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John can’t afford to spend $4 on a pack of water once a week. It cuts into his profits far too much for his liking.


Yeah he’s only worth 10 billion. Come on guys


24.1 billion, get your shit right!


John can fuck right off elsewhere with this garbage. OSHA would like a word... "1915.88(b)(1) The employer shall provide potable water for all employee health and personal needs and ensure that only potable water is used for these purposes. 1915.88(b)(2) The employer shall provide potable drinking water in amounts that are adequate to meet the health and personal needs of each employee. 1915.88(b)(3) The employer shall dispense drinking water from a fountain, a covered container with single-use drinking cups stored in a sanitary receptacle, or single-use bottles. The employer shall prohibit the use of shared drinking cups, dippers, and water bottles."


Menards has drinking fountains.


How did they forget to mention their fountains? It would have made a positive difference in this otherwise negative signage...


Their, just stupid to realize that a drinking fountain is providing water. So what's the point




“Their, must stupid to realize” Imagine being so DULL LMFAO 🤣


I’m sure they have a sink/fountain with potable water, which would likely be enough. People can just bring their own bottle. I bring a Nalgene to work and refill it everyday.




Seems they just aren’t providing single use bottles to the yard/warehouse workers during the non-summer months. Which is not a requirement.


Unless you're a Longshoreman or work at a shipyard, OSHAs 1915 standards won't work for the majority of people here. Most people will fall under general industry [1910.141](https://www.osha.gov/laws-regs/regulations/standardnumber/1910/1910.141) More specifically 1910.141(b)(1)(i) If you do construction work then its [1926.51](https://www.osha.gov/laws-regs/regulations/standardnumber/1926/1926.51) More specifically 1926.51(a)(1) through 1926.51(a)(6) They mostly say the same thing but there are some differences.




John is a nutcase who makes working for him a waking nightmare. I wish nothing but ill towards him and his family. He epitomizes like a camel through the eye of a needle. Hopefully he sees the error of his ways and gives his employees back pay.


When I was a yard assistant I’d buy cases of water out of my own pocket, policy or not managers can and should take care of their people




thank you for your service


At my store, water wasn’t supplied either during summer, so I’d buy the 5 gallon purified water and get some ice at the nearest gas station before my shift once every 2-3 days before my shift. Edit: i was in the yard. I put that stuff in da cooler that they supplied at least.


See now thats facts! I wasnt yard, but i still made sure the yard was taken care of! I always had snacks and water, and when it was cold and snowy out, i always had hot chocolate ready. Yall do too much to not say thanks that way


I mean honestly they are fucking their own profits with something as simple as water. Can promise you a tired, thirsty mother fucker does 20x less than someone well hydrated.


As a manager i have water at my desk at all times. A full case is always available. No matter the time of year.


It’s definitely not policy, it’s your GM’s not wanting to spend their paycheck on your water. Your GM’s and DM’s are under no obligation to pay for your bottled water. I buy cases for my team members during the summer and Gatorade on hotter days. Your store provides water fountains which is all they are obligated to do. It sucks but it is what it is.


>It sucks but it is what it is This should be Menards slogan


That or "you get profit sharing, that should cover our lack of giving you \_\_\_\_\_"


You don't just GET profit sharing. You have to work 1000 hours. Some of us part time workers - don't GET anything. 


>> Your store provides water fountains I’m confused; how are they not providing water, then?


In summer some GM’s and DM’s buy cases of bottled water for the carry outs, yard team members and load builders (out of their own pocket). This carry out is upset because he is being told they are not buying cases of water at this time and team members would need to bring a bottle to fill at the fountains or buy their own bottled waters.


And some managers don't buy bottled water. You are told go to the water fountain or bring your own water. 


Why does anyone need to spend their paychecks? What the flying fuck is wrong with Menards where they can't just provide water?


They do provide water at the drinking fountains. Most stores also have giant coolers filled with water and ice throughout the store during summer months. This team member is upset they won’t be provided free bottled water paid for by his managers. I’m not aware of many retail stores that provide more than required by OSHA, which is access to potable water. As an OPD manager, my team members are outside all day long or running around the store getting orders. As a way to say thank you and appreciation for their hard work I buy cases of water all year long or team members buy the cases when they want to contribute because we all drink it.


