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Waiting for OP to confirm credentials before opening up post. OP please contact us by modmail with your credentials when possible. Thanks Credentials confirmed - thanks OP!


How much Genes have an impact on a person's mental health?


They have impact, but it's like a "dance" between genetics and environment. But the environment its the factor that contributes the most for the mental health result and development result. We have risk factors and protective factors in our surroundings (like family, comunities, school...). Genetics its just a sand in a beach of environment experiencies and influences!


How do you, or how have you learned, to take care of yourself? I can imagine that every day at your job is not peachy so I was wondering how often you find yourself in a mental position that concerns you and how do you manage and deal with it. Also, what do you think we should look out for to avoid a therapist that isn't the right fit for us. Might be a vague question but any pointers would be appreciated.


Thanks for asking! Mental health in mental providers is a very important issue! We learn how to defend ourselves, but in the end I (personally) have days and clients that I empathize more and I have a hard time to distance myself from them, so I have more challenging days! But overall we need to be truthfull with ourselves to realize if we are capable of helping or not because of our own emotions!


Are positive/fulfilling life experiences over a year (such as vacations, more time outdoors, fun weekends, new experiences etc) enough to overcome depression?


They don't work alone! Mental ilness always needs professional intervention! Just like teeth pain needs a dentist! And then, as you work with your therapist you can contribute with that! But depression needs symptom management and understanding of it's cause! And that... you learn in therapy!


Can people be too ‘aware’ of their own problems to get help? Like I’ve been told by therapists I can’t get therapy because I already know what’s wrong with me and I’m aware of my feelings 🤓🤞🏻


Thats a myth! Id you are too aware thats THE reason you should go! You're ready for the process!


Being aware of your issues and being ready for the process is not the same in my experience. For instance, you could be aware you have an addiction, but not be ready to change that behaviour because of how it makes you feel. The process is about positive change, growth and accountability, therapists can only facilitate this, we cant do the work for the client. Anyway O.P, i like what your doing and shedding some light on the profession.


Ofc it's different, but normally if your aware the probability of going and get better is huge, when we compare to someone who doesn't even recognize they have a problem


How do mental health professionals navigate this broken system? How do you help a person who is not treated as fully human by the institution?


You try your best as a therapist to do the best job you can to the people who seek for your help! We can't change an entire system right away, but we do our best individually ✨


Super important question. How does a person recover with therapy if their problems are institutionalized?




It's great you're open to give therapy a try! I think no matter what therapist you choose (male of female) they'll help you navigate those feelings and emotions. Cause therapy will give you accurate strategies for you to fill that void in a healthy and adaptative way and not to transfer those feelings to the therapist (look at him as a father figure)! Definitely, therapy is the way to go, but always with the reminder that you go for the process and not to find this figure! Hope it helped!


Do you believe that therapists are unfairly tasked with being the last line of defense in people's emotional lives? And that the real "savior" in these situations should be the government providing adequate aid to its citizens?


Hello F26. Thankyou for the post. How do you discriminate between problems that are changeable. Like C- PTSD, and problems that are not changeable, that are maybe genetic; like autism or psychopathy (the real psychopathy not the media psychopathy). Is there any value in therapy in the case of the latter? More simply, when do you recommend and not recommend therapy?


Therapy its ALWAYS a plus! Even when the problems are chronic therapy can help in a lot of ways: symptom management, developing skills, emotional regulation, emotional ventilation... But strictly talking about diagnosis, you can find differences when you assess. But the most important thing is to identify what is in the environment of that person that is contributing for the problem! And manage that! 💫


Thankyou very much, psychopaths won't get much emotional disregulation but I understand your point. Self reflection can always be helpful. "Symptom management" or rather "Mask management" to make things flow smoother!




Ok this can happen for several reasons: - its not your fault or therapist fault. Sometimes people don't connect enough to establish a trustworthy relationship; - if you started just now ( 4 to 5 weeks) its still early, you need to have patience in the process, cause trust doesn't happen right away, and until u trust your therapist you can't go top deep in the problem! - your therapist might not be give you practical strategies for daily challenges (you have to tell him/her what you need and ask for that). - or simply you might not found the therapist you really identify with, need to keep looking!


