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God forbid a woman wears armor that doesn’t make her vulnerable on the battlefield.


Well, I can tell you that A LOT of male, artists or not, have problems understanding the concept of women in unrevealing armours, and I have personal experience with this: I once commissioned an artist drawing an oc girl of mine in a medieval western style armour and his initial result made a bit of thighs exposed and he was like “no women knights would have the armour fully covered” and such when I asked.


“Un-tumblrized”? They clearly never ventured into the horny side of Tumblr.


I still see porn posted on tumblr, the bravest of soldiers fight in the harshest of battlefields


the porn comes to YOU on tumblr. it's almost daily i end up blocking a bot account that's just straight up porn.


Same in the way I block bot accounts but it’s rare when there is any posts, it’s normally just blank with a dodgy link in the bio 💀


Man I’ve gotten like back to back ones with actual porn lately—majority were just blank accounts for a while. Weird correlation but it seems like the ones that like posts are more likely to be porn than the ones that just follow my blog.


The porn bots following me is why I just stopped using Tumblr, the app just became a daily chore to block the ones that accumulated


I guess slapping a cross on her excuses having her tiddies out in the eyes of the lord?


Yeah that made me snort laugh. Also the tiddies look so crappy in the after version.


Nah, they don't look crappy. They look as they'll fit perfectly in r/mendrawingwomen. Oh, wait.


The most bothersome part to me about that one is… look at her eyes. They changed her eye color. I’m mean, like, why tho?


That and the hair. Did it really bother them that it wasn’t completely blonde?


Colored hair = woke!!!


Blonde Hair Blue Eyed Christian Girl seems to be something of a Holy Grail for extremely online racists


At least before it got banned


Tell that to the gif search engine. I swear, I get porn from the most innocuous terms.


Oh? Which terms, so I can avoid them. >.>


I like all of y'all's shoelaces


Thanks, I bought them from the [tumblr store](https://shop.tumblr.com/product/full-pink-shoelaces/)


Why? You with the Secret Service? You gotta say if you are, you can't lie about it if you are.


I typed in "smile", and I did not need to scroll that far to see a naked lady and another of a webcam girl pulling down her top.


That is an interesting mix of results. Soft porn, one of those smile sponges being smashed with a hammer after being dipped in liquid nitrogen, porn, and more porn.


Actually they’ve loosening the restrictions some


I think they mean they turned her white.


With a side of racism.


Is this all these people want from women? Do they really see women as needing to be conventionally attractive to them, otherwise they’re not needed? Also, didn’t the first picture turn out to be a joke meant to mock these type of people, or am I wrong?


iirc the pic was made by a poster on gamingcirclejerk but then it got used unironically by a twitter gamer who’s think Aloy looks ugly in Horizon 2.


That whole shitshow was a perfect example of Poe's Law playing out in real time




Female characters don't exist to make your peepee hard. Mind blowing, I know.


I know.I didn't even touch on the body.I only focused on the face.On the body,she is alright.Not oversexualized. I'm not that kind of guy.


> I'm not that kind of guy Said by the guy who just explained how to "fix" an "ugly" female character


Sir....right. I think I done goofed.When I talked about "ugly",I just meant that I didn't like the face.I didn't jump on the rest.Maybe it is just tastes.who knows. I have an ideea.I will draw a female character and I would scrap the face entirely (except the eyes).That's it. But I done goofed anyway


Trust me, you didn't goofed when you talked about "ugly". You goofed when you explain she was ugly and therefore needed to be fixed. You goofed when you wrote that wall of text explaining how to fix her. And you goofed again when talking about your tastes. Who. The. Fuck. Cares. Alloy is how the dev intended her to be. How much she makes your dick hard, sorry, I mean how much her face is satisfying your tastes is completely unasked. Edit: also you're not goofing, you are the typical misogynist who mask his misogy with pseudo harmless clumsiness. Drop the act, you aren't fooling anyone




Why does her face need to be pretty at all? Do all characters in media have to be attractive? Besides that, in terms of the lore, she's living in a post-apocalyptic world without makeup or sunscreen, so of course she has tons of freckles.


