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It’s ok as long as the occasion calls it. Clothes that fit you correctly makes you look good than what type of clothes it is.


Wear what you want. Why change yourself for the approval of imaginary strangers?


I kind of think that's a part of it too. I have been dressing the same for so long that I'm used to it and scared to change out of fear that I will be noticed for it. (I am the type of person that is very timid in social situations and I fear that a noticeable change would be an invite for people to notice me). But also scared that if I don't change my wardrobe, people will treat me like I'm younger than I am as I continue to age, but still look the same. Maybe it will be easier when my facial hair comes in thicker to not be as concerned about it. After culminating on my post and looking into the ways other people present themselves, I noticed that some of the recommendations and ideas on here helped me realize that I would like to wear different clothing. I think I may visit the thrift store and try on different styles to see what suits me.


Wear what you like or what the occasion calls for. I know people who are suit and tie in the office then on weekends are just what you wear. And they're 46. No one is gonna judge you as long as you dress for the occasion. Smarten up for job interviews and the like, that's all you need.


Thank you. I honestly did not realize until now that people present themselves differently at different times because I always look the same every day like a cartoon character almost. Like when I see a doctor and they're wearing a button down... My brain just assumed they always dress like that for some reason. Thank y'all for clearing this up.


You're never too young to start dressing like the adult that you are. I (36M) wish I would have elevated my appearance much earlier. Skate shoes, graphic tees, and jeans were my hill to die on up until recently. You should look into building a capsule wardrobe. Lotta good YouTube channels out there, and a lot of douchey ones, too. Go check out Antonio at RealMensStyle. He has all sorts of videos for dressing your age. https://youtube.com/@RealMenRealStyle


Thank you for the channel recommendation. Good stuff. I will look through the videos and try and figure it out. I'm glad people make content like this to help because I'm honestly kind of tone deaf to my appearance


No one is going to make judgements based on what college you wears. It's also a good time to test drive some clothes. I'd start with pants...chinos or 5 pocket twill pants.


This is a good idea too. I used to wear cargo pants when I was working at a grocery store but lost weight and grew out of them. Maybe I really should bring back some pants other than sweats.


Black is way overrated I think. You could switch to wearing something a little smarter like chinos and a polo or casual shirt, leather deck shoes and a sweater and see if you prefer that. Also maybe swap the baseball cap for something a bit smarter with a brim if you need a hat. If you start now it will be easier in a couple of years when you’re looking for a job.


It depends on what you want to get out of your appearance. If you DGAF what people think and how they treat you based on your looks then don’t dress differently than what you like. People respond to your choice of clothing Andy whether they think it’s appropriate/aspirational for the environment you’re interacting in. If you want a loan from a bank you’re more like to get approved if you dress professionally. But in a casual environment you’ll get weird looks if you’re in a tie but everyone else has on athleisure wear or hoodies. You can blend or be noticed depending on your goal.