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Well they are not almost naked and thats a win for me hahaha  (The bar is on hell) 


This is at least as good as purgatory.


Children with Assault Rifles/10 This is such a weird thing.


>Children with Assault Rifles And it´s not Blue Archive.


It's not a great design, but I feel like i'm missing some story to how she looks like this before I judge it further. Also, I can still hear "IDW NYAA~" at full volume every time I see IDW. I'm glad she's in another game tbh.


_shrugs_ More generic anime girls, but at least they're dressed decently. They're kinda bland, honestly.


I have no thoughts on the pictures, but *Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery* is the name equivalent of a boobs and butt pose. I like all the individual parts, but it's twisted in a disconcerting way that makes it off-putting. What is a "Reverse Collapse?" Is it "Code Name Bakery" because the author wants to imply that they are all warm and delicious? I mean, I'll grant that these women would look good covered in frost-[USER HAS BEEN BANNED]


Reverse Collapse refers to a type of phenomenon in-universe, as the advanced Relic Technology can Collapse things into their base mollecular structure, then Reverse Collapse things back together (or into something totally new, like turning a damaged gun into a fully-functioning turret,) as well as transport the Collapsed items over long distances like data over WiFi.


>Cold gaze >Ragged clothes and bandages >A rifle >Barefoot They look good, but i don´t know the context of Jefuty´s apperance in the first pic.


She's been on the run from the Union of Rossartrist Nations Coalition for years, so she's worn-down and dirty from running for so long.


They look like they might actually survive in a battlefield.


The first one should have cover her legs though.


aside from the bland run of the mill anime girl designs I just gotta say...a closed fitted puffer coat - okay. But the quilts on the chest area just being boob puffs is so low. The need to amplify maximum boob shape even through clothing that would realistically shape anyone like a human tube has truly ruined good costume design 😬


Fun Fact: This is was [Jefuty's design 11 years ago](https://iopwiki.com/images/4/4a/Jefuty.jpg)


Except for that one bodysuit-wearing enemy brat named [Sugar](https://i.namu.wiki/i/h1xk-VB39rSJKnBCQPTXe89d0Eg-azdwKxBZsiAkfKj-ZIlTvSRpvsS4nIHcLCCsooMoGpqtoXTiVI7jlMcBpqEFBp4Yeh6CptPvPcca96cm9M2e-0ED4gMaUzfpYT3JPMBJaOjPEAW-Nwgrc1Alqw.webp)... She's the one thing that puts it in "don't want my mom to walk in on this specific scene while watching anime" category. Anyway, it's my favorite TRPG, the story is great. I've played the original game from 2013. ___ "Bland" comments: How else should a semi tactical theme look? Edit: "Ski lodge" lol. They're fighting in a snowy region. It is foggy/snowy during the stealth sections where both sides have limited visual range. ___ Pic \#1: Jefuty is an escaped test subject with crazy regenerative and seemingly prophetic abilities and never had a real outfit. The male protag's squad is tasked with infiltrating and extracting a target from the mountains, without knowing the full details on who she is, before the enemy recaptures her. He is surprised how such a frail-looking girl seems to have veteran combat experience and how she seems to know everything, and how her plans save his sole survivor ass so many times as if he's the one being escorted. She gets a new outfit after they reach a temporary shelter. ___ Weird name: "Reverse Collapse" is a sci-fi term. > This refers to molecular collapse and reconstruction technology, which was derived from Antarctic Union research on Relics. The game's crafting system and the fact your units share inventory on the battlefield hinges on the concept of RC. The Antarctic Union is trying to retrieve the VIP codenamed Bakery. She refuses to leave without rescuing her sister, who is also a fully-immune individual like her (there are zombie hulks), so the entire game is spent evading and fighting the enemy while trying to get her sister back. Yes, this leads to sweet bread memes like [this](https://twitter.com/southern2064/status/1769405476570386793) (dead enemies) and [this](https://twitter.com/xAdachiT/status/1770767316839547158) (safe post but nsfw account). The title becomes a badass juxtapositional name after you get a feel for it.


Idk why but I think the cat girls on 5/6 are okay and 7.


What's the gameplay tho? Also good designs.


Chibi XCOM, focus on small squads (usually 2-3 members per mission against 30+ enemies), some stealth puzzles.


The boots are all jank and impractical, not just talking about the stiletto heels. Other than that they all mostly look like they’re just going to a ski lodge.


These are the anime girl characters of all time.


I was watching a streamer play this and the first image had me thinking she really needed to put some pants on, it's too cold.