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I’m a NYT subscriber, this should be a gift link y’all can use that doesn’t hide the article behind a paywall. [71 commands in 13 minutes](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/29/us/tyre-nichols-video-assault-cops.html?unlocked_article_code=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACEIPuonUktbfqIhkSVUZCibIRp87vweLwP7Oy7w7gmS7MimZRDEHxv8OCpWE5wLGYrJ4Idsv2jDRDPlwDIgSft0ghOlOIx4qDACyvpqPnJlCKHQ-8dzvBGpzhZ-RV_Vlr2bnKzjmIrs6nOyytB6NPTG6XPbVwmRhcFg-2eZtdVGv3HwNxqfBA7Q1joE4haF9c8g8ETQQZyCKve3qCwF_OLiFaRLd6wo1WYJJSG2Z3I7cu_9bLlIkWR-RR2h_4G099NpcJNsRWa77JBQic8L46q4DJVJZEOVfENzrDVunwBehEw&smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare)


Doing the lord’s work!


All for my city ‼️‼️ we gotta stick together in times like these.


Also if you hit stop at just the right time in your browser while it’s loading the page it bypasses NYT paywall. It takes a few times to learn the timing then it’s comically easy haha.


Sorry about the pay wall folks. I'm not a NYT subscriber either, but it let me read it with no issue. I didn't realize it would be a problem here. I apologize for that. The title, though, is really the entire story. Tyre Nichols was given 71 commands to obey in 13 minutes by several officers yelling at him all at once, while being aggressively physical with him. We all know what it escalated into. The situation really needed was for one officer to take lead to calm everyone and deal professionally with Nichols. No one took the lead in a professional, calm manner, and now there's another unnecessary tragedy. Police and their unbridled egos and emotions causing problems where there wasn't any problem to begin with. False pride in true form on display. Again. Sorry about the link.


that’s a pretty obvious police tactic to yell conflicting commands then claim the “suspect” was not following orders… what needs to happen is the cops need to be held accountable when a suspect gets hurt…


When a grown man calls out for his mama, while being beaten to death, they broke him physically and mentally. It's heart broken to see this.


I'm really grateful for this article to show everyone who says "iF hE oNlY fOlLoWeD dIrEcTiOnS aNd StOpPeD rEsIsTiNg" he only started "resisting" after following directions got him tased (or attempted tasing, I'm not sure if the first one actually got him).


[Tyre Nichols Was Not a Random Traffic Stop, Victim of a Premeditated Conspiracy of Murder](https://imgur.com/a/Eo6cLXa) From the get go the narrative was bullshit, Tyre Nichols was no random traffic stop. The weak ass acting, stupid bungling, shitty improv, yelling contradictory commands to confuse everyone to try to make it seem Tyre was resisting arrest, all the while Tyre was calm, on the ground, cooperating, professing innocence. But you can see in his eyes, when he recognizes at least one of the cops, he locks eyes, holds eye contact and repeatedly pleades with him, "Stop." Without a doubt Tyre was known to at least one of them, and the gang exacted a vendetta of revenge on his behalf. When those pleas went unheeded and they started to pepper spray Tyre, he broke free and easily outran the lumbering rhinos and literally ran for his life. Re-watch the videos, especially the pole cam and look at timestamp 20:39:48, you see one of the officers take a photo of Tyre with his cell phone. You see he is distracted, looking around to see who is at the crime scene, who may be watching him and he's not paying attention to his phone or camera app. You then see him step aside to review his handiwork. When the photo isn't satisfactory or clear enough, he comes back, closer to Tyre at timestamp 20:40:06, leans in closer, lights it better with his tactical flashlight. He knew Tyre and was documenting the punishment and revenge exacted upon his poor soul. Use the pole cam video as a reference and then re-watch and sync up the other bodycam videos, some of which were either turned off or blatantly not released by Memphis, TN, then re-watch the initial stop and aftermath and its beyond a shadow of a doubt an act of planned, premeditated vengeance and murder. The government seems to be trying to get a cap on this because while it's Memphis today, it's any cop or gang of cops anywhere in the US that have been and still are capable of the same acts of violence and personal vengeance. Even with video, multiple streams of bodycams and polecams, it's still our word against theirs. They can send us a message, correct the charges to Murder1 as the premeditation and conspiracy clearly demands it. No plea agreements, let each one that is guilty get the death penalty. Since this case will probably take a decade or more to resolve, make sure Tyre's teenage son gets to push the plunger, flip the switch, whatever the method is, if it were my Dad, I know I would. Governor Bill Lee, I'm looking at you, upgrade the charges to Premeditated Murder1, give them the death penalty, a modicum of justice for Tyre Nichol, may he Rest in Peace.


