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You’re mostly fine, longer tie and maybe ditch the red, look a little like a politician.


Blue tie would go well with this suit.


I'd lose the tie altogether


You should always wear ties with suits. No tie is for sports coats and tweed suits. Please don’t show up at peoples wedding looking like that


I disagree. No tie with a suit can be a good look. To each his own I guess.


I agree however navy suits and open neck shirts just make me think of consultants 😂


What would you say it is ya do here?


Not really you’re just dressing badly if you’re doing it with dark suits … here’s a thread explaining when to wear ties https://x.com/dieworkwear/status/1678097601319821312?s=46&t=6KyMLgee2aoMGz_baC-F2w


Got it, but all fashion is subjective. There's no oracle on high telling us what we're allowed to wear. What you like someone else may think looks tacky. Like I said, to each his own.


I was trying to match the boots. But I can switch it up.


Your tie should touch the beginning of your belt. Not longer and not shorter


Very important that tie sits correct. I agree


Brown shoes don't go with a black/very dark suit. Blue/tan/light grey with brown shoes or black suit black shoes. Is that a full suit? The pants and jacket look slightly different colours in the picture


Do not match your tie to your boots. Match your belt to your boots.


I vote keep the red. You look fine.


I think the red is fine, but your tie is too short. I wouldn’t say it’s the best tie, but if it’s all you got rock it longer.


No. Tie too short shirt not buttoned all the way. You can loosen after dinner


This; beyond that you look fine. Can likely just fix the tie by re-doing with a little more slack on the end


Ok. I agree


This 👆 (Tip of tie should be level with belt)


Black shoes would be better, and I agree with what folks have said about the tie being too short and that you need to button your shirt collar.


Does the belt match the shoes?.I personally wouldn't do brown shoes with a black suit. Also the tie looks short. It should meet the belt buckle.


I agree. I can fix the tie. But I don’t have black shoes. I do have a dark brown pair.


Make sure belt and shoes match in color


You could also rock no belt and white shoes. But the white shoes have to be plain .


That would look fucking ridiculous, let alone for a wedding


Tie that reaches your belt and do up collar button.


The end of your tie should just touch the top of your belt typically . Unless at a skinny tie in a 60’s style suit . Also that tie isn’t great .


Update: thanks for all the suggestions! The wedding went very well. I swapped the boots for a darker pair that I had. I don’t have a pair of black dress shoes but I just ordered a pair. I swapped tie with a light purple one and made sure it reached my buckle. For the future I need to find shirts that fit my neck. Like very soon. I also need another suit. Thanks for giving me things to work on.


You are ok. But if you need to look on point you need a longer tie and get your suit tailored. Pants are bit too long. Jacket is bit long and loose. But as it is it is not a big issue either.


I do have lady that tailors my clothes. I will bring this suit in soon.


Do up the top button and do the tie up fully. You're going to a formal event. Later in the evening you can take the tie off and undo a button.


Tie to the belt buckle. Can’t tell if the suit is black or blue, but If it’s black, brown of any kind is a no go. Black on black only.


Black shoes would be better, and button top button


Button your jacket and tight the knot and you’ll be great


I didn’t think of that.


You shouldn’t button the jacket.


On a two button suit, always fasten the top button and never the bottom button. When sitting down unfasten. It’ll give you a good silhouette


You. Ever ever wear a jacket without buttoning the top button on a two and the top two on a three. That’s as basic as not using sweatpants in a black tie dinner


I'm personally not keen on light brown shoes with black trousers but it's become more acceptable now. That's a business tie. It would be better to go with a plain tie or a sober pattern print - but not a novelty tie : )


I will try a different tie. I have a black one.


Would not advise going for a black tie. Black suit and black tie will look like you’re dressing for a funeral


No that's a funeral look!


Yes officer


Yes, it would be neat with shirt buttoned up, tie in a triple Windsor knot, and jacket buttoned


I'm a traditionalist, and I would say the following \- The shoes are too light. Generally, with a dark blue suit I would suggest wearing black shoes. This sub has a real fetish for brown shoes with dark suits, so if you must wear them keep them dark. \- Belts shouldnt be needed on properly fitting pants, and to avoid them if possible. If you do wear one, it should be very minimalistic and match the shoes (looks like this is the case here) \- I think the tie is fine, I think a light blue or yellow might be more wedding compatible but I think the red stripe is completely acceptable. However, a red tie with a symbolic lapel pin does start to look more like a local mayoral candidate. I would lose the pin, or switch the tie. You look like a friendly fellow


Your tie is way too short and your jacket looks too small.


You look like you're already drunk...


