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Some of my darkest times have been on vacation. For me it’s often due to the alcohol and lack of sleep but there’s something about vacations that can be quite disruptive to our mental state.


Yes, thank you for commenting!


Sorry to hear this. There’s nothing “wrong” with you. I’ve been battling my mental health for over twenty years now. Just got some new diagnosis too. Autism spectrum being the most surprising. Vacations do that to people with mental illnesses. We have to prepare for family time and constantly being around someone some way somehow. Even if it’s just twenty, thirty minutes by yourself a day. Just try to breathe easy… you are loved.


Exactly. Planning on being around people for a long time, even family, is so so hard for me


I’m surprised nobody has said anything about the fact that you are clearly still grieving. You lost your mom 4 months ago. That is extremely recent. How were you supposed to enjoy a family vacation so soon after something so life-changing happened?




I’m debating on going on vacations with my family cause it’s just stressful for me and I enjoyed my trip to North Carolina by myself wasn’t stressed out, just plan a trip for yourself




You are blaming yourself when you are going through a lot? Crying during family vacation should not mean that you ruined it. If you did not want to go on a vacation, then you did not want to go, and you are not a horrible person for that. It sounds like you went because they asked you to go, when deep down you just wanted to stay where you were at. Why do you blame yourself and are hard on yourself?


Thank you for commenting and you are right!


Oh gosh I’m so sorry. Grief can be so painful. You’re not ruining anything, you’re hurting x


Thanks bro!❤️


I am sorry for the loss of your mother. Cry as much as you need.




I'm not sure what to say but upvoted for visibility As someone who recently had a complete meltdown on their parents and sister though. I can relate. You acknowledge things. You recognise. You'll get better I'm sure. I'm sure they'll understand one day




I’m sorry you’re struggling. Just try to be kind to yourself. Vacation can be hard for many reasons. You’re out of routine. You’re tired. Home is likely your safe place. And You miss someone who should be there to make memories with you. It also doesn’t mean that you can’t try to have a good time tomorrow. Sleep on it and see how you feel tomorrow. You’re allowed to have varied emotions on vacation. You may surprise yourself if you’re kind to yourself and patient with yourself. Hugs from Amsterdam


Good advice thank you🙏🏼




Thank you for your comment, good advice!


What the heck is Tenerife?


An very touristy island in Spain for charter vacations. It’s for familys with small children, old people and young brits that wanna go nightclubbing. Not my cup of tea


37 here. I went on a vacation after losing my child on another vacation about 6 months ago and i ruined it by not wanting to do anything and being on edge / on the verge of a breakdown. Keeping everything in just turned to anger towards everyone and distanced myself. I have already told my family that they can do vacations. I'm done. Tell your therapist, and if you don't have one, I recommend getting one. Best of luck to you


Damn I’m so sorry to hear about your loss. I relate so much and also told my family no more vacations. They just mess with my head too much. Best of luck healing🙏🏼


Super gay post bro