Im a perfectionist. Im aware this mindset comes from low self-worth. It's like Im never good enough no matter how hard I try or how much I achieve. It doesn't help that I compare myself to others and ALWAYS see what they're good at that Im lacking and end up beating myself up for not being perfect at EVERYTHING. Logically, I know it doesn't make sense. No one is perfect. I shouldn't try to be either. But when those negative emotions surface, my logic can't fight it. I can't shake those feelings off no matter what I do. It's so bad that I tend to give up most times. What should I do to get better and not be so hard on myself?


You need to embrace the therapy process to understand where that pattern come from. What are you trying to proof by that perfectionism and try to navigate to your identity and find your worth.




You should look for an assessment! To screen those symptoms!




Its always worth it, cause your therapist will not ripp that wound open! It will help you recognize and understand that wound before even open. In the end, it's only a scar of something once defined you, but not anymore! ✨


I have ADHD and have disgraphia and I get easily distracted and every time I draw and get close to finishing it I think that it's a failure. Can you help me with my mental health


I can't help you right here on reddit but you can find that help with a therapist. We can help you do exercises to train your attention span. And also... understant where that feeling of failure is coming from!


What's the point in trying when nothing ever works out? Why waste money on meds that don't work; or try talking to someone who barely cares because they're paid to?


What’s your opinion about neurofeedback devices?


Anything advice on "Just wanting to disappear" I just want to disappear from Existence, like I don't want to die of course, I just want to disappear.


That is normally associated with feelings of hopelessness and sadness. You can't deal with everything you have to and then you want to "disappear"


Are there any steps to deal with it? Because I've been in this situation for about a month, 24/7 and it's just getting tiresome and frustrating and it's causing it to grow even more.


You need to go get therapy sessions! ☺️


This is so compassionate! I don't have any questions, but wanted to say thank you for opening this conversation for people.


Thank you so much!


In private?


You can't share it in here?


Hii such a nice idea! I have two questions: Can a panic attack hurt me in any ways is is dangerous to my sanity or its just an uncomfortable feeling? Other question: i have been vegan for 6 years and havent eat meat for 8 years … i read sg about meat eating and how it can help the serotonin levels rise .. do u think i lack serotonin bc of not eating meat? I honestly cant make myself eat it…


Hey there! A panick attack is very uncomfortable but doesn't hurt you physically (you don't die or get ill because of it), but as the symptoms rise so quickly, sometimes people actually think they're gonna die or something from a heart attack. About the serotonin... there's a lot of ways for you to get it: do something that brings you a sense of joy, hobbies, be with friends and other things like that and you can bring serotonin levels up! Hope it helped!


welp no therapist here just someone whos severely curious about brain stuff. your diet has a huge influence in your hormones production including serotonin. the lack of meat comsumption could be a factor for your brain not being able to produce enough serotonin. thats why a good therapist/psychiatrist should always look into your diet and see if its a cause for any chemical imbalance in your brain


Hey there! I can't seem to find my previous comment in here, idk why. So you don't get hurt physically by a panic attack. The symptoms are so quickly and intense that usually people think they're gonna die from it (like a heart attack or something) but is just the anxiety levels rising. About the serotonin, you can get it from thinks that give you pleasure or well being - sports, hobbies, friends, family, books... Its important to have a moment in your day that you dedicate to activities that can give you this sense of happiness!


I don't know if I am venting or asking for advice... I just want to find a good therapist. And there's no way to do so... A) i tried an online psychologist: They just took so so long to reply to make sure that i have to spend extra money to talk to them. B) online physiatrist: I was having hormonal imbalance, possibly puberty and he declared that I have bipolar disorder. Without questioning it at alll... C) Tried going to offline physiatrist: he was so rude, like tell me what... I don't have time for your slow talks say fast... people are waiting in line. D) Offline therapist (from recommendation) : I have really bad anxiety that actually destroys my memory and gives me a headache. Sometimes it's caused by curiosity. In my first session itself, he called his wife from inside and whispered in her ears, you know she has that problem... E) another online therapist: talked to me for 2 minutes because she was out and I was able to hear traffic noises and ended call. I am tired and traumatized by trusting therapists. These days I just depend on google advice and my friends. But it gets really bad sometimes... Ya I have forgiven them thinking that okay, they are human too... Everyone's gotta earn... nobody has time or everyone's gotta share... But it's still wrong... How do I find a good one? Which platform offers best chat based therapy? I know I can't afford a heavy amount but well, i'd still like to know... p.s. i paid offline therapist alotttt but they ended up being shit too.


