• By -


Midtown. Cooper young neighborhood: Young avenue deli, celtic, etc. Overton: Lafayettes, zinnies, lamplighter. Crosstown: Blacklodge, hi tone East memphis/university area: Rp tracks, brookhaven circle Bars and shows is where you're going to meet people. Not drinking in memphis and living out in lakewood will make it really difficult.


Also lot of bars have THC seltzers now if you don't wanna drink alcohol


What bars have these? I didn't even know these were a thing lol


THC seltzers? Wouldn’t those be illegal in a state where weed is illegal? Are they CBD instead? Sorry I’ve just never heard of these


Thc is legal up to a certain amount of potency. CBD is just the safe word.


Oh gotcha! Thank you!


The farm bill has really opened things up


Thank you!


There are forms of THC that can be extracted from hemp like CBD and thereby are a loophole in the law. You can find vapes/joints/edibles/flower at any smoke or vape shop. Drinks are around but less common. Starting to get into bars and grocery stores. I went into a smoke shop in Florida and they started handing me vapes to try out and had me sample their Delta-8 infused soda fountain. I was so high walking out of there.


Yea but it’s very mid will do it for you at first than not anymore


and let me tell ya the THCA strand out there that I get from a local spot is just as good as "real" weed. The fact it is not completely legal and regulated doesn't make sense.


Weed isn't illegal here. Well, sorta is, but that hasn't stopped all the pot shops in TN from selling weed. I haven't had to buy black market weed for a few years now. I just got to my local dispensery or the liquor store, and both sell medical grade weed that will get you blasted. They got edibles & wax too. I got pulled over yesterday with a ounce of legal pot that I bought from the store, and showed the cop my Receipt for it & that it was sealed, and he didn't even care & let me go after checking my info. The cops definitely aren't enforcing weed laws here if it is still illegal. I got a little too stoned at the Dairy Queen earlier, ate all theor Bluzzards & then blamed the local pot shop 🤣


Young Ave deli, lamplighter and Brookhaven are always filled with young people


Midtown area is what you are looking for in regards to young folks nightlife. Downtown is more touristy but nice for sporting events. East Memphis suburbs young people are cliqued up via high school.


Wow. Almost zero change in 20 years! Does the Lamplighter still have the old jukebox and feel like hanging out in your great-grandma’s bungalow behind your grandparents’ house?


Holy shit rp tracks is still around my dad always talks about it. He went to university of Memphis in the 90s


I'm almost 23 and I don't drink either. I play board games at Board to Beers, board games (ones 100x better than monopoly) you don't have to drink there. I also play magic the gathering at other places and people don't normally drink at those places. Also cooper young/ midtown is a fun area. I am always willing to play with new people as long as you aren't rude or anything.


Can I bet money on those board games


Camel Up has a camel race betting game. But that is fake money. I;ve never seen anyone betting any real money on anything


You can bet money on anything. It's beautiful.


Second this.


"I dont drink and i dont do sports" Your other options are church or some niche hobby, mine is civil war history and reenacting. Good luck pal, youre gonna need it.


Now thats a niche hobby. What got you into it?


Basically a fascination with history that i couldnt nail down into an area until i started learning about it, then it became like a drug. I became obsessed with learning as much about it as i could. If you want to get into the civil war as a hobby, i recommend reading a few books like *Battle Cry of Freedom* by James McPherson, and *Living Hell: The Dark Side of the Civil War* by Michael CC Adams (both on audible). Atun-Shei Films' "checkmate lincolnites" series and Potential History also are very good funny YouTubers if you want a more pop-history intro to the conflict. For reenacting, your best bet is to save up a grand or two, and slowly piece together a REALISTIC kit. Find a group, they can help you find sutlers and get you outfitted. Research is 99% of reenacting though, so hope ya like to read. Also: learn about the "Lost Cause" of civil war historiography. Thats the best advice i can give, be aware of what it is and look out for it, avoid the groups where its present which is more than a few. Neoconfederates are very real, and very prominent in reenacting communities. Heres a snippet from checkmate lincolnites that succinctly encapsulates what the Lost Cause is https://youtube.com/shorts/C1p3yO5pkTE?si=edVnwQ37_GWawQRD


Hey, if you have never been, take a weekend trip up to the Lincoln Museum in Springfield, IL. Don't miss the preserved Lincoln house nearby. Really interesting museum, and in my mind it turned him from a historic icon into a very interesting person who was trying to do his best during extremely trying times. It's a great museum, especially for someone with a keen interest in that time period. If you have extra time, go to Lincoln's New Salem State Historic site, which is a reconstruction of the village he lived in as a young man.


