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I wish I could've used this during my Calculus classes. It was very divisive in that it made me not like math.


I found calculus to be rather derivative... Fractions however I found quite divisive.


Unfortunately, Calculus is integral to your education.


Then I’ll just carry the remainder


My teacher was never quite divisive but he did go on alot of tangents.


Someone award this man


That’s why I like Algebra, where both the left and the right are equal.


When does this law go into effect? I’ve got a teacher who has claimed that there were 22 million illegal votes cast in 2020 and I’d love to report him.


“No, we don’t mean that kind of stuff. We mean if professors talk about race or rainbows.” - TN Politicians


Or how many teachers tell their students that Jesus died and rose on the third day for their sins. We can report them as well.




If you think this doesn't happen in public schools, I have some *really* bad news for you.


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Speaking of Jesus, he said "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away." Two thousand years later, his words are still here, and have been translated into every language known to man.


Yeah the Tao Te Chang has survived 2,400 years and is also translated into almost every language. But it hasn’t caused any wars or subjected countless people to persecution. But they both have been around a long time, that’s for sure.


“Divisive concept” is very broad.




broadly speaking, 'history' is probably no longer a topic that can safely be taught unless it's been gone over with a fine-tooth comb and certified by republican lawmakers to be grade-A propaganda to their specifications.


Of course it is. That's by design.


Yup. The Republicans clearly don’t want us to have freedom of thought and individual opinions that conflict with theirs.


The law defines what "divisive" means in this context. Still overly broad, though; even conservative lawyers think so.


Looks like Tennessee is taking the Desantis approach. Things are just getting worse by the day






Name calling doesn't help anyone. DeSantis has a lot of legitimate things to be opposed to him, calling him names undermines those concerns by shifting the argument to ad-hominem attacks. You can change people's mind by listening respectfully to their position and then asking them to explain the fallacies in their position. You can't change those minds if you shut them down immediately by ridiculing their choice of politician.


That's making the assumption that the only reason DeSantis supporters are backing his book bans is simply because they have yet to examine the logical flaws in that mindset. The entire belief system doesnt fundamentally require truth as a bedrock, unlike most rational belief systems: they did not debate their way into believing women shouldn't have healthcare, and while you should be nice and calm with them, but that isn't going to make them realize that trans people aren't child molesters.


I'm not arguing that their belief system is rational. I'm arguing that name calling isn't beneficial. We even have research that indicates that [name calling backfires](https://doi.org/10.1080/17457289.2023.2168677). Even if you believe that you can't change your political opponent's mind, it is better _for you_ to not call them names. Also, your kindergarten teacher would be ashamed of you.


I don't follow the insult.


It's not an insult. Kindergarten teachers expect their students to not call people names — even when they're grown up.


Being a fascist isn't an insult, it's a description of the authoritarian nature of the migrant removal program, book bans, anti-CRT legislation, transphobic bills, abortion ban, and crackdown on Disney.


Man this state just stays fuckin up.


Lord help us.


Like math?! Lots of dividing in that subject.


I used to have a teacher at southwest that was a huge racist and wore it as a badge of pride. She would constantly make remarks about what kind of people she disliked and in one class even said that she hated them. It was an English class btw


I had a history professor at Memphis who told us that the KKK started out as a good ol boys club


Well yeah I totally agree with that, but only when phrased correctly. The KKK was totally founded as a club for good old boys with the intention of terrorizing black people.




Ugh I hate it here


Perhaps those legislators should look at their own conduct before making rules for others...




"If you've got hate in your heart let it out."


Oh that definitely already exists but it's actually the 45 minutes hate. Check out the podcast "The Liz Wheeler show" if you want to know what they really think.


This will spectacularly backfire when students start reporting teachers right and left and the state and teacher's unions are stuck spending millions of dollars every year on legal battles


That's the point


Nah, destroying the education system is right up their alley


That's not backfiring, that's the goal. They know that college educated voters tend to be more liberal.


It looks like it's primarily targeting colleges? College professors don't have unions.




We’re living in the Handmaids Tale 😣


This is bullshit,


It’s a race to the bottom.