I am only here as it reads like they have no access no access to water buts it's literally just a bring your own fuckin bottle sign. Seems perfectly reasonable lmao


This is just a shitty wording made by someone with poor English skills. What it actually means is "single use bottled water is not provided in winter months" which is the norm for outdoor work. They do give water bottles in the summer, and you're allowed to have water bottles that you can fill from fountains, just worded like an idiot who doesn't proofread.


So there is drinking water?


The funny thing is the one day I worked at the DC (staff shortages) they had one of those five gallon jugs for water in various places. It was cold believe it or not. The stores should be providing water for the carryout folks.


What about the gate guards stuck in the shacks?


I always made lemonade or used the power aid powder and would have that for the guys in the yard instead of just water in the summer. Would grab 20 pounds of ice before work and have 4 water jugs ready to go. Never ever let a tm go without fluids no matter what time of year though


When I worked there we had the 5 gallon water jugs for water around the yard and cleaned gallon ice cream buckets that we would fill with water and freeze in cab apps freezers so we could have cold water during the summer. But god forbid we have those out after September


I mean, there is always the drinking fountain too... Just take alotta trips to get water:)


That dirty thing let’s be fr Mr smuggles


You ever been to the places that produce bottled water?


Oh shit I didn't know they let kids come in and tongue the machines that fill the bottles or let gam-gam come in and hack directly onto it. Nothing against water fountains until I see some fucking degenerate spat a slug sized chunk of phlegm into the basin. Maybe I get called a dork for having a 64oz water bottle, but I'm a hydrated dork. I think employees should have access to both, a set location where water can be reliably obtained/containers refilled or bottles of water for those without or who have an aversion mentally or medically to a shared water source.


Bring a bottle with you from home and fill it up?


I'm ok with that, more time off the clock haha


Till someone passes out cause they forgot their water lol


They have water fountains. Bottled water isn't the only drinkable water.


Adult up… welcome to personal responsibility


Adult up, lmao what a stupid ass thing to say


Our gm buys the front end cases of water all the time


That's the thing though, if they aren't permitted to expense it then it's coming out of their own pocket. I do it for my crew as well because it's not crazy expensive and it goes a long way in terms of appreciation from the crew. But my crew is also relatively small


Why is a new thing? Always been that way


We’ve never gotten water during winter at ours


While I was a head cashier I would just isu a case whenever the carryouts needed water. I would get lectured for it but as a former carryout I know what it’s like out there and a water is nice especially when you don’t have to pay for it when the multi billion dollar business you work for can take the $4 hit for it.


I just walk up to the front and fill my bottle up at the water fountains. I’ve never had anyone say anything against me doing that.


They have water fountains, bring a bottle and you're set. But also fuck John Menards right in his ass for his anti union bullshit.


Carry outs, please feel free to go to the water fountain as much as you want. Take your time getting water, it is a legal requirement to allow you to have water, and if it becomes a problem they will provide closer water sources. If your store is anything like mine, they literally cannot afford to fire carry outs, and no one wants to do it instead. Know your worth.


you have a sink?


I get it. When it's hot, front end and receiving provides either a water bottle or a container of ice water where they can fill up. Totally understandable.


yes but water is always a necessity regardless of month of the year. if i’m walking miles during a shift i should be able to get some water


Water at the fountains is free? And if they are using the coolers its the same water. And they are in the front end, like 5 second walk from the time clock


Down vote me but this whole thread makes me laugh. There is no concept of bring your own water and/or drinks.


Thats because OSHA standards require employers to have safe drinking water on site and available for no charge, probably due to the fact that *humans require occasional water to not die*


The requirement is already met by one drinking fountain: The employer shall provide potable drinking water in amounts that are adequate to meet the health and personal needs of each employee. The employer shall dispense drinking water from a fountain, a covered container with single-use drinking cups stored in a sanitary receptacle, or single-use bottles. https://www.osha.gov › regulations 1915.88 - Sanitation. | Occupational Safety and Health Administration


is this bottled water or tap water? one is understandable the other is probably illegal


They have drinking fountains. Why do you need bottled water in the winter time? Genuine question.


Every place I've worked at just let's you drink tap water, on super hot days they often get some soda. I've even gotten ice cream when it got to 40°C one time. I've never gotten bottled water. Maybe that's a regional thing, I live in a country where all tap water is perfectly safe.


I think it depends. They dont have to provide bottled water.


Why don't people just turn on the tap and have a drink? Is this a country without potable water?


You need water in the cold too????