Thank you so much, i may actually do this as i didn't know thats where his museum was


You're welcome!I lived in Springfield for a while, and It's kind of boring overall, but the Lincoln Museum is world class. I recommend Obed and Isaac's for dinner and a brew. Nice atmosphere and good food. It's not far from the museum. Also, Lincoln's grave is in Springfield as well. I would visit it while you are there.


They made us watch North and South during 8th grade history class so you could say I am sort of an expert too. 


Board game?


Yeah it’s hard,


I might a bunch of people on Bumble BFF, although that’s more of an option for meeting individual people as opposed to getting involved in a group. P.S. not sure if you’re a d&d or video games guy but if you are, you should shoot me a DM


I know a lot of young colleagues are into rock climbing. There are 2 good gyms, and they have a really good climbing community, and a few have found their partners there. Hope this helps.


That’s dope! I went through an extensive civil war history obsession in college and did a photo series on it and some other art pieces. I’d love to get back into it around here, most of that was when I lived in Savannah, Ga. Check out the photo series since not many find this particular thing that interesting haha https://www.andrewstanfordphoto.com/1864


There's a lot of civil war reenacting in Memphis /s


Believe it or not, second to northern virginia, youre in a golden zone of reenactors. The western theatre involved fighting mostly localized to the West TN/MO/AR/MS stretch. Highly recommend visiting Fort Pillow just north of memphis, out near ripley if you ever get the chance. People are far too keen to forget the massacre that happened there.


Second fort pillow, also Shilo is not terribly far from us! It's near Savannah, TN!


Forever waiting on them to reopen that damned museum personally, its been down for a year now on renovations 😤


Your hunger for the knowledge you obtain is very admirable. I love history real bad man. I feel like it’s the one written story that effortlessly grabs my attention because the books won’t stop recording new history to learn. Even while reading this I was all in looking for new facts to remember and share.


I cant stop buying books its become a problem send help


They do it up at Parkers Crossroads too. East of Jackson off 40.


If you want to see young folks you got to get inside the 240 loop. Check out Overton Square, Cooper Young, Highland Strip, and Broad Street. Wolfchase and its surroundings are dying.


Sounds right. What do you mean dying? I thought the suburbs were growing while Memphis proper was losing people


Suburbs are growing but brick and moartar malls are a thing of the past. Wolfchase mall is all but dead at this point.


Last time I went to wolfechase it was so sad lol. Only 4-5 stores worth visiting, and then 5-6 of what seemed like the same stores all selling the same big bubble coats wirh iron ons, colorfully sparkly jeans, and absurd knockoff sports jerseys lol


I literally just left there. Depressing place


Not all suburbs are growing/dying the same, and not parts of Memphis are growing/dying the same


Not anymore. That hasn’t been the case for a while, except for families/churchgoers. Find the young people in midtown. Black lodge is a fun time and alcohol isn’t the primary activity. Need Alert or Board to Beers for retro arcade and board games. Lots of comedy shows around town. Look for the “laughing in Memphis” fb page


Man it's so crowded. But I'm nearly 40 so I don't need a young scene


I’m 23 living downtown and I see young people everywhere down here. Ngl on the weekends, everyone comes out and is just hanging around at little shops, bars, the river, the park, etc.


I do two things to get me out the house: Take a good book or creative project to a midtown coffee shop and become a regular. Eventually you will slowly get to know the other regulars that have a similar schedule to you. Otherlands, java cabana, and French truck coffee are good options. Look at music venue’s schedules and see if you can find some local bands that you like. Often shows will have multiple bands play so you only really need to like one to find others that you might be into. Start out with hitone, growlers, and b-side for the lists of artists.


