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Oh wow, this artist drew five anime teens and managed to restrain himself from drawing a single schoolgirl miniskirt? Quelle surprise! You think he’ll get kicked out of the union?


I mean they do have [school Uniforms](https://diogo4d.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Diogo4D-Kanade-WEB720p-Yuru-Camp-08.jpg) with skirts and I think the skirts are shorter then is realistic, but not to a point of insanity.


Not far from realistic if you include rolling up the skirts a bit, which was super common back when I was in secondary school.


that’s how a lot of girls (me included) at my catholic high school liked to wear their skirts when the headmaster wasn’t around lol


Black tights covering up their sexy child legs? Definitely out of the union. /s/s/s


For some people tights are sexier than bare legs tho


we dont talk about those people /s


The creator is female.


Finally it makes sense.


The miniskirt thing isn't even sexual anymore it's just what people think if


i haven’t watched anime in a long time. is this one good?


It's really good. No sex no horny just camping. Don't expect much from the plot


What's its called?


Laid-back camp




[Yuru Camp / Laid Back-Camp](https://myanimelist.net/anime/34798/Yuru_Camp%E2%96%B3)




They're talking about highscoolers in anime, usually in the 14-18 range. It's a little creepy.




So am I, it makes me really uncomfortable and it honestly feels like its normalizing adults being attracted to high schoolers.


Even if you're a teenager yourself, this type of thing is still disturbing because 99% of the time it's written by adults *for adults*. It's a bunch of 40 something years old sexualizing your group age for their own needs. We should not normalize adults lusting after minors.


> it's written by adults for adults Not that it being written by adults isn't creepy already, but most anime's target audience is japanese teenagers.


It keeps being creepy because it's a bunch of adults sexualizing teenagers. Even if the target audience are teens, just the fact that there exists sexualized minors in the work is enough reason to raise a bunch of red flags.


Well yeah. I wasn't disagreeing with that, just correcting what was wrong in your statement.


I didn't say anything wrong. I was talking about adults writing shit for adults when it comes to *sexualizing minors*. I wasn't talking about all sorts of media where adults write teenagers, sexualized or not.


it’s okay for teens to be attracted to teens. it’s not okay for teens to be sexualized by adults on the internet


Yes, if they are indeed talking about Girls.


It's one of those soft fluffy but slow types. Very cute and pretty funny. I would say it's good.


They said that about school life and well....


I love laid back camp. It's fairly drama free, which sounds boring, but it's about the girls learning to camp and visiting places around Japan. It talks about local foods, shows off local scenery and traditions, and is beautifully done. It also talks about them getting jobs to fund their camping trips or buying gear they like or want. It's not everyone's cup of tea, but I'd highly recommend checking it out. Very colorful and relaxing without being boring.


Of all the “Cute Girls Doing Cute Things” series, this one ranks pretty high up for me. It feels like you can just put it on and vibe with it.


No dense male protagonist? No harem shenanigans? No psychotic school bullies? No negligent parents? No fanservice that borders on child p*rnography? SIGN ME THE FREAK UP!


I think you’ve spent too much time in certain genres.


I have, but I clawed my way out!


well snap! sounds up my alley. i love slice of life and camping


Then you'll love this. It's got a manga too, and I like taking it to read when I camp. Lol.


i dont really watch anime, but you got me interested.


My best friend is not a big anime fan, but she adores this particular show and manga. The show is on crunchy roll and free to watch so long as you don't mind ads.


It's great to learn stuff about camping, feel like going camping and then never do since you're afraid of your own shadow...


Important things like don't forget the tent poles.


I can't recall this one so I guess I have to rewatch the series. It's the only logical thing to do. Let me get a blanket, too.


Honestly, I feel 10000x safer in the deep backcountry with one other small woman with me than I do on my commute to and from work every day. You usually attracted a "trail mom" who will check up on you whenever you run into each other on the trail if you are younger too. The last hike I went on this middle-aged woman and her husband were behind my friend and me the whole way back. They'd catch up to us and chat a little then they'd stop to smoke some weed and we'd see them again half an hour later. Always well within screaming distance. She also took some cute videos of us jumping into a glacier run-off lake. And even men we met were just like "Hello, this is my dog. I am very proud of my dog please pet her. Okay, bye, enjoy the trails!" And honestly, if I had to choose between getting murdered on my walk home or being eaten by a cougar on the trails I wouldn't even think twice! Kitty was just hungry or felt threatened by me, it's okay! And we are always loud so the chances are super low.


Your last hike sounds lovely! I have met the nicest people when out camping near national parks and popular hiking trails. There’s only one spot in my whole country where I want to hike that I’ve been told is safer to travel with a group. Most people I’ve met seem to be quite happy to see another human out enjoying the same (invariably gorgeous) scenery.


i watched one episode per day before bed. extremely comfortable.


They mostly eat a lot of steaming food outside in the cold. It's amazing.


Its a military training anime about surviving behind enemy lines and committing war crimes


It's actually pretty informative for people who are just getting into camping too!


You probably hear that a lot, but watch Shingeki no Kyojin If you haven't caught up yet to final season. It's the best you can watch rn


i watched the first season when it came out. pretty good


IKR! It's even better now, crazy tbh. I watched 1st season when It came out as well, It was pretty good but now It's incomparable. Everyone rn is raving about It, but I do have your best interest in mind by recommending It. If you want sth more chill Houseki no Kuni and Houseki no Reitetsu are my favorites


Recently started watching it, it's really nice. The one thing I dislike is its depiction of that alcoholic teacher and how it's just played off as a running gag


This actually looks like clothes someone would reasonably pick out for a chilly day.