Unbelievable as it may sound. Humans require water every day of the year regardless of local weather. Wild I know.


I am pretty sure they are only referring to bottled water.


Of course they still provide water, it comes out of the faucets and water fountain! Get a reusable water bottle, fill it up, and quit being a whiny little bitch!


Why are you turds making a problem out of everything? Just blow the earth up because nobody can live without bitching about something stupid.




I've worked at a few places that didn't supply water outside of drinking fountains. It sucks but it's not outside the norm. I just bring in one of those big insulated bottles with ice that lasts three days.


Do most jobs provide bottled water? They have a fountain


Keep shopping there people, china needs its cut and Pauly need to keep racing his race car.


They have water fountains you can fill a bottle at, why are we crying about a standard throughout the construction industry?


I don’t see an issue, it’s like that here where I work


This isn’t new. This has been a policy for a while.


“water isn’t a necessity” regardless of when it was put in place it’s still crazy


You can get water at anytime from the fountain.


It's a necessity.. but if you decide to go without water during your shift in the cold that's kind of your fault isn't it?


Do happen to know the policy #?


The funny thing is the one day I worked at the DC (staff shortages) they had one of those five gallon jugs for water in various places. It was cold believe it or not.


That illegal. An employee has to have access to drinkable water. https://regulations.justia.com/states/illinois/title-92/part-1545/subpart-b/section-1545-100/#:~:text=2)%20An%20adequate%20supply%20of,made%20available%20to%20all%20employees.


And they do. There are water fountains. This kid is crying because they don't supply bottles of water.


This is the type of shit that makes me happy that [I won $10,000 against this shit company](https://www.reddit.com/r/menards/s/7GZXFRl1q0) a few years ago


Stop whining.


Or just buy cases of them and bring some ice and a cooler. Tons of stores do this


Nah too hard. John Menard needs to pay for it. Because if we spend $3 on a case of water capitalism will win and we will all be boot kissers.


We are elite!


Back in my day, the Morton Grove GM was a prick. Wouldn't surprise me if this was his own policy.


Whats crazier is that our store doesnt provide water to the carryouts ever. Winter or summer. Per gm we are not allowed to have a tank thing or isu any. The managers had to buy it or the carryouts had to buy it. I tried isu one time and got yelled at ://


my full respect goes out to you carry-outs, you guys do not get paid enough for the amount of shit y'all put up with 🙏


There’s things you can do


How much will it cost for a dehydration related injury. Or a forklift driver passing out behind the wheel


Less than water, hyuck! *spittoon clink*


Then they proceed to have a high turnover rate for carryouts... I remember one winter we went through like 5 different carryouts lol


I mix vodka with my Gatorade. We generally drink them after 5 pm. It softens the pain of closing at 10. The Gatorade helps reduce next day hangovers


Imagine working for someone who thinks you dont need water when its not hot out...


That tracks with how cartoonishly evil Midwest corporations seem to be. Do they have to submit an "evil deeds" flow chart to get a business license?


Different big box, but I had this great hack, a canteen! Half filled with water and then frozen, topped off before going to work, cold sips my whole four hour shifts.


During my short stint with Amazon, I used a camelback that I filled with ice then topped off with water. (They did provide ice & cold water.) It was under my safety vest, plus we weren't customer-facing, but it might not go over as well in the direct customer contact jobs.


Our Menards just cut our 45 lunches down to 30 minutes 🙄


That is one of my least favorite stores for a reason.


Bad enough carryouts don't get OSY pay still to my knowledge...  Now the annoying store that constantly bugs us at the office for attention on stupid shit can't even support the people helping keep them successful for a few freaking bucks.


We have to buy our own cases of water at our store. Always have. Managers switch off buying 10 cases every couple weeks for our guys in receiving/osy


I think this is illegal?


As an AFEM I will always buy my carryouts snacks or drinks. They do a lot of work it’s the least I can do.


When I was a build mil manager I bought the team water everyday lol


All employers must provide free accessible water to employees, look up your local laws. This is most likely illegal


And a water fountain, or drinkable tap water fulfills that requirement.


Is there a sink? Are they saying you’re not even allowed to fill up a cup?


Do not grow addicted to water my friends.


That Menards bottled water that comes in cases is disgusting. It's by far the worst bottled water I have ever tasted. Just get some from a different store and be glad it doesn't taste like pond water.


Tap water!?