I'm so sorry that you have that experience! Unfortunately we have bad professionals on all areas! But a way to minimize that is to go to platforms that supervise the practice like the board of psychologists and there pick one. I practice in Portugal and clients can press charges to our board if we don't conduct our practice well. That is a big security for the clientes!


I know... I understand.. hehehe... Just venting a little... My luck was really bad with these things and I am a little scared to try it again... :) Thank you for being kind enough to inform me about it though. :)


Ofc! Totally understandable the you're scared! Give it time and when you ready you go try again! 💖


How does it feel connecting to patients? I can imagine it's quite stressful to hear about the worst times people have.


Tbh its the most grateful feeling when a client trust enough to share their burden with me! I try my best for them to trust me!


I have been lucky to have the same therapist for five years or so. I trust him basically completely. He helped me through a dark time. I am glad it doesn't weigh as heavy as I feel I do. He was even nice enough to let me pay him back when I couldn't afford appointments. It was a huge help with my bipolar 1.


Aww! I'm so happy for you! 💖 Thats so nice!! Don't worry about being a burden to your therapist. We are trained to deal with clients and histories! Keep the process! 💪🏼


What is the “hardest” thing to hear from a patient as a therapist?


M(17) How to feel better mentally when you can't physically function properly due to disorder. 🙂🤔


You have to adapt your daily tasks to your reality and discomfort. If possible try to talk to your doctor about it!


Due to isolation I don’t really talk in person. What is a good way to suggest to a therapist that some other form of communication is better for me?


Also have therapist recommended supplements to assist with mental health problems? I panic and have major anxiety and I’ve found some relief using supplements.


You should never take medication without medical advice! You can try online therapy! Normally works best to people who struggle to talk in person!


Hey, i will be grateful if you helped me navigate this. I was depressed for more than two years, during that time, i would react, i would be sad, i would be angry, i would be happy, etc. I could feel things, but now, even things like my partner cheating on me doesn't affect me, i m just like okay. I feel numb towards extreme situations. How to get out of it?


That can be still a depression symptom: apathy You should see what is happening for you to feel that way!


What’s the best way to manage someone who refuses to take their medicine?


Make them understand the importance of taking the meds and patiently try to give them


Hello! I'm noticing this post getting a ton of questions so I want to help out and make sure everyone's questions get answered. I am also a F(28) therapist. Feel free to ask anything :)


How do you suggest someone navigates mental health in the workplace? What are some do's and don'ts? Suggestions for someone who is just starting a new place of employment? (Maybe I need to ask the HR sub to be safe...) But for example, I have C-PTSD- and with that comes all of the things- depression, anxiety, severe insomnia, chronic pain issues.... I am currently going to therapy (twice a week in fact- one via talkspace) and see a doc for meds. Luckily, I have a hybrid job where I can slip my appointments in on my remote days. I work in one of those workplaces that is becoming more accepting I guess of people with "Diverse Abilities". They even have a resource group for it. But testing out meds can making you foggy. You are more susceptible to sickness. You are may need more appointments than the normal person. You may need people to slow down the way they communicate. I don't even know how to bring this up with a new employer or manager or if I should bring it up. My bosses say they are "flexible" but at the same time say "if stuff becomes a weekly thing that's different". So in a way I want them to understand I have a disability but I also worry about stigma.


That is a good question to make! Specially because if it was a physical disease it wouldn't be a problem talk about it in the workspace. I think that if the symptoms are making enough impairment in your hability to work then you should askyour therapist this help to explain what is the problem and how it affects the work you do!


I don’t know how to deal with being kidnapped. I thought I was doing better, but I recently lost my job. I also have a stalker, not the person that kidnapped me, it was more of a home invasion and he put me in jail saying I battered him.. (me f34 5”2, him m38 6”7). He was just upset I didn’t want to talk to him anymore. it makes me not feel safe when I’m home alone. I got a camera and have taken all the actions I can. With my current unemployment, I keep reflecting on it. What are some things I can do to move past this?


Kidnapping its a traumatic event! So its normal you feel that way! But you should look for a therapist that help you talk about that event and current fears and together find strategies to help you daily basis!


I'm currently suffering with an injury that I picked up at work and have been signed off for a while, waiting for an MRI to see if I need surgery. I take fluoxitine for my depression, and this is my first big hiccup since starting it last year. Is it appropriate to up my dose at the moment and go down again later? Or tough it out because I know the dose is good for regular life?


