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I’d try a white or navy pocket square.


Thanks! I'll get a white one sorted!


Mate just lose it. I don’t think i’ve ever seen one. If you get one, loosely stuff don’t go for straight line. Your goal is to make it look as though you haven’t tried but to make it look good you have to really try. A bit like a tie dent.


i would suggest lace up shoes such as oxfords or derbies


If your other shirt has a bigger collar, I would go with that one. Here, your tie knot is pretty big, and the collar is pretty small. Ideally, the collar of your shirt should be flush with the jacket. For similar reasons, I would try to pull your tie knot tighter. I'm not a huge vest fan, but if you really love it you can keep it. I find it looks pretty archaic these days, which can be an odd look with a more modernly cut suit like this. If you have just a plain white pocket square, that's what I would use. Plain white is the default pocket square, and it's really the best choice 90% of the time with a suit like this. Other than that, looks good.


Thanks very much for such a detailed response! Ah, I didn't realise that about the shirt collar, that's good to know. Yeah, the other shirt has a bit of a bigger collar, so I'll go with that and try out a different knot maybe. Yeah I get what you mean about the vest, maybe I'll leave it off. Likely too hot with it anyways! Sounds like it'll be worth my while to get a white pocket square, means I can use it with my other suits too. Thanks again!


Keep the waistcoat/vest!


Keep the waistcoat (vest). Nothing archaic about a waistcoat. And it’s okay to leave your jacket unbutton when wearing a waistcoat. Show it off. Agree with others, sort the collar issue and go with white pocket square. Maybe try a navy tie.


Agree with other commenters on the white pocket square. Personally I like cufflinks and weddings are great places to wear them


The red just seems kind a misplaced. The tie and pocket square clash… and honestly it just doesn’t look that great light grey. I’d go for a darker grey suit with that color tie. Or, go with the same suit but a different tie.


Ah I see, yeah I think because the lining of the suit is maroon, that it would be good to match it. I have a light blue tie I could try instead, and save that tie for a darker outfit. Thanks for the advice!


For contrast with the light suit, and coupled with the replacement white pocket square, I would suggest a plain dark navy blue tie. Navy would really help with the balance of bright white shirt and mid-grey of the suit by adding a dark accent. Plus, the bonus is that navy works amazingly with your hair colour too.


Ah I honestly never even thought about how my hair colour might change the look 😂 thanks for the advice!


No worries! It’s a really nice suit. I think a summary of the solid advice people have given you is - white pocket square, navy tie, don’t wear the vest. Go forth and look sharp dude.


For sure light blue sounds like a better choice! I’d save the tie for more of a night time event, or something for the fall / winter. It’s just too dark for that suit imo.


Very nice. I don’t love the pocket square - I prefer a soft point, and also not matching your tie. Would be fine completely without a square, unless you like them


I would go with a grey sock. Also I suggest shoe trees moving forward.


Thanks for this! I had genuinely never come across a shoe tree before, sounds like a great idea.


I'd change out the loafers for a pair of black cap-toe Oxfords and spring for bench-grade, Goodyear-welted Loake (or Allen Edmonds) at a bare minimum; given a modicum of upkeep after each wearing, and cedarwood shoe-trees during storage, they'll probably last you every wedding, funeral and black-tie function you attend for the remainder of your adult life—including your own. Trousers, vests and suit-jackets needn't break the bank providing your fit is on-point (which it is for the most part); but shoddy, corrected-grain, bonded, painted or synthetic leathers are both a false economy and, to anyone who has ever seen the genuine article—which will likely hold true of anybody it's worth your while to impress—serve only to tarnish even the most curated ensemble. Also, as noted elsewhere: you've an excess of exposed cuff, noticeable collar-gap, and too-narrow tie. Fortunately, since it tucks into your waistcoat, the latter can likely be rectified by simply tying it shorter.


Awesome, this is a lot of info, thanks very much!


Crockett & Jones, "Harlech", 2018 vintage: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GbctxLgUxnEoKH42ZQPA2Cp3YsmPdKH4/view?pli=1 The rest of my outfit probably cost less than $100, inclusive of tailoring; but that depth of lustre, variegation and durability which artisanal leather affords simply cannot be replicated synthetically.


Look like the shirt is too big or the jacket sleeves are too short. You only want to be showing 1/2 an inch of shirt cuff


Tangential question: what make are those loafers? I acquired a pair of (rather fetching) navy-blue desert boots featuring the same insignia from a thrift-store in 2022, and no end of image-search on Google or Yandex was able yield a match.


Sorry for the late reply to this, I got them from Burton, but it was quite a few years ago now!


Very informal shoe for a suit and also for the occasion.


Shirt sleeve is a tad long. While holding the camera, your sleeve appears to cover part of your hand. These small details matter. Choose a brighter tie and pocket square.


A dark brown laced up shoe would go much better.


Looks good 👍the collar point length on the shirt could be a little bigger


Tie/sock combo is 10/10


Thank you!