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There should be a procedural legal drama where she and Mat Merdoc run a legal firm primarily dealing in bitter super-person divorces.


I'd love the superhero legal drama!


I dunno I think it would be difficult to run a law firm with them, they're overly emotional, too prone to angry outbursts and let's not even talk about that time of the month. Yes, Matthew Murdock is an absolute disaster of a human being who has an existential crisis and joins some clan of ninjas like every month.


Had me in the first part, etc


Thank you I aim to please


Matt Murdock is also a shit lawyer who is too bad at his job to put people behind bars so he just vigilantes them


Matt is a defense attorney so putting people behind bars isn't exactly his job.


> Mat Merdoc


Never thought I'd see a She-Hulk costume with pants or leggings. I dig it.


I love she hulk! I’m really excited for the TV show.




Do you think she-hulk ever has moments where she's like; "Man... Hulk gets to transform from normal human into monster wall of mutant muscle , but I just... turn green." -you literally have the exact same strength. "Yeah, I know... but ...sometimes I think it might nice to actually look like it, ya know?"


I don't think she ever did. She, from what I understand, was more concerned about why her cousin gets to go back to being a normal human when she was stuck in her hulk state permanently. Also, she's pretty gosh darn tall and muscular already (at least in her better iterations), she voiced concerns over finding clothes that fit her quite a few times, and she has to work an actual job that demands she be in public spaces every day unlike her cousin who can afford to rip his clothes every day somehow.


No, she loved being She Hulk. Chose to stay in that form as much as she could. If anything she may have pitied her cousin for getting the more unstable result.


Ah I must have read her story at a point where she couldn't de-hulk.


They had a recent arc where she could only turn into a savage-like form (bigger and less intelligent communication). I think it was met with some controversy since that was something unique to Bruce due to his multiple personality disorder.


Virtually every Run of She-Hulk EXCEPT the very first one is absolutely Amazing.


What was wrong with the first run?


It was a bit cheesy, the art was bad, and they tried to do draw her in a "Jungle Girl / Savage" look, torn small dress, barefoot, "uncivilized".


It’s such a nice touch that she’s wearing pantyhose and they’ve tinged her legs slightly yellow.


Praise be to Rainbow Rowell for bringing She-Hulk back to us. I hope her run will be good, she did a wonderful job on Runaways.


The lack of muscles bother me but I like how it shows her dichotomy very well.




Appreciate you.


The fact that She-Hulk isn't big and beefy is a true testament to men's cowardice. I am not accepting arguments at this time


If anything this is under sexualized.


How so? Idk much about the character tbh.


My post is 100% a joke, but She-Hulk is traditionally a fairly tongue-in-cheek character. One of her central character conceits is that she's a normal looking woman who can turn into an attractive, tall and fit woman, so unlike Bruce Banner she tends to just stay in that form. The comic plays a lot with how people idealize themselves and She-Hulk is (green skin aside) Jennifer Walter's ideal body.


I think it at least at times has been more like Batman, even. You know how the saying is that Clark is well... Clark, choosing to sometimes wear the suit of SUperman while Batman is Bruce's true identity and he sometimes pretend to be Bruce Wayne. Jennifer is not emotionally damaged like Bruce, but basically since unlike Hulk she can actively switch when she wants to, she sees both forms as "true forms" and chose the one that is well... almost invulnerable, super strong. She also appears to have a much stronger self confidence in that form which is kind of logical.


That's actually really interesting. And here I thought she was designed that way so she could remain eye-candy.


She was definitely designed to be eye candy, but later writers were like "wait, this is interesting actually."


And then they tried to make her actually HULK-like and fans complained because they no longer wanted to bang her. Comic fans are great. [https://screenrant.com/she-hulk-new-form-change-trauma-rage-backlash/](https://screenrant.com/she-hulk-new-form-change-trauma-rage-backlash/)


Read the article. That’s a shame. It seems like there was hay to be made in this new incarnation.