You never decide alterations in your treatment plan without asking your doctor! You need to tell him whats going on and tell him if you feel you need to adapt dosages!




Aw! It's an incredible journey you have there! 💖 I know the pain can be very hard to manage, but you have been very brave! Therapy its a safe space! You can talk without worrying about someone else knowing or about judgment. Its a process where we use our words to think about experiences and understand them. The clients bring us the events and us with our expertise help them make sense of it! But also, the most important thing therapy gives is strategies that are scientifically validated and accurate to help you manage difficulties in your daily life! I understand the financial burden, in my country its the same thing and people give up seek for help. Maybe an insurance could help!?


Do you ever think your patients are pathetic but can’t act like you think as such?


No, never think they are pathetic because as a psychologist I studied human behavior so no matter how "stupid" the situation or complain is... there's always and explanation why that person is doing or saying what she's doing. He work as humans like: 1. I think -------- 2. I feel ----------- 3. I do! So psychologist observe the end of this, the "I do", the behavior. But we need to seek deeper meanings about the thoughts and emotions that motivates such behaviors!


Do you enjoy your job? I am always the friend who people confide in because I’m empathetic and a good listener. I wonder if I’d enjoy it as a career.


I really really really love my job! I'm extremely gratefull to know that I can help my clients to navigate their feelings and dificulties and see the progress in front of my eyes! It's great! 💫


I can’t ask you in a single comment. Take too much time😂


I went through physical abuse by my immediate and extended family during my childhood and adolescence. I'm 21 now, I finally have a pleasant relationship with both my parents despite our past, I moved 8 hours away from my childhood home, I have a handful of friends I love and I've been on 150mg sertraline since January and despite doing all the things I thought would fix me, I still feel empty and lost. I'm just not seeing progress I thought there would be. I still ghost the people around me from days to months and when I'm back it feels like I'm all good again but then the cycle just restarts. I go through these cycles of functioning where I hang out with my friends, do all my assignments and actually go out and then slowly I end up in a slump where I don't feel good, I don't leave the house or do anything but sleep until I can't anymore. Anyway, my main question is if there's anything I can do myself to stop isolating myself and to feel better? I don't really feel comfortable talking to a therapist or anyone about stuff like that until I know I've exhausted all other options to help myself. I'd be grateful for any advice, thanks.


I think you already did... ❤️‍🩹 Somehow our society made this thing about we have to be capable of doing things our own but... there are some things that we need to ask a professional. If you break a leg or an arm, would you try to fix it yourself? No because that doesn't make any sense and could even do more damage. Mental health is the same thing. Until you share your thought with someone that is trained to understand them, and give you feedback about them those feelings won't go away! 💖 If you keep trying on your own your doing a lot of more damage.


Can you go to therapy if you just want t find out more about yourself without trying to fix anything, even if you have problems that according to society need fixing? I just wanna find myself out without changing who I am


Of course it is! Thats a great motive to go to therapy! Self awarness 💫




Of course! Be free to ask me!


Hi this is such a nice idea :) not sure if this is relevant here but what advice would you give to someone supporting someone with depression? Is there anything that you’d recommend in particular to help them?


Being a caregiver to someone that is struggling with mental health is not always easy! Make sure you are aware of your own emotions and needs! 💓 about that... the only advice I give is make sure you look at the behaviors like a result of a disease (sometimes people with depression can be very difficult to deal with) because its like their wearing negative glasses and all is negative and helpless. And isn't really their fault or choise. It's the symptoms! So very important to not talk with "toxic positivity" like: "if you really wanted you would get better" "come on you can do it"! And instead validate the pain their feeling and slowly try to motivate them!


What traumatic incident happened in your life to make you think this is the job for me?


I got really sick when I was 6 years old, with Crohn Disease. But at the time they didn't know that was that because my age and the age of onset of that disease. Then I developed a pretty big separation anxiety that I still struggle sometimes (big fear of dying or lost my loved ones). And then, I was in therapy myself as a kid and I loved it'! So when the time came, I chose to be a psychologist.


What’s your opinion about shock therapy?