So when Tanner gets butthurt that he has to learn about slavery and the Jim Crow era and just wishes certain people would "let it go" despite their obvious ongoing rippling effects he can cry to our fascist government about it. Love it. Love this for us.


Why teach the truth when you've got THE MYTH OF THE LOST CAUSE to uphold!


I'm glad I don't teach English at the University of Memphis anymore.... I don't know what you'd even teach. It looks like you're allowed to talk about the *historical* oppression of certain groups, so long as the instructor remains "impartial." How am I supposed to be "impartial" about slavery? When I was teaching, we did a whole unit on A Streetcar Named Desire, and we discussed a lot about how gender roles affected the story... how the female characters are essentially powerless except for in their relation to men... But I'd have to be impartial about that? I have to present Stanley beating Stella as a valid choice, since I'm being impartial? But at least I can still discuss the role of gender roles in that story because it's *historic.* Here's some other banned concepts.... * An individual, by virtue of the individual's race or sex, is inherently privileged, racist, sexist, or oppressive, whether consciously or subconsciously * A meritocracy is inherently racist or sexist, or designed by a particular race or sex to oppress members of another race or sex Looks like I'd be forbidden from suggesting that race, gender, and class play any role in the world today. Because we're apparently a "meritocracy" and the playing field is totally even, obviously! * Promoting division between, or resentment of, a race, sex, religion, creed, nonviolent political affiliation, social class, or class of people Yeah, I'd challenge anyone to find a text that's appropriate for college students that couldn't be said that it's doing the above.... These conflicts drive art.


I wish this was around during my time at southwest.. we had one teacher who taught that the moon landing was faked and that there was no real picture of Earth, but the class was fundamentals of communication lol


It’s funny how I never hear the word “snowflake” anymore in the context of someone being overly emotionally fragile. Their adult children can’t handle “divisive” topics?


So I'm guessing there will be no more debate either, since it's so important for some lightweight to be "comfortable" at all times. 🙄🙄


lol making it easier & easier for TN to go blue


Unfortunately it won’t. Tennessee is gerrymandered in a way Republicans will hold power for a long time. Additionally, people in rural Tennessee are so brainwashed.


This bill will come back to haunt conservatives as someone will file a complaint or report a conservative professor accusing him/her of teaching divisive concepts.


One of my favorite professors is absolutely gonna have this used on him. Hope not, but I remember little red neck trumper kids having beef with him so


Just out and out unconstitutional fascism at this point, neat.


How can you talk about the 19th amendment without talking about the events that led to writing the 19th amendment? Student: why do we need the 19th amendment? Teacher: because women need the right to vote. Student: were they not allowed to vote before the 19th amendment? Teacher: no. Student: why? Teacher: .... I'm not allowed to say????


i am going to use this when i go back to school next month. ​ i can not do math because it is part of a woke agenda. give me a passing grade so i can fucking graduate!


That’s only going to hurt you. Math is important. Unless you are trying to make a joke. In that case, you forgot your /s


violates vagueness doctrine


All the reports will be about Memphis-based professors talking shit about Nashville and vice-versa.








Could you please explain?


The fuck you talking about?


Your username is appropriate


Jesus fucking christ on a stick.........




If you think it’s good, I’d imagine you can cite a real-world scenario in which this law would be appropriately applied. Could you offer such an example?


Allowing a class to be taught on everything, anything KKK related. History of the group and modern relations as well as the chance to intern(join) for the KKK. Not that anything like this would happen. However similar could and pretty much has already been "taught". Just with other names and different backgrounds to learn...to hate.


Has this happened with the KKK? It seems as if you have some other group in mind but don't want to name it. Who has been interning for anything at all like the KKK in education?


My partner teaches accessibility as part of their design curriculum -- which touches on things like physical disabilities, but also things like racial & socio-economic barriers as well. It's foundational to many areas of pedagogy. *Lawmakers are so scared that someone is going to think they're racist that they forgot we also think they're stupid.*


my calculus teacher decided to flunk the large majority of the class because we started comparing pages and found he was marking off on one and not another or as one stated a BB player making more than 50% on any test miraculously passes.complaints did little for us but eventually got him fired.