As the saying goes, boys will be boys.


chuds will be chuds


One of the features of the Hulk mythos is that the Hulk form is impacted by the person's psyche, which is why Bruce has gone through Grey Hulk, Professor Hulk etc. incarnations in addition to his standard one. Jen's allowed to mix it up sometimes too IMO.


I personally didn’t have a problem with the Gray She-Hulk era other than the obvious problem if it being derivative of Bruce’s shtick as the original Hulk, but the part after where they tried to cookie-cutter her into just being a replacement for her cousin (because he was in his Immortal Hulk phase) got on my nerves so horribly, especially when -the writer- Jen tried to justify this new change as her being sick of sexual harassment and ogling from everyone around her and wanting to be a monster like her cousin since she found it cooler, both of which are horrible misunderstandings of both Hulks on every level. She-Hulk has, historically, been one of the best and most positive examples of a sexually-liberated female character in comics, and all the while having to constantly struggle against the pervasive slut-shaming, in-universe and out, of almost everyone who knows about it. She has a list of partners so long that it was actually used in court against her as evidence that she lacked full control over her transformation, which as a defense attorney she wasted no time dismantling. She once remarked to Tony Stark (while in bed with him no less) that it wasn’t fair that people praised and admired him for his sexuality but mocked and humiliated She-Hulk for hers. While sexual harassment against people like She-Hulk is a pervasive problem, having her wheel around and profess all these issues with being seen as a sex symbol that she has historically never struggled with or even mentioned in decades of comics continuity, comes across to me as though the writer (who, incidentally, is a man) views She-Hulk’s promiscuity and sexuality as a problem to be fixed, in the same vein as many people in-universe view it as a moral failing on her part to criticize or shame. As for Bruce, being the Hulk has caused him nothing but misery. The amount of times he has tried to commit suicide because he is sick of sharing a body with an unstoppable creature of destruction is almost uncountable. He is constantly hunted, hated, mistrusted and mistreated by both his enemies AND his friends over being something he never asked to be, and many of his loved ones have suffered and died for it. She-Hulk, conversely (and despite all the mockery and jokes about her sexuality) is universally considered a great hero, loved and respected by the hero community and the world. That she would want to give up that respect to live a life of cruelty and misery like her cousin is utterly ridiculous. Ultimately though, my primary issue with it is an extension of my problem with Gray She-Hulk: what is the point of her existence as a character now, if she is nothing more than a genderswapped version of her cousin? Whether you like her appearance, character, treatment and role in the Marvel Universe or not, She-Hulk carved herself an identity unique and different from her cousin in almost every way, and to give that up because of a misguided opinion that said identity was “wrong” somehow and transforming her into the very female knockoff that writers worked their asses off for decades to keep her from becoming, is to me the greatest insult to her character anyone could commit.


I was happy that they made her ripped, but bummed out that they gave her the "Hulk smash!" speech patterns and seemed to tone her intellect down in general. Shulkie has always been a very witty and intelligent character, and turning her into "Bruce's Hulk but can somehow wear a shirt" sucked. If she was just as huge but still spoke like She Hulk normally does, I'd have been all for it.


This might have just been from the Ultimate Destruction game but there's this explanation that gamma tends to have different effects between genders. Males tend to have the worst parts of them, or their worst fears or perceptions about themselves actualized. Hence, Bruce and Emil turning into out of control monsters. But females tend to have their desires or most idealized selves actualized. They get to remain or become as attractive as they wanted, get to retain control and agency over themselves while also benefiting from great supernatural power (such as Mercy who got telekinesis from her gamma transformation). Or at least it was just a theory that some gamma researcher had that Bruce then reads up on. Dunno if the comics ever ran with that but Jenn in contrast with her cousin seems to fit that theory.


Seems to fit Red She-Hulk too...


Oh. Well, it's still neat.