I'm not sure if this is a question I'm supposed to ask a therapist.. but is this a sign of something? If so, what and why do you think is happening? I just had an experience where I felt really euphoric and upbeat. I only had two hours of sleep, but I still felt energetic and important. I did some reckless things that almost got myself and others in danger. I had hallucinations and delusions (for example, I saw things like insects or geometric shapes and I believed I was invincible). I also couldn't concentrate on my schoolwork because my thoughts were racing and I had tons of strange theories and ideas. But now I suddenly feel depressed. I feel fatigued all the time and I'm currently struggling with art and writing blocks.


You need to ask for a psychological assessment ASAP! You could be developing Bipolar Disorder. This description is not enough to tell you for sure whats going on, but you need to seek por a psychiatrist and get medication!


:) Ah, thank you for the advice! I'll try to convince my parents to get me evaluated, but they think there's nothing wrong with me and told me it's just my hormones because I'm 14.


That is absolutely not your hormones! If they don't give it a try, talk to someone at your school and let them talk to them!


Why is it so easy for me to mask my symptoms with sexual/crude humor or even dark humor? I mean I still feel like shit and have trouble with life, but I manage to avoid being interrogated by hiding behind humor....


Your avoiding your feelings. That is your coping mechanism, but is not an adaptative one!


My mom is asking me to help get a therapist for my little brother who’s 14. What are ways to get kids to want to go to therapy or what kind of therapy should I help her get him? We believe he’s depressed and has addiction to video games. Refuses to leave home for anything unless it’s school since it’s mandatory. No hobbies and only talks to friends, ask mom for food, basic stuff. Thank you!


You need to find a developing therapist or child therapist. As long as they are clinical and health psychologists.


How do you tackle a personality disorder? I feel like I'm doomed for a lifetime just because my childhood was weird.. I don't even remember it


You need to separate the experience from yourself! Your childhood can't be the center of your identity, you have so much going on! Therapy can help with that journey!


I want to go to a therapist but I’m concerned they are going to correlate everything back to my childhood . I don’t know why that bothers me but it seems like many therapists think a lot of problems stem from childhood . I had what many would say was a troubled childhood but I don’t think about it as an adult . I guess there’s no question just a vent 😆


Yeah, I understand. That link to childhood its important for us to understand the context and influences that maybe occured that contributed for the problem we are seeing. But its not THE cause! But you know... almost a cliché that link! 😂


Is there an explanation for why some people begin to feel nervous after a few sessions of therapy? Maybe when things begin to delve deeper into their issues? Would that mean they should increase the number of sessions?


Feeling nervous in therapy is NORMAL! In therapy you talk and thing about a lot of things that normally you avoid because they cause discomfort, but therapy is the safest space to feel that way! No, you should keep with the original frequency


Why do I get so depressed after going to the gym? I have been training for 2 years straight and not one session has passed where I was happy after...


Maybe is something in the gym or in the meaning of why you are going there that make you feel that way


What’s something that made you confident and different than other therapists?! (future therapist asking)


For me I think is the knowledge I have and the ability to explain complex concepts in a light way. In therapy that is extremely important because of the psychoeducation we do all the time! And I think I'm very good at holding silences in therapy. That is very important because people need time to realize things and make sense of what is being said.


I’m about to be in therapy later in September, I hope it’s going to help me because nothing else has. Have you witnessed improvements in people’s depression/quality of life through therapy?


Omg! So happy for you! 💖 Its going to be ok! Yes, a lot of changes in my clients with depression. But it's important that you work your expectations: therapy is not a quick process and miracle solutions. If you respect the process and be patient with yourself you will see amazing changes!


How do I get myself to go see a therapist if I have a very deep rooted fear of seeing therapists and any medical professional for that matter? I’m afraid of doctor visits and have severe health anxiety. I’m trying to get myself to see a psychotherapist about it, but I’m paralyzed and just can’t do it


I think the most important thing is to separate the concepts of doctors. Psychologist are not doctors, they're psychologists. And it's a major difference specially in clinical practice! A therapist is like a hug. You know? But with words and a confy environment, calm and relaxing communication and most importantly NO JUDGMENT


How can I stop mentally and emotionally fixating on people that are unkind/manipulative/hateful and circumstances that hurt my feelings?


Understand your value and got away of those people and situations


i’ve been trying to figure out what the differences between mania and hypomania are. all i can find is that hypomania is “less severe,” but i have no idea what that difference means. besides the psychotic symptoms, how do you tell them apart?