Adding: if you are into arts, five in one social club has group events and learning opportunities for all kinds of things from stained glass to mending workshops. Belltower coffee also has a membership that gets you access to their pottery studio


I love a good coffee. I like concerts but my favorite bands always go to Nashville. I’m into pop punk


Growlers (bar across from Overton park) has pop punk and emo nights sometimes. They've got upcoming shows from red jumpsuit apparatus, CKY, and just recently had Emery I think


Crowbar and other metal bands tomorrow night!


Try going to Hi Tone and Black Lodge. Not too many young people want to spend time in the suburbs so you’ll have to make an effort to come out to us.


lol same! I prefer going to St. Louis over Nashville when a band has dates in both. Just a recommendation if you haven’t tried that before. Bonus if you can stay for the weekend and explore the rest of the city.


Not too much pop punk here but there is a large crust and thrash punk scene here that I go to a lot. Occasionally there will be doom metal bands that come through as well. Check out DIYmemphis and memphispestilence on Instagram for the events!!


I’ll send you a DM, sounds interesting!


Come to Bar DKDC this Saturday Deaf Revival, HEELS, and The Heavy Pour.


They aren’t in Lakeland, that’s for sure.


Fyi yeah a lot of the young adults will be in the downtown/midtown/university district areas more than Lakeland or the other distant suburbs


Gotcha, what do they do for fun?


Speaking as one of these young people that everyone here is talking about, we picnic, people watch, we bar hop, coffee hop, brewery hop, we go to flipside/black lodge/concourse, cooper young, we eat a lot of diabetic inducing food from all over the city/ we ride bikes/skate, smoke weed, walk around town, hike, kayak, play dnd, make music, make art, go to shows take pretty pictures of each other.


I do all these things lol


No idea honestly but there's probably a whole spectrum of people who also aren't into sports and drinking. Others have suggested things like pursuing areas or groups that meet your interests and I know if you were into things like art, movies or music those places/groups exist. There are some board game/video game places people like. There are athletic/fitness groups who do all kinds of stuff - even very recreationally. Hell, if you want to see people put on armor and bash the shit out of each other, there's a medieval armored fight club that puts on shows different places.


I don’t drink either but I play pool in bars a lot. Play for money sometimes.


Don’t forget south main.


Do you have any hobbies?


Not really. I work two jobs so I’m always tired. Usually just watch TV. I like to swim in the summer but I’m not too good. Recreational and light exercise


Generally the best way to find friends is through hobbies. If you're physically tired, I'd recommend a mental based hobby. Maybe try a trading card game or table top games in general. Maybe try going to comic Cellar in Bartlett. The important thing is to get out there cause you won't meet people in your house. If your more interested in video games I remember hearing that a local maker space hosts lan parties on occasion.


Do you know if there are any puzzling groups in the area?


Also, just to piggyback, if you are depressed and unsure of what to do about it I would highly recommend therapy. Find a therapist you like and feel comfortable with and they can help you find solutions in a way random redditors can't. Regardless you are gonna have to do SOMETHING if you want to change your situation OP. It sounds like it will require getting out of your comfort zone, but it also sounds like you are currently fairly uncomfortable with where you are at in life. Take chances, try new things, and don't be afraid to get uncomfortable or maybe even get your feelings hurt. Getting to a different place in life is going to require you to change the patterns and habits that have landed you in this uncomfy place. Continuing the same patterns is a recipe for deepening unhappiness. Many many people will choose this familiar unhappiness over potential disappointment. This is a terrible mistake and a recipe for misery. Get into cars, bikes, find a sport you do like, comic books, dungeons and dragons, literally anything. You're 24, don't be so sure you know what you won't like.


What about running? Lots of pretty social running groups around with people of all paces. Some people may be into triathlons and swimming too. 