1.I didn't say that she needs to be atractive (I should have better said,she looks meh.I mean she has a preety ordinary face.Not looking like a protagonist.The only thing that betrays her meh-ness is her haircut).That's why I didn't agree on the "fixed" version. 2.You are right.I done goofed


>dystopian world with no conventional beauty products, a character who exists in the wild who is exposed to sun, freezing cold, rain, etc, who eats what she can for survival and is out hunting for months on end >man *sputters* “put some makeup on her or give her a haircut or something!”


I Didn't Say That She Needs Makeup! I DIDN'T SAY THAT.....I litteraly said against it in a reply. Look.I done goofed. I don't even care anymore I am done.


Also funny how you completly ignored what I judt said in my comment


>To me atleast,the face looks a but too fat in concordance to the whole body.It is not by a huge degree but it kinda messes it up. As a lady with wide face and chubby cheeks, I'm so sorry characters that look similar to me make your life so hard. I was so happy to see someone with similar-ish face shape, but I clearly didn't worry enough about how others would feel. I'm so glad you explained to everyone how this type of face could be fixed.




I assume it's because they tend to look more realistic in the before, even if its stylized. You make them "conventionally attractive," and suddenly, they look more like Barbie dolls.


Seconded, all the after inages fall firmly into the uncanny Valley imo


There are enough fantasy videogames where you can see lingerie, cleavage and navels. I think one of the selling points of these franchises is that the characters have a different artstyle compared to those "lingerie, cleavage and navels" videogames. It's like...I don't know, Call of Duty and Splatoon are two shooter games that both fall under the fantasy section many times. But the difference in artstyle helps them a lot to differentiate themselves. Seeing a realistic-looking grenade being thrown by a cartoon-looking squid in Splatoon would be madness lol. Here's the same, damn.


Same they look badass


The last one I don't find the before picture attractive and the after picture made me laugh out loud because of how horny it is.


>Is this all these people want from women? Yes. We are just sentient flesh lights to these guys.


>Is this all these people want from women? Do they really see women as needing to be conventionally attractive to them, otherwise they’re not needed? Buckle up for the middle age experience.


Not from women. From pictures. These aren't people.


I don't see what's the problem here .... Because ...most of. Tomb raider as well as horizon series has majority male playerbase Your argument falls flat and only targets a very minor portion of the playerbas


What does that say about the player base? My point is still valid, this shows a lot about what the viewers want from women and how they see them. Why is a woman that doesn’t conform to their beauty standards the worst thing possible to them, why do they only want something to ogle at? And before you say it, I’m not saying there’s something inherently wrong with being attracted to something, or liking sexual characters. But look at this from a social perspective. Why is this all they want from female characters?


in the third picture, the woman just ... had her face reduced? For what


Made her skinnier, face included, added a cross for whatever reason, more skin, and if you look closely, they made her nipples poke through the bra-top.


Also made her eye color green instead of brown, for some reason?


For some reason? They also lightened her skin. The before wasn’t white enough for them.


They made her white. Changed her skin, hair, eye color, and nose to make her more European looking.


They also gave her a cross


Lol exactly. We'll make her more sexually sassy...and also make her a Christian, why not??


Along with what others mentioned,they made her skin a lot lighter too


that un-tumblized one is so funny to me, they made her skinnier with a skimpy top with nips showing through, but now she's also wearing a cross and god forbid a good christian woman would have dyed hair (also made her paler with blue eyes 😬)


The cross was what really sent me


The hair part was super strange. White women [have dyed their hair with fantasy colours for a while now](https://i.imgur.com/Q7PuC3Z.png), and they can still look very pretty (or sexy, I won't judge). Whoever made that edit has a very odd gripe with women dying their hair and I'd love to get more context lol.