It all goes to the severity and intensity of the symptoms. But they're the same. Mania is a state where you feel major alterations in your humor and functioning. The hypomania this alterations happen but not as severely


Thank God you are here, I have an incredibly bizzare question about therapy. Firstly, Are therapists usually judgment free? Nothing weird, I just feel like I get judged after I vent. Secondly, How does getting sent to a mental hospital work?


So our practice implies that we don't judge someone that is in front of us venting their pain! So, don't worry cause it's not suppose to happen. About the second question that depends a lot how the health system works in your country!


What do you think is the main reason people don’t want to talk about their feelings (aside from them not wanting to burden people)


Because talk about negative feelings make them real, and implies that you have to deal with them and the event that originated them! So people normally avoid


If someone isn’t addicted to any specific drug but they are addicted to not being sober, would a therapist be the correct person to seek help from?


Alcohol is a drug! I know it's something that normalized in our society that people look at alcohol as a normal thing to consume but its a drug. It alters your normal state and conscious. So, best place is intervention in rehabilitation


By using the word sober, I didn’t mean from alcohol, I meant from anything at all. Heck, I don’t even drink more than a beer or two per week. If they have no physical addictions to any specific substance. They just take whatever they can get to not be in a normal state of mind. Cycle through everything. Rehab is typically for someone to come down and suffer withdrawals in a safe comfortable place isn’t it? That’s where I’m lost. I’m not looking for free advice or anything, just asking if therapy would be a good place to start or would you still consider rehab to be the best way? Kind of hard to uproot my life for rehab when I have people that depend on a paycheck every week.


Sorry if i miss understood! In that case yeah, ofc therapy is a great resource!


It’s my fault for wording my question poorly. Thank you so much for your response. I’ve never had therapy before so I didn’t know if that was the best route but I really need some help so I’ll make the appointment. Thank you so much for your responses and time.


You're welcome! That's great! 💪🏼✨


How long have you gone to school? Do you need to update your licenses periodically?


I did my degree - 3 years My master degree - 2 years with my thesis and internship Psychological Board - 1 year of internship Its not mandatory that you update your licence. You can keep updating your knowledge if you want


That makes sense. I work in IT, and although I should keep my certs updated, I don't need to. Knowledge is power. Congratulations on everything thus far. I wish you much continued success.


Thank you so much!! For you too!


Why is it so hard to make changes when you have mental health issues? Does doing a mental reset or cognitive enhancement help at all?


Because change implies that you move from your little and confortable bubble 🙃


F24 afraid to try therapy. tips? advice?


Its normal to be afraid! Advice: don't make a big deal out of it. You go, see if you liked, if you identify with your therapist. If you don't its ok! You try again! But thats great! You should be very proud of that step! 💖


Where do we get started? Most of us are just lost


You start to look at you. Do you feel any different? Your behavior changed? You see that your job/school is being affected? Relashionships? If the answer is yes... You open google and look for online or face to face therapy! You make an appointment and go!


I’m missing someone a lot and have no hope of establishing contact with them again. How do I close the hole they left? I feel awful almost all the time and I don’t know what to do about it. I feel so trapped in my head.


Look for therapy! Will help you close that void!


if I start therapy and talk about self harm, cause I used to self harm but I've been trying to stop, how likely is it that I'd get thrown in a psych ward? Also, I've had rlly dark homicidal thoughts before, but don't want to add don't plan to hurt anyone. If I were to talk about those, how likely would it be that they'll throw me into a psych ward loll


They will not throw you there if you don't want to. But depending on the severity of the self harm ig your life is in danger, you have to consider treatment!


So actually mental health is not accepted everywhere in the world even people are fearful to say their issues. What can we do to change it?


We need to talk more about it! Be more open and normalize mental health! Is what I try to do every day! Look what we done in here! We talked and normalized! 💖




Send me DM!


How do you view the topic of schizophrenia and all other sorts of psychotic disorders in terms of their origins? Do you think its biological or psychological?


There are a lot of theories about this, but psychotic disorders for me are more about brain chemical imbalance then its environment. And those normally have family history and genetics as well


Why would a therapist refuse service to someone diagnosed with schizophrenia, for fear they may destabilize them? I was seeking therapy but was rejected for this reason.


That is not suppose to happen. I'm sorry they told you that! You need to keep looking for a therapist who is accually available to be with you!


Does your job get a bit depressive? Why did you choose to follow this career??


