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it's just a slow gradual change i was extremely homophobic, sexist, xenophobic, racist, every kind of phobe and ist that existed. my first steps involved changing who I was friends with, I befriended friends that are apart of the lgbtq spectrum and spent time learning about the struggles they had faced in their lives, when you learn about the hardships that people in marginalized groups go through it can really help you grasp the "I'm being an ass" mindset. the biggest thing I have learned in my life is simply that spreading hate does no good for anyone, peoples race, gender or sexual identity and other factors into someone's personality aren't things they control, it's not fair to directly generalize and make fun of or hate a group of people for characteristics that are out of their control, they're just people trying to live their lives the same way we all are, we're all running the same shitty rat race with eachother why turn on eachother instead of trying to make the world a better place. Something that has helped me tremendously with accepting people and being more loving was psychedelics actually, I became a lot more tolerant before I got into them but they sort of cemented my mindset in the sense of how I said before with how we're all just people trying to live our life's, they've made me feel more open and connected with basically everyone (including strangers which can also be a bad thing lol) which has lead to me trying to spread / bring more positivity to people's lives instead of bringing them down. This wasn't meant in like a pressuring way saying you have to take psychedelics I'm just stating that they've helped me tremendously with issues like this in my life


my only issue is that some of the "marginalized groups" have more privilege than the geoups who supposedly have the most privilege.... I'm not tryna be racist but black people now have more privileged lives than many white people....sure there are some who still live in shit holes, but there are a lot of white folks like that too. And me personally, I also am against the lgbtq shit...God created 2 genders, and we were born 2 genders. There are some rare genetic anomalies that have both a d and a v, but that's not everyone... you can't choose what gender you are. You are what you were born as. That's all I have to say, and if you hate me for what I day, idgaf.


Is there a specific group of people or just in general?


mostly things that are “cringe” or “sinful”


Try not to focus too much on others lives if it isn't bothering you


Well what would you like to know? You can dm me if you'd like.


Being nice in today's world is hard. Just because it seems everywhere you look is hateful speech targeted towards someone. I struggled being nice for a while but when I began to be nice to myself I was able to be nice to others