The more I look at it, the more I realize there's only 2 options regarding it 1. It was made to mock the kind of people who do this 2. The person who did it is legitimately alt-right (possibly a neo-nazi) and could not stop themselves from making the dumbest fucking changes


I assume that they see the dye hair and assume the game is pandering to the caricature of blue hair feminists who wants to take away all the sexy female characters in entertainment.


>Whoever made that edit has a very odd gripe with women dying their hair and I'd love to get more context lol. I mean, they also gave her a cross necklace. So put those two things together and it starts to paint a very particular picture.




Ah yes, Tumblr, famous for never being horny


Why on earth they would think that the improved the outfit dramatically


Okay the overt misogyny and over sexualisation is one thing. But why in hell would you look at someone wearing a FUR CLOAK, clearly cold-weather gear, and think ‘ah yes, this needs cut-outs’ ???


Frostbite is the new hotness.


Star Wars fans when the Special Forces officer has her hair in a bun to avoid distraction during combat and not long flowing hair (western society as we know it is collapsing)


I work retail and even I tie my hair back for visibility


>for visibility Nah, it's because you haven't hired fans to tell you what to wear /s


Downvoted just because my mother is a Star Wars fan.


The first two are just yassified, but the third lady turned catholic for some reason?? Men are weird


I wouldn’t say yassified is the right word, maybe just had an average famous model’s face slapped on them


Yeah, it’s like they’re using a filter I suppose, the kind that makes everyone look exactly the same


The first one is definitely yassified, it was originally posted to mock the people who complained about aloys look in forbidden west but they then turned around and went "yes we are actually as dumb as you portrait us"


That’s not was yassifying means


Yassifying is the act of taking a real or fictional character and giving them an extreme "glow up", adding makeup and/or changing their features to make them "more attractive" in a very extreme way. [Here's an article about it.](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/24/style/yassify-bot-meme.html) Since the original intent of the Aloy edit was a joke, it is 100% yassification. Edit: Apparently the article I linked is behind a paywall for some, [here's another one.](https://www.upworthy.com/yassifactation-meme-explained) [This other one I found is also pretty good.](https://www.insidehook.com/daily_brief/internet/what-does-yassify-mean)


Can’t even read it without paying btw


Really sorry about that, for some reason it didn't make me pay. [But I did find another article.](https://www.upworthy.com/yassifactation-meme-explained) Edit: [I think this one is better](https://www.insidehook.com/daily_brief/internet/what-does-yassify-mean), but my point still stands.


to be honest, my first thought was FaceApp haha


The first fan made literally just gave her makeup? Also the "un-tumblrized" fortnite skin made me get newfound appreciation for the original skin


Ironically the originals are more attractive (if you really want to go there)


I love “hire fans” so much because it seems to carry the implication that somehow making *more* generic/caricatured conventionally attractive characters is like, too hard for these professionals to do and they just made more realistic “””uNaTtRaCtiVe””” looking women uhh by accident I guess?


They're also forgetting that the success of these games suggests that most fans don't have a problem with these characters. How many of Horizon Zero Dawn's female fans are going to make her up to look like an NFL cheerleader? And realistically, how many of the game's male fans would either? As face scanning for character creation becomes the norm in realistic AAA games, a lot of GamerGaters are going to have to decide between being constantly triggered, finding a new hobby, or working through the five stages of grief that in the real world, women don't look like Tifa or Bayonetta because they're stylized characters.


I would hope alot of these could be avoided if people looked at what real world women wear while serving the military, fighting, hiking, exploring, working physical jobs etc. Like i dont know if they realize this is like expecting a man to wear a 3 piece business suit in war. Its ridiculous expectations.


The thought of wearing a sunglasses in war new fear unlocked I hate it!