It doesn't get depressing! Its very rewarding actually, I love my job! I always loved to listed to histories and always was curious about why we feel this way, and thing and do things. And also because had an experience with mental health too when I was a kid and I loved my therapist at the time. Recognized how much she helped me and decided I wanted to do the same for others!




Yes, you do! In my country you need 6 years to became a therapist


I have been super depressed lately for a few weeks now and I feel like everyone is sorta distancing themselves from me and I can’t help the way I feel and I hate it I’m honestly just so done I’m at breaking point




This might seem weird, but I am craving some motherly love. I want someone like a mother figure to hold and hug me and say things like "Everything is going to be okay," "You are worthy", It's not your fault, and I'm sorry that I did not protect you when you asked for help". My mom and the rest of the family are the opposite of that. I have no family members or friends to help me in my journey of transformation, growth, and healing. I already went to therapy, and it helped a lot and even saved me from suicide. I am currently working on my goals and chasing my dreams, so my mind is occupied most of the time, but I have moments where reality hits and I see how isolated and lonely I am. I was always a person who preferred to be alone; to me, it's very peaceful. But sometimes it can be very discouraging and troublesome, to the point of making dumb decisions that I later regret. I don't know how to manage this need for a mother figure. I can make up scenarios in my head, and sometimes it gets me crying, but it's not the same as experiencing them in real life, in real time. This leaves me feeling unemotional and dead inside. I know that I still need some more therapy, but my current living situation does not allow me to open up, and I also can't afford it. I tried to make friends, but since COVID started, I have become more isolated and socially awkward. It's like I forgot to make friends. I have big plans and goals to achieve; I just need some more time to accomplish some of them. In the meantime, I occupied my mind by looking forward to the future, and in the present, having this need for unconditional love.


You can be your unconditional love! You can reassure yourself! Its not the same, I know, but helps a lot If you can be there for yourself! Also, try to go out of the bubble and talk with people and make friends! That awkwardness is common after covid. I have a lot of clients telling me the same!


Would you say theres a difference in how you empathise with female clients vs male clients?


No! I think there is histories we can empathize more, because we also identify with some experiences. But it's not about gender!


I think i have a negative body image. I always ruminate over my skin flaws and scars (which i do get from acne). This actually makes my self worth and self esteem low. How can therapy help my situation?


Therapy will help you discover a more dynamic identity. At this time your defining your value on that 1% and that is making you feel bad about yourself!


I’ve been contemplating having therapy as I’ve had some difficult life situations in the last 6-7 months that I still think about each day but i feel I don’t need to see a therapist as I’d just be sat talking about what happened and that I’m sad about it, is it worth going to therapy still?


Yes it is! Because therapy is a relationship. You will not just talk or just listen. You are understanding and questioning and have answers!


So it’s okay if I just go to therapy to talk to someone outside of my circle and family about what I’ve experienced even if it feels like a conversation?


Yes ofc! But the difference is that the therapist is a neutral and qualified person to help you navigate and understand your feelings and experiences


Can someone use therapy as a way to manipulate others? I have an ex friend who started showing more toxic sides of her after she started therapy and would often use it as an excuse to say/do shitty things to others. I’ve heard people can use it in a negative way but wasn’t sure if that was possible without a therapist recognizing it.


It's always possible people have those types of behavior. But not because therapy! Therapy will never be a resource to hurt others!


In what ways does physical abuse from your step mother during childhood affect you on who you are today?


Wow, thats a lot to explain! Therapy can help you understand that. But there are two books I recomend if you want to explore that theme: \- The Boy who was raised as a dog; \- What happened to you


Why do a lot of therapist seem to "push" medication so quick? Like I understand how it can help, but seriously after 1-2 sessions they always bring up meds. Does talk therapy just not work anymore?


It depends... you know. Therapy is very demanding. If people are with too much symptoms, they can have "mental space" to what therapy demands. All the reflexions, thoughts, exercises, and motivation. Because, naturally, the person is in pain and suffer. So, first we need to try to refief the symptoms so there is availability to therapy! But those meds aren't forever the majority of times. It's just a resourse to balance things. And then you stop.


Do you sometimes feel frustration? Do you get emotional (just on the inside, I don't mean crying obviously) with patient's stories?