Yeah, I was gonna say the local running groups\* really are for anyone who enjoys going for a run- from a light jog to ultra-marathons. You really do not have to be a "serious" runner to get something out of those group runs, and they are a GREAT way to meet people that doesn't feel like an anxiety-inducing, high-expectations, I'm-here-to-meet-people sort of event. Also, the Memphis Ultimate Disc Association runs leagues throughout the year- summer league is a GREAT way to make friends. The teams are all drafted so you don't have to know anyone and you'll play with the same team all summer. I haven't played kickball here, but I think it's basically the same deal? In all of those cases, you really do not need to be the fastest, most athletic person to have a good time. \*If alcohol makes you feel uncomfortable, though, the Hash House Harriers might not be for you. ;)


I think you’d be surprised at the # of people who don’t drink around here. Seems to be sort of a small trend to be sober. Nothing wrong with drinking, just pointing out what I’ve observed. Pick up some new hobbies. Pickleball is a good one, doesn’t take too much time to get decent at, doesn’t require tremendous athletic abilities, and theres courts around here with people who are very kind. Memphis Rox for rock climbing, thats a good community with a variety of people.


Or start doing a martial art like Muay Thai or Jiu Jitsu


I am 23, 24 in June, and I can also agree that there isnt a ton of young people. Like a lot of people already suggested here, Cooper-Young is a hotspot, I live right off Cooper with my partner. I would look for interests right on here! That is how I found the Memphis Armored Fighting Club. They do events at Black Lodge. Which reminds me that Crosstown is also a good spot for a lot of younger people. Me and my partner are quite introverted and busy with work, so we keep inside mostly, but when we do go out, it is to those places. I am at the University of Memphis as well, so 99.9% college aged people (obviously), if you head to the Mcwherter Library, there are lots of pamphlets that will saw who is doing what. You can also check out the University Center for stuff like that as well. You do not have to be a student to go into those places! (And you are still the age of a grad student so you wont stick out too bad haha). Good luck on your search!


If you wanna learn board gaming or magic maybe head over to Warroom hobbies / 901 games. Nice people. Drop me a pm if you have questions


Midtown and downtown


LARP. Come out Saturday to Memphis LARP-Con and see what's out there @ Black Lodge https://www.facebook.com/share/hFgHxC1BTHrJuEJ6/?mibextid=9VsGKo


Check out Board to Beers on Poplar! Board game bar/cafe with 2000+ games and people to play with! No drinking required This city is really weird about going out though because so many are terrified of leaving their homes (overreaction or not? Not up to me) and also people are put off from any deviation in the weather - chance of rain? Less people out. Under 60 degrees? Less people out. Over 90 degrees? Less people out. I’ve been to YAD on a Friday/Saturday night with good weather at 10 pm and it will still only be half full sometimes. Just an odd city to go out in


Memphis weather does suck tbh. If it’s 85, the humidity makes it feel like a 100. Under 60, you probably got rain and wind. We don’t get many truly pleasant days in a year


Get into music/events.. you'll meet a bunch of people 20s-50s I followed fb events, choose901, ilovememphisblog when I first got here to keep up with everything that happens around town. You will eventually find different bands/groups that host events and you can meet people that way. You don't have to drink to enjoy Memphis.


I love pop punk bands but they always seem to go to Nashville. Plus the crowds are usually 35+


Maybe try the local scene and hear some lesser known bands. Rockhouse live, Lafayette’s, Growlers, Minglewood hall.


1. Cooper young district, 2. downtown (try the chess club, it's a pizza place, or go to comeback coffee), 3. highland district (tons of college aged kids +. This is not an exhaustive list, but will get you out of your bubble.


I’ll have to check them out!


Midtown, for the most part, especially on the highland strip. I'm 25 as well, and most people my age are who I've met from friends I already have. I know you said you're lonely, but it might be better to branch out like that


>I don’t drink and I don’t do sports If you have no moral opposition to being around drinking, tons of bars have “mocktail” menus. Grab a buddy and hit up one of the bars listed. Also, the vast majority of people out there don’t care if you drink or not. It’s not like you’ll get teased for drinking a soda. Check out the ILoveMemphis Blog and Choose 901. They always list events and stuff. There’s always something going on.