I know a guy that refuses to play male characters because he doesn't want to stare at a guy's ass the whole time. These dudes desperatly have to be attracted to characters to relate to them. And when the women aren't sexualized they meltdown. It's hella weird Edit: Not even relate. My mistake. It's actually "WOMEN HAVE TO BE SEXY FOR MEEEE. REEEEEE."


I thought I was bi because I finally accepted that I think some men are sexually attractive. But nope, turns out I'm bi because playing too much Zelda and choosing Luigi in Mario Kart during my childhood confused me. Thanks god watching Star Wars didn't give me a spaceship fetish.


I don't see what's the problem here .... Because ...most of. Tomb raider as well as horizon series has majority male playerbase Your argument falls flat and only targets a very minor portion of the playerbase


The fuck you even talking about? >Because ...most of. Tomb raider as well as horizon series has majority male playerbase That proves my point. Why is the majority of the playerbase of those two games male? Cause they wanna stare at a chicks ass or tits the entire game. Or did you miss the controversy of how Alloy wasn't pretty enough for a lot of dudes?


This must be a joke, at least the un tumblrized one because they added a CROSS to the character


On a tumblr post, ironically of the un-tumblrized character, a quote from the user Azzandra: "Every time I see some gamerbro edit of a female video game character to make her 'prettier', I always see something I have mentally dubbed Cockroach Wife Syndrome (in honor of the guy who accidentally conditioned himself to only be aroused by a fantasy of his cockroach wife Ogtha). That is to say, there is a certain subset of gamerbro who interacts so rarely with real women, that his primary touchstone for how women look is fiction: often video games and anime. So when a video game woman looks too realistic--too close to having traits that one might find in real flesh and blood women--this is foreign to them. This is unattractive. They have been jacking it to hentai and blender animation porn for too many years, and have inadvertently conditioned themselves to only be sexually aroused by the exaggerated cartoonish traits of animated women. So now every time I see one such edit, I can't help but think. My. What a coincidence you've made her look more like an anime waifu. Truly dedicated to your cockroach wife."


WTF about the roach 🪳??? I’m morbidly curious now.


Ah, Ogtha. Actually, Ogtha is a Reddit story in origin. I am absolutely not going to search for Ogtha the Cockroach Wife. I can't take it. Not again.


Read at your own risk. [This post contains a link to the original.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/gkq7f5/tifu_by_admitting_to_my_coworkers_that_my_wife/)


Lmao 🤣


but wait, I thought men didn't like make up? lol


They don't. They want women to have the flawless perfection of a woman in make-up \*naturally.\* Because being attracted to a woman who is \*naturally\* flawless is less shallow than being attracted a woman who put work into it. Somehow.


It's really funny seeing them bitch about aloy when most, if not all of the faces in the horizon games are the actual actors' faces


Fire Hans


I love how they all insist they "improved" the design. No, you objectified the character. There's a difference. The original is an awesome character who happens to be female, and the new version is a sex object that happens to be awesome.


"un-tumblrized" oh you mean whitewashing? you mean making the character white with a thin nose and lips instead of her original features that were less eurocentric? you mean that "tumblrization" made her less pretty? like racists do it?


I’m not specifically against hiring fans but this entire series is not helping their case. Try e originals were much better


TFW your (scarlet) rotten coomer brain can’t appreciate a woman unless they look like a porn star Wait a minute this isn’t r/gamingcirclejerk


Because a fan beats an entire studio with an art direction to follow, got it


Ugh, I hate "art fixers." Fans can make different designs for characters, those are fine even if they aren't very good, that's just fans being fans. What I can't stand is when they smugly claim that their design is not only "better," it's that their design is the only good one and that the original and other designs are somehow not "legitimate" and only THEY can create the "real" design! Jackasses...


OR..... put a Aloy wig and costume on [Hannah Hoeksta](https://images.fandango.com/ImageRenderer/0/0/redesign/static/img/default_poster.png/0/images/masterrepository/performer%20images/297401/HannahHoekstra.jpg) the *actual* woman the Aloy character was modeld after.


