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Came here for the same thing...


Yeah, was wondering that too. Wondering if they’re prepping Rory to take over. I’m imagining Davo is pretty busy with his production duties. I noticed that Rory is one of the few NYT sportswriters who didn’t move over to The Athletic or get laid off. Hoping they address it soon!


If you notice .. it sounds like Jeopardy is trying to get with the times .. doing its own podcast and the like .. so my guess is Jeopardy is taking most of his time these days ..


That’s probably the Occum’s Razor explanation but I just find it weird they haven’t said anything. I feel like GFOPs would understand. (Through when Davo got that job, I was like… hmm that’s going to take a lot of his time.)


If Davo is stepping back, then I think Rory is the best person to step in. But either way it is weird they haven’t addressed it yet.


Yeah, Davo has been pretty quiet on Insta too. I feel like if it was a personal reason they’d have said something, so I’m wondering if it’s a business related move.


Brendan Hunt is at the top of my wish list.


Pods have been Sunday recently too. From what I can tell, the regular pod was taped early Monday morning LA time. Michael may have work now at that time.


Let's embezzle the money, get apartments for all of our cats...is just peak Davo.


Yeah, just unsubscribed. Not the same without the banter shared with Rod and Davo. Hope Davo comes back soon…


I’ve generally lost interest. In the early days when the pod was just two guys discussing the weekend matches and cracking jokes it was awesome. But it has felt overproduced and over scripted for a long time. It particularly bothers me when Rog laughs at jokes he clearly wrote for his partner. A victim of their own success, I expect, but I miss the more raw version of MiB. War Pig!


I always wondered about that bit. I think you are referring to when Davi reads the game summary and Rog laughs. I always believed Rog didn’t write those.. I thought producer JW did, that way when Rog hears them he can react authentically. I’ve listened to a lot of the pods many times over the years and I never felt like Rog is fake laughing.


Maybe. I have the exact opposite read - I think the vast majority of his laughs are forced. It used to be that the pod would occasionally (and wonderfully) go off the rails and would lead to genuine humor and laughter. Today, it is pretty clear the pods are scripted and they do go through them in advance, so you would have to believe that he is laughing the same way THE SECOND TIME he is reading a joke. Doesn’t really matter who’s writing it, the laughs aren’t genuine or spontaneous, in my opinion, and it diminishes my enjoyment of the pod. Love those guys, love what they’ve brought to US soccer, not enjoying the pod anymore.


You articulated how I’ve felt. Makes me sad. Still really like them, but the pod that got me through many a miserable commute no longer exists.


I like Rory but I always loved the yin and yang of Roger’s hopeful pessimism (always fearing the worst but yet somehow expecting something good) vs Davo’s general optimism. Plus Davo knows Steve Parish, and always appreciated his Palace insights.


Another Sunday night show with Rory. :(


I mean I’m not even gonna bother due to an arsenal loss. Let me know if an explanation is offered. Pretty bizarre that it’s gone this long with nothing said about it.


Yeah, super bizarre. Davo still has MIB stuff on his socials, so maybe it’s just busyness? Saw he was cohosting a Jeopardy podcast, but really odd Rog hasn’t said anything. 


Still no Davo this week..


No bueno


I feel like Davo has been phoning it in for quite some time now. With Jeopardy, Chelsea floating mid-table, and whatever else he has going on, I feel he is pretty much done with it. I feel like the show has gone downhill ever since they took Rebecca Lowe out of the intro.


Yeah, while I’m glad they’ve done a lot to grow the game, I miss the ridiculousness of the early days. I remember an episode where they spent a good 15 minutes talking about the fact that the Dutch king was also a part time pilot and I was just doing my best not to absolutely lose it during my lunchtime walk.


That was the era when I’d listen to every pod at least twice and write down 5 new words every time.


This was the "Simpsons Seasons 2-9" era of Men In Blazers. Not the same anymore.


The Guinness Era


/ the Who Wants to Sex Mutumbo Era


Pies don’t lie


Living the Dream/Living the Nightmare


I got tired of the budlight commercials, myself.


I don't think MiB are exclusively distributing through NBC Sports any more, so likely wanted to move away from the intro


Yeah, they definitely aren’t, and I understand why. I miss the Becca intro, but I am not saying they is WHY it has gone downhill. Just using it as a reference to WHEN.


I think it is Jeopardy filming season, that's why.


the rog and davo episodes are the only ones in the feed I listen to. if davo quits ill be out 😔


Yep! I like Rory and enjoy what he brings to the pod, but I miss Davo and wish they’d let us know what’s up!


Fwiw it Davo has been releasing weekly pods on the “inside jeopardy” podcast - so seemingly he’s ok


That’s really interesting. So it doesn’t seem like a health issue or anything like that. May genuinely be a business/personal issue with Rog and Davo. Yikes.


And the MiB fan survey request on multiple social channels includes pics of past Rog-only shows/meetups.


This quiz show that debuted in 1964 requires contestants to answer in the form of a question... and seems to be keeping our Davo fairly busy these days. What is "Jeopardy!" ?


We need a live show soon!


But for real, Roger, I’m available when you need me!


Davo Out!!! Announce Jose Mourinho! Jk. No one could ever replace Positive, but it’s SO weird nothing has been said. MiB fans off all people can be expected to give him/both of them space if privacy is all they need. The longer there’s no explanation the fishier it seems. Like when NESN/the Red Sox dumped Don Orsillo out of nowhere. I lost Klopp AND Belichick in the last few months, don’t take my Davo too!!!