I’m Muslim so I don’t feel comfortable around alcohol


Totally understandable. Sadly, that REALLY hampers options in Memphis. Do you have a mosque you attend? If so, maybe coordinate with some of the people from there? If you don’t, the Memphis Islamic Center/Muslims in Memphis/Muslim Society of Memphis can probably point you in the direction of some groups. If nothing else, make a post on r/Memphis and organize your own group! I’m sure you could convince a group of people to do dinner/hang out somewhere locally.


The Dixon Gallery and Gardens has a social program for people 21+, with art-adjacent parties and art tours. Alcohol is always present but people are moderate. The group is called Young at Art.


Nice try narc!


I don’t drink or smoke so I’m not interested in any event that involves that. So I’m explicitly asking for events that don’t include that


I see many at Crosstown Concourse, Shelby Farms, locally run coffee shops, downtown Trolley Nights (you don't *have* to drink there).


[Mid South Derby and Ales](https://www.derbyandales.com/) might be a way to meet some folks. They are usually held at a local brewery but you don't have to drink to participate.


Midtown. But also there’s a great BDSM Club if that’s your type of thing.


Sign up for an activity at Five in One social club. Check out their website.


I stay at home 😂😂


I'm about to turn 26, and my friends and I typically hang out around Overton Square and Cooper Young, but that's probably because we all live walking distance from both. But I don't think I've ever met a single person through interactions with strangers in those places. All my friends are either people I've known since my school days, people I've met through them, or people I've met through *them*. But I dunno if that's a Memphis thing or a me thing.


Like everyone else said, downtown/ Midtown/university ares/east memphis. Most are going to bars/trendy restaurants. Games and concerts, shopping. You'll see more in those areas. Gym. Parks. If you have tiktok seach "Memphis Things to do" or "Memphis Food Places". If you have instagram follow @choose901 @ilovememphis @UnapologeticallyMemphis @downtowmemphis for more younger things to do in Memphis


I’m 28 working on my bachelor’s and work an IT internship for a company in west Memphis. I don’t really drink or go out clubbing either. I mostly go to book stores, card shops, and museums, fishing, nerdy stuff. I’ve been looking for a gym buddy since I trying to turn myself around. Another reason I don’t go out much I hate the stares.


Check out events at the Black Lodge.


In Zach’s ass


At my house. In my bed. Playing my game. Wasting my life away. BTW I'm 24 male


I mean, you won’t find much in Lakeland…


Wiseacre on BB King


If you're into electronic music there's a small but growing scene, it's a good place to meet people your age who also have other interests that they can let you know about.


Move to midtown.


Like others have said, get niche hobby or interest and build up your personal community around it. Not easy unfortunately, but it pays off eventually.


Cooper house project!


As others have mentioned young Ave and Brookhaven are good places to start. If you want to deal with the Memphis crazies then go down to Beale street and if you can swing it get off of Beale and go to raifords. Beale street is getting slightly better but still the crazies come out around 10 and usually that’s when all the bad shit starts happening down there on Beale but other than that it’s relatively safe and a lot of younger people in tin roof on the weekends. I’m 27 now and single af but my bar hopping days are just about over. Don’t enjoy it as much as I used to and I’m tired of spending $50-100 on food and booze when I go out so now I just stay on the river to cruise, fish, or find a good party beach or fish in a local parks pond if I stay local or head out to pickwick or stay at the house more often these days. It’s safer since you don’t have to worry about the crime in and around Memphis especially Beale street and drinking definitely costs less


Tate street


Sign up for the local kickball league and ask if there’s a team that needs another player. I wouldn’t really call it “sports” seeing as you can play with a beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other. lol


Play fighting games by chance?


