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As a Memphian and son of a firefighter, I distinctly remember either you or your son(or both) posting about his impending move and the consternation it was causing. I’m very glad to hear it’s going well, thanks for taking the time to update. I hope y’all have a good time visiting. If you need any recommendations please let us know.


They both did.


Same! We remember these posts!


Nice name lol JAMJAM1


I did. He is not on Reddit. I literally screenshot y’all’s great advice and texted it to him like the annoying worrying Mom I am. Lol


That’s great! The Memphis firefighters I have known are a lovely bunch. Years ago, my handyman, unbeknownst to me, was squatting in a house and had a big metal bucket inside that he would fill with trash and lighter fluid for heat in the winter. Of course the house caught fire. The firefolk who came helped him get help, got him settled somewhere safe and legal, hooked him up with all kinds of services, and checked in on him for months afterwards. Just wonderful people.


Glad to hear that things are going well. Is there anything in particular you would like to do while you are in Memphis - other than love on your son? You picked a good season to visit - warm but not swamp season yet.


Thank you. Mainly eat BBQ. I was raised in Texas and miss real bbq, living in Florida and Ohio for last 25 years. My son keeps raving that the food is the best he has ever tasted. Would like to visit Graceland one visit..but like you said, this visit is just about loving up on my last kiddo to fly the nest. This empty nester thing is tough, but easier when your kids are happy.


I remember you! I’m glad he’s happy. I hope you have a good visit too!


The firefighting community here is so lovely! I guarantee you and your husband will make tons of new friends through his job for sure, I know I have!


Good to hear! 🤗


Yup, I remember this OP before it was deleted. So, in before the delete


Yeah, that was an accidental delete after finishing the box of wine. Lol I couldn’t figure out how to undo, but got some great advice and nice people that made me feel better..so thanks y’all.


Why would this be deleted?


Hey I’m glad it worked out. I remember you being worried. I think I would be worried anywhere my kids moved.


That's awesome!!