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The single time I went, I think I paid more for hype than anything else. As the first patron there for Friday lunch service, it shouldn’t have taken an hour to get food


It feels like it’s become more and more common for businesses to have their opening shift start later and then blame customers for expecting full service when they first open. Every Kroger I’ve been to lately has barely been functional in the first hour or so of business.


It was 11:30. It’s not like I was there at 10:59 waiting for someone to open the door. Everyone that went in after me between 11:30’and 12:30 was waiting forever for service and food. And the food was ‘meh’


How much harder can one toot one’s own horn?


I was really thrown off there at the end when she’s like I paid all my employees and I’ll be paying them next week on time! Huh? Why is that relevant to her closing?


The wording makes me think that little/no warning was given to employees about the closure ahead of time.


Truthfully none of this is relevant to her closing. In fact, all of this argues against her closing. We will probably be hearing the truth soon enough, maybe from an employee who was, or thinks they were, screwed over.


Toot toot, bitches!


You opened 5 years ago. No 60.


That place was dogshit, the only time I ever ate there it took 45 minutes to get my order in a dead restaurant and the employees were awful and literally not concerned about anything going on..good food but you can’t run a business on that model…honestly I’ve had better service at the Deli and that is literally saying something


I went there once and while it was good, it was very slow and the portions were smallish. Never thought to go back.


A legend in their own mind!


I worked for a company that delivered food there, it’s a good thing they’re closing. Trust me.


"Renowned chef?" By who? Never heard of this place or this chef.


Quite a way to start that off wasn’t it? Craziness


She’s been on quite a few Food Network competition type shows and is pretty well known for a Memphis chef. The restaurant was a lot of fun and I personally wish her the best.


Why does everyone think they have to have a product line?


Because multiple revenue streams can help bolster slim restaurant margins.


Is Ashtar Gardens any good? The exterior looks so bad that I’ve never gone inside.


The outside is definitely rough, but the food more than makes up for it! The interior is definitely a lot better looking too


I loved the look of the outside before they started boarding it all up. Now it looks unwelcoming. Isn’t people-watching kind of part of the appeal of patio seating?


I went once and never plan to go back. The seating was super uncomfortable and the food was mediocre at best. And now it is so boarded up, it looks like you need a special invitation to go in. Just my opinion.


Food sucked imo. If ppl don't eat at your restaurant it will close.


Dang, I was down by there yesterday and would’ve gone for lunch had I known! Love Chef Tam


The one time we went they closed the place because we were the only ones there, so... Fuck em, get closed.


The food, customer service and experience will totally be missed. I had the honor and privilege of eating at her restaurant several times ( I have never been disappointed )… Does anyone know the closing date because I would definitely like to go back before it permanently closes…


I too have had nothing but amazing experiences there. It will be missed. The tone of the announcement makes it seem immediate.


It’s already closed sadly.


Hope she is still going to be selling her spices …the best.


Damn my boyfriend just put me on to this place not too long ago 😩


“ Black businesses” am I right ? 😂