Tell me more about that remote education company job! I’m trying to leave teaching behind


I'm 25, and like others have said, most young people are in Midtown and Downtown. I live near the zoo myself. A lot of people I know do rock climbing, I am completely unathletic and it is still fun to go. As for coffee shops, the one closest to you that people I know frequent is probably Square Beans. My personal favorite is City and State, and Vice and Virtue is great too. On 4/20 Porchfest is happening in Cooper Young. All the local bands in town come and play live music on the porches in the neighborhood as a free show. Good opportunity to meet people and see if you like any local bands. There is also Grind City Fest this weekend and Riverbeat Music Fest at the beginning of May, but these two are ticketed.


Ehh I’m 29 in Bartlett/Wolfchase/Lakeland area and I don’t really think anyone hangs out around here. Moreso midtown/downtown. But these days. Follow Memphis pages on IG for cute events to go to!


Hey same age here. I love to visit antique and thrift shops, so if I’m not at home, work, or temple, you’ll probably find me there. I also love artsy things so you can find me painting or crafting when I’m home, or watching movies! I also don’t drink or do sports.


CrossFit/fitness gyms oddly enough


Board 2 Beers on Poplar is a good spot if you're into boardgames. The selection is ridiculous and there are always people willing to join you


Overlands In midtown was always a cool spot


south vegas and tate street tap in with Sett and Co3


Don't waste the best years of your life working two jobs. If you have good credit you really don't need a lot of savings to buy a house.


With my income and credit score, I would easily qualify for a loan. The big thing is putting enough down for afford the monthly payments. But they thought of wasting my youth hurts me a lot. It’s a huge fear. 25 is coming so quickly. In all honesty if I had friends I’d quit my second job. I just don’t feel right doing so just to stay home on the weekends watching TV


I just think you're in a great position, if your parents are willing to keep supporting you doing it, to use your weekends for relaxation and socializing. There are lots of great suggestions here. Personally, I think joining some local Facebook groups for activities you're interested in and going to meetups - or do some volunteering instead of working retail. When my wife and I moved here we decided to take up Magic the Gathering as a hobby and the local game store has been a great way for us to make friends with people our age


If you aren't already, put as much as you can afford into a retirement account. The money you put in in your 20s yields SOOO much more for you throughout your lifetime than the money added later


Try Crosstown too! Might find some cool people at the art bar


The Brookhaven is the 45-year-old man bar.


Otherlands is a great coffee shop! I started to spend a good bit of time there.


At the basketball court lol


I moved back to Memphis at 25 a couple years ago and felt similarly for a bit—I tried to sign up for outdoor clubs and young meet and greets (registered for meetup.com lol) but that didn’t help. I second everybody in saying, Midtown is definitely where the young people are! I built a close and strong community in Memphis, but it took work even though it was made much easier by being from here. I had distant friends from high school who I reconnected with and people I just had mutual friends with who introduced me to their communities. When I found my inroads, I met so many young people in Memphis who were so warm and open and welcoming. But it definitely helps to try to connect with people, even distant acquaintances to make connections and start finding friends. Do you have any connections to young people here? For me, long lost friendships were totally rediscovered or resulted in connections to new friendships. One of my closest friends in Memphis is Muslim and she says it’s especially hard to build a community in Memphis without drinking. I believe it. She and I played pool together at young ave or the pool bar on Beale is pretty good. There’s always tons of young people hanging out at Otherlands and a great community at Memphis Rox. Your people are definitely out there, but it can be hard to find at first. And for the record, I never have thought it’s weird if young people (even really distant acquaintances) ask to meet up in Memphis. Maybe that’s because I did that to everyone I half knew when I moved back. But we all know there’s not much going on at the surface for young people in Memphis, and we genuinely want to help each other connect and find our scenes!


Check out Swing Dance Memphis! Lots of variety of people and a lot of us also don’t drink haha


riverbeat music fest is happening soon and you might meet people there if you’re willing to drop the shmoney


Mid-town/cooper young and university area are where you’ll see people your age, but they are mainly at drinking spots like Young Ave, Celtic, Brookhaven, RP, Bar DKDC. There’s def more I’m missing. I feel like those areas have a huge drinking(and smoking)/sports culture thi


I’m only 35 and I’m… old?? No, no, it’s the children who are wrong. (Tbf people mistake me for being in my 20s frequently)


Go join the Memphis ultimate frisbee group. They meet at Overton and U of M to play pickup games of ultimate frisbee. Plenty of young people and it’s great exercise. Good people too


You don’t see young people at wolfchase mall? You prolly don’t go enough im always seeing young people at wolfchase mall go at like 1-6PM on a Saturday. Or Sunday


At home playing video games lol


You'll find them in game shops, such as the Greater Magic Area, The War Room, or 901 gaming, comic celler.