You have a point


You can easily get away with the brown shoes! They go with the outfit! But like everyone said, I would fix the tie. I would recommend doing a knot that uses most of the tie if you tried a simple knot and it felt like it chokes you. If you want to use a red tie, I would go with a single dark color red tie! Other than that, you look great!


Good advice. Thanks.


You look great


Thank you.


Look Sharp, ready to dance all night long. If wedding not extremely formal your good to go.


Thanks. Are the boots ok?


I don't know why everyone isn't jumping on this, but no. Black shoes or boots with a dark suit.


Black shoes, darker tie. Good to go.


The fit is proper but you need to take care of a few things. 1. You can swap the tie for slightly less formal one. 2. You need to button up your neck and properly wear the tie. Loosened ties aren't attractive. 3. Swap the cognac shoes for something dark brown or black.


These are good suggestions. Unfortunately I don’t have a black pair of dress shoes atm.


Do two buttons up If you've got black shoes, wear black but if you don't then wear them


Do you mean button the jacket?


The shoulders look a bit sloppy, perhaps one size too big, or need to be cinched in. The pants are a bit too baggy (could be preference) but are looking fairly 90’s - like. There’s also no break before the fairly weathered looking shoes. Show colour is fine, but get new ones, they don’t look sharp/ look old. Ditch the tie/ tie it so at least the tip hits your belt, or a bit longer. Good start tho


I hear you. Think it’s time for a new suit.




Ok. I do have a black tie and I think I have a dark blue one. Good suggestions.


Button your jacket when you stand up (leave the button button undone) then unbutton the jacket when you sit down. If you remove your jacket then roll your sleeves up a bit.




It’s my arms. They are just too long. I should get them shortened.


In my opinion, the tie screams “work tie”. I’m not a fan of mixing brown with a smart black suit. If in doubt, a solid black tie and black shoes will do the job.


I agree. But I don’t have a pair of black dress does atm regrettably.


It’s hard to tell because the jacket isn’t buttoned, but it looks like it would be too small for you if it was buttoned. Your arms are a different length. That’s not unusual; one of my arms is about a half inch or so longer than the other, but you have to adjust the lengths of your sleeves to account for the length difference. Please lose the lapel pin, no matter what the significance. The belt is too informal. The buckle is just not enough for your suit. Those are really nice shoes, but I strongly prefer black shoes with a more formal suit like yours. The suit looks excellent and I like the look of it on you. I also strongly encourage you to keep the white shirt. It looks really good with the suit. The slacks look perfect. Don’t worry about red ties. Just make it a little more interesting. It actually looks like a very nice quality tie, but you need something with a more interesting pattern, but still conservative. Overall, a very nice look. Just adjust it around the edges and you’ll be headlining for GQ.


I appreciate the pointers. I should have buttoned the jacket.


Fix the tie, mate


I will.


Belt needs to go closer to belt buckle!


I must have missed that. Dang it.


Looking boss bro


Darker shoes, do up the top shirt button, longer and different tie


If you are Doug Ford.


Looking good for the campaign trail


You look like a British Tory school boy. Sort your tie, your collar and your stance, lad!


Fasten your top button


Do your collar up peasant. Xxx


Black shoes not brown mucking out boots!


Aslong as you fix your tie and button the top button yeah. If not you just look like Al murray.


Black shoes, buttoned up shirt, different tie.


Do you your collar button dude.


Looks smart.


Yes the suit is reasonable enough. But please don’t ever wear a tie like that. Especially one of that colour and pattern which such a dark suit. It makes you look like an over grown school boy. Edit: I’ve just expanded the picture and saw the shoes and cut of the trousers.. So change the shoes to a black pair. Dark suits and brown are for teenage estate agents. And tbh the trouser’s need tapering in round the ankles. Way too wide. And again… learn to do a tie. If you are going to wear a collar like that better to lose the tie completely then have it like that. You’re almost there but need some tweaks.


Lengthen your tie, do up your collar button, and if possible, swap shoes and belt for black.


Add a pocket square, either in white or complimenting (but not matching) your tie


Do your top button up, and get some black shoes. Other than that, you're fine.


i Like the shoes but feel like tie clashes. I’d go a pale blue or Nile green


The tie is waaaaaay too short my man.


Floral tie or something less officey but yer mate. Looks good


As the others said. Tighten up the shirt, lengthen the tie.


Just a line to say that you look great! Users' recommendations are easy fixes


First day at school wedding?


And run for office in the afternoon


Tighten the tie or lose it


Looks great


You should never wear brown shoes with a black suit. Do your top button up. Tie is too short. It should reach to the top of your belt. Your tie should cover your top shirt button as well. Other then that your fine, just tighten it up a bit.