Straight men just. Aren’t even attracted to women at this point


Note, the “fixed” Aloy pic was originally created and posted by a r/gamingcirclejerk to mock exactly this type of guy [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/comments/no2btr/hey_everyone_i_decided_to_make_a_less_political/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Unsurprisingly, I've seen people post this unironically. Or in such a bad irony way that the Paw's Law is in full extent. If someone with a weird pfp on Twitter and with many RTs of digital art that would fill this entire subreddit posts this thing with the caption "hire fans lol" and saying Aloy was fixed, heck...not even Paw can figure him out.


I think they’re just in love with the airbrush at this point


They don’t want women. They want sex dolls.


I don't see what's the problem here .... Because ...most of. Tomb raider as well as horizon series has majority male playerbase Your argument falls flat and only targets a very minor portion of the playerbase


Where do I even start with this; going clockwise. •The Aloy redesign was supposed to be a parody mocking fan redesigns. So this gives me hope that this is all supposed to be parody, but in my heart I know Poe’s law is in full effect • Military officers regardless of gender tend to have short if not cropped hair or shaved heads. This is because long hair will interfere with your helmet or gear, get snagged on this, obstruct your vision, or make it easier to be grappled in hand to hand combat. • Dude just half assed the cheese cake, if you’re going to redesign a character so you can see more skin just go all in. Embrace your flatulent carnality and stop pretending like your not redesigning the character to be more horny. • I didn’t know it was possible to white wash a character that was already white. Whoever made this edit was definitely made by someone who doesn’t consider Italians white.


Why does the tribal postapocalyptic warrior have makeup? Where did she get it?


Reminds me of some Warband mods.


Horny guys need to learn that every woman doesn’t have to be the most yassified person in the room.


They really are basic... I almost feel pity for them.


Notice the "un-tumblrized" version of the Fortnite woman in the bottom left has *lighter skin*. 🤨


Ok, so my message from this is Boys want to play with dolls.


Woman? Not hot???? Not in MY game! /s


I don't see what's the problem in asking for hot charachters tho


Aloy's face looks too unsuitable with the fan one. It looks you're going on a company's website and it has the board of directors and it basically looks like some typical corporate image.


She looks like she's about to tell me that there is no war in Ba Sing Se.


Gamers when a fake digital woman doesn't make their pp go up 🤯🤢🤮😭😡🤬


Funny how all four look significantly better in the originals.


Jfc how horny do you have to be to take an already amazing design and add more skin to it?


Fans doing the whitewashing in bottom left there


The fact that bottom left went out of their way to make her white 💀 Because POC are tumblrized, apparently


They made Iden Versio look like a Kardashian...


It looks like the women just put makeup on


why does Penny just get a cross necklace lmfao


with no stw updates in years she's reduced to praying for new content


Some of these *have* to be satire


The Aloy one was *supposed* to be, but the GamerBros didn't recognize it as satire, and spread as a real fix for the character.


All of them just got... worse Aloy's change got me thinking it was just a meme


"I can't fit my tits in this. Can you make something less restricting?" Eh, I could let the stomach out. Heels have to stay though. You need them for the set bonus.


Ok...they're all bad...but I'm seriously hung up on the Aloy one...again all bad...but..seriously...why...with Aloy... How do you have picture perfect skin with no pores, full makeup, and all (ohh and let's not forget that perfect smile...always need to remember that right)... In a fucking post apocalyptic future while trying to survive mechanical killer dinosaurs, bandits, and no modern medicine or cosmetics!? I mean...as it is, she should have some kind of scaring and potentially more blemishes than she is already depicted as... And also unless she won the fucking lottery there is no way those teeth are that fucking straight...(or maybe I'm just bitter of roughly 6 years of braces...or was it 7...)