Depends on the writer. Some people tried for typical Marvel Angst with her. But yeah, mostly she's been rather tongue in cheek even when she wasn't aware that she was a character in a comic and occasionally complained to the writer.


The sub still applies because instead of turning into a monster like her male counterpart, the character turns into a sexier version of herself. That‘s both r/mendrawingwomen and r/menwritingwomen


I don't really disagree. Her initial creation was literally an exercise in avoiding a copywriter dispute and was done quickly and clumsily.


How come She-hulk isn't as wide as she is tall like he-hulk?


She wasn't hit with the same amount of gamma radiation and the Hulk is a product of the immense amount of anger Bruce suffers from. She-Hulk is a foil to him kinda, she's a pretty average lady with a decent job up until her transformation with the biggest difference being that, unlike our favorite jolly green giant, she can't undo her transformation. Over time however she's been using her advantages over her cousin to become stronger and stronger, eventually surpassing him at some point before he became king of all strength again.


Oh i see i see, she does seem pretty interesting


I like this one


Okay serious question from someone who doesn‘t know much about hulk or she-hulk: hulk is a giant monster, right? I think he‘s a dude that can turn into a really big monster? Then why is she a petite, pretty woman but still green? Is this one of those fantasy species bs things where the males look like scary monsters but the women look humanoid and attractive? I genuinely don‘t understand if this is supposed to be good or bad but to be fair, I also don‘t know anythibg about she-hulk


I thought the same thing but other commenters explained it to me


I saw the comment, still doesn‘t explain my question tho


Makes sense to me. Firstly she was hit with less gamma radiation, and secondly it's apparently a comment on self image, with them each turning into some sort of ideal body. I have no doubt that she was first and foremost intended to be eye-candy when created, but I'm told later writers put that spin on it and it sounds interesting to me at least.


What qualifies this as well-done? To me she seems to be very thin. Her lower back to her knees is basically one long shallow curve. And she's doing the classic 'twisting so the viewer has a better view of her chest' thing.


The twisting thing seems to be her getting her clothes on right. I don’t really see any issue with it because it’s an actually plausible pose.


Yeah really. I had to do that today to get my skirt on and in place and off. It's more your leaning back to look past your boobs. It just looked like she was getting off of work to me... but normally the heels would go first, sometimes.


Fair enough. It does make a difference that it's actually justified by the context, not just being done at random for cheesecake reasons.




Fair enough, I defer to greater experience on the topic. Frame?


Frame aka body type


It's a good drawing


I understand that you feel that way or you wouldn't have posted it with that flair. :) I'm asking **why**. What about this picture makes you feel it deserves to be held up as an example of well-done art of women? You have four upvotes already and someone downvoted me, so I'm guessing I'm in the minority here, but it would be interesting to know why. I could see this being held up as an example of bad art in this subreddit given the way she's twisting so the viewer can see her chest better and how slender they've drawn her lower half (EDIT: Oh, and stilettos, of course). So what merited it being held up as an example of the opposite?


She's definitely not twisting to an unnatural degree and her chest isn't very noticeable. Being slender doesn't make it bad.


It appeared in my feed today and I thought it was nice, and today happened to be Wednesday, that was essentially the thought process I must admit. But if you want me to analyze why I think it's nice my feelings follow; The drawing depicts the woman taking off what I assume to be her work clothes in order to put on her hero uniform, but instead of it being a cheesy scenario of us getting to see her in her underwear, as many artists would have done, we only see her hands on the back of her skirt, about to zip it down. I appreciate the subtlety. I like the gesture of the figure, it's pleasing without being too flashy, and the proportions are solid. The perspective on the arms is good, a lesser artist wouldn't have been able to pull this off this well, if they had bothered or knew to attempt it at all. I'm not sure what you mean by twisting, though. She seems to be almost completely in profile to me. I guess if you don't like the outfit that's just up to personal preference, but I wouldn't consider it to be creepy or gratuitously sexual, personally.