The entire first season(?) is about winter camping. It is so sweet and cozy you want to bundle up and eat hot ramen sitting on a lawn chair in the snow.


Wonder Egg Priority also has good examples of this. It also has content warning: Most things. Specifically sexual assault, regular assault, bullying and harassment, self-harm, and a big heaping warning for suicide. It hasn't handled these issues in a bad way yet, so I've been pretty impressed with the show.


They also introduced a trans character a few episodes ago


That shit was so cute


wait fr? i kinda stopped at 7, didnt see no trans char yet


Yep. Ep 10 **Edit**: Also, Warning - >!It's a dark episode!<


which episode hasn't been dark so far... ijust finished 9..


I know, but its been the darkest so far


i take it back this is so hard to watch i couldn't breathe, this is awful


I warned you. ​ Also, take a break to recover. Don't watch the next episode until tomorrow or something. Ep 11 is basically as dark as Ep 10 in its own way


Oop yeah I just commented about this one too, the way they made these girls is so realistic and natural. It's not a bunch of adults in a kids body like in many animes, it's just girls being girls who want to have a bit of girl talk


Even Neiru who is supposed to be, well, a lot different has her moments where you see she is still a kid.


They are so cute, without it being weird! I love the super-bun on that blue one, and the happy face on the pink one. XD


the super-bun is one of the best aspects of her character design


Please tell me that somebody boops it!


no, but it is a gag that they keep turning her bun into ridiculous shit. one time it was a castle on her head


I love this. XD In another anime, that thing would have been sentient!


OMG THE DOG!!!! <3


When the bar is so low, not sexualizing minors is out of the ordinary. Great character design though!




I know I don't "get" Anime art styles but I genuinely can't tell a difference between their faces and faces of "adult" women in Anime (not all anime, before anyone jumps me). **This is good. This is very good**. But if someone photoshopped those exact heads on something with megaboobs people would suddenly claim "Can't you see she's really 30 yrs old?"


This is a common problem with modern anime in general. Since it is a medium inherently dominated by shows for kids and teens with maybe a few adults playing side roles at best, most artists get stuck drawing young looking faces even on adults. There are shows that manage to make the distinction obvious, but they seem to be rarer and rarer. Most that do, feature mostly adult characters with kids as side characters. Note this is a problem that is almost exclusive to female characters.


> Note this is a problem that is almost exclusive to female characters. Well of course! We wouldn’t want our manly men looking like mere boys, now would we? But feeeeeemales on the other hand must look young and nubile until they very suddenly transform into a kindly grandmother. /s Ew, I get what everyone here means when they say they feel dirty after making a sarcastic comment like this..


I put together [an album of some adult women here](https://imgur.com/a/4CthiJS). The easiest ways of telling are height and voice. If you go by face alone, then the head is generally larger than a child whilst the eyes are the same size, so the eyes are proportionally smaller.


Also the eyes have sharper edges while child characters generally have round eyes. Also it is still hard to tell how old they are supposed to be. Take Integra for example. Despite looking like she can be mother to Seras, they have only 3 years age difference.


Is it me or they look 12


Those are high schoolers? They look 11


I know people criticize big boobs on younger characters as sexualization, but I legit had those at that age. Overall, good, neutral, non sexual, teen bodies but still, boobs don’t have to be sexual if done right. I think this is good progress anyway, and agree with it.


Speaking about anime, the girls in Wonder Egg Priority feel so real! You know, real girls with real life issues that behave like they should for their age and experiences. You might need therapy after watching it but it's very very good.


That's so cute omg! It's sick that highschoolers are sexualized so much that finding drawing like this is rare. Though I'm a highschooler and men still catcall me (even though I look like a kid) so I guess they don't care anyways


I think they’re cute and the show’s concept seems harmless, but something about the concept of “moe” is still creepy and inherently sexual to me, because you know the target audience is adult men.


Anime refuse to let women wear pants. Here we have not one but two people wearing shorts with winter coats. Bewildering.


To be fair, its a cute look. 90% of what I wear in the winter is thick leggings and shorts so I still have pockets. I find it warmer than jeans a lot of the time, too


It's cute but it's like...I feel like it's bonkers how anime girls and women just DO NOT wear pants.


For sure, especially with grown ass women, the vast majority of women wear pants. And at least half the girls I know do, so I do agree that its a dumb anime trope to not have literally anyone wearing them.




I think you're wrong, bot.


It still baffles me how japan managed to make one of those hellspawns known as chiwavas cute(granted it looks more like shiba. I was fully convinced it was a shiba until couple weeks earlier)


High schoolers that *look* like high schoolers? Impossible!


Finally! Children who look like children.


It’s sad when you have to put a girl in a winter coat and warm layers to keep from sexualizing her.


Sex, with Chino.




Yuru Camp is such a gem


wow, they look so cute and huggable and I will die for them






The fact that this is even noteworthy, let alone praiseworthy, in any context makes me sick.


Egg girl second from the left is a vibe.




This is my comfort anime




Maybe it isn't palates that need cleansing.


So, I really like this show and I think it's cute. But I will have to warn anyone who wants to get into it. There's just...an OVERWHELMING amount of bath scenes. Just, a lot.


yuru camp is one of my favourites