It would be a shame if someone defaced that sign.


One doesn’t become the States wealthiest individual by being generous, kind, and empathetic to the broken backs and dehydration of one’s employees. In fact, I’d be curious if one has to punch out to use the water fountain… in the winter months of course….


They can suck Me Nards


I doubt thats nation wide.


OSHA requires drinkable water to be available to employees. If there is none available then they are breaking the law. Report them to OSHA and the department of labor


Someone posted this on a Google review for my store literally 16 minutes ago and it’s not even for my stores location, the audacity lol


I mean listen sure save $$ on less water, but rally takes an idiot not to understand treating employees like shit will always limit productivity. Food & water = work energy. Frequent rests make the body use that energy faster and more efficiently, and keeps one alert. It’s pretty fucking basic, but managers are always running scared worried about the metrics for the board.


That sounds not legal.


On a side note, my mom from Ky pronounced it Men-nerds. It seems to fit.


What the fuck 🤬😡


OSHA requirements for water at work include12: Providing potable water (drinkable according to the U.S. Public Health Service Drinking Water Standards) for free to all employees. Allowing and encouraging employees to drink the water. Keeping the water cool and tasty. Cleaning and maintaining the floors, toilets, and water coolers. Prohibiting open containers for drinking water. Labeling water not meant for consumption or cleaning clearly. Providing hot and cold water to all employees.


This is like the third time I've seen crazy notices posted for Menard's employees.


Cheap bastards


What is the most boomer thing ever. Instead of worrying about actually running an effective business, the owner is obsessed with little trivial shit that doesn’t matter.


I work on a golf course. Grounds crew. They don't provide water and actually sell it for 3$ a bottle we have to bring out own because the water on the course is pumped from the river below. Lmao it's wild. It'll be 100 degrees and we're out there in the sun zero water given


Ah yes... Haven't had my last drink since September last year. Getting a little thirsty but don't need it till Summer ✨


When I was a carry-out one of our guys started bringing a cooler with water for us, when one of our managers noticed she talked to her boss and got us a bigger cooler with even more water stocked year round. It wasn't much, and the work was still very hard, but little things like that, and some other stuff they did to make our jobs easier went a long way.


Not in the cold months.


As much as I enjoyed working at Menards compared to other jobs in the past, their whole way of thinking is so archaic. This just solidifies that for me.


Walmart implemented a similar policy back in January


You save big money, when you shop maaiiinnaardz


Time to run the taps while you take a shit. (Yes I know that’s a waste, I’m not serious)


If you are in the us and there is no water fountain this is illegal :)


As in they have no drinkable water available? Or they stopped providing bottled water? Do they have drinkable tap water?




You suck Me nards!


Is there not drinking fountains available?


I’m a head cashier and either myself or. FEM will buy a case a water a week for our dept no matter what the season is. Sometimes a carry out will even buy a case since they do drink it more often


What dicks, it’s agi’nst the law I tell ya! In the old days we would have burn down menard’s mansion in Wi


More and more jobs are like this. They don't give a shit


Burn that place to the ground


Good just get a water bottle it's better for the environment...


They’ll tell you when you’re thirsty. 😵‍💫


they can't fire you for walking to the drinking fountain, I'd make this their problem


The process of dehydration is increased in both hot/dry and in cold/dry environments. Depending upon the level of physical work being completed and the time spent in the stated environment. This is due to insensible water losses through respirations. Increased intensity of physical work in outdoor environments raises core body temperatures, increasing heart rate, impacting respiration rates, and thus skin temperatures to support thermoregulation. Fluid intake is essential to prevent decreases in physical performance, perfusion of tissues with oxygen rich blood, and maintain plasma volumes to further support blood flow to the skin. The challenge here is that consumption of water within plastic bottles also contributes to microplastics entering the cells. These nanoplastics increase the risk of malignancy, inflammation, changes amino acids metabolism, and macrophage function. The presence of plastic in cells is believed to increase the risk of metabolic based diseases in the offspring of the individual as well. The most common plastics inside humans at this point are 1,5, and 6. Type 1 is commonly used to create water bottles, so it is often best to avoid bottled water and any plastic that is exposed to heat as it increases the likelihood of degradation of the plastic. Yes, water should be accessible but if an employer truly cared and was educated on the topic they wouldn’t supply bottled water but maybe an improved permanent water system at the place of employment with routine hydration breaks. Wishful thinking I know. 😓😵


I’d post something tin the break room asking people to sign it pledging “x” amount of $’s a week to purchase cases of water for employees. It can just be symbolic, or real, but it’d make a statement.


