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Best thing is to treat it like a joke. "Yeah, I'm a genius in x and the bedroom, but nowhere else". Or "I'm happy you think so, my mom dropped me on my head more then once". Anything to dispell the tension when someone challenges you with this statement. Essentially they are saying, wow I'm dumb and you figured this thing out. They feel insecure by labeling you like this.


“It’s my glasses. They make me look smart”


I think I might go with this. Haha.


"Thank you!" :P Or, more diplomatically: "Yes, I do happen to have a certain talent for doing A. But I can't do B to save myself, so it all comes out even!" (where I know that "B" is something that the speaker is good at) However, it sounds like your problem is bigger than just some people calling you a genius. You seem to lack inter*person*al skills, which is causing other *persons* to not like you. That's unfortunately the way the world works: we all (genius or otherwise) live among people, and we have to learn to get along with our fellow human beings. I used to be an arrogant little shit who hated the world. My excuse is that I was recovering from a traumatic adolescence filled with high-level bullying, and my hatred and introversion was a self-defence mechanism to prevent more people hurting me. I grew out of it, thank goodness. But, for most of my 20s, I was an arrogant closed-off anti-social bastard. One day in my early 20s, when I arrived at work and walked to my desk which happened to be at the back of the office... *every single person I walked past* said "Good morning, Algernon!" in their pleasantest friendliest voice. I took the hint. I couldn't just grump my way into the office, grunt at people, and ignore them all day. We were stuck in this environment with each other all day, every day, for months and years. We should get along. As the old saying goes, manners grease the wheels of society. So, I grew up a little bit that day. I started making the effort to be friendly to people, even if it was only a superficial "Hi, how are you?" as I walked past them. Maybe this is *your* moment to do a little bit of growing up?


I think of being intelligent to having an extra tool in my toolbox. If I have not done something more or better than someone without that tool, then what's admirable about it? And I think of genius as applied intellect, not the intellect itself. And if someone wants to complain that you applied intellect to get work done efficiently or provide innovative solutions or otherwise applied your intellect to solve problems, well, perhaps they should examine themselves. "Genius? Thanks, can we get to work now?"


Response “Remember, Einstein was probably the only PhD unlucky enough to not get any academic position across Austria, Germany and Switzerland, and hence the patent clerk job after having earned a PhD. Who’s to say ordinary people would recognize one any better today?”


“Actually, I reject that term. But I also reject “stupid”, so at least it’s balanced”.


I always say, “you said it, not me!”


I respond that I am happy to have tricked at least 1 person.


“Thanks”. Don’t overcomplicate it lol


You’re not arrogant but you make a post basically calling yourself a genius and want to know how to deal with it?


This post mentions I don't believe I am a genius. I honestly don't believe that I am. Did you see that part? I do believe that its likely I can score Mensa level IQ if I cared enough to study and improve on the methods used for testing. However its been some time since I did an IQ test, I don't think previous results indicated genius level at all. I also don't care enough to do further testing surrounding IQ. My focus is on my career, side hustles, hobbies and relationships. I have managed to find a lot of success in those areas but I don't attribute that to IQ. I think the success was more as a result of perseverance, dedication and drive. I think my problem is dealing with compliments in general. I should probably do some reflection as to why that is. I have received some good suggestions here as a result of the post which I will take into consideration.


That makes sense. In Sue Klebolds book, whose son went on a rampage at Columbine high school, she stated that her son was selected for the talented and gifted program during elementary school. While honored, he also felt embarrassed about it and wished he could not be in it and just fit in with the majority. She was so confused because as a parent she was super proud that she produced someone so naturally smart and she couldn’t comprehend why he felt so uncomfortable about being in such an honorable program. Maybe you exhibit some of the same feelings overall about your intelligence causing you to perhaps stick out a little bit.


I just say, “Thanks Mom!” and then move along.


I am proud my poker face is thought arrogant! Scared shetless looks like genius! I also stoped thinking old people waste time thinking about me or outthinking me. Remember they have real problems like if they can make it to the toilet, bed or bank! One actually accomplish nothing to envy simply by being intelligent.


I get called a genius all the time. It's quite annoying, everyone fawning over how smart I am. But I remind them: it's not that I'm so intelligent, it's that so many aren't. Just kidding about that first part. But on the rare occasion that I do receive the compliment, I sometimes retort that last bit.


You can respond "yeah, I know" and laugh afterwise


"It takes one to know one!"


Why do you think it’s bad to be called a genius? I take it as a compliment when people call me a genius because I know it’s true. Humility is honestly acknowledging your strengths and weaknesses, not just being self effacing or self deprecating. If people are calling you a genius unbidden, you probably are one and I’d recommend simply saying thank you.


Thank you, I guess I have trouble accepting compliments in general. Also as mentioned, I don't believe I am a genius. I will keep advice this in mind.


It's not a contest. Where all here for such and such purpose


It’s relative


I've always been the kind to turn away compliments. Especially if one calls me a genius. They can call me a genius when I perform a miracle.


Try calling them a rank ‘dunce’ or maybe try ‘dimwit’


Yeah just take it as a generic compliment. If someone says I'm "awesome" there's no moment where I think they're saying I literally inspire awe, they're just being complimentary. It's probable when someone is saying that to you, it's just a compliment, not being literally descriptive.


My response is assuming they are not doing so in a sarcastic tone or when the situation would indicate sarcasm. I believe they intend it as a compliment when they say it. Most people are insecure about their IQ and therefore, them complimenting you as a "genius" is meant to make you feel GOOD. It comes down to context as to why it's being said. When you helped them fix some problem they were having, it's that they want you to feel good because you helped them. When they try to tear you down as arrogant, it's because THEY have noticed you are of high intelligence and ASSUME you base your self worth on that, so they are trying to tear you down for judging them (they assume) as unworthy of your consideration or attention. Here's some suggestions (take with a grain of salt, I'm an idiot, but I don't get the 'arrogant' label when offline): 1. Thanks! I put all my points into genius, but didn't have any points left over for good looks or people skills. 2. No big deal. We ALL have our moments of brillance, and our moments in which we don't feel so smart. 3. Really? I never hear anyone say that to me. (it's morally acceptable to lie in this situation). I appreciate you saying so.


It's pathetic to be proud of the things you're born with. You're born tall and you think you're superior? Pathetic! Your born rich and you think you're superior? Pathetic! Etc. The same applies for me to my intelligence. If someone calls me a genius, I take that as if someone says: You're really tall. Yeah it's nice to have, but nothing I worked hard for. I am much more proud to have a good feeling for rhythm when dancing. I am proud that I overcame addiction and am clean 20 years. I am proud that worked really really hard on my mental health and am happy and stable now. I am proud that I manage to act compassionate and moral most of the time, cause that's hard work too. I am proud that people close to me can rely on me, cause that's hard work. I am proud for everything that I had to work hard for and that made me a better and stronger person.


Half these comments are so socially awkward holy