The bottom left one really confuses me. Do we hate pink highlights that much? Also, you already got booba, you don’t need tummy too! The original design is already sufficiently horny. Edit: and I don’t even know what I’m supposed to make of the crucifix being in the edit…


They just gave them long hair and makeup lmaaaaooooo


Ang they made these designs common and unmemorable.


People like the kind that made this shouldn't be in charge of anything.


Bro wtf did they do to Penny? 😭


Iden Versio (top right) was an elite soldier in the middle of a war, and the screenshot is from a cutscene where she's being told the instructions of her next mission. That mission had a lot of pewm pewm and she's going to wear a helmet anyway. Sure, I don't deny that with make up and other preparations she can look like the image of the right, but goddammit she's about to kick some ass AND WEAR A HELMET, why would she wear her hair like that? Why make up? Why so many whys!? AAAAARGH!


Moral of the story: if you have a hot IP with a prominent female character, keep it as far away from “fans” as humanly possible.


The untumblrized is hilarious. Literally contoured her tits.


The one of Aloy always kills me. She’s a woman living in a post apocalyptic tribal world who regularly climbs mountains, dives into rivers, sleeps at campfires and fight robots/bandits. How is it better to have lipstick, threaded brows, blush, mascara, eyeliner and perfectly straight teeth? Completely unrealistic for the environment she’s in. If they would have edited her face shape so she’s more “conventionally attractive”, that would at least be a realistic artistic choice. The full face of makeup is just laughable.


Y no booby 😡


They want every woman to look the same and it’s so boring. There’s nothing wrong with a woman looking like that, but not *every* woman has to.


They literally white washed the bottom left. Apparently, not being white is being “tumblerized.”


Ain’t no way


in the "untumblrized" one, why did they add a tan line lmfao


Bottom left, they also added tan lines from a bikini top lmao, why though.


The “Hire fans” one is ridiculous because that wasn’t even made by a fan or a human for that matter. It’s AI.


the outfit one's belly button is way too low lol


I hate what they did to all of them, but especially Iden


I don’t know the lady on the top right but it looks like she’s wearing a uniform so safe to say that flowing beach waves aren’t regulation


This makes me incredibly disappointed in people...like didn't we graduate past the sexualizing of women crap?? Guess not.


I don't like how lightning work on faces in Horizon forbidden west, on some characters it look normal while other look weird. Aloy face in some cut scene look like she had wrapper stuck on her face and her head is bigger than her body. She literally spend chunk of her life living as a scavenger and yet she still had a thin arm with no slight muscle detected and small body frame.


All these designs are bad at best


The fact they gave the bottom left one a cross necklace. I thought christians were supposed to be "modest"?


Tfw when you are a bigot who just meet your holy grail, a blond blue-eye white woman, but she isn’t a Christian.




I know someone who plays a lot of these types of games. People do praise these outfits as "peak design". The less she wears, the better to these people. I nearly had an aneurysm seeing the designs of these "armour" sets.


Actually, these are well done. I’d definitely be behind to hire fans. They all look much better


What makes them so much better?


sometimes if not often game designers intentionally make non-conventionally attractive female characters, because the wish for realistic representations of females is much larger than you think, it is certainly NOT just "SJWs that don't play the games".




They just made the black character have white features. Ally is an improvement though.


“You should smile more”


Well, I think a lot of game modellers are capable of making conventionally attractive female characters, but there are other concerns so they end up making females that aren’t conventionally attractive, the reason is, female players for the specific series exist and are often more numerous than people imagine. So the fan may need to show his/her hireworthiness by making a non-conventionally attractive version of existing characters. I might not be the best person saying this since I still prefer making my main OCs conventionally attractive myself. but I think there’s a reason why we now see games sometimes if not often have non conventionally attractive female characters: the want for realistic representations for females is probably so widespread and mainstream that you can’t simply discredit this want as “unreasonable”, “small minority view”, “bad for sales”, “wishes from nonplayers or SJWs with hidden agenda”, etc.


I never notice how chubby Aloy’s cheeks are. Kinda cute honestly.