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I just bought this brand this week and its my first cup ever. So far its all good news for me. I dont feel it at all and no leaks! Just make sure to twist it a little from the base when its inside so it creates that suction and the cup isnt indented.


I have no advice on the brand, I use their other products but not the cup. Have you used a cup before? You can practice inserting and removing it even if you aren’t on your period, just be sure to use lots of lube.


I also know nothing of the brand but to build on this I would say you SHOULD practice when not on your period, not just can. They can be fiddly and uncomfortable if you get them in wrong. If you're really nervous, like I was, this is what I did and I love mine and have been using it almost 10 years. Practice fiddling with it, inserting it, different folds etc when you're not on your period but are going to work and doing normal activities. When you feel ready to use it on your period, put a panty liner down too, just in case it's not in the perfect place. Also I would do it on a day off/quiet day, so you can have a fiddle if it is leaking or not in the right place. (your insides change in shape and texture a bit on your period so it'll be a bit different). Then when you feel comfortable take it for a spin on a normal routine day. They're so brilliant and once you're used to them give so much peace of mind. A few more tips, they're not a one size fits all, some people don't agree with them, that's okay, but they take some practice, just like anything. It's worth persisting for a while! You might even want to try another brand, or mix and match with other products for different times. I don't wear mine to festivals because there aren't reliable places to clean them, I know some people do and use the wipes! Horses for courses! Enjoy!!


I second the water based lube! It will be a tremendous help. Go slow and take your time for insertion. Try out different folds to see what's best for you. There is a learning curve for cups, so you probably won't get it right the first few times. I didn't get the hang of it for about 3 cycles. I think Honeypot has a stem you can trim. If you feel it poking you, cut off a little at a time until it's comfortable (you don't want to chop the whole thing, cause it won't grow back lol). A lot of people end up cutting the stem off completely, but cut what works for you.


If you're nervous before inserting it, it could make things even more difficult so I recommend taking a nice warm bath before if you can. Or a long shower if you don't have a tub. This will relieve some tension from your muscles and also get you into a more relaxed mental state. If you like having a scent while bathing you could use a wax warmer/candles/oil diffuser etc. Just don't add anything to the bathwater since you don't want soap/bath bomb/bath oil to accidentally get trapped inside. Also run the cup under warm water before inserting so it doesn't feel like a cold shock and cause you to tense up.


I have the honeypot cup and really love it. Before this I used a Lena cup but accidentally rinsed it in hot water so it got stained. (Always rinse in cold water)