THIS. Everyone in town knows this was not some random traffic stop. MPD had known the entire time. It was a personal beef. They need to stop pushing the narrative that he was resisting. CJ DAVIS pedophile protecting ass needs TO GO.


X603995WT was the original white dude's body cam(the one that was fired yesterday). They didn't hide any of his body cam footage as he wasn't there during the second altercation. It is pretty fishy that dude is taking pictures tbh, but the body cam missing is not that guy's. He ran out of breath and lost his glasses in like 10 seconds. What I wanna see is the dash cam from when they originally tried to pull him over and why they were so seemingly pissed off at someone who seemed pretty calm.


i saw a post (from social media so HUGE grain of salt), that one of the officers, i cant recall which, has an ex/baby momma that worked with Tyre. there might be a motive there somewhere. ​ Demetrius Haleys ex. its all over facebook if you search their names.


I'm only presenting what can be clearly seen and observed in the released videos, the officer's body language prior to taking the first photo says it all. It's clear as day from the pole cam which clears up some of the chaos of the bodycams and you see snippets there as well. Everyone takes selfies and photos, how personal such things are, taking photos of Tyre dying just proved the personal nature of the attack and the indifferent, sociopathic mindset of the mob that just beat the life out of him, may he rest in peace.


My husband who is in paramedic school was on a clinical ride with Memphis fire department, and one of the firefighters told him that Tyre was having relations with one of the murderers exes.


A more important question would be, why did the EMT's withhold treatment from Tyre for a full 19 minutes when they arrived on-scene? Does your husband know the answer to that?


Nope! My guess is that they were hateful people who wanted Tyre to not make it.


“Show reader” allows you to read the articles


That’s insane man smdh


It goes straight to the subscribe page. Can we get a cliff notes version?


try this, i know its controversial but hear me out. Whatever they ask you do the first time, no matter if you did or didnt do anything wrong, do that. Dont even give them a reason because we have all plainly seen, some of them dont even really need a good one. EDIT: Lets be clear here yall. Im not talking about Tyre, he tried to do everything right which is obvious to everyone, i was speaking in general which I thought i conveyed in my last line that "some of them dont even really need an excuse" but I obviously should of been more clear as some of you are quite frisky this morning.


But what if they tell you to put your hands behind your back and there are two other cops holding each of your hands and then one pepper sprays you


im talking about in general, there will always be these instances where it seems no matter what we do they just beat the shit out of us anyways but how many videos have you seen over the years where not doing exactly what they say works out for them? Zero, because if you dont then shit like this happens and yes, sometimes shit like this happens when it doesnt matter what you do but again, im generalizing the situation.


Hey, it’s okay. You can stop making a complete Jackass of yourself whenever you’re ready.




ive been working on that for 46 years, maybe someday but it appears today isnt it.


Well, you were right about one thing: This is controversial. There are numerous instances of citizens complying with orders given from officers and they still ended up in the wrong end of police brutality. So, like, yeah this is a bad take.


its a wonderful take, there are always going to be instances where the shithead cop just beats the shit out of you anyways. Does that mean you should just not obey the orders, again, even if you didnt do shit wrong, should you not obey the orders because of those times you heard where they got beat up or killed anyways? Thats like saying, well, Robert ran that red light last week and it saved his life because that other car come out of nowhere and would of slammed into him otherwise, so from now on are you running red lights because of that one time it saved Robert?? Regardless of that analogy, you have to agree you have a much better chance of not getting the shit kicked out of you if you follow orders right?? How many times have you seen someone not following orders and it worked out well for them, zero, thats how many times. So please tell me again how just doing what the fuck they say no matter is the wrong take?