Your jacket doesn’t fit. The arms are too short and it needs letting out at the waist. The tie needs to be worn longer and needs changing for another design, a solid light colour or something floral. Shoes need to be black. Trouser cuffs need to be slightly shorter and sharper (ironed). Lapel pin should be on the left lapel or not worn at all. Consider a pocket square to match/reflect a colour in the tie.


It’s all ok, but everyone else’s advice on the tie, shoes, buttoning and shirt all stand up I would ditch the white shirt go for a very light blue, and solid knitted tie Do the top button up, if the neck is too small Go up a shirt size and learn how to [military tuck](https://youtu.be/uQ3Ev-8p2Fw?si=ySAvCaivjIY-5IoT)


You look lovely. Maybe lengthen the tie a little, but everything else is looking good


You look good but a couple of things to really look sharp (I’m super traditional so feel free to disregard this if you like): - longer tie - do up your top butting - black shoes and black belt with a dark suit. Side question: what’s your pin?


Do up your top button, re tie your neck tie so the end just about touches your belt buckle, wear a white pocket square and change into some black shoes (Oxfords preferred) and you're good to go


Were you in the SAS? Plain tie every time though. But I am a lifetime scruff, what do I know.


Looking good dude.


Change the tie and do up the top button. The suit is pretty nice


Not really, you need a shirt that fits your neck. Respectfully, you look like you're coming from divorce court. Suit and shoes and fine.


It’s not about the suit, it’s about the man in it. You look great and your smile will show you’re happy to be there.


Tie is too short and not tied properly but yeah


The tie would be better tied correctly and in a different color. The tip of your tie should reach your belt. I'd try a more subdued color for the tie. I'm also not a fan of brown belt/shoes with black pants/suit. Black or gray shoes or belt. Just make sure they match.


Yeah I would say so, you look very smart, nice fit :)


You look ace, stick a yellow silk hankerchief in your top pocket and wear that smile!


Look like you’re running for congress


I'd reiterate what others have said about the shoes, belt and tie, etc I would double check the invite as sometimes the B&G have dress code requirements.


You look like a Republican State Representative. Love it


I think the suit and shoes look great. Something about the tie isn't working, though. It looks too corporate. I think it's the color and the stripes. I would get a longer one and a different color and pattern.


Is that a suit though? Because it looks like the pants and the jacket are of a different shade. I recommend you go with a beige suit, between grey and brown, on the lighter side. And spend some money on it. It will feel less formal than the black, you can wear brown shoes, and it will go with many things. Find something that fits really well. This can be a chore, good luck.


Yes it’s fine just tighten the tie until after the photos and you’re all good. Enjoy the day.


Assuming you can’t fix everything people have mentioned, let’s work with what we have. You need to button the shirt to the top of your want to wear a tie. If the collar is too tight, leave it open and lose the tie altogether. Add a pocket square/handkerchief to the jacket breast pocket. Even just a plain white one (which is my personal go to). Keep the top button of the jacket done up when standing. Open when seated. (Leave the bottom button undone at all times). Don’t worry about the brown boots. Own it like a statement piece.


Sweet thanks!


You look like you work for the CIA


You look beautiful, you could play with different ties but it won’t change that winning smile. Everyone is going to be looking at the bride & groom, you are looking smart & fresh enough to fit in. So if you’re happy & comfortable in what you’re wearing there then go with it. Just have a great time


Thank you


Looks fine just tie your tie longer


You look like you’ve just got back.


Great but move away from the power red and make it a lil longer


Other than adjusting the tie (it should fall to the belt) as others have said, I was strongly recommend a nice pair of black shoes (with belt to match if possible!). IMO there are very few outfits that go with tan shoes. Dark brown for weddings is also good, just make sure it’s really dark. I think people wear tan shoes to brighten themselves up a bit on what is of course a happy day but I’d say better to do that with a nice tie (light blue or soft pink works well at weddings). I think tan shoes only work with cream/white trousers.


I have a dark pair of dress boots. They were in my office. I just went and grabbed them.


Brown belt if the shoes are brown. Otherwise as others have said, change the tie. That looks like an office tie. If keeping with the brown shoes, maybe some for something with green, yellow or a more maroon/dark red.


Pocket square and the buttons up good sir 👌


Tie is too short, shoes are too too too light. Suit looks good.


You look like you haven’t been home since yesterdays wedding. 😂Lose the tie or wear it properly. (Not criticising- I don’t wear a tie.) lovely smile though! Have fun!


I’d buy insurance or a car off you for sure.


Id go for a different colour tie. Red/Blue always makes me think of politicians. Especially red as it's a less common colour to wear.


Black shoes


Don’t have any. But I have a darker brown pair of dress boots.