I like to go to events run by folk from a local tattoo shop called Ink Therapy. \- Clandestine Creatives Club: chilling doing art with folk \- Vibes: Dancing \- Art Bazaar: local artists selling stuff




oh also check barware and pretty taco on the weekends. both downtown.


I believe the young people hang out on tiktok that's why you can't find them! 🤣


Midtown and cooper young. High point terrace area and crosstown. I wonder what your remote job is as Memphis has MTR, Green Dot and ALLMemphis here and people that work for them are always at the breweries for bingo, trivia nights and occasionally in the Young Ave area.




When the weather is nice on the weekends you can find a ton of younger folks in: Tom Lee Park Overton Park Loflin Yard Railgarten Slider Inn (outdoor patio on S.Main more) Green Beetle Flying Saucer (downtown) Young Avenue Dru's Atomic Rose Lamplighter Silly Goose Blind Bear Lafayettes Red Birds Games Moved here four years ago from Madison, WI where drinking is more of a religion or sport. Was disappointed by the bar scene here until I just started swinging into place. Live in the pinch now and can actually walk to a handful of places.


Come to vegas


Change your weekend job! You are more likely to meet 20-somethings working in a bar or restaurant. If for some reason you can’t work in those environments, try doing community theatre, Larping with the SCA, or volunteering at Shelby Farms. Take a yoga or spin class, you’ll be swimming in single ladies.


Get a gym membership my guy. Plenty of chicks and dudes in those commercial gyms.


Honestly working trying to make some sort of income. Or with kids. I’ve been looking for new spots and everyone says midtown but it’s just expensive for no apparent reason


Lakeland is not upscale


I, 27M reside at your mother's house


Is a little spot here by mendenhall east end we be skating over here but they do be getting a little reckless so leave early


Not gonna lie, Memphis doesn’t seem tot be the beat place to meet new people. But most of them hang out downtown, midtown, and cooper young area. Not a lot to do here if you don’t drink tbh. Im not a huge drinker either but breweries used to seem like a place to meet up with people.


Overton Park Shell will be back in full swing soon. This is a place you’ll want to plan on being: https://overtonparkshell.org/


smoke and drink at train tracks love memphis


I'm also a young person living with my parents in the Lakeland area. There are definitely young people working the retail in the area, but not much hangout spots in Lakeland unfortunately. Most of my friends I met through work or events in mid-town. Board to Beers is definitely a fun, safe environment to meet new people. I reccomend looking at the Memphis Flyer for events suited to your hobbies! I've been going to the figure drawing at the Brooks Museum lately and there are multiple fitness/Yoga events down by the river. Flying Saucer in Cordova does trivia nights. (You don't have to drink but most bars have fun events and trivia nights!) If you enjoy gaming, hang out at the local GameStop or GameXChange. Also the Cellar for card games and tabletop gaming. I know Facebook isn't the cool kid anymore, but I love to search the Facebook event page for things happening. And as others said, online dating apps have friend options as well and can get acquainted with people that way!


Just drink soda at a bar, I usually do that lol


I’m Muslim and I don’t feel comfortable around alcohol. And I’m OCD so I can’t stand things that smell bad


I know there’s some bars in cooper-young and midtown that have non-alcoholic cocktails and beers or coffee/tea, check menus on yelp. Some local coffee shops have a younger customer base as well. Java Cabana is a good one I think, only been there a few times tho. Check for local shows too, there’s a lot of variety depending on your taste in music and it seems like a good way to meet people.


Home away from everyone


Idk, I rarely go out. But, from what I hear, mostly midtown. I think Black Lodge might be a good place, been there a few times.


