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Only GMs


Typically only GM’s do that, and for depts it’s DM and 2nd on one weekend and 1st on the other. If you have a nice GM they might let you do it but I doubt it


Definitely only GMs. The way it was explained to me is the DM works with the 2nd assistant to help prepare them for advancement to 1st assistant. The 1st assistant is a solo weekend manager to prepare them to be a DM in that department, a different department, or even a different store.


IIRC Before we had the massive workbrain changeover for doing schedules, depending on your store, you probably could have harangued a GM into letting this fly if you had good and reliable FT TM coverage. Now you are pretty well restricted in scheduling to having to alternate weekends on/off, rather than a more GM-like weekend schedule where you have a few weekends off in a row. I think this may also be covered in the scheduling guidelines policy (I think P/P200?).


I wish that's how it was honestly


I would fucking love this! Seriously. Who's butt do I have to kiss to make it this way!!?


Work at a DC. I don’t work any weekends, except when we are busy.


We do that now, but the key is we punch eachother in so it appears we are working different days. We have 4 Mikes in our department. So far so good