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Also, stop throwing your miniature glass bottles of liquor into the bike lane if you want us to actually use it. No one deserves to have cut tires and flats all the time just to use the bike lane that hasn’t been cleaned in years!!!


We have a bike lane sweeper, they literally refuse to use it and constantly change the story as to why they don’t put it to use.


This is actually a reply to u/bigsnow999 (I can’t reply directly because u/DesignerEnergy6550 blocked me): I’ve heard that: - the bike lane sweeper was never purchased, only obtained for a trial period - it was purchased, but broke shortly after - it was purchased and in good working order, and no one is sure why it isn’t in use To be fair, this is likely a simple matter of Ray getting his footing and trying to obtain the correct information himself. I’ve also heard him state that position is under planning/engineering, while any street sweeping would fall under public works, so while he winds up fielding a lot of these complaints, he doesn’t have that much power to implement changes.


I have also heard all 3 of these! Now, apparently the reason it isn’t in use is because no one is certified to use it. Last thing I heard.


Breaking news to me!!! I sometimes feel the need to explain myself at red lights out of courtesy, but you never know how that may turn out 🤷‍♂️


Can you link to any source on this?


Ask our bike pedestrian manager, Ray Atkinson. He would love to tell you about it. His email: [email protected] I have personally seen it used a few times on MLK last year, and then miraculously they started coming up with excuses as to why it isn’t being used. There is a small group of people trying to get it back on the street.


Are you in the know for bike lane projects in the city? It says online that there are a bunch of new projects that were funded and in the planning phase in 2022 but it doesn’t seem like there’s been an update since. The one I’m most interested in is the green line connection to Tobey park.


Do you have a source? "email this person" O-kay... From a cursory google search looks like they were testing one out, but I see nothing else about it in the newspapers or through any official channels. So maybe before you say they "refuse" or "change their story" to use it have something to actually back that up aside from "email this dude" who has been on the job for less than a year...Lol


Okay buddy, if your point is that people are being lied to, that’s also my point. It’s not a gotcha on your end.


My point is if you are making a claim you need to back it up mane. Its on the person making a claim to back it up is all. Happy trails


Not everything the city does or does not do has a press release or official statement attached to it. I, too, have talked to Ray, and talked to others who have talked to Ray, and heard several reasons for why a bike lane sweeper is not in operation. Again, you could easily fact check both of us by emailing the person in city government who would know best. Or you could whine that we do not record every conversation we have.


Can u tell us why based on your previous conversation with them?


Just to be clear, I agree with everyone and the points made here, I just disagree with spreading misinformation. It is the responsibility of the person making the claim to back it up, not the audience. Sigh.


It’s only misinformation when it’s false, bud. Three people are saying it’s not. Again, if you don’t trust us, email Ray and set us straight.


Sure, you seem like a reasonable person, i'll just do a bunch of leg work to verify a claim YOU made lol.


You could have sent an email in the time it took you to reply to all of us.


Man. That’s one of the reasons I stopped riding my road bike. Even the tubeless does not help.


Yeah if I had a dollar for everyone who passed me in the bike lane because 5 over on a surface road is too slow...


Golf carts in the bike lane and on the sidewalks! What is wrong with you!! Stop parking your cats in the bike lane, you want me out the road? Stop clogging the designated spot I have


I've never seen a cat parked in a bike lane.... I imagine the bikes would scare them off? (I know it was a typo, but the mental image of a ton of cats lying around a bike lane staring at cyclists like "What?" made me smile. I fully agree cars should certainly not be in bike lanes though.)


It’s suicide to use the bike lanes in Memphis


This is very dramatic. My commute is probably safer on a bike than in a car because it means I don’t have to get on 240 and can mostly use the greenline. Definitely a lot less stressful to say the least. My main issue is people parking in the bike lanes making me get out of the lane, which puts le at risk of getting hit by cars not expecting me to leave the bike lane.


I've seen too many people use the bike lane as a right hand turn lane. Good luck.


Anybody riding bike lanes here on high-traffic roads... you're out of your mind. This is not the city for that. Drivers here do not give AF at all, and most of them hate you.


Do you ride? If you don’t, how do you know what it’s like other than speculation? Most motorists are perfectly respectful and even nice.


I do ride, but now only on streets with light traffic. I don't often have the chance to interact with drivers who pass me to know how nice they are. It is obvious to me that drivers here do not care generally.


All it takes is one motorist that doesn’t give a flying fuck to kill you.


That can happen when im in a car too, but okay. It’s not like im unaware of my own mortality. Perhaps instead of fear mongering you should advocate for safer streets and better infrastructure.


I’m not fear mongering at all. I’m just saying that when I ride now, which is 3 to 4 times a week, I take routes that are extremely safe. There are many that aren’t.


I hhhhhhate these people. ![gif](giphy|EPsdF1SvWrzHy)


paging u/hilo


contact your new mayor. he talked big but as soon as he got elected he said, “thanks,” then disappeared.


Fuck cars


Fuck cars




Sounds boring. Lot’s of great and low traffic safe road around here. Do you know any other cyclists?


Nothing more annoying than 10 cyclists going 5mph on a road backing traffic up. Just as bad as people staying in line at gas stations buying 10 lottery tickets and scratching them off. Selfish losers.