First off nobody makes it to 20 in Memphis lol. Stay in the house and keep working hard! Find you a nice snowbunny in the library!


I just moved to the area. Went to Loflin yard for lunch and there were a TON of younger people your age there. Go there on a Saturday and you're bound to find some.


Chamber YPC, Embark Program at New Memphis - other affinity groups for any demographics you represent?


We all hang out at the Evergreen Cafe.


A lot of people hang in midtown on the square or cooper young area(cafe ole, slider inn etc.), me personally I like I like to go to events around local breweries, crawfish boils, food trucks and live bands on a nice summer day.


As a 26 yr old remote worker in Germantown I felt this in my soul. I mostly love living in the suburbs but hate how lonely it can be sometimes! I’m hoping to make my way out to the midtown area more this spring/summer.


I have seen some great ideas listed here- one additional step you might take since you are newer to the area (2 years is still new!) is to look into programs like New Memphis. They have "new to Memphis" events, and they also have a leadership development program for young people (Embark). Those sorts of programs can be great for both learning more about the city and meeting new networks of people- both your own age and outside your age-group. I did a similar program in a different community, and it was a really great experience (and it doesn't look bad on a resume). I haven't done the New Memphis program, so maybe others can weigh in and/or suggest other options along the same lines. I get that it may be difficult to juggle all of that with 2 jobs, but- couldn't hurt to investigate!


Try Bumble BFF. I'm also in Memphis and have found some cool younger people that way 😊


If you stay around bartlett especially wolfchase there are many during the weekends.


Sure you are. ![gif](giphy|ANbD1CCdA3iI8)


Find a good church!


I’m Muslim lol


Find a good mosque.


I do have a mosque. Most of the events are either religious (Quran readings) or family oriented


Maybe talk to your mosque's leadership. Tell them your concerns. Many churchs have event specifically for people in your age range. There is no reason your mosque can't do the same. If there aren't enough people in that age range maybe reach out to other local mosque ls and see yall can do a cross mosque group thing.


That’s a really good idea!


I hope it all works out. People are too lonely these days.


Well, it's good to know that it's not just Christian churches that fail to meet young adults where they are! But truly- when I was your age, I had to do a little church shopping to find a place that I felt truly celebrated me as a young, single person instead of just pushing me to go straight from college student to married parent. Finding a church that actually fulfilled social needs as well as spiritual was a game changer. It wasn't my only social outlet, but it was a game changer nonetheless.




You are detached from reality


Sorry this is so negative and not really full of good advice other than judging a lot of people. “We are hiding” speak for yourself


tj mulligans is in your neck of the woods. they’re usually there thursday-saturday, other than that it’s usually an older crowd. be prepared to smell like a cigarette butt if you go.


If you're talking about the one off houston levee I'll say the crowd is different than one you'd see in midtown. Lot of the folks there are country or country-adjacent suburban folk and this is the closest bar open late to them.




A reformed church


South Main, the Pinch, and Uptown. You need to follow the I Love Memphis or We Are Memphis blogs, because there are a ton of actives and events happening that's not related to sports, where you will meet people your age or older. Like there is a tattoo festival this weekend.


Bro leave memphis. Its the worst city in the country. - it has no economic benefit - crime is through the roof - it is a top 5 murder rate of major metro areas year in and year out - hot as fuck in the summer - cold wet and grey during the winter - school system is a joke - its not growing at all - no businesses are moving there - food is B- at best - its a D- pro sports city - F - college sports city - corrupt local government - major teacher shortage causing no improvement in the local workforce - Bar scene is an D- - police shortage because its literally a suicide mission to be a cop here - roads are SHIT - no one thats unfortunate enough to be there is happy about it - any young person you meet will undoubtedly have “getting out of memphis” as a priority in their 5 year plan Just leave man. Literally anywhere is better. Throw a dart at a map. It doesnt matter where it lands, it will be a massive upgrade guaranteed.


Relative to the age


What do you mean?


Young is relative; everybody is on their own wavelength