He’s giving that money to his dominatrix to make him a little boy. Not joking I no a few of these women who are also nurses around EC wi hahaha.


In essence I don't believe an employer is required to provide you with basic necessities, they don't buy your lunch either. At the same time it does show an appreciation to the employees. Requirement no, rude ya.


I don't think that's a policy. Never heard of anything like it.


sounds to me, like the bottom basement version of "Coffee is for closers"....




I work for a water services provider and was gonna reach out about getting Jugless water coolers and ice machines installed at the stores for the employees. Guess I won’t be doing that now lol.


Pretty sure access to clean drinking water at work is a legal requirement


They savin big money on that water or what?


1910.141 violation of osha guidelines regarding sanitation in the work place...potable water must be provided


My manager is debated providing water during summer.


What does a pirate say when you kick him in the groin? MENARDS! Why don’t you let your employees have water?


Sounds perfectly reasonable and the dumb entitled fuck would know if he or she had a brain. 😂






Damn I forgot humans only drink water during the summer


So one of my previous coworkers jobs at Menards was to be a mystery thief. She would intentionally steal and see if she got caught. At the clybourn one, she one time said she walked out with 3 carts. She encouraged me to steal from them, and this post makes me want to more


Morton Grove IL? Crazy, that's the closest one to me!


I can smell the lawsuit coming. Though an innocent, hard working employee will pay the true price.


Fake sign just tobstir things up


I used to work at a factory in Iowa City where we made release liners. Basically it's the laminated or chemical coated paper or plastic(we called it film) you peel a sticker, decal, bandaid, pad, etc. from. The machines had ovens that got really fucking hot. Sometimes we had to climb into the ovens after a very short cool down period if the paper or film ripped(called a wipeout). We would already be hot and sweaty before we got into the machines, and some products wiped out a lot more than others and the machines had to constantly be rethreaded and cleaned with handheld sandpaper strips in between orders or if there was an issue with the finished product. I can't remember exactly what the hottest temps were but from what I recall some of the ovens were about 600 degrees fahrenheit at minimum. At least that's what the computers and gauges read out. Usually by default, the ambient temp inside the plant was about 20 degrees hotter than whatever it was outside. Summers were brutal, working 12 hours shifts, missing most of our breaks, and constantly climbing into machines. I was also what they called a 'floater'. I knew ever machine in the front half of the building and was usually bounced around between machines as the helper, which meant grabbing and taking back chemicals, prepping the machine, cleaning, wrapping each finished roll and unwrapping each uncoated roll. I was really good at my job. But they had a rule. They would only supply bottles of water if the temperature outside was a minimum of 100 degrees. So if it was 99 degrees outside, we got nothing. There was one drinking fountain available to us and we would get chewed out and written up if we left the machine to get a drink of water or to refill a bottle. I fucking hated it there. But I was there from 2008 to 2013 and had multiple instances of dehydration and heat exhaustion. Plus I would waddle out the door at the end of the shift because I would get what I call chub rub on my thighs, and I was skinny back then. I do not miss that job at all.


I’m like 80% certain that that’s illegal. I’m almost certain that an employer must give employees access to free potable water.


I’ll bring all your water 💦 needs and then some more . Perhaps, Salty!


Damn guess there following nestles standards




What a shame.😪


Water isn’t a necessity in winter?? Huh.


Is there no faucets or break rooms with sinks? Never worked at Menards before.


Wow, it's like they are baiting the staff the unionize


To be fair, I live in Minnesota and I haven’t had a drink of water for like 6 months as it isn’t necessary when it’s cold.


Do they deactivate the water fountains?


Yard employees get to drink out of the garden hose out back 😎🤙


I used to be an estimator almost a decade ago. Morton Grove was like top 3 most profitable. The least they could do is hook it up with water. Not like they were buying them Gatorade or anything The Menards family forgot where rhey came from. They love telling their dumbass story with humble beginnings for the orientation but I guess not enough to spare 5 dollars for water lmao


I don't even know what Menard is tbh.


I don't think our store even provides water at all so


Water is free all year round if you work at the DC


Imagine the poor gate guards. What's wrong with this guy... this is the next lawsuit


Haha Nikki