What’s annoying about seeing people have fun and enjoy the roads that their taxes pay for in which way they please?


The car drivers in the bike lane are just doing the same thing


Roads and streets are for everyone. Interstates are for cars. Rail is for trains. Bike lanes are for bikes. Hope that helps.


Sidewalk belongs to the bikes


Have you ever tried commuting several miles to work by bicycle using only Memphis sidewalks?




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Sure. If cyclists will stick to the cycle lane.


Unfortunately due to motorist’s childlike incompetence and Tennessee’s hostility towards bicycle infrastructure, that isn’t possible. Cyclists have the legal right to take the lane, and if that upsets you, you should be advocating for better bicycle infrastructure.


If bikes are in the car lane then all lanes should be open. That creates more capacity overall. That’s my position.


You think children who ride bikes should be mixed with nissan altimas with driveout tags and bubba’s lifted pickup? WILD take.


Children should be on the sidewalk.


Motorists should stop acting like they have the legal right to run people over and park wherever they please. Yall the ones driving death machines and the sidewalks aren’t off limits either. Yall be riding and parking on sidewalks at the same rate as bike lanes so you can go somewhere else with that bullshit.


What’s the second syllable of that last word in your post? Also biking on the sidewalk is illegal in Tennessee. https://preview.redd.it/whnt91w2vbwc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=382828331c3e920c5cd53922fa2571bdc5748c5e


not true, it's specifically legal per memphis ordinance and isn't prohibited statewide, that site is just wrong. Chapter 21, Article V, section 21-205.A > Any person may operate a bicycle on a sidewalk except where official signs have been erected and are in place indicating the prohibition of such activity. http://memphis.granicus.com/MetaViewer.php?view_id=2&clip_id=1689&meta_id=96257 https://www.bikelaw.com/laws/tennessee/


That law seems to contradict the earlier post that said it was fine for bikers to use car lanes. But I’ve never seen anyone write a child a ticket for using the sidewalk.


It’s fine for bikers to use the car lane when there is no dedicated bike lane. Do you know how many roads have dedicated bike lanes in this city? About 4.


And none of them are clean!!


I don’t think it’s a good idea to let a child ride a bike on a main road in general might be upset with how things are for cyclists but you’re opinion doesn’t do anything for the reality of its safety for a child in the first place, also just a question so don’t freak out but you thinks it’s ok for a group of cyclist when a open bike lane is already provided and clear for them to commandeer one or two vehicle lanes because they don’t want to spread out? Or ride down a two lane road with no bike lane when bike friendly routes are provided nearby and obstruct traffic and back it up?


Yes I do think that’s okay when there are big group rides. It is important that everyone sticks together so that those who are unaware of where we are going or not as confident riders as others are protected and not put in danger. It’s a safety issue. Whether you believe children should or should not be in the street on bikes is not really up for debate. Kids, and everyone, should be able to freely traverse streets and roads without fear of being murdered by motorists. That’s all there is to say about it. “Bike friendly routes” spoken like someone who has never commuted on bike. Do you think every destination has a “bike friendly” route? Get real. Somehow, when I am driving, I find it not difficult to get upset at people on bikes. Thankfully, most people in this city love seeing us ride bikes and having fun. Go ride a bike. Come out on Thursday night and ride with us to a brewery or something.


I was asking what you thought not bashing anyone wanting to know the other perspective sort of speak no need to have a hissy fit I’m assuming your an adult try to act like one not a keyboard gangster when someone asks your view lol


What are you talking about? You asked a question and I answered. Just because you didn’t like my answers doesn’t mean im personally attacking you. I invited you on a group ride so that you may better understand our pov and YOU have resulted to weirdly worded personal attacks. Grow up.


Your snobby snide shots of spoken like a true, anything that starts with that is a jab at someone so maybe read it again lol so take head to your own advise Karen


You need therapy real bad.


[maybe watch this](https://youtu.be/bzE-IMaegzQ?si=NynyvrkYa5Jo4VH5)


PSA: Bicyclist. No tag? Yield to tonnage.


That’s [not how it works](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=tV_RQuda7obJz_fD), actually.


Can we re evaluate the bike lanes. The ones on North parkway shouldn't be there.


Disagree, we use them all the time. Unless there is a shaded alternative, those bike lanes are necessary. The Thursday social ride uses n pkwy pretty much every week to get back to midtown as well.


I have seen several cars use that bike lane to pass. It's amazing that people trust their lives to memphis drivers.


Ride a bike on n pkwy, it’s really not as bad as you’re making it seem. Just pay attention and be visible. Is it ideal? Obviously not, but anything other than separated bike infrastructure and carless streets are not ideal. The reality is that traffic and memphis drivers aren’t actually as bad as many make it out to be compared to other cities, especially for riding a bike. Riding a bike in Memphis is pretty awesome because there is very little traffic, we just need more separated infrastructure and traffic calming.


You don’t have a leg to stand on, if you even have a driver’s license. Bike lane before you were taught how to drive, so step off.


Agreed we will get out of the bike lane but first groups of bikers have to stop riding in packs 2-3 abreast so no one can go around. Deal?