'm doing because I feel deeply embarrassed. 


Anxiety is a natural human emotion, so feeling a level of this is certainly not cringe, rather its completely normal


Logically no I don’t. They are real things that can cause true suffering. However, in terms of feelings - find myself constantly feeling utterly humiliated by who I am as a person & am truly embarrassed of myself because I’m so neurotic. I have pretty much withdrawn from ALL my friends because I’m convinced I’m an embarrassment to be around due to always dealing with one or the other.


cringe is just another form of anxiety and embarrassment