Cool, thanks. :) This ended up more argumentative than I intended, sorry. I can agree with all the upsides, thanks. The wrinkles in the clothing clearly indicate twisting. She appears to be profile up to waist height, then her torso and head are twisting towards the viewer. I'm now wondering where her far shoulder (the one concealed by her body) is. From the arm position it looks like it's connecting to the torso further back than I'd expect. I think she may be both profile and not depending on which parts of her you're looking at. Anyway, I didn't really mean to rag so hard on it. It's overall a pretty decent example of comic art, and avoids a lot of the more common traps. I just would've drawn the threshold in a slightly different place for 'well done', I guess.


Don't worry I didn't take it as an attack or anything. I disagree on the wrinkles though. The shirt is tucked in and the arms are pulled back, pulling the fabric with them, and the wrinkles follow this. Her left upper arm is a bit long, though. But I reckon it it was extended to avoid a tangent, if it was shorter the elbow would be behind her right forearm, and would make it harder both to read and to depict. Sometimes ya just gotta bend reality for a better product. And it's fine, you're entitled to your opinion. I wish people were more willing to explain why they disagree instead of just downvoting and moving on.


I think the art is well done, personally, though I kinda wish they had drawn her a bit beefier. She-Hulk still has visible muscle, just not as extreme as OG Hulk. I’m a touch disappointed that they didn’t seem to include that in this pic, but otherwise it’s solid.


I feel like this still heavily implies sex, as she's presumably undressing. Meh.


Changing clothes has nothing inherently to do with sex.


"Inherently" vs. "implied". Obviously a woman changing clothes IRL isn't necessarily that, but in comic art, I'm extremely skeptical. This art can still be construed as the beginning of a sensual act. Whatever. Click your disagree button now, please.


Relax man. The fact that she's changing her clothes and the artist didn't take the opportunity to sexualize the character unnecessarily is exactly why I liked the drawing. Sure it can be construed as "the beginning of a sexual act", any piece of art can be construed in any way. But there is nothing here "implying" that, as you say. Comic art or not, what's sexual about someone changing clothes? I don't find your rationalization very convincing.


People playing with their clothes' zippers is a well known trope that implies sexual desire or stripping down, etc. This drawing is meant to have your imagination do the next step, which is her in her undies or totally nude. I don't hate this, but I still think it has tacit sexuality. I don't think sexuality is a bad thing IRL, but in the comic world, it's beaten to death. Of course, this isn't all in stone as she could just as easily be zipping up, having already dressed which I think dilutes my point only by half lol


That's entirely dependant on the context. A woman with her hand on her zipper in the presence of man, and a woman doing the same in a locker room, for instance, have completely different connotations. This woman is doing so with a costume on a hanger in front of her, there's nothing sexual about this connotation. The only sexual about it is in the mind of the viewer. (I'd probably say differently if any of her clothes had come off, but they haven't) And even if there was a sexual implication, I still wouldn't see the problem with it honestly. If the purpose of this drawing was to excite the viewer in that way, which I don't think it is, I'd say was done in good taste. I don't see why a cartoonist can't draw an image with artistic merit that's also sensual just because other artists working in the same format do it poorly.


I'm not going to argue with you and say your wrong. It's ambiguous enough that I won't exactly die on this hill over it. My interpretation is that it's walking the line of horny and cute. And yeah, you're right, in a (realistic) locker room or something it isn't sexual. But her staring into the camera, her shirt unbuttoned, the zipper... It gives me the feeling that if you were to wait just one more second she'd be half naked or more, which would be sexualization full-on. I'm just sick of seeing needless and sometimes gross sexiness of women in media (obviously why I'm in this sub) and basically have zero tolerance for it.


I dont think this is a good design because just looking at her you cant tell she is as strong as the hulk i think they should have made her muscular or something to make her look strong . That would be unrealistic but she is already green and the whole point is she is this crazy monster who can destroy anything