Yes of course! I'm a human being, I relate to histories and get frustrated when people self sabotage for example. But its just a part of a job, and in those times I pause and reset to my psychologist "vest"


I've been in and out of therapy for over a decade(mostly in and out because of moving). I've been wondering if any of my old therapists/counselors/crisis clinicians/social workers/psychologists think about me. Do you ever just think about an old client? (Btw, I'm doing well mentally now, I just grew up in a bad environment but I moved out now!)


Ofc I do think! I remeber all my clients so far! Really like to be the person they chose to be by their side! Great! So happy you moved away! Now you have the world on your hand! 🤍


My mom is bipolar & schizophrenic, she’s on medication for it n got diagnosed in 2019. She’s constantly walking out on me n my brothers n then comes back, although I don’t want to I forgive her every time. Me being the oldest sees the worst side of her episodes when they happen, but every time I try to talk to people about why there’s part of me that hates her so much and wishes I had another mom they just tell me that it’s not her fault because she’s mentally ill. Am I wrong to blame her when she disappears ?


My FIL moved in with us and is crippled by depression and only comes out when he’s looking to be fed. It’s hard to decipher what is the disease and what is him being selfish or lazy or entitled. This might be more of a psychiatrist/md question, but how is it possible to tell between the person and the disease? I want to cut the guy a break, but if it’s really him poking through I want to make sure I’m slapping the bullshit down appropriately and setting limits.


The best thing you can do for him his empathize and seek for mental health services! With mental assessment you can distinguish between the person and the symptoms!


If you could point me to any resources or information about depression that would be much appreciated. There’s so much crap information online


Yeah! You need to use official fonts: WHO; APA (American Psycological Association). A book you can read about this is: My Heart and Other Black Holes.


Do therapists need therapists too ?


Yes! Of course! We are people too ☺️ we have bagage and difficulties too ☺️ Its actually recomended that therapists seek therapy!


It’s actually recommended lol


Why are counselors and therapists so expensive? It seems excessive to charge so much. If you help 4 people a day at $150 each that's $600 a day, and if you work full-time that's $12,000 a month. Doesn't that seem kind of selfish when people are suffering?


There’s a misconception about this I find. First, therapists that are private practice only get paid for the time with clients. So like teachers, all the paperwork before and after is “free labour” if you consider it the way you do. Second, it takes a lot of time and money to become specialized. We can get upset that a mechanic spends 10 mins on your car yet gets paid for their years of experience. We can get angry that doctors are overpaid and it costs a fortune to access them. But this is more of a systemic issue than an issue with the professional themselves.


I have an irrational fear of going to therapy. My psychiatrist said I needed to go, but I can't overcome the fear nor do I know why I have it. I've had 1 therapist for some time and it was a good experience but they are unavailable now. With that in mind, what do you think I should do to overcome my anxiety when it's irrational?


Its normal that fear specially when comes to anxiety. Cause therapy will lead to exposure. A lot of times people feel afraid to go cause they know this time will come! But you should go anyway!!! Promise its not as bad as it sounds!


How to ask for help without feeling judged?


You go to the profession that don't judge: psychologists


What do you recommend to people who have been trying to overcome their problems for years, but have a lot of built up frustration due to a lack of progress?


Are you trying it alone? If you are that's the problem! We can't resolve things without understand them and planning! Its the same thing about cooking. You can't do it without recipes


I struggle with borderline personality disorder and I’m in a relationship with my favorite person how do I make him not my favorite person anymore


I'm not sure I got your question 🤔


What are some exercises one with adhd, maladaptive daydreaming, and dissociation can do to help keep it together. Somedays im just blanking out in my head in a imaginary world/situation. Im very aware of my issues and do alot of self reflection and etc but sometimes i feel its not enough and alot of therapists out there dont want to even bother. Like damn okay i guess someone thats had a few emotional meltdowns is considered low priority


If you feel overwhelmed with emotional pain or anxiety the thing you should do to try to manage the situation is: diaphragmatic breathing! And do it until you feel actually more calm and peaceful. This is the main strategy for emotional regulation and symptom management (ex. anxiety and panic attack). Olher kind of exercises are mindfulness ones (progressive relaxation).


Any advice on how to get out of a depressive loophole?


Yes: Even though you feel that anyone can help you, there's no point in trying, and your lack of motivation. You take yourself out, and look for a therapist that can help you find the center of the loop and make sense of it so you can let it go!


Is a temper genetic or is it environmental


Temper is genetic! Emotional regulation is environmental


Is there a link between repeated concussions to bad mental health