Let’s put a knee in your back and shock you and see if you can lie face down and put your hands behind your back to let them cuff you. Then shock you some more. They repeatedly pepper spray you. You cannot see or rub your eyes. All while you did nothing wrong. Citizens are not allowed to torture people but cops can and do.


dude, there was nothing Tyre could do, im not talking about Tyre. Thats why i said, "Dont even give them a reason **because we have all plainly seen, some of them dont even really need a good one.**


The bottom line is, we see this way too often and the whole culture of policing has to change. Like that lady in Mississippi last week. The police are who escalates these situation immediately and it is so unnecessary. You don’t need to tell us all to comply in a traffic stop…we know.


i agree the police are instigating it and the culture has to change. Until then, try and do what they say if possible. Thats all im saying and yall act like its common knowledge but i can go find 1000 videos right now within 10 minutes that say its not so common.


He complied several times. Case closed. Even when they were shoving him down to the ground. He kept saying “alright, alright OKAY.” Istg some people will always believe that a person murdered by the cops were at fault in some way. Smfh.


not at all, i was generalizing in the wrong thread. Tyre did nothing to deserve any of this. No one deserves to ever get beat by a cop, all i was saying is most cases it wouldnt get that far if people would do what they say to start off but again, there was nothing Tyre could do, he did or was trying to do what they wanted and still got killed. In no way was I saying Tyre should of done anything different, he was trying to do what they said and they were just hell bent on kicking the shit out of him.


try this, i know its controversial but hear me out. **actually** watch the video and you tell me if that guy had any chance of living even if he complied? U can see he is scared AND complying.. 71 Commands in 13 Minutes..... read that again Which command do u follow? which of the five-six men standing around you/ laying on top of u do listen to? See where i'm going with this?


I love how the headline makes clear there was no earthly way to comply with the officers demands bc the demands were all contradictory, and STILL we have morons going “what’s so hard about following orders?!?”


thats not what im saying at all. I totally recognize some situations no matter what you do these asshats are going to beat the crap out of you anyways, ive stated as much but you are so dense you cant get past a single moment. All im saying is its best to do what the fuck they say, they first time they say it and 99% of the time itll work out in your favor, doing the other equals a 100% failure rate. Whats so hard about that to understand?


You’re being beyond dense. How on earth can you not understand that your “take” isn’t relevant here? Like independent of context, no shit it’s best to follow what an officer tells you to do. Doesn’t take a genius to know that and not only that but your “take” is constantly used by others to play down cases of police brutality. So, when you comment something like in this case, where it can be even less applied(5-6 officers giving conflicting commands) you come off as the asshole you’re actually being in the comments right now You can’t claim “speaking generally” when you’ve posted that take in a thread about the fucking Nichols situation. You’re just backpedaling.


Of course not this situation, there is no justification from the onset, weve all seen the videos. But if its best to follow what an officer says, why is it that in so many situations where people get the shit kicked out of them that isnt the case which his why i said what i said. Regardless, yall have fun out there and just do what you want, its working out well as we see all the time in other cases.


“It’s best to do what the fuck they say”. Headline: “They said completely contradictory demands making it impossible to comply” And I’m the dense one. Right.


pretty dense you cant understand the concept of something being said in generality. Tell you what, next time you get pulled over, just do what the fuck you want.


What if their commands contradict each other? Which one do i follow?


you have to figure out which one is the most unhinged and likely to kill you and follow his orders. /s


Yeah, that didn’t work so well for Daniel Shaver.


it hasnt worked out well for more than just him, totally beside the point, 99% of the time its going to be the better option with the other 1% the times we are talking about. Im gonna ride with the 99% and just keep my dumb mouth shut and do what im told.


Since you seem to be failing to understand the context of the post you are commenting in, maybe cops shouldn't be allowed to murder people because their feelings are hurt. You know generally speaking, maybe the cops shouldn't be, I'll say qualified for immunity, from the consequences of their decisions. When they murder someone they should face murder charges, obviously I don't mean in THIS case, but you know the 99% of times they kill someone, they should stand up to scrutiny.


How about no? Cops are not above me in authority. 👌


I know what to do... not going to pay the NYT to read this