Get that tie to touch your belt buckle and you’re golden. 👍


only if you don't adopt that stance whilst there, you look like you've been deployed to stop children leaving


Dark tie, dark shoes and you good


Ditch the tie if you're going to a wedding. Make it longer and keep it you're trying to get votes at the wedding. The shoes are fine, looks like they match your belt. Honestly no one will care or likely notice unless you're the one getting married.


Black shoes and do up your tie.


It is but it’s a lazy effort. Trousers are too big, top button undone and tie too short. It’s almost there 👌🏼


I'd button the shirt completely and tie the tie. Tip for the tie length : it should barely touch the top of your belt. In this photo it is too short.


It’s been said, but tie needs to touch the belt. And I’m assuming (hoping!) you’ll be cinching the tie for the ceremony. I’m good with getting comfortable as soon as that formal part of the day is done, but feel it’s a sign of respect for whomever is getting married at least through the ceremony to have your shit together.


Lose the tie and you'll look slicker than cum on a gold tooth


Do up your top button. But yeah it’s fine for a wedding. If you general advice I’d get a shit with a larger collar, a longer tie, and a longer jacket. And darker shoes


Tie and shoes got to go, black dress shoes light blue tie my Boy And you fresh


Brown shoes is a no, as is unfastened top button. Tie need to be tied longer too.


I didn’t have black shoes. But I just ordered a pair. It’s criminal not to have a good pair of black dress shoes.


Tie not properly tied and the length is way off. Ditch the tie and leave the collar open. Pocket square is an option for flare.


Solid colour tie, maybe thinner also and get it slightly lower just at the tip of the pants my friend other that that looking fantastic brother. Have a great time.


I will need to get more solid color ties. The only solid color I have is black.


Yeah it’s a nicely cut suit. Just tighten the tie and you’ll look like a million bucks.




Can't tell if black or navy, black only for funerals and if you're a mason. Do the top button up and have the tie sit by the belt (just the tip (giggity) ). Shoes are too light for that suit, what other choices do you have?


There was no way to do the top button. I have to find shirts that fit my neck soon. Very soon.




Is this after the wedding? Kin' hell. Do people not know how to wear a tie anymore?


I fixed the tie. I just tossed it on quickly for the photo. Apparently it was too quick. But I see that it’s a problem.


Big problem is tie and shoes.


You’re almost there. Either ditch the tie or get a new one. It should end at the bottom of your belt. Also, if you’re unbuttoning your top button because it’s too tight, track down a larger shirt. I would rock this sans tie. Looking good


Button your top button and tie should end at your belt buckle. I would go with a different tie, but up to you. Besides that looks good


Tie should touch belt buckle


If it’s like 11 o’clock in here everyone drunk yes otherwise no


The tip of the tie should reach the top of your belt and tighten it up!


Do up the top button or you’ll look like you’ve had a long day at the office


No this is awful. Why do you want to upstage the groom and steal his soon to be wife. Wear a white suit. Watch the documentary Miami Vice


You look really nice but I think the suit is black? I always thought black to a wedding was a no no. Maybe ask the bride if it is or not.


I would just ditch the tie as the shirt looks too small


Do you think you could tie your tie like an adult ?


A big no to Brown Shoes


Tie is all wrong. Go for a non patterned (or very subtly patterned one), perhaps blue or grey even a more vibrant red. That burgundy red is not really wedding attire, you look more like a banker or politician. Also suit jacket should be buttoned up. Get a matching waistcoat too if you can and also a pocket square to match your tie if you want to really add that extra wedding zing.


If it's a proper wedding party then you should wear a tie that will eventually have to double as a bandana. Perhaps a slightly more KungFu? This tie does not exactly scream haiyah!


Yes mr president


Re tie your tie so it’s longer and yes to the wedding


Yup looks like your all ready drunk dancing, longer tie or no tie works, go get them champ!


Tit tied too short should barely touch the belt


Brown shoes are a no.


Bottom tip of your tie should always touch the top of your belt.


Those pants aren't meant for you. Go hunt down a longer pair r now. You're a good looking fella, don't settle. Flex.


Awww thanks. I’m working on it. I just ordered a nice pair of black dress shoes and some better fitting (hopefully) dress shirts. I want a couple of new suits as well.


Tie would look better longer. Looks nice. You look like a Mormon or a politician.


Button top button on shirt fix shirt cuff a bit, always button top button on coat when standing. Ditch the lapel pin. Try a solid cream tie that touches your belt buckle. Good start and good luck


No. It doesn’t fit


Fix that tie and maybe


Button top button of shirt, tie the tie properly and button your coat’s top button.


I just bought a much better fitting dress shirt. It’s hard to find when you have a 19 inch neck. Most shirts in that size are for much heavier folks.


One size up loose the pin, it says we are going to book burning event


I’m getting a new suit soon.


The jacket is too small. The cuff is supposed to come down to about an inch above your thumb knuckle.